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Out of Character Chat


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Awesome!  Glad that I've sorted out how to do private-to-me threads.  So I can start trying to work out posting formats and whatnot if we're moving over here.

The dice rolling process here is really not great at the moment!  But I know they're working hard at it.  🙂

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allefgib is opposed to making the switch right this second-- but I really would like to hear what bubs and Paro have to say.  I'm curious about how long the dice roller will be a problem, given that they're actively working on it now, as far as I can tell.

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Hm.  So, I've created a character sheets tab, but I think that's literally just for adding the sheets, and not specifically for posting and working out formats and discussing things...  so...  one second...  Maybe I'll add one that's just like "Player threads"?

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I have a basic layout and character thread written out. I'll need to play around with the rest of it and include all my spells and items, there's not room on the sheet any more for that.


So far, not bad though.

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Hey team - I'm not opposed so much as happy to wait 🙂  

I like the idea of a test.

I loved the work my buddy did on the statblock generator years ago... weaning me off it is probably going to be a good thing 😉

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Woohoo!  In doing the painful work to bring my extensive statblock across I've discoverd a missing +2 to will saves from the mythic advancement of my campaign trait (Child of the Crusades).

What a boon - up to +14 now!!  If I can get that cloak of free will as well.. 😉

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