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Sedha the Aasimar Paladin


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Sedhanon Nin Kur
The Destined One
Gender: Male
Race: Scourge Aasimar
Alignment: Lawful Good
Class: Paladin 2
Background: Noble

Passive Perception: 11
Passive Investigation: 9
Passive Insight: 13


Hit Points: 20
Hit Dice: 2d10
AC: 19
Initiative: +0
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet


"Count yourselves lucky for fate blesses you with my presence this day!"



Proficiency Bonus: +2














Save +2 Save +0 Save +2 Save -1 Save +3 Save +5
Athletics +4

Acrobatics +0

Stealth +0

Sleight +0


History +1

Arcane -1

Investigation -1

Religion -1

Insight +3

Perception +1

Medicine +1

Animal Handling +1

Survival +1

Persuasion +5

Intimidation +3

Deception +3

Performance +3

 Bold denotes proficency.




All Armor


Simple Weapons

Martial Weapons




Paladin Class Abilities

Divine SenseThe presence of strong evil registers on your senses like a noxious odor, and powerful good rings like heavenly music in your ears. As an action, you can open your awareness to detect such forces. Until the end of your next turn, you know the location of any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet of you that is not behind total cover. You know the type (celestial, fiend, or undead) of any being whose presence you sense, but not its identity (the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich, for instance). Within the same radius, you also detect the presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated, as with the Hallow spell.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier. When you finish a long rest, you regain all expended uses.

Lay on HandsYour blessed touch can heal wounds. You have a pool of healing power that replenishes when you take a long rest. With that pool, you can restore a total number of hit points equal to your paladin level x 5.

As an action, you can touch a creature and draw power from the pool to restore a number of hit points to that creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in your pool.

Alternatively, you can expend 5 hit points from your pool of healing to cure the target of one disease or neutralize one poison affecting it. You can cure multiple diseases and neutralize multiple poisons with a single use of Lay on Hands, expending hit points separately for each one.

This feature has no effect on undead and constructs.

Fighting StyleStarting at 2nd level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can't take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again. DefenseWhile you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.

Divine SmiteStarting at 2nd level, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one spell slot to deal radiant damage to the target, in addition to the weapon's damage. The extra damage is 2d8 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st, to a maximum of 5d8. The damage increases by 1d8 if the target is an undead or a fiend, to a maximum of 6d8.



Ability Score IncreaseYour Charisma score increases by 2. Your Constitution increases by 1.

DarkvisionBlessed with a radiant soul, your vision can easily cut through darkness. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. 60'

Celestial ResistanceYou have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage.

Healing HandsAs an action, you can touch a creature and cause it to regain a number of hit points equal to your level. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest. 2hp, 1/long rest

Light BearerYou know the Light cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it.

Radiant ConsumptionStarting at 3rd level, you can use your action to unleash the divine energy within yourself, causing a searing light to radiate from you, pour out of your eyes and mouth, and threaten to char you.

>Your transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. During it, you shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet, and at the end of each of your turns, you and each creature within 10 feet of you take radiant damage equal to half your level (rounded up). In addition, once on each of your turns, you can deal extra radiant damage to one target when you deal damage to it with an attack or a spell. The extra radiant damage equals your level.

>Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.


[Feats and/or ASI here]




Longsword +4 1d8+2 slashing versatile (1d10)
Javelin +4 1d6+2 piercing

thrown (30'/120')




Spell Slots: 2/2 (1st Level Paladin)

Paladin - Spell Save DC: 13 Spell Attack Mod: +5 Spells Prepared: 4


Light Bearer





Purify Food and Drink

Detect Magic (C)

Detect Poison and Disease (C)




* Denotes a Midgard spell. / (C) Denotes concentration. / (R) Denotes reaction spell. / (B) Denotes bonus action spell.



Copper: 0 Silver: 25 Gold: 0 Obsidian: 0 Platinum: 0

(25 Coins * .02 lbs. = .5 lbs. Total Weight)


Encumbrance, heaviness, load, mass, sinker, stowage, weight icon - Download  on IconfinderENCUMBRANCE

Weight: 140 lbs. / 225 lbs. max. (15 x STR Score)
Status: Unencumbered
Penalty: None



Equipped Items: (86 lbs.)

Equipped items can be retrieved with a manipulate item interaction.

ARMOR (67 lbs.) WEAPONS (13 lbs.) READIED ITEMS (6 lbs.)

Chainmail - 75 gp (55 lbs.)

Shield - 10 gp (6 lbs.)

Fine Clothes - 15 gp (6 lbs.)

Longsword - 15 gp (3 lbs.)

Javelins x5 - 25 sp (10 lbs.)

Holy Symbol (amulet) - 5 gp (1 lbs.)

Backpack - 2 gp (5 lbs.)

Signet Ring - 5 gp



education_icons_IF-06-512.pngEQUIPMENT STORED

Stored Items: (54 lbs.)

Stored items can be retrieved with an action.

IN BACKPACK (27 lbs.) STRAPPED TO BACKPACK (27 lbs.) AT HOME (-- lbs.)

Mess Kit - 2 sp (1 lbs.)

Rations x 10 Days - 50 sp (20 lbs.)

Tinder Box - 5 sp (1 lbs.)

Waterskin - 2 sp (5 lbs. (full))

Scroll of Pedigree

Hempen Rope 50' - 1 gp (10 lbs.)

Bed Roll - 1 gp (2 lbs.)

Blanket - 5 sp (5 lbs.)

Torches x 10 - 10 cp (10 lbs.)




Item_necklace_9.pngMAGIC ITEMS

Magic Items: (3 lbs.)


NON-ATTUNED (0.0 lbs) ATTUNED 0/3 (x lbs.)





Age: 35 Height: 6' 5" Weight: 194 lbs.
Hair: Golden Eyes: Pure Complexion: Fair

A golden haired Aasimar, Sedha is as handsome as he is arrogant. His armor shines like silver with his selfish radiance. It is difficult to believe that this self-serving being could be a paladin as the only god he seems to respect is Bahamut, but he claims his power comes from his own dormant divinity. He is self-assured of his greatness, but only time will tell if this is prescience or delirium.




Personality Traits: No one could doubt by looking at my regal bearing that I am a cut above the unwashed masses.


Ideals: Independence, I must prove that I can handle myself without the coddling of my family.


Bonds: One day, I shall become a king by my own hand! My subjects, I shall treasure above gold. My enemies, I shall utterly destroy.


Flaws: Fool! I have no flaws. I shall become perfection incarnate.


Background Feature: Position of PrivilegeThanks to your noble birth, people are inclined to think the best of you. You are welcome in high society, and people assume you have the right to be wherever you are. The common folk make every effort to accommodate you and avoid your displeasure, and other people of high birth treat you as a member of the same social sphere. You can secure an audience with a local noble if you need to.

  • "I was born the son to an angel of Pelor and an Aasimar lord. For this, the common folk termed me the two third-divinity. I grew to resent such a term."
  • "I found that there was nothing I could not excel at if I tried."
  • "Life in the Court and the love of the commoners became tedious. I grew weary of the devotion with which the masses showered me for my auspicious birth though I was more than worthy of it."
  • "I identified more with the Platinum Dragon, Bahamut, than my mother's liege, Pelor. In the end, I decided to embark on an adventure to a distant land where I might become a legend by my own effort rather than the begetting of divine parentage.
  • "Then I had a dream that led me to this caravan."
  • "Greenrest, a simple place with a simple name. Perhaps it is here that I shall begin my tale as a nascent Hero King!"


Edited by RedDingo (see edit history)
2nd Level Hit Die
1d10 [[6]]
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