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_28df7068-b62f-4180-bf91-271603c67a4d.jpeg.3e99c019217305eae354e52a07e24185.jpegCyl Wradom

AC 26, HP 33/33, Fort 4, Ref 3, Will 3



, Init 2, Perception 10



Male LN Half-Elf Fighter,

Level 3 Init 2 HP 33/33 Speed 20'
AC 26 Touch 12 FF 24 CMD 23 Fort 4, Ref 3 Will 3 (Enchantments 7)/(Fear 8) CMB +7 BAB 3

Fauchard +8 (1d10+6, 18-20/x2)  
MW Silversheen, Reach, Trip, Weaponcorded
Cestus +7 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2)
Javelin (1) +5 (1d6+4, x3)

Masterwork Full Plate, Darkwood Full Shield (+11 Armor, +3 Shield, +2 Dex)

Str 18 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 14 Wis 14 Cha 8

Condition None 

Between the ranger's quips, the big man's bellyaching, and the wizard's indecision, Cyl was sure this lot had not been military. They didn't have time to stand around, and Cyl wasn't about to crawl up into some attic just to play peak-a-book with whatever foe had called this place home. So, he hacked away, peeling at the fortification board by board.

After spotting the ghoul, Cyl stood firm, planting his feet and holding his fauchard defensively before him. He wasn't one for diplomacy or negotiations, that was what diplomats were for. He personally didn't see why they didn't charge the creature and cut it to ribbons before it could harm anyone. But for now, he'd wait and listen.

Actions & Intents

Delay until/if the enemy moves within 10ft, at which point he'll attack.


Potential Actions

x3 AOO


Held & Worn

Right Hand: Fauchard, masterwork, Silversheen
Left Hand: Shield, Darkwood, 
Worn: Full-Plate, +1, Masterwork 



_28df7068-b62f-4180-bf91-271603c67a4d.jpeg.3e99c019217305eae354e52a07e24185.jpegCyl Wradom

AC 26, HP 33/33, Fort 4, Ref 3, Will 3



, Init 2, Perception 10



Male LN Half-Elf Fighter,

Level 3 Init 2 HP 33/33 Speed 20'
AC 26 Touch 12 FF 24 CMD 23 Fort 4, Ref 3 Will 3 (Enchantments 7)/(Fear 8) CMB +7 BAB 3

Fauchard +8 (1d10+6, 18-20/x2)  
MW Silversheen, Reach, Trip, Weaponcorded
Cestus +7 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2)
Javelin (1) +5 (1d6+4, x3)

Masterwork Full Plate, Darkwood Full Shield (+11 Armor, +3 Shield, +2 Dex)

Str 18 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 14 Wis 14 Cha 8

Condition None 

Between the ranger's quips, the big man's bellyaching, and the wizard's indecision, Cyl was sure this lot had not been military. They didn't have time to stand around, and Cyl wasn't about to crawl up into some attic just to play peak-a-book with whatever foe had called this place home. So, he hacked away, peeling at the fortification board by board.

After spotting the ghoul, Cyl stood firm, planting his feet and holding his fauchard defensively before him. He wasn't one for diplomacy or negotiations, that was what diplomats were for. He personally didn't see why they didn't charge the creature and cut it to ribbons before it could harm anyone. But for now, he'd wait and listen

Actions & Intents

Delay until/if the enemy moves within 10ft, at which point he'll attack.


Potential Actions

x3 AOO


Held & Worn

Right Hand: Fauchard, masterwork, Silversheen
Left Hand: Shield, Darkwood, 
Worn: Full-Plate, +1, Masterwork 

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