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Real Name: Lucretia Gambione

Street Name: Bugs (as in the Bunny)

Metatype: TBD

Awakened Status: TBD


Need to settle on build and story, been bouncing from adept gunslinger to TM, to trying to do everything at once to maybe doing a mage. Might also go face.

Lucretia Gambione does not have many early and clear memories of her father, Don Silvio Gambione, of exploring his cavernous mansion, of his servants, yes, not the man himself who took little interest in her whatsoever. Most of her memories are based around her mother's venomous description of a gray-haired fat pig who discarded one trophy wife after the other the moment the first wrinkle appeared, or pregnancy changed their physique to a slightly less attractive version. Don Silvio's man ensuring that Lucretia was well cared of financially, but nothing for the ex-wife beyond paying the rent on the apartment. Her ever more bitter mother would otherwise likely have spent it all on expensive wine and liquor rather than cheap swill to get drunk on.

Growing up, Don Silvio's presence in her life was only felt by all the sandwiches she picked up from the Italian Deli on the ground floor putting it all on her father's tab, or the meals at this or that Italian family restaurant dotted around the district. If Mama wasn't an utter wreck that needed to be fed and tucked into bed, Lucretia probably would have turned utterly insufferable having learned that she could just pick whatever she wanted off the shelves of any store in the neighborhood and stroll out with a haughty look of "Papa will pay". Well, she also wasn't allowed to go pilfer candy and ice cream, or more stuff than she could reasonably need, nor anything expensive enough that she might make a side business of selling it. Or at least not a sizable business, taking as much as she could get away with and selling off some of the excess built character and an entrepreneurial spirit. As was grabbing stuff for her mother, caring for family is a prized value even if Papa couldn't care less about the woman.

The one sort-of-family she had contact with was "uncle Vinnie", some cousin of her father's put on the task of making sure the Don's progeny would end up okay, or at least with every chance of ending up okay. First by introducing her to which shops she could get things from, then by taking her to self-defense courses and the shooting range, making a game of it at first, then introduced her to victims of what could happen to young girls in the back alleys to prove why she needed those lessons.

Don Silvio likely had mostly forgotten about her, just one of several half-siblings on uncle Vinnie's list to look after, he did not even bother to show at the funeral of his ex-wife, though he did pay for the whole thing. Or maybe Vinnie took care of it. And then Lucretia's magic talents manifested, suddenly he took a very personal interest. The purple hue of his face when her entire pent up teenage rebellion was unleashed in one angry speech would suggest that nobody had ever denied him in his own house since she last had set foot there some dozen years before. Next thing she knew, Vinnie drove her to a girl's boarding school run by catholic nuns, of the old fashioned sort, really, really old fashioned. Instead of mellowing and "coming to her senses", Lucretia ran away and went pirate. Multiple times. The first time she was brought back by the crew she ran with to cash in the bounty of her return from "kidnapping", two more times by other runners before the rumor of the bounty's existence was properly put to rest.

By that point, she was on her own until she'd "come to her senses and rejoin the family". Before any such could come to pass, Don Silvio and Uncle Vinnie were purged in Bianca Gambione's rise to power.

Edited by Havelock (see edit history)
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