Morgrym Posted November 16, 2023 Clone Share Posted November 16, 2023 Est Sularus Oth Mithas Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morgrym Posted November 16, 2023 Author Clone Share Posted November 16, 2023 (edited) Captain Maquesta Kar-Thon of The Perechon N Female Half- Elf (Smuggler), Rogue (Swashbuckler) 9 / Fighter (Battle Master) 4 Age 82 Background Smuggler Guilty Pleasure the chance to deflate someone’s ego Adversary a master spy hunting for her, seeking revenge over a past assassination Benefactor a magistrate named Lord Swindle kept you out of jail (in Flotsam) in exchange for valuable information of a powerful underground crime lord embedded at Flotsam Str 13 (+1) Dex 19 (+4) Con 18 (+4) Int 14 (+2) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 18 (+4) Speed 30 Darkvision 60 Languages Trade Tongue, Elvish, Kalinese, Thieves Cant, Saifhum, Kothian, Ogre Proficiency Bonus +5 Armor light Weapons simple, hand crossbow, longsword, short sword, rapier Tools Thieves’ tools, vehicles (water), navigator’s tools, gemcutting tools Initiative +9 HD 9d8+4d10+78 HP 176 AC 19 (+4 +1 studded leather, +4 dex, +1 cloak) Saves +3 Str +11 Dex* +6 Con adv vs poison. +9 Int* +10 Wis* adv vs charm, magic can't put to sleep +6 Cha Weapons +11/+11 +2 cutlass 1d6+6 slashing (light, finesse) and +2 vicious dagger 1d4+6 piercing (light, finesse) +2 light crossbow 1d8+6 (80/320) Proficient Skills +12 Athletics* exp +10 Acrobatics* +10 Deception* +8 Insight* +8 Investigation* +8 Nature* +13 Perception* exp +10 Persuasion* +10 Sleight of Hand* +8 Survival* Feats/Flaws Tough Skilled Phobia (thanoi) Alert Linguist Athlete stand up 5 ft, climbing costs no extra movement, jump bonus Resilient (wis) Features Fey Ancestry. Adv saves vs charm & magic can’t put to sleep Skill Versatility. +2 proficient skills Even I Get Boarded Sometimes. All Perception and Investigation checks have disadvantage aboard the Perechon. You have advantage on Perception and Investigation to notice or find hidden contraband on other water vessels. Expertise. Sneak Attack. +5d6 Cunning Action. Dash, Disengage, Hide Uncanny Dodge. Starting at 5th level, when an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack‘s damage against you. Evasion. Beginning at 7th level, you can nimbly dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a red dragon’s fiery breath or an ice storm spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. Fighting Style. Two-weapon; add ability mod to offhand attack Second Wind. Bonus 1d10+4 1/short or long Action Surge. 1/short or long Combat Superiority. 4 d8’s per short rest, 3 man; DC 17 —Precision Attack —Feinting Attack —Pushing Attack Student of War. Attuned Magic Items Stone of Good Luck Brooch of Shielding (force resistance, no magic missiles) Cloak of Protection Equipment Bag of holding Folding boat Lantern of Revealing Periapt of Proof against Poison Edited April 13 by Morgrym (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morgrym Posted March 2 Author Clone Share Posted March 2 (edited) Abraxis Stormcrown male Nerakan human (Mercenary Recruit) / Warlock (Pact of the Dragon, Storm Over Ansalon) 5 Alignment LE Age 29 Personality Trait When you stop training, you sign your own death notice. Ideal Ambition. I will make something of myself no matter what. Bond I will become the greatest mercenary warrior ever. Personality Flaw I do not trust easily and question anyone who attempts to give me orders. Initiative +7 Inspiration 2 XPs 7065 +240 +275 +725stone, +50 ups tiny spiders, +525 giant tarantula, +500 exploration Str 18 Dex 14 Con 16 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 20 HD 5 (short rest used: 0) HP 59 / 59 -8 acid AC 18 Saves +3 Str, +2 Dex, +3 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis*, +8 Cha* Speed 30 Background Mercenary Recruit Languages Trade Tongue, Nerakese Tools game (Khas) Weapons simple, great sword, pike, lance, great axe Armor light (no armor worn) Proficiency Bonus +3 Feats/Flaws Piercer (human) 1/turn when you hit with attack the deals piercing damage, you can reroll one of the attack's damage dice, and you must use the new roll. When you score a critical hit that deals piercing damage to a creature, you can roll one additional damage die when determining the extra piercing damage the targets. Tough (dl) Clumsy (flaw) Weapon Master Alert you can't be surprised while conscious. other creatures don't gain adv on attack rolls against you as a result of being unseen Shadow Touched Melee Attacks +8 ~ +1 greataxe 1d12+5 magic slashing +7 ~ staff of rats and moons 1d10+4 (versatile) magic bludgeoning +7 ~ lance 1d12+4 piercing (reach, special) +7 ~ spear 1d10+4 piercing (versatile, thrown) Ranged Attacks +5 light crossbow 1d8+2 piercing 80/320 Skills +7 Athletics*, +8 Deception*, +8 Intimidation*, +5 Perception*, +8 Persuasion* Features Theoretical Experience You have an encyclopedic knowledge of stories, myths, and legends of famous soldiers, mercenaries, and generals. Telling these stories can earn you a bed and food for the evening in taverns, inns, and alehouses. Your age or inexperience is endearing, making commoners more comfortable with sharing local rumors, news, and information with you. Pact Magic Pact of the Dragon (The Storm Over Ansalon), embedded a blue dragon scale into my chest as armor Otherworldly Patron Takhisis Dragonkind Blue, Lightning, 5 by 30 ft. line Armor of the Wrym At 1st level you gain a gift of draconic scales from your patron. Parts of your skin are covered by a thin sheen of dragon-like scales. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier. Breath of the Wyrm Also starting at 1st level, you can borrow your patron's breath weapon. You have a pool of d6s that you spend to exhale the breath weapon. The number of dice in the pool equals 1 + half your warlock level, rounded down (2). As a bonus action, you can exhale this breath weapon in an area, spending dice from the pool to do so. The maximum number of dice you can spend at once equals your proficiency bonus + 1, divided by two, rounded down (2). Roll the dice you spend, add them together, and deal that much damage to each creature in the area. The area and the type of damage are determined by your dragon's entry on the Dragon Kind table. Your pool regains all expended dice when you finish a long rest. At 6th level the area of cone weapons increase by 5 feet and the length of line weapons increase by 10 feet. They increase again this way at 10th and 14th levels. Eldritch Invocations (3) Devil's Sight 120 Armor of Shadows can cast mage armor at will, without expending a spell slot. Pact of the Chain you learn find familiar (pseudodragon). Additionally, when you take the Attack action, you can forgo one of your own to allow your familiar to make one of its own with its reaction. Agonizing Blast Spellcasting DC 16 spell attack +8 Slots per short rest: 2. Spells cast as 3rd level spells at 5th Cantrips Known (3) eldritch blast, toll the dead, friends 1st-level spells known (3 known) protection from evil and good, chromatic orb, hex, find familiar (ritual), (inflict wounds) 2nd-level spells known (2 known) darkness, shatter, (invisibility) 3rd-level spells known (1 known) lightning bolt Attuned Magic Items Staff of Rats and Moons Greataxe Ring of Mind Shielding immune to magic that reads thoughts, determine whether you are lying, or know creature type. creatures cannot speak with you telepathically unless you allow it. the ring is invisible on Abraxis's finger. if you die while wearing this ring, your soul enters it. Equipment light crossbow, 10 bolts, spear, dagger, explorer's pack, 2 potion of healing, lance, bag of holding, 6 uses of brass brazier/incense/charcoal for summoning Storm, 90 gp, quarterstaff of dark walnut with rats and moons - staff of the rodent : strikes as magical, attune, wielder can speak with rats like speak with animals, 1/day summon a swarm of rats. 1 tiger eye worth 10 gp, 50 gp diamond for chromatic orb, 4 antitoxon, map of Taman Busuk, weird awesome greataxe, potion of supreme healing, sealed urns of oil (25 lbs.) Trinket a bag containing forty-seven humanoid teeth, one of which is rotten RAT SWARM STATS Medium swarm of tiny Beasts, AC 10, HP 24, Spd 30, str 9, dex 11, con 9, int 2, wis 10, cha 3, DR bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, CI charmed, frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrain, stunned; Senses: dark vision 30, pp 10; Keen Smell: adv on Perception checks relying on smell; Swarm: the swarm can occupy another's space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny rat. The swarm can't regain hp or temp hp; Action: Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 0, one target in the swarm's space. Hit 2d6 piercing damage, or 1d6 if swarm is half of its hp or lower. Usage: 60 feet, c<1 hour, roll init, obey commands Toll the Dead (necromancy) CT 1 action, R 60, VS, instant. you point and a dolorous bell tolls. Wis save or 2d8 necrotic, if injured 2d12 Eldritch Blast (evocation) CT 1 action, R 120, VS, Instant, beam of crackling energy, ranged spell attack, 1d10+5 force damage, 2 beams Friends (enchantment) CT 1 action, self, S, conc<1 min. advantage on all Charisma checks vs non-hostile creatures, when the spell ends the creature knows ~~~ Hex ~ (enchantment) BA, 90, VSM, c<8 h, curse targ in sight. +1d6 necrot if you hit with an attack, 1 ability score dis, B dif cre on sub turns after 0 Inflict Wounds ~ (necromancy) CT 1, VS, MSA 5d10 necrotic, 1/long rest no spell slot Chromatic Orb ~ (evocation) CT 1, R 90, VSM, lightning, thunder, cold, poison, fire, acid. RSA 5d8 damage Find Familiar ~ (conjuration) ritual, CT 1 hour, Storm Invisibility ~ (illusion) 1/long rest or use spell slot, CT 1 action, 3 creatures touched, ends if attacks or casts spell, VSM, conc<1 hour Shatter ~ (evocation) CT 1, R 60, VSM, painfully intense eruption of thunder, 10-ft-rad, Con 5d8/half, dis save creatures inorganic stone, crystal, metal Darkness ~ (evocation) CT 1, R 60, 15-radius sphere, VM, conc<10 m, spreads around corners, if overlap with 2nd level light then dispelled Material Components eye of petrified newt, diamond, charcoal, incense (8 uses), herbs, tiny brass brazier, eyelash encased in gum arabic, chip of mica, bat fur, black pitch Storm female pseudodragon tiny dragon AC 13, HP 10, Spd 15, fly 60 ft., Str 6 Dex 15 Con 13 Int 10 Wis 12 Cha 10 Skills: +3 Perception (advantage), +4 Stealth, blindsight 10, darkvision 60 understands Trade Tongue and Draconic, but can't speak Magic Resistance advantage on saves vs spells and other magical effects. Abraxis gets this if Storm is within 10 feet Limited Telepathy 100 ft. with Abraxis. Abraxis can see through Storm's eyes as long as they are within one mile ACTIONS Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 feet., one target. Hit: 1d4+2 piercing damage. Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 1d4+2 piercing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 11 Con save or become poisoned for 1 hour. If the save fails by 5 for more, the target falls unconscious for the duration, or until it takes damage or another creature uses an action to shake it awake. *** Torgon Stormcrown, Rogue of Eyes younger brother of Abraxis, male Nerakan human (Criminal), Fighter 2 / Rogue (Assassin) 3 Alignment NE Age 25 Personality Trait I am incredibly slow to trust. Those who seem the fairest often have the most to hide, four fingered hand Ideal Greed: I will do whatever it takes to become wealthy. (Evil) Bond I will become the greatest thief that ever lived. Flaw When faced with a choice between money and my friends, I usually choose the money. Criminal Specialty Burglar Proficiency Bonus +3 Initiative +7 Str 18 Dex 14 Con 16 Int 12 Wis 16 Cha 17 HD 5 (short rest HD: 3) HP 63 / 63 AC 16 (+4 starmetal scale, +2 dex); 18 w/ shield. starmetal: immune to crit Saves +7 Str*, +2 Dex, +6 Con*, +1 Int, +3 Wis, +3 Cha Speed 30 Background Criminal Languages Trade Tongue, Nerakese, Draconic, Thieves' Cant Tool Proficiencies game (Khas), thieves tools, poisoner's kit, forgery kit Weapons & Armor All armor., shields, simple weapons, martial weapons Inspiration 2 XPs 7065 Feats/Flaws Prodigy (human) exp Perc Tough (dl) Abrasive Personality (flaw) You are difficult, overbearing and generally crass in social situations, causing others to dislike you. You suffer disadvantage on all Persuasion skill checks. Poisoner creatures resistant to poison damage are not resistant to mine Alert you can't be surprised while conscious. other creatures don't gain adv on attack rolls against you as a result of being unseen Skills +7 Athletics*, +9 Deception*, +6 Intimidation*, +9 Perception* (exp) (advantage when relying on sight), +3 Persuasion (disadvantage), +5 Stealth*, +9 Survival*; (thieves tools +5 to pick locks/disarm traps) Features Criminal Contact You have a criminal contact who acts like liaison of you to any network of criminals, and you have trustworthy and reliable contact from them. How to get the messages from your contact and also to your contact is well known to you. Even over great distances too you can get the messages. You know the corrupt caravan masters and also the local messengers and even seedy sailors who can able to deliver messages for you. My criminal contract is Lute the Pawn Broker in City of Neraka. Tacitus the seedy sailor smuggler. Second Wind 1d10+2 hp bonus action 1/short rest Fighting Style Blind-Fighting. 10 foot blindsight range including invisible creatures Expertise prof bonus doubled for Deception and Survival. Sneak Attack 1/turn when have adv on attack using a finesse or ranged weapon. You don't need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn't incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on the attack roll. 2d6 Thieves Cant Action Surge 1 / short or long rest, one your turn, you can take 1 additional action. Darkvision 120 Cunning Action bonus action to Dash, Disengage, Hide each turn Steady Aim bonus action, adv attack rolls, no move that round Assassinate if foe hasn't acted in init, you have adv and a hit is a crit Attuned Magic Items Robe of Eyes you see in all directions, adv on all Perception checks that rely on sight. Darkvision 120. You can see invisible objects or creatures, as well as see into the Ethereal Plane, out to a range of 120 feet. Cloak of Elvenkind Boots of Springing and Striding ******************* Unattuned Eyes of Charming charm person 3 charges/long rest, 1 action, Wis DC 13, humanoid <30 ft, all charges replenish at dawn Ring of Warmth -50 degrees FH tolerable, cold resistance, dark red iron ring Equipment thieves tools, 6 doses Con DC 14 or 2d8 poison and be poisoned until the end of your next turn, burglar's pack, poisoner's kit, shield, chain shirt, longsword, club, shortsword, spear 20/60, dart 20/60, shortbow 80/320, 20 arrows, explorer's pack, 3 antitoxins, dagger, 15 gp, 56 gp, manticore spikes, forgery kit, +1 dagger (does -1 damage), swirling gold wand of secrets, 11 doses of mushroom spore powder from barrel (potion of poison), 2 boom sticks, 4 doses of wyvern poison, 4 doses of red banded spider poison: DC 10 Con save 1d6 poison damage and have the poisoned condition until's the user's next turn. if it gets poisoned, then fails consecutive saves against this poison. 7 doses of giant mountain tarantula poison: DC 12 Con for half, 5d8 poison damage. if you drop a creature to 0 hp with this poison, the subject becomes poisoned and paralyzed for 1 hour. a disarmed sleep gas trap. Trinket a crystal knob from a door Captain Lewisgilt Lady Kafa cleric of the Dark Queen. Adrik Greyforge of the Zhakar rat stone idol worth 50 gp 64 gp, 190 sp, silver dagger, gold ring with emerald worth 310 gp. 1 tiger eye worth 10 gp manticore treasure: 2600 cp, 60 gp, 7 gemstones translucent white and blue moonstones worth 50 gp each locked iron chest in bag: 150 gp, 5 50 gp zircons, potion of climbing dagger with tip maybe ancient worth 100 gp 1 potions of greater healing 4d4+4 2 potions of poison look/smells like potions of greater healing. 16 cp Gessel the prisoner apothecary mage Ratman treasure 1486 cp, 1301 sp, 85 gp, pair of dice made ivory worth 75 gp, locket made of onyx worth 25 gp, silk embroidered handkerchief worth 20 gp, couatl feather mask with 30 gp, soapstone pitcher worth 25 gp. Cyclops treasure: 700 cp, 10000 sp, 1450 gp, 140 pp, 11 black onyx w/ 50 gp each Hobgoblins: 187 gp, 37 sp, 17 pp, 8 onyx worth 25 gp each, 1 potions of healing Reorx: Xankas: 2 gnomish fargabs Mishka and Lady Kava have Flab Giants: 1400 cp, 900 sp, 70 gp, carved bone statuette of mountain lion worth 20 gp, a pair of bone dice w/ numbers engraved in onyx worth 25 gp, gold locket with w/ portrait worth 25 gp, silver ewer worth 25 gp, Morgion temple: 600 cp, 4000 sp, 2600 gp, 120 pp, 7 silver ewers worth 25 gp each Vatir undead Chemosh passed the test Storm: 1600 cp, 700 sp, 50 gp, 10 pink sardonyx 50 gp each, starmetal scale mail, 2500 cp, 1000 sp, 90 gp, 11 lapis lazuli 10 gp each giant tarantulas: cloak of elvenkind, boots of springing and striding starmetal: any crit against is normal hit Edited August 2 by Morgrym (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morgrym Posted March 10 Author Clone Share Posted March 10 (edited) Pitslang, Black Dragon Adult black dragon (huge) Black Dragon Personality Trait Collecting antiquates and learning why lost cultures vanished are as important to Pitslang as the call of Takhisis to fight in the War of the Lance Ideal Cunning. Destroying your foes without exposing yourself to danger is an art. Innate Spellcasting save DC 16, spell attack +8 cantrips at will: vicious mockery 1st level spells (1 slot / long rest) detect magic 2nd level spells (1 slot / long rest) suggestion 3rd level spells (1 slot / long rest) plant growth Appearance Notably underweight Mannerism Absently chews on and picks at teeth with swords, spears, or lances Bond A nearby person intrigues me with fascinating questions and bizarre ideas (Mia) Flaw / Secret Another dragon has sworn to find and destroy me Longterm Goal Establish a dynastic bloodline by producing young Cross Scheme cause accidents and catastrophes Lair Action Filth Burst Features change shape, death throes Edited May 2 by Morgrym (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morgrym Posted March 17 Author Clone Share Posted March 17 (edited) Alhana Starbreeze, Princess of Silvanesti LG female Silvanesti elf (Noble), Fighter (Battle Master) 8 / Druid (Circle of Stars) 8 Str 14, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 18 HD 16 HP 212 AC 21 (+2 elven chain shirt, +2 shield) Languages Elvish, Trade Tongue, Dwarven, Druidic, Sylvan Weapons simple, martial Armor all, all shields Tools game (Khas), Herbalism Kit Speed 40 Darkvision 60 Proficiency Bonus +5 Initiative +7 Saves +7 Str*, +2 Dex, +10 Con*, +2 Int, +4 Wis, +4 Cha Skills +9 Animal Handling*, +7 Arcana*, +7 History*, +9 Insight*, +9 Medicine*, +9 Perception*, +9 Persuasion*, +9 Survival* Feats Skilled Ritual Caster (ritual book: detect magic, identify, comprehend languages, augury, divination) Phobia oozes Magic Initiate (cleric) 2 cantrips, 1st heroism Alert Fey-Touched bless, misty step 1/day Tough Mobile after you attack a creature (hit or miss), you don't provoke from that creature for rest of your turn Inspiring Leader 10 min w/ companions (<6) temp hp = 20, 1/short or long rest Attacks +10 / +10 +3 vorpal longsword 1d8+5, ignores resistance to slashing damage. nat 20 off with a head. Druid Spellcasting +9, DC 17 Cantrips: true strike, spare the dying, guidance, dancing lights, produce flame, druidcraft, mending 1st (4 slots) cure wounds, healing word, absorb elements, jump, guiding bolt, (bless, heroism) 2nd (3 slots) protection from poison, gust of wind, summon beast, (misty step) 3rd (3 slots) revivify, aura of vitality, dispel magic 4th (2 slots) freedom of movement, locate creature Features Darkvision. Keen Senses. Fey Ancestry. Trance. Elf Weapon Training. Fighting Style. Blind-Fighting Second Wind. 1/short or long rest 1d10+8 hp as bonus action Action Surge. 1/short or long, take an extra action on your turn Combat Superiority. 5 man, d8 superiority die, DC 17 --Feinting Attack --Evasive Footwork --Rally --Commanding Presence --Ambush spend 1 superiority die and add to Stealth or Initiative Student of War. Know Your Enemy. 1 minute observing: learn one: Str; Dex; Con; AC; current HP; Total class levels; Fighter levels Cantrip. Star Map. can cast guiding bolt without expending a spell slot 5 times / long rest Starry Form. Spend use of Wild Shape. Archer: as a bonus action on subsequent turns make a ranged spell attack luminous arrow at target within 60, on a hit 1d8+4 radiant damage. Chalice: whenever you cast a spell using a slot that restores hp, you or another creature you choose within 30 feet of you regains 1d8+4 hp. Dragon: when you make an Int or Wis check or Con save to maintain concentration on a spell, you can treat a roll of 9 or lower on the d20 as a 10 Cosmic Omen. reaction 5 times / long rest. roll a d6. Weal (even): when a creature you can see within 30 feet of you is about to make an attack roll, save, or ability check, you can use your reaction to roll a d6 and add the number rolled to the total. Woe (odd) same, but instead you can use your reaction to roll a d6 and subtract that number from the total Attuned Magic Items vorpal longsword brooch of shielding resistance to force damage, immune to magic missiles amulet of health Other Magic Items Ring of Swimming (40) Wand of Magic Detection Wand of Secrets Equipment starjewel (druidic focus), diplomat's pack, longbow, quiver of 20 arrows, 3 potions of superior healing, map of Ansalon (in Elven), Khas game set, dagger, mess kit, elixir of health, FoWP silver raven, rod of lordly might Edited March 26 by Morgrym (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morgrym Posted March 18 Author Clone Share Posted March 18 (edited) Samar LG male Silvanesti elf (Soldier), Fighter (Eldritch Knight) 14 Str 18, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 19, Wis 16, Cha 10 HD 14 HP 191 AC 19 (+1 elven chain shirt, +1 shield) Languages Elvish, Trade Tongue, Sylvan Weapons simple, martial Armor all, all shields Tools cartographer's tools, smith's tools Speed 30 Darkvision 60 Proficiency Bonus +5 Initiative +7 Saves adv vs charm +8 Str*, +2 Dex, +8 Con*, +4 Int, +8 Wis*, +0 Cha Skills Acrobatics*, Athletics*, Insight*, Perception*, Survival* Feats Tough Sentinel Flaw abrasive personality Observant Alert Sharpshooter Resilient (wis) Elven Accuracy Slasher Attacks +11 / +11 / +11 +2 longsword 1d10+6 (two-handed), versatile, slasher, sentinel, elven accuracy +9 / +9 / +9 +2 longbow 1d8+4, sharpshooter Spellcasting (Int) +9, DC 17, spells known: 10 Cantrips: true strike, dancing lights, mage hand, message, mending 1st (4 slots) shield, absorb elements, alarm, detect magic 2nd (3 slots) hold person, arcane lock, warding wind, mind spike 3rd (2 slots) counterspell, tongues Features Darkvision. Keen Senses. Fey Ancestry. Trance. Elf Weapon Training. Fighting Style. Protection Second Wind. 1/short or long rest 1d10+14 hp as bonus action Action Surge. 1/short or long, take an extra action on your turn Cantrip. Extra Attack x2. Indomitable x2. 2 per long rest Weapon Bond. War Magic. when you use your action to cast a cantrip, you can make one attack as a bonus action Eldritch Strike. when you hit with a weapon attack, that creature has disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes against a spell you cast before the end of your next turn Spellcasting periapt of wound closure Edited June 27 by Morgrym (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morgrym Posted March 18 Author Clone Share Posted March 18 (edited) Lucien of Takar, male half ogre, Black Dragonarmy Highlord (Arena Fighter), Fighter 16 (Champion) Str 25, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 16 Size Medium Speed 30 Languages Ogre, Trade Tongue Initiative +7 Background Arena Fighter Tools Herbalism kit, vehicles (water) Proficiency Bonus +5 HP 243 HD 16 (durable) AC 21 (+2 plate, defense) Saves adv vs spells +10 Str*, +2 Dex, +10 Con*, +0 Int, +2 Wis, +3 Cha Feats Tough Athlete standing up takes 5 ft movement, climbing doesn't cost you extra movement, you can make a running long or high jump after moving only 5 feet on foot Alert Durable Great Weapon Master -5/+10 Mounted Combatant Mobile Eldritch Adept devilsight Attacks +9 / +9 / +9 / +9 +2 greatsword 18-20, 2d6+19 +8 / +8 / +8 / +8 +1 longbow 1d8+3 150/600 Skills +12 Athletics*, +8 Deception*, +7 Insight*, +8 Intimidation*, +7 Perception* Features Darkvision. 60 Ogre Toughness. Natural Athlete. You gain proficiency in the Athletics skill. Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. Great Weapon Fighting. when you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die with a weapon wielded in two hands, you may reroll and must keep the reroll. Second Wind. bonus action 1d10+16 1/short or long rest Action Surge. on your turn, you can take one additional action Superior Critical. your weapon attacks critical on 18-20 Bonus Fighting Style. Defense +1 AC Remarkable Athlete. add +3 to any Str, Dex, or Con check you make that doesn't already use your prof bonus. when you make a running long jump, the distance you can cover increases by a number of feet equal to your Str mod Extra Attack x4. Indomitable x2. Attuned Magic Items mantle of spell resistance belt of fire giant strength 25 necklace of adaptation Other Magic Items potion of invulnerability potion of speed Black Dragon Highlord Helm immune to frightened condition, adv Intimidation checks Edited May 14 by Morgrym (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morgrym Posted April 23 Author Clone Share Posted April 23 (edited) Artificer Spells Cantrips Abjuration 1 Resistance ~ VSM (a miniature cloak) Conjuration 2 Acid splash ~ VS 3 Create bonfire ~ VS 4 Mage hand ~ VS 5 Poison spray ~ VS 6 Sword burst ~ V Divination 7 Guidance ~ VS Evocation 8 Booming blade SM (a melee weapon worth at least 1 sp) 9 Dancing lights VSM (a bit of phosphorus or wychwood, or a glow worm) 10 Fire bolt VS 11 Frostbite VS 12 Green-flame blade SM (a melee weapon worth at least 1 sp) 13 Light VM (a firefly or phosphorescent moss) 14 Lightning lure V 15 Ray of frost VS 16 Shocking grasp VS 17 Thunderclap S Necromancy 18 Spare the dying VS Transmutation 19 Magic stone VS 20 Mending VSM (two loadstones) 21 Message VSM (a short piece of copper wire) 22 Prestidigitation VS 23 Thorn whip VSM (the stem of a plant with thorns) 1st Level Artificer Spells Abjuration 1 Absorb elements S 2 Alarm [ritual] VSM (a tiny bell and a piece of fine silver wire) 3 Sanctuary VSM (a small silver mirror) 4 Snare SM (25 feet of rope, which the spell consumes) Conjuration 5 Grease VSM (a bit of pork rind or butter) Divination 6 Detect magic [ritual] VS 7 Identify [ritual] VSM (a pearl worth at least 100 gp and an owl feather) Evocation 8 Cure wounds VS 9 Faerie fire V 10 Tasha's caustic brew VSM (a bit of rotten food) Illusion 11 Disguise self VS Necromancy 12 False life VSM (a small amount of alcohol or distilled spirits) Transmutation 13 Catapult S 14 Expeditious retreat VS 15 Feather fall VM (a small feather or piece of down) 16 Jump VSM (a grasshopper's hind leg) 17 Longstrider VSM (a pinch of dirt) 18 Purify food and drink [ritual] VS 2nd Level Artificer Spells Abjuration 1 Aid VSM (a tiny strip of white cloth) 2 Arcane lock VSM (gold dust worth 25 gp, which the spell consumes) 3 Lesser restoration VS 4 Protection from poison VS Conjuration 5 Web VSM (a bit of spiderweb) Divination 6 See invisibility VSM (a pinch of talc and a sprinkle of powdered silver) Evocation 7 Continual flame VSM (ruby dust worth 50 gp, which the spell consumes) Illusion 8 Blur V 9 Invisibility VSM (an eyelash encased in gum arabic) 10 Magic mouth [ritual] VSM (honeycomb and jade dust worth 10 gp, which the spell consumes) Transmutation 11 Alter self VS 12 Darkvision VSM (either a pinch of dried carrot or an agate) 13 Enhance ability VSM (fur or feather from a beast) 14 Enlarge/reduce VSM (a pinch of powdered iron) 15 Heat metal VSM (a piece of iron and a flame) 16 Levitate VSM (a golden wire bent into a cup shape) 17 Magic weapon VS 18 Pyrotechnics VS 19 Rope trick VSM (powdered corn extract and a twisted loop of parchment) 20 Skywrite [ritual] VS 21 Spider climb VSM (a drop of bitumen and a spider) 3rd Level Artificer Spells Abjuration Dispel magic VS Glyph of warding VSM (incense and 200 gp powdered diamond, which the spell consumes) Intellect fortress V Protection from energy VS Conjuration Create food and water VS Enchantment Catnap SM (a pinch of sand) Illusion Blink VS Necromancy Revivify VSM (diamonds worth 300 gp, which the spell consumes) Transmutation Elemental weapon VS Flame arrows VS Fly VSM (a wing feather from any bird) Haste VSM (a shaving of licorice root) Tiny servant VS Water breathing [ritual] VSM (a short reed or piece of straw) Water walk [ritual] VSM (a piece of cork) Edited May 14 by Morgrym (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morgrym Posted May 14 Author Clone Share Posted May 14 (edited) Wizard Spells 8th-level Wizard Spells Abjuration 1 Imprisonment ~ VSM (a vel 2 Prismatic wall ~ VS 9th-level Wizard Spells Abjuration 1 Imprisonment ~ VSM (a vellum depiction or a carved statuette in the likeness of the target, and a special component that varies according to the version of the spell you choose, worth at least 500 gp per Hit Die of the target) 2 Prismatic wall ~ VS 3 Invulnerability ~ VSM (a small piece of star metal worth at least 500 gp, which the spell consumes) Conjuration 4 Blade of disaster ~ VS 5 Gate ~ VSM (a diamond worth at least 5000 gp) 6 Plane shift ~ VSM (a forked, metal rod worth at least 250 gp, attuned to a particular plane of existence) 7 Wish ~ V Divination 8 Foresight ~ VSM (a hummingbird feather) Evocation 9 Meteor swarm ~ VS Illusion 10 Weird ~ VS 11 Psychic scream ~ S Necromancy 12 Astral projection ~ VSM (for each creature you affect with this spell, you must provide one jacinth worth at least 1000 gp and one ornately carved bar of silver worth at least 100 gp, all of which the spell consumes) Transmutation 13 Mass polymorph ~ VSM (a caterpillar cocoon) 14 Shapechange ~ VSM (a jade circlet worth at least 1500 gp, which you must place on your head before you cast the spell) 15 Time stop ~ V 16 True polymorph ~ VSM (a drop of mercury, a dollop of gum arabic, and a wisp of smoke) Edited June 2 by Morgrym (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morgrym Posted June 3 Author Clone Share Posted June 3 (edited) Calanthalas Calanthalas ~ female Silvanesti dark elf ~ (Wizard of High Sorcery), Rogue (Inquisitive) 5 / Wizard (Evoker) 10 Medium humanoid (elf) Languages Elvish, Trade Tongue, Nerakese, Thieves Cant Initiative +9, Speed 30 Str 11 Dex 18* Con 16 Int 20* Wis 16 Cha 16 AC 18 (+5 shield) HD 15 (5d8/10d6) HP 102 Armor Proficiency light Weapon Proficiency simple, hand crossbows, longsword, shortsword, shortbow, longbow, rapiers Proficiency Bonus +5 Tools thieves tools (+9) Saves force/fire resistance, adv vs spells, adv vs charm, adv to conc, immune to sleep/poison ~~~ Str +1 Dex +10* Con +4 Int +11* Wis +4 Cha +4 ~~~ +10 Arcana*, +13 Deception**, +13 Insight**, +10 Nature*, +8 Perception*, +8 Persuasion*, +10 Religion*, +9 Stealth* (adv to move silently) Weapons +11 +2 vicious shortsword 1d6+6 piercing (sneak attack +3d6, +7 damage on nat 20) +11 +2 shortbow 1d6+6 piercing (sneak attack +3d6) Feats Initiate of High Sorcery disguise self, longstrider (+1 cantrip) Phobia (hags) you gain the frightened condition whenever within 30’ of the object of your phobia. Elven Accuracy if adv on attack roll using Dex or Int, can reroll one of the dice once Sharpshooter long range no disadvantage; before attack may choose -5/+10 Skilled arcana, nature, religion Alert War Caster adv on Constitution saves to maintain Concentration, if hostile provokes AoO, may cast spell as a reaction Spellcasting +10 spell attack, DC 18, prepare 15 spells per day cantrips (7): light, chill touch, fire bolt, green flame blade, ray of frost, shocking grasp, message 1st (4) shield, burning hands, chromatic orb, (disguise self, longstrider) 2nd (3) mind spike, invisibility, spider climb 3rd (3) flame arrows, haste, fireball 4th (3) polymorph, storm sphere, resilient sphere 5th (2) far step, immolation, enervation scroll of darkness, scroll of ray of sickness (cast at 4th level), scroll of banishment, scroll of dimension door, scroll of see invisibility, scroll of levitate Features Dark Elf. cast out from Silvanesti society for practicing Necromancy Darkvision. 60 Keen Senses. proficiency in Perception Fey Ancestry. advantage on saves vs charm, magic can't put you to sleep Trance. 4 hours Elf Weapon Training. proficiency with longsword, shortsword, shortbow, longbow Cantrip. Wizard of High Sorcery. Expertise. Insight/Deception Sneak Attack. +3d6 Cunning Action. bonus action Dash, Disengage, Hide Uncanny Dodge. when an attacker you can see hits with attack, use your reaction to halve the damage Ear For Deceit. when you make an Insight check to detect lying, treat a roll of 7 or lower as an 8. Steady Aim. bonus action give advantage to your next attack roll in exchange for no movement that round. Insightful Fighting. as a bonus action make an Insight check vs creature not incapacitated vs their Deception check. If you succeed grants Sneak Attack as long as not disadvantage lasts for 1 minute or until you use it against a different creature. Arcane Tradition. Arcane Recovery. Evocation Savant. Sculpt Spell. Potent Cantrip. Empowered Evocation. Attuned Magic Items cloak of protection brooch of shielding mantle of spell resistance Magic Items +1 leather armor of fire resistance, bag of holding, boots of elvenkind, dimensional shackles, 1 dust of disappearance, red corundrum elemental gem (fire), elixir of health, ebony fly figurine, periapt of proof against poison, potion of acid resistance, 2 arrows of black dragon slaying, feather token (fall >20 feet triggers feather fall), enduring spellbook (x), 3 scrolls of rope trick, potion of healing, 2 doses serpent venom Equipment spellbook, spell component pouch, starmetal dagger, explorer's pack, holy symbol of the red condor, 100 pp, quiver of 20 arrows, blank spellbook, tan bag of tricks, 450 gp worth of scribing materials Trinket ? Spellbook 99 pages full shield, burning hands, chromatic orb, identify (r), detect magic (r), comprehend languages (r), magic missile, feather fall, fog cloud, ray of sickness (10 pages) mind spike, invisibility, spider climb, rope trick, darkness, augury (r), knock, arcane lock, levitate, see invisibility (20 pages) flame arrows, haste, fireball, dispel magic, remove curse, feign death (r), leomund's tiny hut (r) (21 pages) polymorph, storm sphere, resilient sphere, banishment, dimension door, charm monster, fire shield (28 pages) far step, immolation, enervation, contact other plane (r) (20 pages) Edited June 18 by Morgrym (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morgrym Posted June 6 Author Clone Share Posted June 6 (edited) Random Spell Scrolls 00% for 1st-5th level spells 01-05 ~ Artificer spell list 06-15 ~ Bard spell list 16-43 ~ Cleric spell list 44-48 ~ Druid spell list 49-52 ~ Paladin spell list 53-56 ~ Ranger spell list 57-66 ~ Sorcerer spell list 67-72 ~ Warlock spell list 73-00 ~ Wizard spell list 00% for 6th-9th level spells 01-17 Bard spell list 18-45 Cleric spell list 46-50 Druid spell list 51-65 Sorcerer spell list 66-72 Warlock spell list 73-00 Wizard spell list 1st-level Artificer Spells (18) 01 ~ absorb elements 02 ~ alarm 03 ~ catapult 04 ~ cure wounds 05 ~ detect magic 06 ~ disguise self 07 ~ expeditious retreat 08 ~ faerie fire 09 ~ false life 10 ~ feather fall 11 ~ grease 12 ~ identify 13 ~ jump 14 ~ longstrider 15 ~ purify food and drink 16 ~ sanctuary 17 ~ snare 18 ~ Tasha's caustic brew 2nd level Artificer Spells 01 ~ aid 02 ~ alter self 03 ~ arcane lock 04 ~ blur 05 ~ continual flame 06 ~ darkvision 07 ~ enhance ability 08 ~ enlarge/reduce 09 ~ heat metal 10 ~ invisibility 11 ~ lesser restoration 12 ~ levitate 13 ~ magic mouth 14 ~ magic weapon 15 ~ protection from poison 16 ~ pyrotechnics 17 ~ rope trick 18 ~ see invisibility 19 ~ skywrite 20 ~ spider climb 21 ~ web 3rd level Artificer Spells 01 ~ blink 02 ~ catnap 03 ~ create food and water 04 ~ dispel magic 05 ~ elemental weapon 06 ~ flame arrows 07 ~ fly 08 ~ glyph of warding 09 ~ haste 10 ~ intellect fortress 11 ~ protection from energy 12 ~ revivify 13 ~ tiny servant 14 ~ water breathing 15 ~ water walk 4th level Artificer Spells 01 ~ arcane eye 02 ~ elemental bane 03 ~ fabricate 04 ~ freedom of movement 05 ~ leomund's secret chest 06 ~ mordenkainen's faithful hound 07 ~ mordenkainen's private sanctum 08 ~ otiluke's resilient sphere 09 ~ stone shape 10 ~ stoneskin 11 ~ summon construct 5th level Artificer Spells 01 ~ animate objects 02 ~ bigby's hand 03 ~ creation 04 ~ greater restoration 05 ~ skill empowerment 06 ~ transmute rock 07 ~ wall of stone Bard Spells 1st level Bard Spells Name ◇ Level ◇ School ◇ Ritual ◇ Casting Time ◇ Components ◇ Concentration ◇ Source ◇ 01 Animal Friendship 1st Enchantment 1 action VSM phb 212 02 Bane 1st Enchantment 1 action VSM yes phb 216 03 Charm Person 1st Enchantment 1 action VS phb 221 04 Comprehend Languages 1st Divination yes 1 action VSM phb 224 05 Cure Wounds 1st Evocation 1 action VS phb 230 06 Detect Magic 1st Divination yes 1 action VS yes phb 231 07 Disguise Self 1st Illusion 1 action VS phb 233 08 Dissonant Whispers 1st Enchantment 1 action V phb 234 09 Earth Tremor 1st Evocation 1 action VS ee 17, xge 155 10 Faerie Fire 1st Evocation 1 action V yes phb 239 11 Feather Fall 1st Transmutation 1 reaction VM phb 239 12 Healing Word 1st Evocation 1 bonus action V phb 250 13 Heroism 1st Enchantment 1 action VS yes phb 250 14 Identify 1st Divination yes 1 minute VSMgp phb 252 15 Illusory Script 1st Illusion yes 1 minute SMgp phb 252 16 Longstrider 1st Transmutation 1 action VSM phb 256 17 Silent Image 1st Illusion 1 action VSM yes phb 276 18 Sleep 1st Enchantment 1 action VSM phb 276 19 Speak with Animals 1st Divination yes 1 action VS phb 277 20 Tasha's Hideous Laughter 1st Enchantment 1 action VSM yes phb 280 21 Thunderwave 1st Evocation 1 action VS phb 282 22 Unseen Servant 1st Conjuration yes 1 action VSM phb 284 2nd level Bard Spells Name ◇ Level ◇ School ◇ Ritual ◇ Casting Time ◇ Components ◇ Concentration ◇ Source ◇ 01 Animal Messenger 2nd Enchantment yes 1 action VSM phb 212 02 Blindness / Deafness 2nd Necromancy 1 action V phb 219 03 Calm Emotions 2nd Enchantment 1 action VS yes phb 221 04 Cloud of Daggers 2nd Conjuration 1 action VSM yes phb 222 05 Crown of Madness 2nd Enchantment 1 action VS yes phb 229 06 Detect Thoughts 2nd Divination 1 action VSM yes phb 231 07 Enhance Ability 2nd Transmutation 1 action VSM yes phb 237 08 Enthrall 2nd Enchantment 1 action VS phb 238 09 Heat Metal 2nd Transmutation 1 action VSM yes phb 250 10 Hold Person 2nd Enchantment 1 action VSM yes phb 251 11 Invisibility 2nd Illusion 1 action VSM yes phb 254 12 Knock 2nd Transmutation 1 action V phb 254 13 Lesser Restoration 2nd Abjuration 1 action VS phb 255 14 Locate Animals or Plants 2nd Divination yes 1 action VSM phb 256 15 Locate Object 2nd Divination 1 action VSM yes phb 256 16 Magic Mouth 2nd Illusion yes 1 minute VSMgp phb 257 17 Phantasmal Force 2nd Illusion 1 action VSM yes phb 264 18 Pyrotechnics 2nd Transmutation 1 action VS ee 21, xge 163 19 See Invisibility 2nd Divination 1 action VSM phb 274 20 Shatter 2nd Evocation 1 action VSM phb 275 21 Silence 2nd Illusion yes 1 action VS yes phb 275 22 Skywrite 2nd Transmutation yes 1 action VS yes ee 22, xge 165 23 Suggestion 2nd Enchantment 1 action VM yes phb 279 24 Warding Wind 2nd Evocation 1 action V yes ee 23, xge 170 25 Zone of Truth 2nd Enchantment 1 action VS phb 289 3rd level Bard Spells Name ◇ Level ◇ School ◇ Ritual ◇ Casting Time ◇ Components ◇ Concentration ◇ Source ◇ 01 Bestow Curse 3rd Necromancy 1 action VS yes phb 218 02 Catnap 3rd Enchantment 1 action SM xge 151 03 Clairvoyance 3rd Divination 10 minutes VSMgp yes phb 222 04 Dispel Magic 3rd Abjuration 1 action VS phb 234 05 Enemies Abound 3rd Enchantment 1 action VS yes xge 155 06 Fear 3rd Illusion 1 action VSM yes phb 239 07 Feign Death 3rd Necromancy yes 1 action VSM phb 240 08 Glyph of Warding 3rd Abjuration 1 hour VSMgp phb 245 09 Hypnotic Pattern 3rd Illusion 1 action SM yes phb 252 10 Intellect Fortress 3rd Abjuration 1 action V yes tce 107 11 Leomund's Tiny Hut 3rd Evocation yes 1 minute VSM phb 255 12 Major Image 3rd Illusion 1 action VSM yes phb 258 13 Nondetection 3rd Abjuration 1 action VSMgp phb 263 14 Plant Growth 3rd Transmutation 1 action VS phb 266 15 Sending 3rd Evocation 1 action VSM phb 274 16 Speak with Dead 3rd Necromancy 1 action VSM phb 277 17 Speak with Plants 3rd Transmutation 1 action VS phb 277 18 Stinking Cloud 3rd Conjuration 1 action VSM yes phb 278 19 Tongues 3rd Divination 1 action VM phb 283 4th level Bard Spells Name ◇ Level ◇ School ◇ Ritual ◇ Casting Time ◇ Components ◇ Concentration ◇ Source ◇ 01 Charm Monster 4th Enchantment 1 action VS xge 151 02 Compulsion 4th Enchantment 1 action VS yes phb 224 03 Confusion 4th Enchantment 1 action VSM yes phb 224 04 Dimension Door 4th Conjuration 1 action V phb 233 05 Freedom of Movement 4th Abjuration 1 action VSM phb 244 06 Greater Invisibility 4th Illusion 1 action VS yes phb 246 07 Hallucinatory Terrain 4th Illusion 10 minutes VSM phb 249 08 Locate Creature 4th Divination 1 action VSM yes phb 256 09 Polymorph 4th Transmutation 1 action VSM yes phb 266 5th level Bard Spells Name ◇ Level ◇ School ◇ Ritual ◇ Casting Time ◇ Components ◇ Concentration ◇ Source ◇ 01 Animate Objects 5th Transmutation 1 action VS yes phb 213 02 Awaken 5th Transmutation 8 hours VSMgp phb 216 03 Dominate Person 5th Enchantment 1 action VS yes phb 235 04 Dream 5th Illusion 1 minute VSM phb 236 05 Geas 5th Enchantment 1 minute V phb 244 06 Greater Restoration 5th Abjuration 1 action VSMgp phb 246 07 Hold Monster 5th Enchantment 1 action VSM yes phb 251 08 Legend Lore 5th Divination 10 minutes VSMgp phb 254 09 Mass Cure Wounds 5th Evocation 1 action VS phb 258 10 Mislead 5th Illusion 1 action S yes phb 260 11 Modify Memory 5th Enchantment 1 action VS yes phb 261 12 Planar Binding 5th Abjuration 1 hour VSMgp phb 265 13 Raise Dead 5th Necromancy 1 hour VSMgp phb 270 14 Scrying 5th Divination 10 minutes VSMgp yes phb 273 15 Seeming 5th Illusion 1 action VS phb 274 16 Skill Empowerment 5th Transmutation 1 action VS yes xge 165 17 Synaptic Static 5th Enchantment 1 action VS xge 167 18 Teleportation Circle 5th Conjuration 1 minute VMgp phb 282 6th level Bard Spells Name ◇ Level ◇ School ◇ Ritual ◇ Casting Time ◇ Components ◇ Concentration ◇ Source ◇ 01 Eyebite 6th Necromancy 1 action VS yes phb 238 02 Find the Path 6th Divination 1 minute VSMgp yes phb 240 03 Guards and Wards 6th Abjuration 10 minutes VSMgp phb 248 04 Mass Suggestion 6th Enchantment 1 action VM phb 258 05 Otto's Irresistible Dance 6th Enchantment 1 action V yes phb 264 06 Programmed Illusion 6th Illusion 1 action VSMgp phb 269 07 True Seeing 6th Divination 1 action VSMgp phb 284 6th level Bard Spells Cleric Spells 1st level Cleric Spells Name ◇ Level ◇ School ◇ Ritual ◇ Casting Time ◇ Components ◇ Concentration ◇ Source ◇ 01 Bane 1st Enchantment 1 action VSM yes phb 216 02 Bless 1st Enchantment 1 action VSM yes phb 219 03 Ceremony 1st Abjuration yes 1 hour VSMgp xge 151 04 Command 1st Enchantment 1 action V phb 223 05 Create or Destroy Water 1st Transmutation 1 action VSM phb 229 06 Cure Wounds 1st Evocation 1 action VS phb 230 07 Detect Evil and Good 1st Divination 1 action VS yes phb 231 08 Detect Magic 1st Divination yes 1 action VS yes phb 231 09 Detect Poison and Disease 1st Divination yes 1 action VSM yes phb 231 10 Guiding Bolt 1st Evocation 1 action VS phb 248 11 Healing Word 1st Evocation 1 bonus action V phb 250 12 Inflict Wounds 1st Necromancy 1 action VS phb 253 13 Protection from Evil and Good 1st Abjuration 1 action VSM yes phb 270 14 Purify Food and Drink 1st Transmutation yes 1 action VS phb 270 15 Sanctuary 1st Abjuration 1 bonus action VSM phb 272 16 Shield of Faith 1st Abjuration 1 bonus action VSM yes phb 275 2nd level Cleric Spells Name ◇ Level ◇ School ◇ Ritual ◇ Casting Time ◇ Components ◇ Concentration ◇ Source ◇ 01 Aid 2nd Abjuration 1 action VSM phb 211 02 Augury 2nd Divination yes 1 minute VSMgp phb 215 03 Blindness /Deafness 2nd Necromancy 1 action V phb 219 04 Calm Emotions 2nd Enchantment 1 action VS yes phb 221 05 Continual Flame 2nd Evocation 1 action VSMgp phb 227 06 Enhance Ability 2nd Transmutation 1 action VSM yes phb 237 07 Find Traps 2nd Divination 1 action VS phb 241 08 Gentle Repose 2nd Necromancy yes 1 action VSM phb 245 09 Hold Person 2nd Enchantment 1 action VSM yes phb 251 10 Lesser Restoration 2nd Abjuration 1 action VS phb 255 11 Locate Object 2nd Divination 1 action VSM yes phb 256 12 Prayer of Healing 2nd Evocation 10 minutes V phb 267 13 Protection from Poison 2nd Abjuration 1 action VS phb 270 14 Silence 2nd Illusion yes 1 action VS yes phb 275 15 Spiritual Weapon 2nd Evocation 1 bonus action VS phb 278 16 Warding Bond 2nd Abjuration 1 action VSMgp phb 287 17 Zone of Truth 2nd Enchantment 1 action VS phb 289 Edited June 6 by Morgrym (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morgrym Posted June 7 Author Clone Share Posted June 7 Dracart Dracart, Wizard of the Black Robes ~ male Nerakan human ~ (Wizard of High Sorcery), Wizard (Enchanter) 14 Medium humanoid (human) Languages Trade Tongue, Nerakese, Draconic Tool Proficiencies alchemy tools Proficiency Bonus +4 Initiative +1, Speed 30 Str 12 Dex 12 Con 16 Int 20 Wis 16 Cha 16 Saves: Str +1, Dex +1, Con +7*, Int +9*, Wis +7*, Cha +3 HD 14d6 HP 99 Skills +9 arcana, +9 history, +7 insight, +9 investigation, +7 medicine, +9 nature, +7 perception, +7 persuasion, +9 religion Feats Initiate of High Sorcery (+1 cantrip), (hex, dissonant whispers) Prodigy Skilled Phobia (mirrors) Resilient (Con) Shadow Touched (invisibility, spare the dying) Adept of the Black Robes (blindness/deafness) Eldritch Adept devilsight 120 Observant Spellcasting +9 spell attack, DC 18, prepare 19 Cantrips spare the dying, vicious mockery, chill touch, toll the dead, light, fire bolt, frostbite 1st (4 slots) protection from evil and good, mage armor, shield, fog cloud, (hex, dissonant whispers) 2nd (3 slots) darkness, shadow blade, suggestion, (blindness/deafness, invisibility) 3rd (3 slots) summon shadowspawn, bestow curse, vampiric touch 4th (3 slots) blight, charm monster, dimension door 5th (2 slots) geas, negative energy flood 6th (1 slot) eyebite, mental prison 7th (1 slot) power word pain, finger of death Features Enchantment Savant. Hypnotic Gaze. Instinctive Charm. Alter Memories. Life Channel. Ritual Caster. Arcane Recovery. Spellbook Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morgrym Posted June 12 Author Clone Share Posted June 12 (edited) Yalashim's Chill Fog Yalashim's Chill Fog 1st-level necromancy Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V,S,M (powdered bone from a bone naga and a drop of melted water) Duration: 1 minute You cloud an area with cold wet mist that is draining in a 20-foot-radius area centered on a point you choose within range that you can see. When the spell is cast and at the beginning of each of your turns for the duration, any creature in the fog takes 1d4 cold damage and 1d4 necrotic damage. Additionally, creatures in the fog when the spell is cast must succeed a Constitution saving throw or gain the blinded condition until the end of their next turn. The area is difficult terrain and lightly obscured for the duration. A moderate or stronger wind disperses the cloud harmlessly. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the cold and necrotic damage increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 2nd. Edited June 14 by Morgrym (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morgrym Posted June 13 Author Clone Share Posted June 13 King Volgor Stoneshaker of Bloten ~ male ogre ~ (Giant Foundling), Barbarian (Path of the Giant) 12 large giant Str 20 Dex 16 Con 22 Int 12 Wis 16 Cha 14 AC 21 HD 12 HP 169 Saves (adv vs spells) Str* +10 (rage adv), Dex +3 (danger sense adv), Con* +11, Int +1, Wis* +7, Cha +2 Speed 45, Initiative +8 (adv) Languages Ogre, Trade Tongue, Giant Tools gemcutting tools Proficiency Bonus +4 Resistance acid Weapons +11 / +11 +2 viscous greatclub 1d12+10 magic bludgeoning (+1d12+7 damage on nat 20; savage attacker) Skills Athletics, Intimidation, Perception Survival Feats/Flaws Tough Strike of the Giant (Stone Strike) 1/turn when you hit with melee or thrown weapon +1d6 force damage and Str save DC 20 or be pushed 10 feet back in a straight line. 4/long rest Abrasive Personality dis Persuasion Savage Attacker Alert Great Weapon Master 1/turn on critical or reduce to 0, extra melee weapon attack as bonus action Resilient (wis) Crusher 1/turn, when hit move creature no larger than you 5 feet; when you score a critical hit, attack rolls against that creature are made with advantage until start of your next turn Features Darkvision 60 Intimidating Size adv on Intimidation checks vs Med or smaller Dark Queen's Blessing health Giant's Power learn thaumaturgy cantrip Crushing Throw while raging a successful ranged attack with thrown weapon add Rage damage Giant Stature while raging, your reach increases by 5 feet to 10 feet Elemental Cleaver while raging, choose one weapon, it deals +1d6 thunder damage Mighty Impel as Bonus Action while raging, hurl Med or smaller creature to unoccupied space within 30 feet (Str save DC 19 to avoid). On a failed save, the creature lands prone Rage 4/long. adv Str saves, Rage damage +3 Unarmored Defense AC 10 + Dex + Con Reckless Attack adv melee attack rolls using Str, attack rolls against you have advantage until your next turn Extra Attack Danger Sense adv on Dex saves vs effects you can see Fast Movement Feral Instinct adv on Initiative rolls Brutal Critical extra 1d12 on critical Relentless Rage fight past 0 hp Attuned Magic Items ring of earth elemental command ~ 5 charges, +1d4+1/dawn, DC 17, can move through solid earth and rock, no difficult terrain, dominate monster (earth elementals only) (2 charges), stone shape (2 charges), stoneskin (3 charges), wall of stone (3 charges) bracers of defense ~ +2 AC when wearing no armor or shield mantle of spell resistance Other Magic Items elixir of health stone of controlling earth elementals Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morgrym Posted June 14 Author Clone Share Posted June 14 (edited) Katrenn the Firebrand CN female human (Acolyte), Ranger (Monster Slayer) 4 / Druid (Circle of Wildfire) 5 / Cleric of Sirrion 1 / Sorcerer (Wild) 8 18, 16, 15, 14, 14, 13 HD 18 HP 4d10/5d8/1d8/8d6 AC Languages Trade Tongue, Sylvan, Goblin, Solamnic, Nerakese, Druidic Prof Bonus +6 Armor light, medium, shields Weapons simple, martial Tools Herbalism kit Speed 40 Saves Str* Dex* Con Int Wis Cha Skills Insight, Nature, Religion, Perception (prof bonus dbl), Stealth, Survival Feats Features Shelter of the Faithful Favored Enemy (goblins and humans) Adv on Survival checks to track; adv Int checks to recall info; +2 damage Deft Explorer (canny) Perception Fighting Style ~ blindfighting 10 ft. Primal Awareness ~ 1/day ranger spell known speak with animals Hunter's Sense ~ 1 action look at creature<60 feet. you learn immunities, resistances, vulnerabilities Slayer's Prey ~ bonus action designate 1 creature <60 ft...1st time each turn you hit them, +1d6 damage Wild Shape CR 1/2 no fly speed / Ritual Casting **Summon Wildfire Spirit (Tashas's p 40) AC 13, bonus action to command 30 ft, action to summon, 30 hp, sp 30 fly, summoned already flame seed ranged +8 1d6+6 fire damage, acts after katrenn on init) **Warding Flare when attacked by creature you can see 30 you can use reaction to impose disadvantage on an attack roll, causing fire to flare 3/day Spellcasting (Ranger) 3 1st, Spells known: 3 1st, DC 8 + 6 + Wis 1st (3) absorb elements (r), ensnaring strike (b), zephyr strike (b), (protection from evil and good, speak with animals) Spellcasting (Druid) 3 1st, Spells known: 3 cantrips kn, 1st, DC 8 + 6 + Wis Cantrips druidcraft, control flames, produce flame (hurl 30 2d8) 1st (4 slots) faerie fire (c 60), longstrider (on), healing word (b 60 1d4+3); (burning hands, cure wounds) 2nd (3 slots) gust of wind, heat metal, flame blade, (flaming sphere 60 ft up close), scorching ray (120 ft)) 3rd (2 slots) flame arrows (c<1hour), daylight (60-ft radius), (plant growth, revivify) Spellcasting (Cleric) Spells known: 3 cantrips, light, DC 8 + 6 + Wis Cantrips sacred flame (60 dex save or 1d8 radiant), word of radiance, thaumaturgy, light 1st (2 slots) guiding bolt 120 ft range spell 4d6 radiant and the next att roll has advantage, sanctuary (b), (bless, cure wounds) Spellcasting (Sorcerer) Spells known: 5 cantrips, spells known 9, DC 8 + 6 + Cha Cantrips fire bolt (120 2d10), friends, true strike, gust, message 1st Edited June 15 by Morgrym (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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