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I trust that that part of the wiki is currently up to date, and I'm happy for you to use your cash appropriately. This chapter is very flexible timeline-wise, and if you want to take some additional time for crafting items between the subchapters (including before the current Sequoyah-based one), I approve!

We need to make sure that, after this round, we update the wiki so we don't wind up spending the same money repeatedly!

That said, i'm uncertain how long that wiki will be supported and usable. While I can (and have started to) move all of the general information over, I'm not sure how we get one place here that is editable by any of you. Any thoughts on that?

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Agreed! I will try to get that set up. Having some chaos around housing happening at the moment, so I can't give a good timeline. But honestly, if anyone wants make one and post it, that's fine with me. I can link it at the top of the Chronicles page so that it's easy to find.

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I'll try to find if we ever made a decision on the Scythe. Possibly it was to be involved in the Redemption of the Corruption Forge, I assume.


EDIT : As far as I can see, we came to no conclusion. We talked about :

- using it as proof of the Redemption of the Corruption Forge,

- Ragnar keeping it / pitting his will against it to make it his own

- Selling it.

Last post I find is here : https://og.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?p=16185882#post16185882

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I was definitely in favor of selling it so I could get those Sniper Goggles you mentioned Thot! If we have enough without selling, I'm okay with doing whatever for the Scythe. 20k GP for regular old sniper goggles! a drop in the bucket!

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Hey all! Going back to the discussion about the Sniper's Goggles, is everyone okay with me using some of the group treasure to purchase the Sniper's Goggles before we go into the next subchapter? I'd need about 19,000 GP to purchase them outright or 9,000 if Luohn can craft them.

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Obviously the better use of the party's treasure is if Luohn can craft them, which seems possible before the start of this chapter. I am very fine with that, I would just request waiting for the common Google Doc with the party treasure to double check and organize my previous tally before making a definitive call, if that's all right with you ?

Also, about Staunton's Scythe, from an IC point of view, I think Luohn would rather it be kept by the party until it can be redeemed with the reversed Corruption Forge. He can be gainsaid if a majority of the party prefers otherwise, of course.

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Looking through past threads, I realize we brought Frost Giants back to Drezen, I had forgotten that. And also that we have Joran Vhane in custody, or something close. Perhaps Joran can also help with the Forge too, even if he himself wasn't so enthusiastic at first to join hand with us.

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