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Greenbrook Basics

Greenbrook, as you might expect, has a small river running through it - not even close to enough to make the Crystal Pool Water-aspected, but enough that fishing is a local pasttime and it's not uncommon to have fish for a meal.

There's no local currency - Greenbrook isn't really big enough to warrant such a thing where everyone knows everyone else - and most trading is done by barter.

As is the case with most small villages, the leynet is a little iffy at times; there's only one broadcast pulser in the village, on the Village Hall, and it does occasionally fail, mostly due either to bad weather or to Mayor Malencon trying to change the fuses in his house.  Aside from entirely self-contained jobs like farming, most adults in the village will either travel to Rosefields for work (either working in Rosefields or catching a leytrain) or take on a job that requires only limited leynet access (stuff like financial audits, where you need to download the data but can then work fully offline.)  The leynet is still fast enough to download videos and such to watch offline without too much hassle (or even upload them), and it's very possible to chat with people in other settlements.

Kids have left Greenbrook to become Knights pretty much every year; your group is a little large but not too unusual (unless I get like six players or something, but whatever.)

Notable NPCs:

  • Mayor Malencon: The somewhat old and doddery Mayor who should've retired years ago but keeps getting convinced to put it off (and being voted in to new terms by the villagers); he's been in post for longer than you guys, or indeed probably half the village, have been alive.  You'd think from the way people talk about him he was the best Mayor in the kingdom, but in reality he's just...okay.  People are just so used to him that they're worried whoever comes next will be awful.
  • Sheriff Jenny Coal: The town's one and only law enforcement officer, pretty new in post, having moved from the 'big city' of Rosefield following the previous Sheriff passing of old age.  (It's not a big city, it has like ten thousand inhabitants.)  She's been here about five years and probably spends more time turning down propositions from a couple of the farmers that are interested in her than she does actual law enforcement, on account of there...not really being much law enforcement needed in the sleepy fishing village.  About the closest she gets is arbitrating disputes over who stole who's new best fishing patch.  She's probably the most competent combatant inside the village, due to the crystek towers dotted around the place, though there are a couple places they don't cover, the locations of which are passed down from rebellious teenager to rebellious teenager.
  • Sergeant Gabriel Meyes: Commanding officer of the village's defence forces...all half-dozen of them.  Most soldiers serve six months in backwater places like this and rotate out to somewhere where, you know, the leynet works and there's more than one place to eat.  Meyes fell in love on his first tour and just kinda never left.  Sheriff Coal might officially be the law in town, but if most people have a problem, they go to Sergeant Meyes for him to resolve quietly with a few words in ears.
  • Crys-Eye Bill: The proprietor of the town's pub-slash-cafe-slash-barracks-slash...it's a very multipurpose building.  People invite friends and neighbours over for meals basically every day, because economy of scale when it comes to spending time cooking, and the village's fetes and festivals often have food for sale by enterprising villagers, but Bill's (or 'the Greenbrook Publican' if you're feeling formal) is the only place you can actually buy food and drink consistently.  Nobody knows what led to the horrifically botched operation that left Bill with not just a nonfunctional a ley-crystal eye but spikes of crystal going around past his ear and almost down to his neck; he had it when he moved to Greenbrook.
  • 'Doc' Theo: Officially Doctor Theodore Winthrope PhD, but he doesn't really have enough respect in the village for people to bother with his full name.  He is a licenced doctor, but all he actually does to treat people is pass their symptoms to the medical bot in his clinic and follow its instructions - and those things are only good at the small stuff.  Nobody entirely trusts that he'd be able to handle any serious incident.
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