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EM-AI Medical Droid
Droid (1st Degree) Technician
HP 26/26, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 13
Defences: Fort 13, Ref 14, Will 17
Force Points 5 (1), Destiny Points 0
Lang: Basic, Binary, Bocce, Bothan,
Geonosian, Huttese

Remy analyzes the situation in terms of tactical advantage, risk management, and mission objectives. If the team is fortified and has a good defensive position inside, staying put and preparing for an indoor confrontation would likely be the best strategy. This would allow Remy and the team to control the engagement on their terms, using the building as a tactical advantage to reduce the risk and possibly negotiate or find an alternative solution to the standoff.

"Unless there's a clear tactical advantage to going outside, such as an escape route or a way to neutralize the threat quickly, staying inside and preparing for a defensive engagement would be the more strategic option, allowing us to maximize our strengths and minimize exposure to the gang's potential firepower."

"However, this may indeed do considerable damage to the cantina in which we reside, which would not engender us to the locals. A show of power now would set us up as a force to be reckoned with, and if we do not operate in a position of power, other gangs might also like to take 'pot' shots at us."


"Tactically my processes calculate that one of us should go out, and confront the gang, in a manner of calm, treating them as beneath us, and give them an ultimate to leave or suffer the consequences, and tell them to leave a couple of bikes, we could do with the transport. whilst I understand this is a high risk, with the percentages being" he stops here and then resumes "Information withheld" the voice is Remy's but more basic "the rewards would be strategically important" his normal voice continues



EM-AI Medical Droid
Droid (1st Degree) Technician
HP 26/26, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 13
Defences: Fort 13, Ref 14, Will 17
Force Points 5 (1), Destiny Points 0
Lang: Basic, Binary, Bocce, Bothan,
Geonosian, Huttese

Remy analyzes the situation in terms of tactical advantage, risk management, and mission objectives. If the team is fortified and has a good defensive position inside, staying put and preparing for an indoor confrontation would likely be the best strategy. This would allow Remy and the team to control the engagement on their terms, using the building as a tactical advantage to reduce the risk and possibly negotiate or find an alternative solution to the standoff.

"Unless there's a clear tactical advantage to going outside, such as an escape route or a way to neutralize the threat quickly, staying inside and preparing for a defensive engagement would be the more strategic option, allowing us to maximize our strengths and minimize exposure to the gang's potential firepower."

"However, this may indeed do considerable damage to the cantina in which we reside, which would not engender us to the locals. A show of power now would set us up as a force to be reckoned with, and if we do not operate in a position of power, other gangs might also like to take 'pot' shots at us."


"Tactically my processes calculate that one of us should go out, and confront the gang, in a manner of calm, treating them as beneath us, and give them an ultimate to leave or suffer the consequences, and tell them to leave a couple of bikes, we could do with the transport. whilst I understand this is a high risk, with the percentages being" he stops here and then resumes "Information withheld" the voice is Remy's but more basic "the rewards would be strategically important"

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