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Sorry for the delay, but I finally got some time to get my first post in!


Also, I noticed my picture is not gelling with the format of the post the way it should be. Is there a trick to editing the picture into the post so that the text wraps around it properly?

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So many new apps! Hi everybody!


Though I am a mere player, if you got any questions about stuff in the system, stuff in this game specifically, or stuff in Avatar (I just finished reading those Korra comics so I am in fact that nerd who knows way too much about this show) feel free to ask away!

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I do have a quick question. Would Sandbending be considered a "specialized" bending skill and therefore not allowed? From my memory, the only ones seen sand-bending were the desert bandits in Book 2, with Toph learning it by Book 3.

I have an idea of a former Earthbender bandit fleeing to Ba Sing Se seeking shelter from the Fire Nation its walls. I was thinking maybe they could've come from the desert. Would that be allowed?


Also I have question about the techniques, maybe you can help with this Robodogg. The playbook technique is mastered automatically, and the other learned technique is from the bending/weapon thing chosen?

Edited by Voldaren (see edit history)
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My character started with a rare technique mastered, though it is heavily tied to and justified from her background. And one of the previous players used sandbending styled earthbending. So I can't imagine that would be an issue!


In the Avatar system, mechanically you are just flavouring one of the martial techniques (pg. 117). So even with sandbending being such a different thing lore-wise, by the system you would still just be picking the earthbending martial technique and working from the list of earthbending techniques (pg. 283). The rare techniques (which might need serious GM consideration to be Ok or not) for earthbending are seismic sense, lavabending, and metalbending.


Most of the playbooks start with one mastered fighting technique and one learned technique. Each playbook has a unique advanced technique that it recommends to be your mastered technique (ie: The Successor has Break). However, you're allowed to pick and choose any applicable technique from your martial techniques to be your mastered and to be your learned if you like.

Edited by Robodogg (see edit history)
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In absence of the GM, I reckon it's fine!


By the by, what's the lore for that narrative you wrote exactly? That the Fire Lord has like, a Suicide Squad kinda thing set up? Using undesirables and the like for internal security work that even most honourable Fire Nation types would have second thoughts of? Kinda messed up even by Fire Nation standards. Azula levels messed up, if you will!

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