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Initiative: +10.  Attack Bonus: +4.  Effect Bonus: +4.  Defense: +6.  Resistance: +2.  Stamina: 135.



Deception: +0.  Expertise: +10.  Insight: +0.  Intimidation: +0.  Investigation: +0.

Mobility: +10.  Perception: +5.  Persuasion: +10.  Stealth: +5.  Technology: +0.


Proficiencies: Crystal Lore, Demons, Knights, Nobility, Politics, Survival, 4 open.



Accurate Attack, All-out Attack, Attractive 2, Benefit 3 (Status 2 [Nobility], Wealth 1), Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Equipment 1 (Modern Smartphone), Equipment 0 (Carries various mundane weapons with no mechanical effects), Improved Aim, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Skill Mastery (Expertise).



Descriptor Focus: Descriptor Specialist.


Dragonwood Bow: Enhanced Topaz Archer Array 8 (Easily Removable) {8-3}.


Topaz Archer: 8-point, 4-slot Dynamic Array {8+7}.


Knight of the Gale (½ of 4 slots): Multiple Effects.


Combat Training [Physical] [Bludgeoning or By Weapon]: Damage 4 [4].

Remy is a capable fighter with basically any weapon she can get her hands on, or unarmed.


Ranged Combat Training: Range 4 (120’/250’/500’) [4].

Remy is skilled with ranged weapons, and even lacking a ranged weapon can buffet her foes from afar with blasts of wind.


Hoverglide: Speed 6 (1,800’), Feature 1 (Hovers about a foot off the ground, ignoring ground-based terrain features), Movement 1 (Trackless [Visual]; Fast, Quirk [Only over hard ground; loose ground still leaves a trail since it gets blown around]) [8].

Remy can use focused currents of air to hold her up off the ground and propel her at high speeds.


Propel: Movement 2 (Leaping; Fast) [4].

Remy can use a sudden burst of wind to launch her through the air for (relatively) short distances, though at her current level of skill she can’t remain airborne long term or freely change direction while airborne.


Barrage: Damage gains Multiattack [4].

Remy can use wind-blessed speed to attack with a flurry of blows or a rapid-fire volley of arrows.


Aeromancy [Material] [Wind]: Strength 4 (Shapeable Area) [8].

Remy can conjure winds to lift, move, bind, or push multiple targets.  She can affect any contiguous area shape she wishes as long as it fits entirely into either a cube 30’ on a side, or a 60’x15’x15’ box.


Archery (½ of 4 slots): Multiple Effects, requires Dragonwood Bow.


Piercing Shot: Damage gains Penetrating, Line Area [8].

Putting her full strength behind dragonsteel-tipped arrows, Remy can fire a shot that can puncture armor or pierce clean through multiple targets in a 250’ long line.


Aerokinetic Aim: Damage gains Reliable 2 [8].

Remy can use the wind to adjust the flight path of her arrows, improving both accuracy and precision.


Aerokinetic Guidance: Damage gains Unavoidable 2 [8].

Remy can use the wind to guide her arrows to her targets, making her shots basically impossible to entirely avoid, although sufficiently elusive foes might at least be able to get away with merely a grazing hit.


Called Shot [Physical/Physiological] [Bleed, Disruption, or Malfunction]: Weaken Resistance 4 (Broad, Brutal, Limited [Full Action]) [8].

By taking additional time to aim, Remy can shoot a particular point on a target’s body, causing additional damage and impairing them in various ways.  While this attack defaults to Weakening Resistance, Remy can Weaken any single chosen basic trait (Attack, Defense, Effect, Resistance, Powers, or Skills) if she activates the Broad extra.



Stats 16 + Skills 10 + Advantages 14 + Powers 20 = 60 PP (PL 4)


Princely Knightess [Quirk] - As Remy grew out of her frogs and fireflies stage and matured from her family's tutelage into a respectable woman, a unique mixture came forth. Remy's penchant for slacks and boots over heels and dresses gave her a more masculine attire and look in general. Her preference for shorter hair could also have her mistaken as an effeminate man from a distance. Add to this her knightly demeanor and noble mannerisms and she is quite the perfect prince for any princess. As such, she enchants the hearts of women far more than the hearts of men and often causes ripples as a result.


Knightly Oath [Honour/Responsibility] - Remy takes the knight's oath very seriously and intends to act as one of her station should. Knights are the shield of the people and the sword of the kingdom and oath is what prevents rust from weakening those roles.


Noblesse Oblige [Motivation/Responsibility] - As a noble, Remy has a responsibility to act with generosity and nobility towards those less privileged than herself. While this comes in mild conflict with keeping herself to a higher stature, Remy takes this task with great seriousness and will always help support the weak and impoverished when she is able. While this is often in-line with the knight's creed, there are some areas where it differs.


Where Adventure Calls! [Motivation] - Remy has always had a strong amount of wanderlust. She craves new environments, new challenges and adventures, new sights to see and things to experience. While she has always wished to be a Knight it's hard to say whether her it was her want for adventure that drew her to the knighthood or her knight worship draws her to seek adventure.


Familial Obligations [Responsibility] - Perhaps a tangent to the already layered responsibilities of being both a Knight and a Noble, Remy has to keep in mind the well-being of her family and the name they bear. A Knight's Duty is to the Kingdom; A Noble's Duty is to their Family. Though she would never dream of there being a conflict, having three lines of strict codes to follow makes for a complicated web to adhere to.






Initiative: +10.  Attack Bonus: +4.  Effect Bonus: +4.  Defense: +6.  Resistance: +2.  Stamina: 135.



Deception: +0.  Expertise: +10.  Insight: +0.  Intimidation: +0.  Investigation: +0.

Mobility: +10.  Perception: +5.  Persuasion: +10.  Stealth: +5.  Technology: +0.


Proficiencies: Crystal Lore, Demons, Knights, Nobility, Politics, Survival, 4 open.



Accurate Attack, All-out Attack, Attractive 2, Benefit 3 (Status 2 [Nobility], Wealth 1), Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Equipment 1 (Modern Smartphone), Equipment 0 (Carries various mundane weapons with no mechanical effects), Improved Aim, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Skill Mastery (Expertise).



Descriptor Focus: Descriptor Specialist.


Dragonwood Bow: Enhanced Topaz Archer Array 8 (Easily Removable) {8-3}.


Topaz Archer: 8-point, 4-slot Dynamic Array {8+7}.


Knight of the Gale (½ of 4 slots): Multiple Effects.


Combat Training [Physical] [Bludgeoning or By Weapon]: Damage 4 [4].

Remy is a capable fighter with basically any weapon she can get her hands on, or unarmed.


Ranged Combat Training: Range 4 (120’/250’/500’) [4].

Remy is skilled with ranged weapons, and even lacking a ranged weapon can buffet her foes from afar with blasts of wind.


Hoverglide: Speed 6 (1,800’), Feature 1 (Hovers about a foot off the ground, ignoring ground-based terrain features), Movement 1 (Trackless [Visual]; Fast, Quirk [Only over hard ground; loose ground still leaves a trail since it gets blown around]) [8].

Remy can use focused currents of air to hold her up off the ground and propel her at high speeds.


Propel: Movement 2 (Leaping; Fast) [4].

Remy can use a sudden burst of wind to launch her through the air for (relatively) short distances, though at her current level of skill she can’t remain airborne long term or freely change direction while airborne.


Barrage: Damage gains Multiattack [4].

Remy can use wind-blessed speed to attack with a flurry of blows or a rapid-fire volley of arrows.


Aeromancy [Material] [Wind]: Strength 4 (Shapeable Area) [8].

Remy can conjure winds to lift, move, bind, or push multiple targets.  She can affect any contiguous area shape she wishes as long as it fits entirely into either a cube 30’ on a side, or a 60’x15’x15’ box.


Archery (½ of 4 slots): Multiple Effects, requires Dragonwood Bow.


Piercing Shot: Damage gains Penetrating, Line Area [8].

Putting her full strength behind dragonsteel-tipped arrows, Remy can fire a shot that can puncture armor or pierce clean through multiple targets in a 250’ long line.


Aerokinetic Aim: Damage gains Reliable 2 [8].

Remy can use the wind to adjust the flight path of her arrows, improving both accuracy and precision.


Aerokinetic Guidance: Damage gains Unavoidable 2 [8].

Remy can use the wind to guide her arrows to her targets, making her shots basically impossible to entirely avoid, although sufficiently elusive foes might at least be able to get away with merely a grazing hit.


Called Shot [Physical/Physiological] [Bleed, Disruption, or Malfunction]: Weaken Resistance 4 (Broad, Brutal, Limited [Full Action]) [8].

By taking additional time to aim, Remy can shoot a particular point on a target’s body, causing additional damage and impairing them in various ways.  While this attack defaults to Weakening Resistance, Remy can Weaken any single chosen basic trait (Attack, Defense, Effect, Resistance, Powers, or Skills) if she activates the Broad extra.



Stats 16 + Skills 10 + Advantages 14 + Powers 20 = 60 PP (PL 4)







Initiative: +10.  Attack Bonus: +4.  Effect Bonus: +4.  Defense: +6.  Resistance: +2.  Stamina: 135.



Deception: +0.  Expertise: +10.  Insight: +0.  Intimidation: +0.  Investigation: +0.

Mobility: +10.  Perception: +5.  Persuasion: +10.  Stealth: +5.  Technology: +0.


Proficiencies: Crystal Lore, Demons, Knights, Nobility, Politics, Survival, 4 open.



Accurate Attack, All-out Attack, Attractive 2, Benefit 3 (Status 2 [Nobility], Wealth 1), Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Equipment 1 (Modern Smartphone), Equipment 0 (Carries various mundane weapons with no mechanical effects), Improved Aim, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Skill Mastery (Expertise).



Descriptor Focus: Descriptor Specialist.


Dragonwood Bow: Enhanced Topaz Archer Array 8 (Easily Removable) {8-3}.


Topaz Archer: 8-point, 4-slot Dynamic Array {8+7}.


Knight of the Gale (½ of 4 slots): Multiple Effects.


Combat Training [Physical] [Bludgeoning or By Weapon]: Damage 4 [4].

Remy is a capable fighter with basically any weapon she can get her hands on, or unarmed.


Ranged Combat Training: Range 4 (120’/250’/500’) [4].

Remy is skilled with ranged weapons, and even lacking a ranged weapon can buffet her foes from afar with blasts of wind.


Hoverglide: Speed 6 (1,800’), Feature 1 (Hovers about a foot off the ground, ignoring ground-based terrain features), Movement 1 (Trackless [Visual]; Fast, Quirk [Only over hard ground; loose ground still leaves a trail since it gets blown around]) [8].

Remy can use focused currents of air to hold her up off the ground and propel her at high speeds.


Propel: Movement 2 (Leaping; Fast) [4].

Remy can use a sudden burst of wind to launch her through the air for (relatively) short distances, though at her current level of skill she can’t remain airborne long term or freely change direction while airborne.


Barrage: Damage gains Multiattack [4].

Remy can use wind-blessed speed to attack with a flurry of blows or a rapid-fire volley of arrows.


Aeromancy [Material] [Wind]: Strength 4 (Shapeable Area) [8].

Remy can conjure winds to lift, move, bind, or push multiple targets.  She can affect any contiguous area shape she wishes as long as it fits entirely into either a cube 30’ on a side, or a 60’x15’x15’ box.


Archery (½ of 4 slots): Multiple Effects, requires Dragonwood Bow.


Piercing Shot: Damage gains Penetrating, Line Area [8].

Putting her full strength behind dragonsteel-tipped arrows, Remy can fire a shot that can puncture armor or pierce clean through multiple targets in a 250’ long line.


Aerokinetic Aim: Damage gains Reliable 2 [8].

Remy can use the wind to adjust the flight path of her arrows, improving both accuracy and precision.


Aerokinetic Guidance: Damage gains Unavoidable 2 [8].

Remy can use the wind to guide her arrows to her targets, making her shots basically impossible to entirely avoid, although sufficiently elusive foes might at least be able to get away with merely a grazing hit.


Called Shot [Physical/Physiological] [Bleed, Disruption, or Malfunction]: Weaken Resistance 4 (Broad, Brutal, Limited [Full Action]) [8].

By taking additional time to aim, Remy can shoot a particular point on a target’s body, causing additional damage and impairing them in various ways.  While this attack defaults to Weakening Resistance, Remy can Weaken any single chosen basic trait (Attack, Defense, Effect, Resistance, Powers, or Skills) if she activates the Broad extra.



Stats 16 + Skills 10 + Advantages 14 + Powers 20 = 60 PP (PL 4)



Character Sheet Goes Here!




High mobility, mostly gliding about with a bit of hover. Think Armored Core mech sort of lateral glide. How? Probably speed with a quirk.

Glide at moderate levels, Flight at later levels.


Archery is pretty basic ranged attack. Add a Penetrates Cover line AoE for a big super shot, some multi-attack for the classic many-arrow stunt and a homing shot for air-magic-assisted arrow attacks. How? Likely akin to Chapi having multiple dynamic arrays, set up a magic assisted array.


The Bow and Arrows. The bow is going to be pretty low-tech all said. Most of her power is going to come from the magic. Might get a "better" bow when she reaches the capitol or some such, but her existing bow will be pretty straightforward. Good materials, well-made, nothing exceptional so it can be replaced. The arrows, those I'm debating having be special. Maybe crystal-tipped for some Limited (Ammo) shots, real doozies. On the fence for that one. Hard to resist the trick arrow, but I'm also trying not to make her Green Arrow or Hawkeye...


Armor. Light, simple, maybe some skill bonus Enhanced?


Vehicle: Nope, can't as per story.


Skills: Heavy into acrobatics, athletics, survival, with of course solid ranks in Expertise for knowing nobility. Also, plenty of Persuade or the charm equivalent. Zero deception; girl can't lie to save her life.


Advantages: Appearance 2, Benefit 2 (Nobility), Benefit 1 (Wealth), Improved Aim, All-Out Attack, the whole attack suite really. Might take Ranged Attack for giggles (being a general throw/ranged master is fun in some scenarios). Skill Mastery [Acrobatics], Skill Mastery [Survival] for sure. Need to look at the list to get the whole suite.


Equipment: Bow is going to be a Device, might give her some backup weapons like a pistol in case her weapon is taken or destroyed, a short sword for melee, and a few knives for melee/throwing/utility (a knife is super useful to have!) To stick with the image, tanto and katana styles. Then a survival kit, the usual cookware and such, some knives and carving tools for making arrows and such, buncha arrow heads. Why? Because why not?


Birb? Might have a pet bird, given the image. Train him as a scouting birb, maybe just a pet sidekick, dunno. Depends how the points sit. Low priority.


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