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  1. AC 32 HP 72/72 Half Elf Occultist Level 8 Init 3 HP 72/72 Speed 20' AC 32 Touch 15 FF 28 CMD 26 CMB +11 BAB 6 Fort 10 Ref 8 Will 12 (14 vs enchantments) +1 Adamant Horsechopper +16 (1d10+8, x3) Reach, Trip, Slice, Pierce Alchemical Silver Cestus +12 (1d4+5, 19-20/x2) Bludgeon, Pierce Cold Iron Cestus +12 (1d4+5, 19-20/x2) Bludgeon, Pierce Plate +2 (Mithril) Darkwood Full Shield +2 (+11 Armor +5 Shield +3 Dex, +1 Nat +1 Def) Str 20 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 22 Wis 12 Cha 8 0 (6/6) Detect Magic, Detect Psychic Significance, Mage Hand, Message 1 (6/6) Hold Portal, Lead Blades, Liberating Command, Heightened Awareness 2 (6/6) Node of Blasting, Resist Energy, See Invisibility, Versatile Weapon [bludgeoning, cold iron, piercing, silver, or slashing] 3 (3/3) Slow, Fly, Haste, Arcane Sight Resonant Powers (Always on) Transmutation Phys Enh. +4 to Strength Abj Warding Talisman (Su) +3 to all saves. Divination 3rd Eye +3 perception, low light, darkvision Base Powers Abj Mind Barrier [Swift] 14pts of damage Div Sudden Insight Swift 1 roll +4 roll [ability, attack, skill] Trans Legacy Weapon Std [Bane +3 to hit/2d6+1 damage] [Holy +2d6 ignores dam reduction] Warrior Combat Trick Move Action 3pts Dedicated Adversary +2 to hit/+2 to damage 4 Focus Powers Aegis Std 1pt 1 min +1 AC plus [Defiant +2 AC/+2 DR][Deathless Absorbs 10pts negative/per attack & 25% ignores level drain] Mind's Eye Danger Sight Immediate +4 AC or Save 1 rnd Energy Shield Swift Protection from Energy 35 Condition None "Doctor Craven Strathairn, Professor of History, University of Lepidstadt at your service.", murmurs the newcomer in a refined Ustalav accent, managing to look both well balanced and almost languid at the same time. He seems amused, giving the distinct impression that this is the default for him. He eyes the company with a gaze that suggests wheels within wheels are whirring inside.
  2. Sophic Tech HP 23/31 Thresh 14 Fort 14 Ref 16 Will 16 Force Points 6 Female Human Noble 1 Scoundrel 2 HP 31/31 • Condition Normal • Damage Threshold 14 • Fort 14 • Ref 16 • Will 16 Str 12 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 16 Wis 15 Cha 15 +14 Use Computer +13 Stealth • Use The Force (can't roll below 8) Pilot +9 Knowledge (Technology) • Mechanics • +8 Initiative • Perception • Persuasion • Deception +7 Scoundrel Talent Can issue a routine command as a swift action Noble Talent Cannot roll less than 8 on Use the Force Languages: Basic • Binary • Bocce • Huttese • Jawa Trade Tongue • Mando'a • Sullustan •Tusken Use the Force Abilities Force Trance DC10 Move Light Object DC10 (DC15 Offensive) Search your Feelings DC15 Sense Force DC15 (Own defence against such detection is a roll but at least DC20) Sense Surroundings DC15 (Swift) Telepathy DC15 (DC20 Unwilling Recipient) Breath Control DC15 Place Other in Force Trance DC15 [B]Ratchet[/B] +1 (1d6+1) [B]Heavy Blaster Pistol [/B]+4 (Point Blank Shot) (3d8+1) [B]Special Actions:[/B] None Sophic searches her feelings as to both options, hoping one is better than the other. Recent dice rolls (earliest to latest) 11, 6, 1, 2, 3, 6, 1 (why I choosed a talent so I can't roll below 8 on UTF. I reckon it will be my favorite talent in my fight against the die roller) Hah, screw your 1. That's a 21 because the dice can't roll less than 8.
  3. I'm very sorry to hear of your situation. I hope it gets better for you and yours.
  4. Tann Hauser (AC 17) Character Short Form Female Neutral Elf Wizard, Level 2, Init 9, HP 16/16, Speed 30 AC 13 (17 Mage Armor) Touch 13, Flat-footed 10 (14), CMD 12, Fort 1, Ref 3, Will 4, CMB -1, Base Attack Bonus 0, Dagger +0 (1d4-1, 19-20/x2) Light Crossbow (10 Reusable) +4 (1d8, 19-20/x2) Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 10 Cantrips Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Ray of Frost 1d3+1 1st level Spells (4) Burning Hands 1 (4d4+2) used, Colour Spray 1, Crafter's Blessing 0, Ears of the City 0 , Expeditious Retreat, Fabricate Bullets, Grease 1, Mage Armor 1 (used), Protection from Evil, Vanish Skills +11 Craft Alchemy (with familiar) +10 Knowledges (Local, Arcana, Religion, Planes, Dungeoneering, Nature, Nobility) +8 Spellcraft +7 Perception (+10 in low light) +6 Heal, Perception (+9 in low light), Knowledges (Engineering, Geography can roll as trained) +5 Stealth Condition Darkvision 60' but dazzled in bright light. Entomophobe Drawback (penalties with vermin and swarms) Sheet Link Tann smirks, which looks natural on her, as opposed to smiling, which doesn't, as they come out into daylight again. She turns to Urthan, asking him politely to get the other chest from the other end of the tunnel, such that, to the best of her knowledge, they've scoured the place utterly clean of everything valuable. She was, privately, very happy with how things had gone. The boat is close by, but not near. She purses her lips at this. They'd had a merman with them to cover the whole swimming thing, but she was long gone by now. El Cid flaps his wings and flies off, circling high above his mistress, looking to see what is around, having missed their prey last time he'd done this.
  5. Sophic Tech HP 23/31 Thresh 14 Fort 14 Ref 16 Will 16 Force Points 6 Female Human Noble 1 Scoundrel 2 HP 31/31 • Condition Normal • Damage Threshold 14 • Fort 14 • Ref 16 • Will 16 Str 12 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 16 Wis 15 Cha 15 +14 Use Computer +13 Stealth • Use The Force (can't roll below 8) Pilot +9 Knowledge (Technology) • Mechanics • +8 Initiative • Perception • Persuasion • Deception +7 Scoundrel Talent Can issue a routine command as a swift action Noble Talent Cannot roll less than 8 on Use the Force Languages: Basic • Binary • Bocce • Huttese • Jawa Trade Tongue • Mando'a • Sullustan •Tusken Use the Force Abilities Force Trance DC10 Move Light Object DC10 (DC15 Offensive) Search your Feelings DC15 Sense Force DC15 (Own defence against such detection is a roll but at least DC20) Sense Surroundings DC15 (Swift) Telepathy DC15 (DC20 Unwilling Recipient) Breath Control DC15 Place Other in Force Trance DC15 [B]Ratchet[/B] +1 (1d6+1) [B]Heavy Blaster Pistol [/B]+4 (Point Blank Shot) (3d8+1) [B]Special Actions:[/B] None Sophic, yearning for bright lights and big city, tries hard not to look uncomfortable at the prospect of rooting around in the vicinity. Still, she weighed her irritation against Ghost's obvious, if wholly mysterious need, to investigate the locale further. Not sighing, because sighing wasn't her stoic style, she gives Ghost the nod. They would be investigating this place further. Recent dice rolls (earliest to latest) 11, 6, 1, 2, 3, 6 (why I choosed a talent so I can't roll below 8 on UTF. I reckon it will be my favorite talent in my fight against the die roller)
  6. And that means it fast heals 2hp a round? I was looking to find out what extra bang, practically speaking, that we are getting for the buck.. the social cachet wasn't what I was asking about.
  7. Infernal Healing is a 1st level spell. A 1st level wand is 750gp. The wand from the merchant is 1300gp. Is there something special about this wand.
  8. bold=speech/normal=whisper/italics=thoughts AC 12 (16) HP 8/8 Init 6 For 2 Ref 2 Will 4 Duelist 5/5 Shift 8/8 Temporal 6/6 Female LN Aasimar Wizard - Conjurer - Chronomancer, Level 1 Init 2 HP 8/8 Speed 30' AC 12 Touch 12 F-F 10 CMD 11 Fort 2 Ref 2 Will 4 CMB -1 BAB 0 Special DR5 Cold, Electricity and Acid *Dagger -1 (1d4-1, 19-20/x2) (+2 Dex) Str 8 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 20 Wis 14 Cha 16 Arcane Duelist 4/5 +1 to DC or +2 vs SR or +2 to hit Shift 7/8 (Swift Action no AOO) 5' Dimension Door Temporal Pool 6/6pts * Forewarned: 1 pt Add 1d4 to initiative (self or 30' ally) * Rewind: Immediate Action unsuccessful spell from failed concentration, successful save, failed SR contest etc spend 1/2 spell level in pts to regain spell in memory (not components or action).. Spells 0 (All) currently in memory Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Dancing Lights. 1st (4) Color Spray 1/2 (used), Crafter's Fortune, Ears of the City, Feather Fall, Grease (used), Mage Armor (used), Vanish, Secluded Grimoire, Pearl (1/1) Alchemical Items Acid Flask (1) = Alchemical Focus Alchemist's Fire (4/4) Weapon Blanch (Silver) (2/2) Weapon Blanch (Cold Iron) (1) Magic Items Wand of Magic Missiles 23 (now 21) Wand of Infernal Healing (50/50) Condition None Stella selects the wand and the pearl. She then considers Derek's words, looking like she's mentally weighing their value. After casting her detect magic spell, she turns and begins striding in her indomitable fashion back to the orphanage. Spells Running: Mage Armor, Detect Magic, Dancing Lights
  9. AC 13/17 HP 14/14 Init 5+1d4 Fort 1 Ref 3 Will 4 Shift 7/7 Tanith Camarilla Female LG Elf Wizard (Conjurer/Teleport), Lvl 2 Init 5 HP 14/14 Speed 30' AC 13/17/21 Touch 13 (17/21 Incorporeal) F-F 10 CMD 13 Fort 1 Ref 3 Will 4 CMB 0 BAB 1 Dagger -1 (1d4-1, 19-20/x2) Light Crossbow +3 (1d8, 19-20/x2) Str 8 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 18 Wis 12 Cha 10 Condition None Tanith follows in Vesal's wake, likewise keeping an eye open for traps, pulling Vesal back if she sees any. OOC: Tanith's skill challenge ensures everyone has a +1 bonus all skill checks and saving throws to find, disable, bypass, and evade traps during this adventure.
  10. AC 14 (17) HP 33/33 Init +2 Fort 6 Ref 4 Will 9 Channels 10/11 Copycat 4/6 Male NG Aasimar Cleric (Blossoming Light), Level 4, Init 2, HP 27/27, Speed 30' Str 8 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 12 Wis 17 Cha 18 AC 14, Bracers of Armor +1, Ring of Protection +1 Touch 13, Flat-Footed 11, CMD 13, Fort 4, Ref 3, Will 7, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3 * Longspear +2 (1d8-1, x3) Reach, Brace (+1 dam 1st hit) No Armor, No shield (+2 Dex) * Channels 11/11 day 30'r burst DC17 Will save for half 5d6 (5d6+7 vs undead) no channel resistance. Worshippers of CE Gods, CE Outsiders, Evil Creatures with Light Sensitivity count as undead. * Copycat (Move Action) 5/6 5rnd duration single mirror image Orisons Stabilize, Detect Magic, Light, Enhanced Diplomacy 1st level spells Weapons against Evil 1, Invisibility to Undead 1 (used), Ray of Exhaustion 1, Sanctuary 1, Pearl 1 (used on Invisibility to Undead) 2nd level spells (3) Drunkard's Breath 1, Protection from Evil (Communal), Ironskin 3rd level spells (2) Invisibility to Undead (Greater) 2 SLA Daylight Wand of Protection from Evil 38 Wand of Cure Light Wounds 45 Wand of Cure Light Wounds 18 Wand of Lesser Restoration 10 Wand of Shield 5 Now +2 to use Wand of Vanish 8 Now +2 to use Wand of Grease 7/6 +2 to use Pearl of Power 1st level Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 18 Condition DR5 vs acid, cold and electricity, Darkvision 60' Anhotep having raised his holy symbol and completed an incantation, looks on as the bruises and cuts of the company fade into oblivion. He passes the chest to Dros to carry, passes the scroll to Madame Zelda and carries the gutstone himself. He then walks to the door in the south west, figuring that the doors to the chamber they've walked around might be the more dangerous option. Note: If Lesser Restoration will cure Dros' strength damage then Anhotep casts that with the wand. Current Defences: Mage Armor, Shield
  11. AC 13/17 HP 14/14 Init 5+1d4 Fort 1 Ref 3 Will 4 Shift 7/7 Tanith Camarilla Female LG Elf Wizard (Conjurer/Teleport), Lvl 2 Init 5 HP 14/14 Speed 30' AC 13/17/21 Touch 13 (17/21 Incorporeal) F-F 10 CMD 13 Fort 1 Ref 3 Will 4 CMB 0 BAB 1 Dagger -1 (1d4-1, 19-20/x2) Light Crossbow +3 (1d8, 19-20/x2) Str 8 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 18 Wis 12 Cha 10 Condition None Tanith pipes up, in her usual low operatic purr.. "This collapse was, if not made, then assisted. I venture it's a trap left behind by our enemies." OOC: Tanith's skill challenge ensures everyone has a +1 bonus all skill checks and saving throws to find, disable, bypass, and evade traps during this adventure.
  12. Sophic Tech HP 23/31 Thresh 14 Fort 14 Ref 16 Will 16 Force Points 6 Female Human Noble 1 Scoundrel 2 HP 31/31 • Condition Normal • Damage Threshold 14 • Fort 14 • Ref 16 • Will 16 Str 12 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 16 Wis 15 Cha 15 +14 Use Computer +13 Stealth • Use The Force (can't roll below 8) Pilot +9 Knowledge (Technology) • Mechanics • +8 Initiative • Perception • Persuasion • Deception +7 Scoundrel Talent Can issue a routine command as a swift action Noble Talent Cannot roll less than 8 on Use the Force Languages: Basic • Binary • Bocce • Huttese • Jawa Trade Tongue • Mando'a • Sullustan •Tusken Use the Force Abilities Force Trance DC10 Move Light Object DC10 (DC15 Offensive) Search your Feelings DC15 Sense Force DC15 (Own defence against such detection is a roll but at least DC20) Sense Surroundings DC15 (Swift) Telepathy DC15 (DC20 Unwilling Recipient) Breath Control DC15 Place Other in Force Trance DC15 [B]Ratchet[/B] +1 (1d6+1) [B]Heavy Blaster Pistol [/B]+4 (Point Blank Shot) (3d8+1) [B]Special Actions:[/B] None Sophic thinks on this. Recent dice rolls (earliest to latest) 11, 6, 1, 2, 3, 6 (why I choosed a talent so I can't roll below 8 on UTF. I reckon it will be my favorite talent in my fight against the die roller)
  13. Sophic Tech HP 23/31 Thresh 14 Fort 14 Ref 16 Will 16 Force Points 6 Female Human Noble 1 Scoundrel 2 HP 31/31 • Condition Normal • Damage Threshold 14 • Fort 14 • Ref 16 • Will 16 Str 12 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 16 Wis 15 Cha 15 +14 Use Computer +13 Stealth • Use The Force (can't roll below 8) Pilot +9 Knowledge (Technology) • Mechanics • +8 Initiative • Perception • Persuasion • Deception +7 Scoundrel Talent Can issue a routine command as a swift action Noble Talent Cannot roll less than 8 on Use the Force Languages: Basic • Binary • Bocce • Huttese • Jawa Trade Tongue • Mando'a • Sullustan •Tusken Use the Force Abilities Force Trance DC10 Move Light Object DC10 (DC15 Offensive) Search your Feelings DC15 Sense Force DC15 (Own defence against such detection is a roll but at least DC20) Sense Surroundings DC15 (Swift) Telepathy DC15 (DC20 Unwilling Recipient) Breath Control DC15 Place Other in Force Trance DC15 [B]Ratchet[/B] +1 (1d6+1) [B]Heavy Blaster Pistol [/B]+4 (Point Blank Shot) (3d8+1) [B]Special Actions:[/B] None Sophic shrugs at this, massaging her shoulder where the tendril hit her. She murmurs.. "No natural creature that I know of is born with energy weapons. There is technology here. If technology is here it must have a purpose, that purpose being to serve the ends of its creator. Whether that creator yet lives is unknown." Increasingly wanting to depart towards a starport and the more direct route to a ship, she adds.. "The question now is whether we investigate the other approaches, or simply accept that there is no Krayt Dragon, that nothing is out of order here and that whatever is here does not wish to be disturbed then depart." Actions: Using Swift Actions to negate condition modifiers.
  14. AC 14 (17) HP 33/33 Init +2 Fort 6 Ref 4 Will 9 Channels 10/11 Copycat 4/6 Male NG Aasimar Cleric (Blossoming Light), Level 4, Init 2, HP 27/27, Speed 30' Str 8 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 12 Wis 17 Cha 18 AC 14, Bracers of Armor +1, Ring of Protection +1 Touch 13, Flat-Footed 11, CMD 13, Fort 4, Ref 3, Will 7, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3 * Longspear +2 (1d8-1, x3) Reach, Brace (+1 dam 1st hit) No Armor, No shield (+2 Dex) * Channels 11/11 day 30'r burst DC17 Will save for half 5d6 (5d6+7 vs undead) no channel resistance. Worshippers of CE Gods, CE Outsiders, Evil Creatures with Light Sensitivity count as undead. * Copycat (Move Action) 5/6 5rnd duration single mirror image Orisons Stabilize, Detect Magic, Light, Enhanced Diplomacy 1st level spells Weapons against Evil 1, Invisibility to Undead 1 (used), Ray of Exhaustion 1, Sanctuary 1, Pearl 1 (used on Invisibility to Undead) 2nd level spells (3) Drunkard's Breath 1, Protection from Evil (Communal), Ironskin 3rd level spells (2) Invisibility to Undead (Greater) 2 SLA Daylight Wand of Protection from Evil 38 Wand of Cure Light Wounds 45 Wand of Cure Light Wounds 18 Wand of Lesser Restoration 10 Wand of Shield 5 Now +2 to use Wand of Vanish 8 Now +2 to use Wand of Grease 7/6 +2 to use Pearl of Power 1st level Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 18 Condition DR5 vs acid, cold and electricity, Darkvision 60' Anhotep channels since most of the company are injured. Current Defences: Mage Armor, Shield, Copycat
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