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Do you allow hexblades to retrain their eldritch bolt and lesser planar ally powers, insomuch as they are leveled powers? Do you allow a hexblade to avail of Dual Implement Spellcaster just for wielding both their implement and their pact weapon? Do you allow Intimidate to be used to force enemies to surrender?



Do you allow hexblades to retrain their [I]eldritch bolt[/I] and [I]lesser planar ally[/I] powers, insomuch as they are leveled powers? Do you allow a hexblade to avail of Dual Implement Spellcaster just for wielding both their implement and their pact weapon? Do you allow Intimidate to be used to force enemies to surrender?



Do you allow hexblades to retrain their [I]eldritch bolt[/I] and [I]lesser planar ally[/I] powers, insomuch as they are leveled powers? Do you allow a hexblade to avail of Dual Implement Spellcaster just for wielding both their implement and their pact weapon?

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