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Setting inquiries


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So, revenants are undead, and a very strong societal fixture. Do abilities that disrupt or control the undead exist (such as the command undead channel energy feat, or the command undead ghost strike from the death sphere)? If so, do they work on revenants? If so, what is society's views of such abilities?

What sort of national structuring exists? Are city-states common? Standard countries?

What sort of technological era did you have in mind? Renaissance, medieval, ancient times, etc?

For people outside of a noble house, what life options are there? Are serfs a thing? How prominent is the merchant class? The skilled trades?

For members of a noble house, what duties are expected of them? Are they primarily or exclusively politicians? What options are available to a second or third son/daughter? Is anything expected of a later child, or are they generally free to do whatever they feel like/"waste their life"?

What races exist? Is this more or less a human exclusive setting, is there a standard fantasy mix, or is it something in between? Are there other races that exist but are too rare to be player options?

What sort of geography/climate exists (at least for the portion of the world you intend for the game to take place in)?

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Great questions. Let me be clear first off that I don't have answers decided for all this already.

I can try to make those decisions on my own, but would actually be more interested in hearing others say what they would like.

If pressed to decide it all myself I'd probably make this a sort of mini-plane similar in scale to Ravenloft so that I need not invent multiple whole nations. But if others wanted to pitch in, I'm happy for it to be a bigger world.

I do have something of an opinion on technology, though--I like early firearms in my Pathfinder, but not higher tech.

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For races I imagine something like typical Pathfinder. Lots of members of the Core races, others are around but not as common as Core races. Probably no Androids, in keeping with the lack of higher technology.

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I don't know that this would work if the game world is limited to one monoculture, but if we have some different nations or regions which differ enough culturally, I'd like there to be one in the mix that really focuses on and exaggerates the colorful art associated with Día de los Muertos. The revenants there would all be very brightly decorated skeletons, for example.

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This seems like an interesting setting! I'd like to ask more about it. :)

How "big" is the world of Ossenheim? Like, did you imagine it as a world of many nations scattered across continents and landmasses? Or is it more of a pangaea or archipelago of sorts?

And are there any notable "threats" to Ossenheim? Something that encourages people to adventure and quest.

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The Umbral League is also really interesting!

That did make me wonder, could there be a big group of nobles, whose lineage and privledge extends far back to their ancestors who rose to power on account of their achievements? Perhaps even a city or a district of a city where they all reside, separated from the rest of the world.

As another thought, have revenants or the undead ever risen without the help of someone? Such as an old swordmaster coming back as an undead to rescue and protect a kid that's their great-great-great grandson.

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