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Real Name: Pietro Maximoff

Aliases: The Quick, Magnusson, and Silver Speedster

Race: (Human Mutate)

Place of Birth: Serbia

Group Affiliations: Avengers and previously: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants

Origin: _


Height: _

Weight: _

Hair: _

Eyes: _

Apparent Age: _

Apparent Gender: _

Unusual Features: _


Motivations: Defeating the Sentinels (you can add additional Motivations if you like)

Complications: _

Hero Points: _


Fighting: _

Agility: _

Dexterity: _

Strength: _

Stamina: _

Intellect: _

Willpower: _

Presence: _



  • Descriptor: Effect Rank, modifiers



  • Name Ranks (Ranks + Ability bonus)


Advantages: _


Initiative: +_

Movement: _/per round

Condition: Normal

Close Attacks: +_, DC_

Grab: +_, DC_

Throw: +_ (range = Strength - weight)

Ranged Attacks: +_, DC_, (range)


Tactics: _

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