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Rival Adventuring Parties


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Party Name Description Notes
The Outriders of Ulek A diverse group led by a half-orc in black platemail. All members share a common brand on their left hand, said to be the mark of a criminal in regions south of Aerik.
The Bastards of Bogtown Led by a wizard named Ferwig. You haven't yet met the Bastards. Othar of St. Ygg tells you they are a nasty bunch.
Boon Companions A young group led by a mage. They're only three strong. Guildmaster Osen mentioned this group, and you later encountered them at the Brazen Strumpet.
Bertrand's Brigands A tough, veteran group led by a former mercenary officer. They number seven and have a couple of potential wizards. Karg Barrelgut tells you this group press-ganged his cousin, Gern and that they do this to get henchmen for use in the Barrow Mounds. You later encountered them in the Barrowmoor.
The Fearsome Fivesome A disorderly group led by an elf. They have two dwarf warriors and a cleric. You encountered the Fearsome Fivesome at the Brazen Strumpet.


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