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Living in the wild carnage is something Vadania sees everyday when a predator succeeds in hunting down its victim.
The difference is that predators only kill for their own survival and to feed not out of emotion. 
One of the main reasons Vadania is disgusted by this so-called civilization and would rather avoid being involved.

Vadania gets as close to crime scene as the guards allow him and inspects the victims as well as the arrested suspects if they show any resemblence to the description Volo gave them of Floon Blagmaar.
Maybe the suspects stole some item that Vadania can see that could be taken from a wizard or someone dresses like a royal?

Perception (Looking for any signs their target was somehow involved)



Living in the wild carnage is something Vadania sees everyday when a predator succeeds in hunting down its victim.
The difference is that predators only kill for their own survival and to feed not out of emotion. 
One of the main reasons Vadania is disgusted by this so-called civilization and would rather avoid being involved.

Vadania gets as close to crime scene as the guards allow him and inspects the victims as well as the arrested suspects if they show any resemblence to the description Volo gave them of Floon Blagmaar.
Maybe the suspects stole some item that Vadania can see that could be taken from a wizard or someone dresses like a royal?

Perception (Looking for any signs their target was somehow involved):1d20+2



Living in the wild carnage is something Vadania sees everyday when a predator succeeds in hunting down its victim.
The difference is that predators only kill for their own survival and to feed not out of emotion. 
One of the main reasons Vadania is disgusted by this so-called civilization and would rather avoid being involved.

Vadania gets as close to crime scene as the guards allow him and inspects the victims as well as the arrested suspects if they show any resemblence to the description Volo gave them of Floon Blagmaar.
Maybe the suspects stole some item that Vadania can see that could be taken from a wizard or someone dresses like a royal?

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