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Fallout_Monkey Application

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Hi all,

Just learned about Ironsworn and want to give it a try. I have been playing table top games on and off for about 30 years. I'm interested in many different type of games from your typical dungeon crawlers and such, all the way up to heavy narrative games. Though I'll admit I've not played as many narrative ones, moistly due to the people I've played with.

I'm been on mythweavers for a few years now. I tend to post during the week though sometimes on weekends.

I see most of the people looking for games right now are, like me, pretty open to any sort of game and vaults and vows is supposed to be close to D&D in style. So here are some idea from my D&D campaign slush pile for people to spark off of:

  • Fantasy Breakout Kings or Suicide Squad: Basically a bunch of criminals that are forced together to capture and/or eliminate other criminals in exchange for a reduction in sentence
  • A group of traveling bards/actors trying to make a living
  • A hero/adventurer academy: children learning how to be heroes, understanding their individual talents and how these talents work within a group
  • A pony express courier style game. Kinda like that old young riders show though less old west and more fantasy. Or maybe something closer to terry Pratchett's Going Postal


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