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On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Morning

The Barony Folketh

Manor House

(Mery, Merituuli, Jarnathan and Other Vogler Elders)

On 10/15/2023 at 8:33 PM, tbgg said:

She then returns to find Sebston and asks, "I noticed that a number of the men who greeted us have longbows. I am an archer myself, and I ran out of arrows during the evacuation of Vogler. Is there any chance I can take a few stacks of arrows, or should I plan on purchasing some in town? I have a rapier I can fight with, but I'd rather save that for when staying at range just isn't an option."

   “For now, it would be best if you purchased your own arrows,” Sebston says. “Once we can get everything calmed down, we’ve got an archery range with practice arrows you can use to practice. I can have that idiot son of mine show you over there.”

On 10/15/2023 at 8:33 PM, tbgg said:

"Also, with regard to the story you told me, I didn't quite follow what happened to Lady Joziveene. You said that the elder Lord Ferroe was a widower, he and Joziveene ran off together, but then when the plague happened, the Ferroes plural died but Stevren survived. Did she divorce Lord Michael to marry the elder Lord Ferroe and thus passed during the plague? It's a shame Joziveene didn't have more love for her own daughter - I know firsthand how painful it can be for a child when one parent doesn't give a damn - but I guess the one bright spot is that Lady Michelle wouldn't be the same person with a different mother."

   “My apologies, Ms. Mery,” Stebson says, “But I implied that Joziveene died of the plague, but I can see where my lack of explicitness would lead to that question. I’m sorry to hear that, but I can see that you and Lady Michelle have clicked and perhaps that might have contributed to it.”

On 10/15/2023 at 8:33 PM, tbgg said:

She ponders a moment, then asks, "What colors are in the Folketh family's coat of arms? I can look for something in the most neutral of those colors."

   “In heraldic terms, the Folketh coat of arms is ‘Or, a ciquefoil azure a chief acorns topped vert’, or in plain terms, gold with a five-petaled blue flower with a top line of green. The border between the two—green and gold—is alternating up-and-downward-pointing acorns.”

Castle Kalaman

Artanis, Coltan, Michelle, Marquess Miat (Governor), Marshal Vendri, Ser Corpher

   The governor, Ser Corpher, and Marshal Vendri all excuse themselves to speak in another room. The thick, oaken door shuts and two guards will prevent you from approaching it.

   One of them pokes their head out—it’s Ser Corpher. He has one of the guards bring Lady Michelle into their room.

   Eventually, after 15 to 20 minutes, they come back in.

   “Thank you for bringing the prisoner to me,” Ser Corpher says to Ser Artanis. “I will take her into the custody of the Order of the Rose. Marshal Vendri and Marquess Miat will debrief her. Then, I, and the other members of the Order, will decide her fate.”

   “Marquess Miat recognizes her, but would like the proof of her legitimacy—just to verify—presented to us as soon as possible. I think you understand that means not dallying.”

   “The Prisoner explained a number of things to us that is very alarming, and requires immediate attention. Normally, we’d have her locked in a holding cell, but in this case, we would like to send you, her, and several guards to the barony. She’s to be held under house arrest in her bedroom. However, I’ve been given to understand we have so many refugees on the riverbank and your friends have gone ahead to the barony. His grace laughed and said that might not go so well for your friends.”

   Marquest Miat approaches Artanis. “Ser Artanis,” he says, handing him a scroll with his seal on it, “I need you to deliver this to a Stebson Steward. If his son, Bastion, tries to stop you, gives you a hard time, hold this scroll aloft and tell him you’re there ‘to get three horses groomed by the morrow and not a day sooner’. Assuming he doesn’t shit himself where he stands, you’ll never see another person scramble to get out of your way faster.”

   “I’m sending some of my men along with you to ensure the prisoner is remanded to her room, but also to assess the situation and report back to me. They’ll be making a head-count, and figuring out who needs what, as well as surveying the barony for where they can put them all, and what will need to be done for them.”

   “I’ve sent for your two friends—one of our knights informed us that they’re over at the Black-Robe’s? Mages, I take it?”

   “Ironically enough, it’ll be faster to walk back to the banks where everyone is then walk over to the barony, rather than go to the barony from here—just the way the roads curve.”

   Marshal Vendri steps forward and hands each of you a badge. “For now, you, Ser Artanis, and your friends, are allowed to come and go as you please. Make sure to show these badges to the gate guards. I’ll ensure Ser Derrett receives his, too.”

   “Until we can try her, the prisoner is to fulfill all of her responsibilities as Lady of House Folketh—once her lineage is proven and her seal is back in her hands—but enjoy none of the privileges or benefits thereof! She is allowed to leave her room for a half-an-hour for each of three meals at 6, 12, and 18 bells. Her candles are to be snuffed and confiscated no later than 9 bells, and she must be up at 5 bells. She may spend 1 hour in the mornings and 1 hour in the afternoons helping the people of Vogler to rebuild their lives on her land, however temporary. Two guards will be posted at her door—they will record the names of all visitors, and we will be sending regular rotations. She will of course be allowed to bathe twice per week.”

   Marquess Miat says, “Baronetess Raven uth Vogler, you, Ser Artanis, the Apprentice of Reorx, and whomever Ser Artanis wishes to invite, are requested to join us on the morrow—after lunch—to be part of the council that ultimately decides what happens with the people of Vogler. Unfortunately, that pipsqueak of a turd, Bakaris, will be there, too. He’s got too many connections within the council, and far too many supporters.”

   On your way to pick up Decimus and Hunni, you all hear a bard busking in the streets, surrounded by a crowd.

♪ ♫

In the year three-fifty-one AC,
A tale of valor and heroic strife,
Lord Bakaris uth Estide set us free,
From the clutches of the Red Dragon's life.

♫ ♪

Though hindrance lurked in every step he made,
Wild gully dwarf, a stumbling, foolish soul,
Clumsy, wet, pink wizard cast spells astray,
Yet Bakaris pressed on, his heart still whole.

♪ ♫

The green knight challenged, with his sword so keen,
But Bakaris stood strong, his shield held high,
The blue bard sang, though notes were far from clean,
Yet his voice couldn't drown Lord Bakaris's cry.

♫ ♪

The blue elf, with a shell so grand and wide,
Stood by his side, in battle, side by side.

♪ ♫

The false prophet whispered lies in the dark,
But Bakaris saw through the veil of deceit,
Unwavering, he held to his true mark,
Guided by honor, his quest could not be beat.

♪ ♫

The drunken gambling dwarf, a foolish pawn,
Yet Bakaris forged ahead, never dismayed,
The stupid old hag, pretender knight, withdrawn,
Could not hinder the path he had surveyed.

♫ ♪

And even the betrayer mercenaries,
Could not break the spirit of our Lord,
For in his heart, justice burned like a fiery breeze,
With strength, he wielded his mighty sword.

♪ ♫

In spite of all odds, Bakaris would prevail,
A hero's heart, a legend to regale.

♫ ♪




On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Morning

The Barony Folketh

Manor House

(Mery, Merituuli, Jarnathan and Other Vogler Elders)

On 10/15/2023 at 8:33 PM, tbgg said:

She then returns to find Sebston and asks, "I noticed that a number of the men who greeted us have longbows. I am an archer myself, and I ran out of arrows during the evacuation of Vogler. Is there any chance I can take a few stacks of arrows, or should I plan on purchasing some in town? I have a rapier I can fight with, but I'd rather save that for when staying at range just isn't an option."

   “For now, it would be best if you purchased your own arrows,” Sebston says. “Once we can get everything calmed down, we’ve got an archery range with practice arrows you can use to practice. I can have that idiot son of mine show you over there.”

On 10/15/2023 at 8:33 PM, tbgg said:

"Also, with regard to the story you told me, I didn't quite follow what happened to Lady Joziveene. You said that the elder Lord Ferroe was a widower, he and Joziveene ran off together, but then when the plague happened, the Ferroes plural died but Stevren survived. Did she divorce Lord Michael to marry the elder Lord Ferroe and thus passed during the plague? It's a shame Joziveene didn't have more love for her own daughter - I know firsthand how painful it can be for a child when one parent doesn't give a damn - but I guess the one bright spot is that Lady Michelle wouldn't be the same person with a different mother."

   “My apologies, Ms. Mery,” Stebson says, “But I implied that Joziveene died of the plague, but I can see where my lack of explicitness would lead to that question. I’m sorry to hear that, but I can see that you and Lady Michelle have clicked and perhaps that might have contributed to it.”

On 10/15/2023 at 8:33 PM, tbgg said:

She ponders a moment, then asks, "What colors are in the Folketh family's coat of arms? I can look for something in the most neutral of those colors."

   “In heraldic terms, the Folketh coat of arms is ‘Or, a ciquefoil azure a chief acorns topped vert’, or in plain terms, gold with a five-petaled blue flower with a top line of green. The border between the two—green and gold—is alternating up-and-downward-pointing acorns.”

Castle Kalaman

Artanis, Coltan, Michelle, Marquess Miat (Governor), Marshal Vendri, Ser Corpher

   The governor, Ser Corpher, and Marshal Vendri all excuse themselves to speak in another room. The thick, oaken door shuts and two guards will prevent you from approaching it.

   One of them pokes their head out—it’s Ser Corpher. He has one of the guards bring Lady Michelle into their room.

   Eventually, after 15 to 20 minutes, they come back in.

   “Thank you for bringing the prisoner to me,” Ser Corpher says to Ser Artanis. “I will take her into the custody of the Order of the Rose. Marshal Vendri and Marquess Miat will debrief her. Then, I, and the other members of the Order, will decide her fate.”

   “Marquess Miat recognizes her, but would like the proof of her legitimacy—just to verify—presented to us as soon as possible. I think you understand that means not dallying.”

   “The Prisoner explained a number of things to us that is very alarming, and requires immediate attention. Normally, we’d have her locked in a holding cell, but in this case, we would like to send you, her, and several guards to the barony. She’s to be held under house arrest in her bedroom. However, I’ve been given to understand we have so many refugees on the riverbank and your friends have gone ahead to the barony. His grace laughed and said that might not go so well for your friends.”

   Marquest Miat approaches Artanis. “Ser Artanis,” he says, handing him a scroll with his seal on it, “I need you to deliver this to a Stebson Steward. If his son, Bastion, tries to stop you, gives you a hard time, hold this scroll aloft and tell him you’re there ‘to get three horses groomed by the morrow and not a day sooner’. Assuming he doesn’t shit himself where he stands, you’ll never see another person scramble to get out of your way faster.”

   “I’m sending some of my men along with you to ensure the prisoner is remanded to her room, but also to assess the situation and report back to me. They’ll be making a head-count, and figuring out who needs what, as well as surveying the barony for where they can put them all, and what will need to be done for them.”

   “I’ve sent for your two friends—one of our knights informed us that they’re over at the Black-Robe’s? Mages, I take it?”

   “Ironically enough, it’ll be faster to walk back to the banks where everyone is then walk over to the barony, rather than go to the barony from here—just the way the roads curve.”

   Marshal Vendris steps forward and hands each of you a badge. “For now, you, Ser Artanis, and your friends, are allowed to come and go as you please. Make sure to show these badges to the gate guards. I’ll ensure Ser Derrett receives his, too.”

   “Until we can try her, the prisoner is to fulfill all of her responsibilities as Lady of House Folketh—once her lineage is proven and her seal is back in her hands—but enjoy none of the privileges or benefits thereof! She is allowed to leave her room for a half-an-hour for each of three meals at 6, 12, and 18 bells. Her candles are to be snuffed and confiscated no later than 9 bells, and she must be up at 5 bells. She may spend 1 hour in the mornings and 1 hour in the afternoons helping the people of Vogler to rebuild their lives on her land, however temporary. Two guards will be posted at her door—they will record the names of all visitors, and we will be sending regular rotations. She will of course be allowed to bathe twice per week.”

   Marquess Miat says, “Baronetess Raven uth Vogler, you, Ser Artanis, the Apprentice of Reorx, and whomever Ser Artanis wishes to invite, are requested to join us on the morrow—after lunch—to be part of the council that ultimately decides what happens with the people of Vogler. Unfortunately, that pipsqueak of a turd, Bakaris, will be there, too. He’s got too many connections within the council, and far too many supporters.”

   On your way to pick up Decimus and Hunni, you all hear a bard busking in the streets, surrounded by a crowd.

♪ ♫

In the year three-fifty-one AC,
A tale of valor and heroic strife,
Lord Bakaris uth Estide set us free,
From the clutches of the Red Dragon's life.

♫ ♪

Though hindrance lurked in every step he made,
Wild gully dwarf, a stumbling, foolish soul,
Clumsy, wet, pink wizard cast spells astray,
Yet Bakaris pressed on, his heart still whole.

♪ ♫

The green knight challenged, with his sword so keen,
But Bakaris stood strong, his shield held high,
The blue bard sang, though notes were far from clean,
Yet his voice couldn't drown Lord Bakaris's cry.

♫ ♪

The blue elf, with a shell so grand and wide,
Stood by his side, in battle, side by side.

♪ ♫

The false prophet whispered lies in the dark,
But Bakaris saw through the veil of deceit,
Unwavering, he held to his true mark,
Guided by honor, his quest could not be beat.

♪ ♫

The drunken gambling dwarf, a foolish pawn,
Yet Bakaris forged ahead, never dismayed,
The stupid old hag, pretender knight, withdrawn,
Could not hinder the path he had surveyed.

♫ ♪

And even the betrayer mercenaries,
Could not break the spirit of our Lord,
For in his heart, justice burned like a fiery breeze,
With strength, he wielded his mighty sword.

♪ ♫

In spite of all odds, Bakaris would prevail,
A hero's heart, a legend to regale.

♫ ♪




On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Morning

The Barony Folketh

Manor House

(Mery, Merituuli, Jarnathan and Other Vogler Elders)

On 10/15/2023 at 8:33 PM, tbgg said:

She then returns to find Sebston and asks, "I noticed that a number of the men who greeted us have longbows. I am an archer myself, and I ran out of arrows during the evacuation of Vogler. Is there any chance I can take a few stacks of arrows, or should I plan on purchasing some in town? I have a rapier I can fight with, but I'd rather save that for when staying at range just isn't an option."

   “For now, it would be best if you purchased your own arrows,” Sebston says. “Once we can get everything calmed down, we’ve got an archery range with practice arrows you can use to practice. I can have that idiot son of mine show you over there.”

On 10/15/2023 at 8:33 PM, tbgg said:

"Also, with regard to the story you told me, I didn't quite follow what happened to Lady Joziveene. You said that the elder Lord Ferroe was a widower, he and Joziveene ran off together, but then when the plague happened, the Ferroes plural died but Stevren survived. Did she divorce Lord Michael to marry the elder Lord Ferroe and thus passed during the plague? It's a shame Joziveene didn't have more love for her own daughter - I know firsthand how painful it can be for a child when one parent doesn't give a damn - but I guess the one bright spot is that Lady Michelle wouldn't be the same person with a different mother."

   “My apologies, Ms. Mery,” Stebson says, “But I implied that Joziveene died of the plague, but I can see where my lack of explicitness would lead to that question. I’m sorry to hear that, but I can see that you and Lady Michelle have clicked and perhaps that might have contributed to it.”

On 10/15/2023 at 8:33 PM, tbgg said:

She ponders a moment, then asks, "What colors are in the Folketh family's coat of arms? I can look for something in the most neutral of those colors."

   “In heraldic terms, the Folketh coat of arms is ‘Or, a ciquefoil azure a chief acorns topped vert’, or in plain terms, gold with a five-petaled blue flower with a top line of green. The border between the two—green and gold—is alternating up-and-downward-pointing acorns.”

Castle Kalaman

Artanis, Coltan, Michelle, Marquess Miat (Governor), Marshal Vendri, Ser Corpher

   The governor, Ser Corpher, and Marshal Vendri all excuse themselves to speak in another room. The thick, oaken door shuts and two guards will prevent you from approaching it.

   One of them pokes their head out—it’s Ser Corpher. He has one of the guards bring Lady Michelle into their room.

   Eventually, after 15 to 20 minutes, they come back in.

   “Thank you for bringing the prisoner to me,” Ser Corpher says to Ser Artanis. “I will take her into the custody of the Order of the Rose. Marshal Vendri and Marquess Miat will debrief her. Then, I, and the other members of the Order, will decide her fate.”

   “Marquess Miat recognizes her, but would like the proof of her legitimacy—just to verify—presented to us as soon as possible. I think you understand that means not dallying.”

   “The Prisoner explained a number of things to us that is very alarming, and requires immediate attention. Normally, we’d have her locked in a holding cell, but in this case, we would like to send you, her, and several guards to the barony. She’s to be held under house arrest in her bedroom. However, I’ve been given to understand we have so many refugees on the riverbank and your friends have gone ahead to the barony. His grace laughed and said that might not go so well for your friends.”

   Marquest Miat approaches Artanis. “Ser Artanis,” he says, handing him a scroll with his seal on it, “I need you to deliver this to a Stebson Steward. If his son, Bastion, tries to stop you, gives you a hard time, hold this scroll aloft and tell him you’re there ‘to get three horses groomed by the morrow and not a day sooner’. Assuming he doesn’t shit himself where he stands, you’ll never see another person scramble to get out of your way faster.”

   “I’m sending some of my men along with you to ensure the prisoner is remanded to her room, but also to assess the situation and report back to me. They’ll be making a head-count, and figuring out who needs what, as well as surveying the barony for where they can put them all, and what will need to be done for them.”

   “I’ve sent for your two friends—one of our knights informed us that they’re over at the Black-Robe’s? Mages, I take it?”

   “Ironically enough, it’ll be faster to walk back to the banks where everyone is then walk over to the barony, rather than go to the barony from here—just the way the roads curve.”

   Marshal Vendris steps forward and hands each of you a badge. “For now, you, Ser Artanis, and your friends, are allowed to come and go as you please. Make sure to show these badges to the gate guards. I’ll ensure Ser Derrett receives his, too.”

   “Until we can try her, the prisoner is to fulfill all of her responsibilities as Lady of House Folketh—once her lineage is proven and her seal is back in her hands—but enjoy none of the privileges or benefits thereof! She is allowed to leave her room for a half-an-hour for each of three meals at 6, 12, and 18 bells. Her candles are to be snuffed and confiscated no later than 9 bells, and she must be up at 5 bells. She may spend 1 hour in the mornings and 1 hour in the afternoons helping the people of Vogler to rebuild their lives on her land, however temorary. Two guards will be posted at her door—they will record the names of all visitors, and we will be sending regular rotations.”

   Marquess Miat says, “Baronetess Raven uth Vogler, you, Ser Artanis, the Apprentice of Reorx, and whomever Ser Artanis wishes to invite, are requested to join us on the morrow—after lunch—to be part of the council that ultimately decides what happens with the people of Vogler. Unfortunately, that pipsqueak of a turd, Bakaris, will be there, too. He’s got too many connections within the council, and far too many supporters.”

   On your way to pick up Decimus and Hunni, you all hear a bard busking in the streets, surrounded by a crowd.

♪ ♫

In the year three-fifty-one AC,
A tale of valor and heroic strife,
Lord Bakaris uth Estide set us free,
From the clutches of the Red Dragon's life.

♫ ♪

Though hindrance lurked in every step he made,
Wild gully dwarf, a stumbling, foolish soul,
Clumsy, wet, pink wizard cast spells astray,
Yet Bakaris pressed on, his heart still whole.

♪ ♫

The green knight challenged, with his sword so keen,
But Bakaris stood strong, his shield held high,
The blue bard sang, though notes were far from clean,
Yet his voice couldn't drown Lord Bakaris's cry.

♫ ♪

The blue elf, with a shell so grand and wide,
Stood by his side, in battle, side by side.

♪ ♫

The false prophet whispered lies in the dark,
But Bakaris saw through the veil of deceit,
Unwavering, he held to his true mark,
Guided by honor, his quest could not be beat.

♪ ♫

The drunken gambling dwarf, a foolish pawn,
Yet Bakaris forged ahead, never dismayed,
The stupid old hag, pretender knight, withdrawn,
Could not hinder the path he had surveyed.

♫ ♪

And even the betrayer mercenaries,
Could not break the spirit of our Lord,
For in his heart, justice burned like a fiery breeze,
With strength, he wielded his mighty sword.

♪ ♫

In spite of all odds, Bakaris would prevail,
A hero's heart, a legend to regale.

♫ ♪




On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Morning

The Barony Folketh

Manor House

(Mery, Merituuli, Jarnathan and Other Vogler Elders)

On 10/15/2023 at 8:33 PM, tbgg said:

She then returns to find Sebston and asks, "I noticed that a number of the men who greeted us have longbows. I am an archer myself, and I ran out of arrows during the evacuation of Vogler. Is there any chance I can take a few stacks of arrows, or should I plan on purchasing some in town? I have a rapier I can fight with, but I'd rather save that for when staying at range just isn't an option."

   “For now, it would be best if you purchased your own arrows,” Sebston says. “Once we can get everything calmed down, we’ve got an archery range with practice arrows you can use to practice. I can have that idiot son of mine show you over there.”

On 10/15/2023 at 8:33 PM, tbgg said:

"Also, with regard to the story you told me, I didn't quite follow what happened to Lady Joziveene. You said that the elder Lord Ferroe was a widower, he and Joziveene ran off together, but then when the plague happened, the Ferroes plural died but Stevren survived. Did she divorce Lord Michael to marry the elder Lord Ferroe and thus passed during the plague? It's a shame Joziveene didn't have more love for her own daughter - I know firsthand how painful it can be for a child when one parent doesn't give a damn - but I guess the one bright spot is that Lady Michelle wouldn't be the same person with a different mother."

   “My apologies, Ms. Mery,” Stebson says, “But I implied that Joziveene died of the plague, but I can see where my lack of explicitness would lead to that question. I’m sorry to hear that, but I can see that you and Lady Michelle have clicked and perhaps that might have contributed to it.”

On 10/15/2023 at 8:33 PM, tbgg said:

She ponders a moment, then asks, "What colors are in the Folketh family's coat of arms? I can look for something in the most neutral of those colors."

   “In heraldic terms, the Folketh coat of arms is ‘Or, a ciquefoil azure a chief acorns topped vert’, or in plain terms, gold with a five-petaled blue flower with a top line of green. The border between the two—green and gold—is alternating up-and-downward-pointing acorns.”

Castle Kalaman

Artanis, Coltan, Michelle, Marquess Miat (Governor), Marshal Vendri, Ser Corpher





On This Kirinor, the 24rd Day of Brookgreen,
in the 351st Year After the Cataclysm
(Wednesday, March 24, 351 AC)

The 4th Day of the Campaign - Morning

The Barony Folketh

Manor House

(Mery, Merituuli, Jarnathan and Other Vogler Elders)

On 10/15/2023 at 8:33 PM, tbgg said:

She then returns to find Sebston and asks, "I noticed that a number of the men who greeted us have longbows. I am an archer myself, and I ran out of arrows during the evacuation of Vogler. Is there any chance I can take a few stacks of arrows, or should I plan on purchasing some in town? I have a rapier I can fight with, but I'd rather save that for when staying at range just isn't an option."

   “For now, it would be best if you purchased your own arrows,” Sebston says. “Once we can get everything calmed down, we’ve got an archery range with practice arrows you can use to practice. I can have that idiot son of mine show you over there.”

On 10/15/2023 at 8:33 PM, tbgg said:

"Also, with regard to the story you told me, I didn't quite follow what happened to Lady Joziveene. You said that the elder Lord Ferroe was a widower, he and Joziveene ran off together, but then when the plague happened, the Ferroes plural died but Stevren survived. Did she divorce Lord Michael to marry the elder Lord Ferroe and thus passed during the plague? It's a shame Joziveene didn't have more love for her own daughter - I know firsthand how painful it can be for a child when one parent doesn't give a damn - but I guess the one bright spot is that Lady Michelle wouldn't be the same person with a different mother."

   “My apologies, Ms. Mery,” Stebson says, “But I implied that Joziveene died of the plague, but I can see where my lack of explicitness would lead to that question. I’m sorry to hear that, but I can see that you and Lady Michelle have clicked and perhaps that might have contributed to it.”

On 10/15/2023 at 8:33 PM, tbgg said:

She ponders a moment, then asks, "What colors are in the Folketh family's coat of arms? I can look for something in the most neutral of those colors."

   “In heraldic terms, the Folketh coat of arms is ‘Or, a ciquefoil azure a chief acorns topped vert’, or in plain terms, gold with a five-petaled blue flower with a top line of green. The border between the two—green and gold—is alternating up-and-downward-pointing acorns.”

Castle Kalaman

Artanis, Coltan, Michelle, Marquess Miat (Governor), Marshal Vendri, Ser Corpher

The governor, Ser Corpher, and Marshal Vendri all excuse themselves to speak in another room. The thick, oaken door shuts and two guards will prevent you from approaching it.


One of them pokes their head out—it’s Ser Corpher. He has one of the guards bring Lady Michelle into their room.


Eventually, after 15 to 20 minutes, they come back in.


“Thank you for bringing the prisoner to me,” Ser Corpher says to Ser Artanis. “I will take her into the custody of the Order of the Rose. Marshal Vendri and Marquess Miat will debrief her. Then, I, and the other members of the Order, will decide her fate.”


“Marquess Miat recognizes her, but would like the proof of her legitimacy—just to verify—presented to us as soon as possible. I think you understand that means not dallying.”


“The Prisoner explained a number of things to us that is very alarming, and requires immediate attention. Normally, we’d have her locked in a holding cell, but in this case, we would like to send you, her, and several guards to the barony. She’s to be held under house arrest in her bedroom. However, I’ve been given to understand we have so many refugees on the riverbank and your friends have gone ahead to the barony. His grace laughed and said that might not go so well for your friends.”

Marquest Miat approaches Artanis. “Ser Artanis,” he says, handing him a scroll with his seal on it, “I need you to deliver this to a Stebson Steward. If his son, Bastion, tries to stop you, gives you a hard time, hold this scroll aloft and tell him you’re there ‘to get three horses groomed by the morrow and not a day sooner’. Assuming he doesn’t shit himself where he stands, you’ll never see another person scramble to get out of your way faster.”

“I’m sending some of my men along with you to ensure the prisoner is remanded to her room, but also to assess the situation and report back to me. They’ll be making a head-count, and figuring out who needs what, as well as surveying the barony for where they can put them all, and what will need to be done for them.”

“I’ve sent for your two friends—one of our knights informed us that they’re over at the Black-Robe’s? Mages, I take it?”

“Ironically enough, it’ll be faster to walk back to the banks where everyone is then walk over to the barony, rather than go to the barony from here—just the way the roads curve.”

Marshal Vendris steps forward and hands each of you a badge. “For now, you, Ser Artanis, and your friends, are allowed to come and go as you please. Make sure to show these badges to the gate guards. I’ll ensure Ser Derrett receives his, too.”

“Until we can try her, the prisoner is to fulfill all of her responsibilities as Lady of House Folketh—once her lineage is proven and her seal is back in her hands—but enjoy none of the privileges or benefits thereof! She is allowed to leave her room for a half-an-hour for each of three meals at 6, 12, and 18 bells. Her candles are to be snuffed and confiscated no later than 9 bells, and she must be up at 5 bells. She may spend 1 hour in the mornings and 1 hour in the afternoons helping the people of Vogler to rebuild their lives on her land, however temorary. Two guards will be posted at her door—they will record the names of all visitors, and we will be sending regular rotations.”

Marquess Miat says, “Baronetess Raven uth Vogler, you, Ser Artanis, the Apprentice of Reorx, and whomever Ser Artanis wishes to invite, are requested to join us on the morrow—after lunch—to be part of the council that ultimately decides what happens with the people of Vogler. Unfortunately, that pipsqueak of a turd, Bakaris, will be there, too. He’s got too many connections within the council, and far too many supporters.”


On your way....


Sorry guys, I'm literally passing out as my sleep medicine is taking effect. I'd like to finish this before bed, but I can't. I'll be completing it tomrow.

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