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Livingston was pleased with Coupard's decorum. He answered the young man's question in a way that put him at ease but was still very much in the spirt of "tell no one."

Livingston doubted that there was any danger from the sample. Broder had possessed it for at least longer than they had, and Broder's death was not out of the ordinary. And Broder wouldn't have passed it on to his Rabbi if he knew it was dangerous.

"Was there any indication that the sample was taken locally? Can you tell from such a small rock if it is from around here?"



Livingston doubted that there was any danger from the sample. Broder had possessed it for at least longer than they had, and Broder's death was not out of the ordinary. And Broder wouldn't have passed it on to his Rabbi if he knew it was dangerous.

"Was there any indication that the sample was taken locally? Can you tell from such a small rock if it is from around here?"

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