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El Condor


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spacer.pngThe man called "El Condor" has seen and done a lot o' shit in his long life.  Some o' it even honest, but none o' it's whatcha call clean.  And some might say it's a miracle he's even gotten this old -- but it's probably the providence o' the Other Place, given what drives him these days.

Now, even an hombre like El Condor felt his step gettin' slow and got a hankerin' to settle down.  Even got married and had a daughter!  His sweet Roxana, spittin' image o' her mother, she was.  And a balm for a hard heart when cholera took his wife.  Y'all might laugh to see El Condor as a family man, but even scorpions love their babies.   Roxana grew up fine and strong like a honey mesquite.  And soon she caught the eye o' a gringo who wandered into town -- a missionary man named Reuben Knapp.  Now Knapp, he was from out California way -- Lost Angeles.  Y'know, Reverend Grimme's piece o' paradise down in the Golden State?  Well, all Knapp would say is that he had a disagreement in how Grimme interpreted the word o' God and wanted to strike out on his own!

Course, El Condor wasn't too keen on any missionary man wooing his baby girl -- any father thinks no man would be good enough for his daughter!  He thought Knapp had too wide a grin and too silver a tongue!  Y'all could argue that might have been the last bit o' Catholic in the old man.  Honest, Protestant folk can be a bit full o' themselves with the chest-beatin' and homilizin'.  But El Condor couldn't say "no" to his only child.  Soon Reuben took Roxana as his bride and two years later, Angelina was born.

Oh, you shoulda seen the pile o' mush El Condor was around his granddaughter!  He doted on that child, bouncin' her on his knee and singin' the same lullabies he sang to Roxana.  Not very well, but the heart was there.  After all these years, he'd earn that rest.  And he let his guard down finally...

He had been huntin', El Condor was.  A sudden storm had him holed up in the mountains longer than he expected.  When he got back, Reuben was more itchy than a flea-bitten hound.  He was wailin' that Roxana up and abandoned him and their little girl!  Ran off with another man!  Now, El Condor, he don't like that kind o' talk about his daughter.  He might have been a fallen man once upon a time, but Roxana was as pure in soul as a mountain creek in winter!  So he goes off to ask around and sniff for clues.

And he ends up findin' what no mother or father ever wants to find -- a fresh grave a ways away.  There, lyin' with a scream o' ever-frozen pain and terror, was the butchered corpse o' Roxana.  And pieces o' her were missin'.

El Condor, he tears off back to the house, back to confront that hijueputa devil Knapp and make him answer for his crimes.  But Knapp had rabbited out -- and he had taken Angelina with him.

It's been five years now.  Whatever happiness El Condor had is now ashes.  He's hellbound to find Knapp -- rumor has it the sumbitch might now be in Kansas.  He's gonna find his granddaughter before he passes on and make Knapp pay.  El Condor flies again -- FOR VENGEANCE!


Edited by Laird_Thorne (see edit history)
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There's a link to his sheet there in the 1st sentence (if ye want to help me with my mathage. Elderly does grant him 5 extra skill points in Smarts related stuff)

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3 hours ago, RedRajah said:

There's a link to his sheet there in the 1st sentence (if ye want to help me with my mathage. Elderly does grant him 5 extra skill points in Smarts related stuff)

It just took me to the Sheets page in general, not the exact sheet….

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