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World of Farland Updates


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Here we go with the World of Farland's July update! It's a scorcher!

For our content this month we give you:


  • Our World of Farland Players Guide 2! More amazing options for building your characters! A 124-page manual (pdf or print) to be used in a Farland campaign or in your own D&D setting. Now at Drivethrurpg!

Get it here


Follow the World of Farland on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram! Check out our offerings on DriveThruRPG and Roll20.

Roll those bones!




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  • 1 month later...

Time for the World of Farland's September update! 


For this update we give you:

  • A new Planar Item, Avernus Steel. Used to make magic items, and forged in the furnaces of Hell itself...
  • New art of the Hellish Forges of Avernus. Few who see them ever tell the tale.
  • Our World of Farland Players Guide 2 has now been added to PDF and hardcover bundles, so you can get a discount on all our products at DriveThru RPG!

See the update here.


Thanks to our staff writer ChaosHarbinger for Avernus Steel.


Follow the World of Farland on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram! Check out our offerings on DriveThruRPG and Roll20.


Happy gaming and happy Fall!

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  • 4 months later...

Alright, back to World of Farland updates in 2023!

For our free content we give you:

  • The sixth and final part of the story "Blizzard and Belendale." All hell breaks loose in the land of the elves!
  • A new feat, Intense Concentration. Concentrate on two spells at the same time (for a price)...
  • New art of Valanduil and the Dweller in the Wintervale. New visions of the famous elf and BBEG!


See the update here.


Thanks to our staff writer ChaosHarbinger for "Blizzard and Belendale."


Follow the World of Farland on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram! Check out our offerings on DriveThruRPG and Roll20.


Game on!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Alright, time for our romantic Valentines Day update!

For our free content we give you:

  • New art of the greater gods of Farland. Gaze upon their terror and glory!
  • A New Planar Item, Black Cedar Staff/ Wand. Fresh from the Cedar Groves of hell...
  • A new feat, Punitive Counterspell. Don't just counter their spell... punish them for casting itin the first place!

See the update here!

Thanks to our staff writer @ChaosHarbinger for the feat and planar item.

Follow us on twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!

Check out our offerings on DriveThruRPG!

Time to game!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Time for the World of Farland's Ides of March update! Hope your day proves to be better than Caesar's...

For this update we give you:

  • New art of the lesser gods of Farland. Quite the rogue's gallery...
  • The first part of an amazing new story, "The Adamdar Spring." Where is our beloved paladin? Check in the Nether Realms!
  • A new feat, Arcane Adept. Increase your character's magical power!

See the update here!

Thanks to our staff writer @ChaosHarbinger for Adamdar Spring.

Follow us on twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!

Check out our offerings on DriveThruRPG!

Happy gaming!

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  • 2 months later...

Time for the World of Farland's May update! Summer is on the way.

For this update we bring you:

  • The second part of the story "The Adamdar Spring." Brokk and Isolde venture deeper into the gnomish hold while the others face dire problems of their own...
  • A new magic item, The Pack of Aelendes. It will serve you well in the wilderness.
  • New art of the Pack of Aelendes. A magical enruned leather backpack to help you on your journeys!

See the update here!

Thanks to our staff writer @ChaosHarbinger for Adamdar Spring.

Follow us on twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!

Check out our offerings on DriveThruRPG!

Game on!

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  • 3 months later...

Time for the World of Farland's August update! It's hot, just like our new stuff!

For our free content we give you:

  • The third part of the story "The Adamdar Spring." Our heroes struggle in a particular hell while other face a Mindflayer!
  • A new spell, draining strike! Damage your foes while they lose their spells!
  • New art of the dreaded Lord of Pride and Lord (or rather Lady) of Lust. Like you've never seen them before...

Thanks to our staff writer @ChaosHarbinger for Adamdar Spring 3.

See the update here!

Follow us on twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!

Check out our offerings on DriveThruRPG, Roll20, and Fantasy Grounds!

Roll those bones!

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  • 3 months later...

Time for the World of Farland's festive holiday update!

For this update we bring you:

  • Errata for all our DTRPG publications. Corrections and balance fixes.
  • New art of the dreaded Lord of Gluttony, that ole vamp..
  • New art of the Lord of Envy, complete with his famous amulet and gauntlet.

See the update here!

Follow us on twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!

Check out our offerings on DriveThruRPG!

Happy holidays!

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  • 2 months later...

Time for the World of Farland's Valentine's Day update!

For this update we give you:

  • The fourth part of the story "The Adamdar Spring." Gareth struggles to rule a kingdom, Aidan navigates the Hells, and Brokk descends into the deeps. By our own @ChaosHarbinger
  • A new NPC, Brokk the mysterious and tormented dwarf wizard, from "Adamdar Spring"!
  • A new feat, Whirling Dervish. Become a tornado of lethality on the battlefield!

See the update here!

Follow us on Threads, Facebook, and Instagram!

Check out our offerings on DriveThruRPG!

Happy love day!

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  • 2 months later...

Time for the World of May update!

For this update we give you:

  • The fifth part of the story "The Adamdar Spring." Gareth gets abducted (twice), Embla has to battle a friend, and Brokk might have found a way to retrieve Aiden's soul. By our own @ChaosHarbinger
  • New stats for King Milon Dukalle, King of Kale. He plays a large role in this month's story.
  • New art of King Milon. He's a canny customer!

See the update here!

Follow us on Threads, Facebook, and Instagram!

Check out our offerings on DriveThruRPG!

Roll those bones!

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