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Human Rogue/Cleric — Holy Fool of Albarax

AC 14 | HP 14/14 | Encumbrance 15/15 | Initiative +1 | Turn Undead +1
Spells 0 ●●● | 1 ●●

That probably went about as well as could be expected, truth be told.

In Edgewicke's former life, plans went off without a hitch. They were a well-trained, well-oiled machine, their heists well-planned and better executed. This was about as well as they could expect, given how long they'd known each other and the general nature of the plan: pretending to be someone none of them had seen. Still, Wicke is left feeling like it should have, could have, and would have been better if they had tried some other tactic. What tactic? He has no idea.

The holy fool has no idea; but the ghost of a man now dead has plenty of them. Better to suffocate the dead than let them speak.

"Let's get dirty, then, hm?" Taking out his bow, he draws an arrow, notches it, and takes aim at the shaman as available: better not to charge into battle until he's needed.

Out of Character

Initiative is 2, with a +1 to break ties. lol

Edgewicke doesn't move, unless he has to; he fires at the shaman as needed, but rolled a 4. This is going exactly as well as I remember 1e and 2e going!





Human Rogue/Cleric — Holy Fool of Albarax

AC 14 | HP 14/14 | Encumbrance 15/15 | Initiative +1 | Turn Undead +1
Spells 0 ●●● | 1 ●●

That probably went about as well as could be expected, truth be told.

In Edgewicke's former life, plans went off without a hitch. They were a well-trained, well-oiled machine, their heists well-planned and better executed. This was about as well as they could expect, given how long they'd known each other and the general nature of the plan: pretending to be someone none of them had seen. Still, Wicke is left feeling like it should have, could have, and would have been better if they had tried some other tactic. What tactic? He has no idea.

The holy fool has no idea; but the ghost of a man now dead has plenty of them. Better to suffocate the dead than let them speak.

"Let's get dirty, then, hm?" Taking out his bow, he draws an arrow, notches it, and takes aim at the shaman as available: better not to charge into battle until he's needed.

Out of Character

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