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Neve Nevergreen - Smallfolk Rogue

Neve glanced up at Sister Clairese and kept her face deadpan as she spoke, sotto voce, from the side of her mouth.

"We could try, I've some ken to it, I imagine you do, too, but - " she shrugged a little and actually turned to face the Sister, letting the artifice of their conversation slip a little.  Was foolish to think they'd be able to hold secrets in the Witch's Seclusium, and it was better not to insult the children with a try.  " - asking the aether to name the enchantments here will be naught but a headache.  Have Foxwish spy them with the seeing stone, if it's a question of identity but it's an odd con if it's con."

"There's no edge in lulling us into a false sense of security when they could've just not let us in.  And given who sent us - " another small shrug.  "Then again, we're meddling in magic here so - " she threw up her fingers in a 'who knows' gesture.

Turning back to the pair Neve bowed, not a noble's curtsey but a servants deference.

"Pardon my rudeness; our purpose demands a certain level of suspicion.  But, by the laws of hospitality I thank the and return what is offered - a name for a name.  I am Neve Nevergreen - " it was not exactly a breech of etiquette to offer her usename rather than true name, but, Neve reasoned, her name wasn't entirely her own and as such was not hers to offer in full.  Yes, that bit of self-justification would do quite nicely.

"And my thanks for your kind offer, as tempting as the bath is I'll not keep business on my account.  I'll just . . . " looking around for someplace where mud would not be minded, Neve ending up turning a full three sixty and taking in the tower entire before looking back to Broderick and Ilyra with a sheepish grin.  " - stand.  I'll be fine."

"You . . .  well you mentioned the tower wasn't working the way it used to?  I take it the tower used to handle interlopers on your behalf, provide food and whatnot in the Witches absence?  How long has it been faltering?"

Out of Character

So Neve is a big fat liar and is using her saying "no" to Sister Clairese as a distraction to perform the scry without the children being the wiser - Neve is going to use the innate Magic User ability of Detect Magic, it acts like the spell. Per the spell description it may, at the CK's discretion, require an Intelligence Check, not sure if it's needed (I mean, Witches tower, so probably) and if it is what the TN is but she's a +2 for INT, +1 for MU level and the check is considered Prime.

Intelligence Check (Prime)

Edit: . . . aaaaand that's a nat 20. NEVE SEES ALL! 😃





Neve Nevergreen - Smallfolk Rogue

Neve glanced up at Sister Clairese and kept her face deadpan as she spoke, sotto voce, from the side of her mouth.

"We could try, I've some ken to it, I imagine you do, too, but - " she shrugged a little and actually turned to face the Sister, letting the artifice of their conversation slip a little.  Was foolish to think they'd be able to hold secrets in the Witch's Seclusium, and it was better not to insult the children with a try.  " - asking the aether to name the enchantments here will be naught but a headache.  Have Foxwish spy them with the seeing stone, if it's a question of identity but it's an odd con if it's con."

"There's no edge in lulling us into a false sense of security when they could've just not let us in.  And given who sent us - " another small shrug.  "Then again, we're meddling in magic here so - " she threw up her fingers in a 'who knows' gesture.

Turning back to the pair Neve bowed, not a noble's curtsey but a servants deference.

"Pardon my rudeness; our purpose demands a certain level of suspicion.  But, by the laws of hospitality I thank the and return what is offered - a name for a name.  I am Neve Nevergreen - " it was not exactly a breech of etiquette to offer her usename rather than true name, but, Neve reasoned, her name wasn't entirely her own and as such was not hers to offer in full.  Yes, that bit of self-justification would do quite nicely.

"And my thanks for your kind offer, as tempting as the bath is I'll not keep business on my account.  I'll just . . . " looking around for someplace where mud would not be minded, Neve ending up turning a full three sixty before looking back to Broderick and Ilyra.  " - stand.  I'll be fine."

"You . . .  well you mentioned the tower wasn't working the way it used to?  I take it the tower used to handle interlopers on your behalf, provide food and whatnot in the Witches absence?  How long has it been faltering?"

Out of Character

So Neve is a big fat liar and is using her saying "no" to Sister Clairese as a distraction to perform the scry without the children being the wiser - Neve is going to use the innate Magic User ability of Detect Magic, it acts like the spell. Per the spell description it may, at the CK's discretion, require an Intelligence Check, not sure if it's needed (I mean, Witches tower, so probably) and if it is what the TN is but she's a +2 for INT, +1 for MU level and the check is considered Prime.

Intelligence Check (Prime)

Edit: . . . aaaaand that's a nat 20. NEVE SEES ALL! 😃





Neve Nevergreen - Smallfolk Rogue

Neve glanced up at Sister Clairese and kept her face deadpan as she spoke, sotto voce, from the side of her mouth.

"We could try, I've some ken to it, I imagine you do, too, but - " she shrugged a little and actually turned to face the Sister, letting the artifice of their conversation slip a little.  Was foolish to think they'd be able to hold secrets in the Witch's Seclusium, and it was better not to insult the children with a try.  " - asking the aether to name the enchantments here will be naught but a headache.  Have Foxwish spy them with the seeing stone, if it's a question of identity but it's an odd con if it's con."

"There's no edge in lulling us into a false sense of security when they could've just not let us in.  And given who sent us - " another small shrug.  "Then again, we're meddling in magic here so - " she threw up her fingers in a 'who knows' gesture.

Turning back to the pair Neve bowed, not a noble's curtsey but a servants deference.

"Pardon my rudeness; our purpose demands a certain level of suspicion.  But, by the laws of hospitality I thank the and return what is offered - a name for a name.  I am Neve Nevergreen - " it was not exactly a breech of etiquette to offer her usename rather than true name, but, Neve reasoned, her name wasn't entirely her own and as such was not hers to offer in full.  Yes, that bit of self-justification would do quite nicely.

"And my thanks for your kind offer, as tempting as the bath is I'll not keep business on my account.  I'll just . . . " looking around for someplace where mud would not be minded, Neve ending up turning a full three sixty before looking back to Broderick and Ilyra.  " - stand.  I'll be fine."

"You . . .  well you mentioned the tower wasn't working the way it used to?  I take it the tower used to handle interlopers on your behalf, provide food and whatnot in the Witches absence?  How long has it be faltering?"

Out of Character

So Neve is a big fat liar and is using her saying "no" to Sister Clairese as a distraction to perform the scry without the children being the wiser - Neve is going to use the innate Magic User ability of Detect Magic, it acts like the spell. Per the spell description it may, at the CK's discretion, require an Intelligence Check, not sure if it's needed (I mean, Witches tower, so probably) and if it is what the TN is but she's a +2 for INT, +1 for MU level and the check is considered Prime.

Intelligence Check (Prime)

Edit: . . . aaaaand that's a nat 20. NEVE SEES ALL! 😃





Neve Nevergreen - Smallfolk Rogue

Neve glanced up at Sister Clairese and kept her face deadpan as she spoke, sotto voce, from the side of her mouth.

"We could try, I've some ken to it, I imagine you do, too, but - " she shrugged a little and actually turned to face the Sister, letting the artifice of their conversation slip a little.  Was foolish to think they'd be able to hold secrets in the Witch's Seclusium, and it was better not to insult the children with a try.  " - asking the aether to name the enchantments here will be naught but a headache.  Have Foxwish spy them with the seeing stone, if it's a question of identity but it's an odd con if it's con."

"There's no edge in lulling us into a false sense of security when they could've just not let us in.  And given who sent us - " another small shrug.  "Then again, we're meddling in magic here so - " she threw up her fingers in a 'who knows' gesture.

Turning back to the pair Neve bowed, not a noble's curtsey but a servants deference.

"Pardon my rudeness; our purpose demands a certain level of suspicion.  But, by the laws of hospitality I thank the and return what is offered - a name for a name.  I am Neve Nevergreen - " it was not exactly a breech of etiquette to offer her usename rather than true name, but, Neve reasoned, her name wasn't entirely her own and as such was not hers to offer in full.  Yes, that bit of self-justification would do quite nicely.

"And my thanks for your kind offer, as tempting as the bath is I'll not keep business on my account.  I'll just . . . " looking around for someplace where mud would not be minded, Neve ending up turning a full three sixty before looking back to Broderick and Ilyra.  " - stand.  I'll be fine."

"You . . .  well you mentioned the tower wasn't working the way it used to?  I take it the tower used to handle interlopers on your behalf, provide food and whatnot in the Witches absence?  How long has it be faltering?"

Out of Character

So Neve is a big fat liar and is using her saying "no" to Sister Clairese as a distraction to perform the scry without the children being the wiser - Neve is going to use the innate Magic User ability of Detect Magic, it acts like the spell. Per the spell description it may, at the CK's discretion, require an Intelligence Check, not sure if it's needed (I mean, Witches tower, so probably) and if it is what the TN is but she's a +2 for INT, +1 for MU level and the check is considered Prime.

Intelligence Check (Prime)


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