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The ghoul hisses its answer in common to Edwin. "That's two questions, you don't play game." then after the claim that Edwin is cheating.. "Yes, I could enlighten you. ", a literal answer to Edwin's first question, then.. "Second answer is.. Yes, we know." .. another literal answer to Edwin's second question, the one the ghoul clearly considers bad faith. Following this there is a long pause.. "I have no more questions.. so game over.", the thing says with finality. The ghoul remains where he is, watchful and still, almost entirely behind a barricade of destroyed furniture.



The ghoul hisses its answer in common to Edwin. "That's two questions, you don't play game." then after the claim that Edwin is cheating.. "Yes, I could enlighten you. ", a literal answer to Edwin's first question, then.. "Second answer is.. Yes, we know." .. another literal answer to Edwin's second question, the one the ghoul clearly considers bad faith. Followin this there is a long pause.. "I have no more questions.. so game over.", the thing says with finality. The ghoul remains where he is, watchful and still, almost entirely behind a barricade of destroyed furniture.



The ghoul hisses its answer in common to Edwin. "That's two questions, you don't play game." then.. "Yes, I could enlighten you. ", finally.. "Second answer is.. Yes, we know."

There is a long pause..

"I have no more questions.. so game over.", the thing says with finality.

The ghoul remains where he is, watchful and almost entirely behind a barricade of destroyed furniture..



The ghoul hisses its answer in common. "That's two questions, you don't play game." then.. "Yes, I could enlighten you. ", finally.. "Second answer is.. Yes, we know."

There is a long pause..

"I have no more questions.. so game over."

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