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Character creation


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Please inform me if anything i do Ain't how we do things round these parts™

Character creation requires that you fill in the following fields

Name: your character’s name.

Description: a description of your character’s appearance, personality, and/or backstory. Can be as long or short as you like, but must include why they're working at soup's soup.

Special: your character has some sort of special power or property that differentiates them from other characters in combat, be it granted by a spirit or otherwise. What is it?

Stats: You have 40 points you can spend between body, mind, and soul.

Body determines how much health a character has and how good they are at melee and moving heavy objects.

Mind determines turn order and how good a character is at using weapons and technology.

Soul determines how good a character is at spirit-based techniques and diplomacy.



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Name: Jin Lin Thi


Coming in at about 5'6 and 160lb Jin is a generally healthy looking young man who looks like he does well in whatever work or job he does. He keeps his appearance and clothes generally clean and neat but doesn't go out of his way to make himself look perfect. Marked as a free spirited but kind young man, Jin does his best to make sure everyone around him at least has a smile by the time they are finished working with him. You need someone to help you out, he's there doing his best to assist even if he doesn't exactly know what he's working with. You need a shoulder to cry on, he'll listen to your woes and then encourage you to try and make you happy again. If there is something that needs to be done and he can't exactly do it himself because it's something beyond his knowledge or skill, he'll do his best to find someone who can and try to make connections between people so that he gains in his book "points" for doing something to better the lives of people around him. When asked why he does this he just sighs and tells you his story.


In his youth he had dreams of being a rockstar and although his musical talents were great and he had a good sense of musical composition, rhythm, had a knack for both guitar and synth keyboard, and a great singing voice, He was the son of a single mother who struggled to make ends meet after his father died in a work-related accident. Jin's did what he could to save up money, survival and household needs came first and he pushed whatever he made towards helping his mother make ends meet. When he turned 16 however his mother surprised him with a gift of a letter from a local music station that invited Jin to come down to their studio and see if they make something out of Jin's musical dreams. Jin accepted this invitation with glee and with his mother driving him went to the studio to meet with people and after meeting a few of their crew and having a chance to play some music. The studio people liked what they heard and presented the music to their head and he gave the green light to Jin. This went on for several months however during a late evening trip home from the studio, Jin and his mother were in a nasty car accident caused by a drunk driver speeding across a red light and colliding with the driver side of the vehicle Jin was in sending both cars spiraling into a multicar accident, Jin's mother was killed instantly by the initial impact and Jin was badly injured by his own chest being impacted causing internal bleeding that threatened to end his life.

During this approaching death Jin for a moment left his body as a ghost and he saw his mother as a ghost and she looked at him with a sad face telling him how sorry she was for this to occur and that she had to leave him. Jin asked why and she told him that it was not his time yet and that he had a lot of things to do in this world and then pointed at a rope that was between him and his dying body, his body was still struggling to live even though Jin's appeared as a ghost. Jin watched as medical people arrived on scene and used a machine to get Jin's body out of the vehicle and one announced that Jin was barely breathing but could see several life-threatening injuries and they got Jin to the hospital dragging Jin's ghost form with him by that cord and away from his mother. Jin cried out for his mother who told him goodbye and seemed to vanish into light. At the hospital was put into the trauma ward and worked on to be stabilized however Jin was angry saying that his body was most likely going to be useless if it lived, and his dream would never come true. It was then Jin was visited by another, a ghost of a legendary thief who called himself Bolt. Bolt asked if Jin was done with his body because of the injuries obtained and if he was ready to cross over. Jin asked if Bolt was someone to guide him to the afterlife and Bolt simply replied that he was actually looking for a compatible body that was on death's door and had found one in Jin's. Bolt was willing to trade places with Jin and said he had a little magic at his command that would restore Jin's body from the injuries and Bolt could use Jin's body to live once again and allow in his opinion the greatest thief to ever roam the land again. Jin gave Bolt a narrowed eyed look and asked him what his game was. Bolt looked around for a moment then leaned in and said this "listen Jin, there's stuff going on, on the other side that I don't like, I may be a thief but I got a thing against evil and I was told that if I wanted to do anything on the real side I had to find a body that was almost dead but not quite and then make a deal with the original owner to trade places with him so that I could take over the body and live again with my abilities and knowledge intact but the body had to be compatible, and the other guy had to be like me so that the transfer would occur smoothly. Jin wondered if his mother's last message to him and what Bolt was talking about was his things to do in this world. Jin then made a counteroffer, "say I let you into my body but yet I also want to be in it to help out fight against this evil how would that work." Bolt thought for a moment then said, "might be possible if we forge a contract with you swearing to fight this evil and with you providing the modern-day knowledge and me providing the knowledge of ancient elemental magic and skills of a thief, we might be able to both occupy the body and gain everything that I mentioned before." Jin agreed to the contract and Bolt and him joined together and returned to Jin's body.

Jin would wake up in a hospital and recover with no lasting injuries thanks to Bolt's magic. Jin would also note that this merge caused him to gain the ability to generate and control electricity, but he did his best to keep the ability hidden so to not cause problems. After recovering Jin would then return to the studio and fulfill his contract with them but then decided not to renew it saying that he had another obligation. The studio head wondering if Jin had signed on with another station asked if there was a way to keep him as people loved his music. Jin would sigh and said "let's just say I owe a friend a life debt that I swore I would pay back as soon as possible, and I don't know how long it's going to take or if I ever will return to music. I would love to continue playing and making music, but I have to at least start paying back my debt and I don't want to hold the studio's resources up on a thing that is my own debt. The studio head accepted this but told Jin that if he ever needed anything to just let him know and he'll see what he can do. Jin thanked the studio head for the chance to make music and then left town. Bolt guided Jin to a town called Polartown and then guided him to a restaurant called Soup's Soup that for some reason was looking for workers despite not having that many customers. Bolt's thief's intuition gave the idea that something was off about the place and Jin applied for the job just for something to do.


Special: your character has some sort of special power or property that differentiates them from other characters in combat, be it granted by a spirit or otherwise. What is it?

Jin has the ability of Electrokinesis granted to him by a ghost named Bolt who many called the Bandit of the Storm, a mysterious/legendary thief of ancient times who used Elemental Lightning and Wind Magic to pull off heists that often involved stealing something back that was stolen in the first place.


Stats: You have 40 points you can spend between body, mind, and soul.

Body determines how much health a character has and how good they are at melee and moving heavy objects.


Mind determines turn order and how good a character is at using weapons and technology.


Soul determines how good a character is at spirit-based techniques and diplomacy.



@howmanybones I think I'm ready. Let me know if you want any specific details on Jin's/Bolt's powers/abilities.

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strictly speaking, ghosts and spirits are different things (ghosts are dead people, spirits are beings from the spirit world with mysterious motivations, eccentric personalities, and ofttimes confusing powers) but that's on me for not properly developing the setting. You're more or less good to go.

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