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  1. Thank you! I really appreciate that. May the seagull serve you all well.
  2. Hey guys. So, events with my boy are taking up much more of my free time than I thought. As much as it pains me, I don't see being able to post on the Weave for the foreseeable future. Thank you so much for opening your game and arms to me. Maybe once everything is settled down, you'd consider me again. Wish you all the best!
  3. Hey guys. So, events with my boy are taking up much more of my free time than I thought. As much as it pains me, I don't see being able to post on the Weave for the foreseeable future. Thank you so much for opening your game and arms to me. Maybe once everything is settled down, you'd consider me again. Wish you all the best!
  4. Hey guys. So, events with my boy are taking up much more of my free time than I thought. As much as it pains me, I don't see being able to post on the Weave for the foreseeable future. Thank you so much for opening your game and arms to me. Maybe once everything is settled down, you'd consider me again. Wish you all the best!
  5. Sorry I haven't posted in a LONG time. My two year old got injured in a freak accident at a play place and I'm dealing with some medical and legal stuff. I plan to start posting regularly again soon.
  6. I'm still here. I'm sorry. Last two weeks I've been dealing with some things. I'll be back to posting soon
  7. Hey guys. Sorry I haven't posted yet. My son had a freak accident and I've been dealing with medical and legal stuff for the past couple weeks. I plan to post soon and more frequently.
  8. AC 26, HP 33/33, Fort 4, Ref 3, Will 3, Init 2, Perception 10 Male LN Half-Elf Fighter, Level 3 Init 2 HP 33/33 Speed 20' AC 26 Touch 12 FF 24 CMD 23 Fort 4, Ref 3 Will 3 (Enchantments 7)/(Fear 8) CMB +7 BAB 3 Fauchard +8 (1d10+6, 18-20/x2) MW Silversheen, Reach, Trip, Weaponcorded Cestus +7 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2) Javelin (1) +5 (1d6+4, x3) Masterwork Full Plate, Darkwood Full Shield (+11 Armor, +3 Shield, +2 Dex) Str 18 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 14 Wis 14 Cha 8 Condition None The half-elf soldier watched and listened, seemingly passively, to all the planning and commands being given or offered. He removed his helm, revealing sweat and ocean water drenched hair. He tucked it under his arm and took in his surroundings. What an absolute insane day this had been. Here, abandoned with strangers. He looked to hold his girl again, and see his folks. He approached Torren, the first person to actually introduce himself since he'd arrived. "Torren," he greeted as he approached. "I'm Cyl. Well met." He turned his head back to the big house. "And well fought. You've been well trained, clearly." Actions & Intents Potential Actions AOOs/Trips x3 Held & Worn Right Hand: Fauchard, masterwork, Silversheen Left Hand: Shield, Darkwood, Worn: Full-Plate +1, Masterwork
  9. Sorry for my lackluster posting lately. I'm still here. Just need to find time to catch up. I'm like 3 pages behind.
  10. Does anyone have a template for a Star Wars Saga Edition game?
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