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Into the Tower

Entering the tower is simple, and the invitation has been clearly given. Clairese follows up on Neve's entrance and finds the layout much the same. A sitting area, a place to wait or converse, with stairs rising along the left wall toward the balcony where the two teenagers stand. To the Sh'iare, the words reach her in the common vulgate tongue. The only one she's ever taken the time to learn. But they do shift in tone and inflection much the way a change in dialect might. Some of the words have the clarity of the accents common to Nirvana, others seems to drawl out in a way native speakers from Helgen do. Edgewicke hears things similarly upon his own entrance, disguised though it may be. Val's impression is far different, words shifting from vulgate to smallfolk to the tongue of the goblin-kin of the northern mountains. All languages she has familiarity with, mashed together in a bothersome patois.

"My name is Broderick. My sister is Ilyra. She doesn't speak, or hear, but she can read your face if you speak at her." A childhood ailment or trauma, perhaps? Something the Witch was unable, or unwilling, to mend? Neve is first to the balcony, though the others are invited to follow suit, and finds it simply decorated as well. A table, this one larger and designed for eating, flanked by wooden chairs. A few benches off to the side for overflow. A cabinet and shelf near a door on the left wall, filled with plates and cups. That door is open and leads to a small kitchen, the stove and wash basin obvious from outside. Another door, this one opposite the kitchen, opens to a small room with two cots inside. A servants quarters if ever there was one. Near that door another set of stairs rises along the wall to the ceiling, where an opening allows passage to the next floor up.

"We know the Oracle. She has been kind to us in the past but she does not visit often." Broderick grabs a few plates from the shelf and sets them on the table as his sister moves quickly to the kitchen and clatters about within. "Are you hungry? We used to be able to offer more but the tower isn't working the way it did. Most of the food that the cabinets offer is moldy or uncooked now." He motions to a stone basin set against the railing of the balcony, where he'd previously been standing. It looks much like a birdbath, with a shallow bowl atop a stone support. "The eye still works, though. The way you all fought off those lizards was pretty amazing." He takes a seat at the table as Ilyra comes out with a plate of bread and a pitcher of something that smells somewhat like weak wine. Glancing over Neve's stained attire, he offers a strained smile. "No magic to speak of, but there is a wash tub upstairs and we can see to your clothes while you bathe. I wish I had better news but the Witch is not here. I can explain if you wish to sit with us."


I'm not going to do a whole exposition thing here, so I'll summarize his story next post if people choose to listen. Not jumping to the conclusion that you all will so I won't initiate that here. Also, there is the question of Wicke the Snoop and his current intentions.




Into the Tower

Entering the tower is simple, and the invitation has been clearly given. Clairese follows up on Neve's entrance and finds the layout much the same. A sitting area, a place to wait or converse, with stairs rising along the left wall toward the balcony where the two teenagers stand. To the Sh'iare, the words reach her in the common vulgate tongue. The only one she's ever taken the time to learn. But they do shift in tone and inflection much the way a change in dialect might. Some of the words have the clarity of the accents common to Nirvana, others seems to drawl out in a way native speakers from Helgen do. Edgewicke hears things similarly upon his own entrance, disguised though it may be. Val's impression is far different, words shifting from vulgate to smallfolk to the tongue of the goblin-kin of the northern mountains. All languages she has familiarity with, mashed together in a bothersome patois.

"My name is Broderick. My sister is Ilyra. She doesn't speak, or hear, but she can read your face if you speak at her." A childhood ailment or trauma, perhaps? Something the Witch was unable, or unwilling, to mend? Neve is first to the balcony, though the others are invited to follow suit, and finds it simply decorated as well. A table, this one larger and designed for eating, flanked by wooden chairs. A few benches off to the side for overflow. A cabinet and shelf near a door on the left wall, filled with plates and cups. That door is open and leads to a small kitchen, the stove and wash basin obvious from outside. Another door, this one opposite the kitchen, opens to a small room with two cots inside. A servants quarters if ever there was one. Near that door another set of stairs rises along the wall to the ceiling, where an opening allows passage to the next floor up.

"We know the Oracle. She has been kind to us in the past but she does not visit often." Broderick grabs a few plates from the shelf and sets them on the table as his sister moves quickly to the kitchen and clatters about within. "Are you hungry? We used to be able to offer more but the tower isn't working the way it did. Most of the food that the cabinets offer is moldy or uncooked now." He motions to a stone basin set against the railing of the balcony, where he'd previously been standing. It looks much like a birdbath, with a shallow bowl atop a stone support. "The eye still works, though. The way you all fought off those lizards was pretty amazing." He takes a seat at the table as Ilyra comes out with a plate of bread and a pitcher of something that smells somewhat like weak wine.

"I wish I had better news but the Witch is not here. I can explain if you wish to sit with us."


I'm not going to do a whole exposition thing here, so I'll summarize his story next post if people choose to listen. Not jumping to the conclusion that you all will so I won't initiate that here. Also, there is the question of Wicke the Snoop and his current intentions.


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