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Music: Ruins and Hills - LOTRO Soundtrack

Bree - Mid-Spring 2948 T.A.


(Note: this image is facing East)

After some debate, the Company decided to appease the grumpy dwarf take the fastest route to Archet. As they spurred their horses onward, they looked up to see a brief break in the clouds, and a ray of sunlight basked them in its glow. To those who heed such things, it is as good of an auspice as one could ask for in these troubling times.

The climb up Bree-hill is a rather steep one, even on horseback. Each beast of burden dug their hooves into the dirt with each step, breathing hard along the most difficult parts of the climb. But they crossed the heights in no time, and a gentle breeze awaited them at the top. More patches of snow could be spotted atop the hill, remnants of a season that will not trouble them for many days.

Cutting through Staddle was easy, with the Little Folk generally steering clear of the big, bothersome horse-riders. Descending the Stile of Combe was tricky, but it seemed that, at least for now, the rumors of its complete disrepair were somewhat exaggerated. But as they traveled further down into the vale, with the expanse of the Chetwood spread before them, Léofwyn's gaze was drawn into the forest...


Roles for Journeys

  • Guide - Amdiran
  • Scout - Dandi
  • Hunter - Orn
  • Look-out - Léofwyn

OOC: With an Embarkation roll of 12, you all benefit From Auspicious Beginnings. You gain Advantage on all ability checks made during the coming Journey Event(s).

Léofwyn the Look-out must now make a Perception (Wisdom) check!

Roll20 Map

To Post: Léofwyn (Perception check)

@codexgigas @Old_Skuul @Papa Bear @grimlock



Music: Ruins and Hills - LOTRO Soundtrack

Bree - Mid-Spring 2948 T.A.


(Note: this image is facing East)

After some debate, the Company decided to appease the grumpy dwarf take the fastest route to Archet. As they spurred their horses onward, they looked up to see a brief break in the clouds, and a ray of sunlight basked them in its glow. To those who heed such things, it is as good of an auspice as one could ask for in these troubling times.

The climb up Bree-hill is a rather steep one, even on horseback. Each beast of burden dug their hooves into the dirt with each step, breathing hard along the most difficult parts of the climb. But they crossed the heights in no time, and a gentle breeze awaited them at the top. More patches of snow could be spotted atop the hill, remnants of a season that will not trouble them for many days.



Roles for Journeys

  • Guide - Amdiran
  • Scout - Dandi
  • Hunter - Orn
  • Look-out - Léofwyn

OOC: With an Embarkation roll of 12, you all benefit From Auspicious Beginnings. You gain Advantage on all ability checks made during the coming Journey Event(s).

Roll20 Map

To Post: Wait for it!

@codexgigas @Old_Skuul @Papa Bear @grimlock

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