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“You can rest here until morning, we wouldn’t send you in the middle of the night in a dark corrupted forest like that of course.” Lu-Tze said with the friendliest face so far. “And after breakfast tomorrow you can stock up on provisions for a bit before you leave tomorrow, although our stock isn't endless. I’ll show you to your rooms.”

8 hours ago, ArtamenaV said:

"I will not ask that you reveal what she said; it is, of course, a matter of honor. But if what Victor says is true, that her message was different for each of us, then we cannot let this quest fall to ruin before it has begun. How can many walk a path lest they be of one accord? I believe the right choice, for now, is to...not ignore, but stay her warning for a time, and proceed on the path given us. We all have our own reasons for being here, myself included. Let us continue in spite of those reasons, shall we?"

At hearing Aelysûne's frustration and others loudly speak of the messages they received in private those in the room see something neither of them thought was possible, Lu-Tze seems rather annoyed and dissapointed. If they can not even follow such an easy task in keeping a message private then maybe the High Council had put their trust into the wrong people. His face quickly clears and the same stoic an calm expression returns to his face.
"There, there, please do not fret. I can imagine this all comes as a bit of a shock to you all and that we put a lot of responsibility on your shoulders that you didn't expect. Just keep in mind that the High Council hasn't just randomly chosen you, they have put great thought into this, if they didn't think you were able to handle yourself in this situation you wouldn't have been standing here."
Lu-Tze looks around the room at those still being present and continues, "Now, let me show you to your room so you all can get a good nights rest before you leave tomorrow,. You are going to need i'd think."
And with that the monk turns around and walks out the room to round everybody up.



“You can rest here until morning, we wouldn’t send you in the middle of the night in a dark corrupted forest like that of course.” Lu-Tze said with the friendliest face so far. “And after breakfast tomorrow you can stock up on food for a bit before you leave tomorrow. I’ll show you to your rooms.”

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