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Seeing Double (RP Thread for Geist)

Papa Bear

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Eleanor has no trouble finding a fire alarm to activate and does so. She can hear the klaxon going off and even see some flashing lights. When the klaxons turn off and the lights stop flashing, she wonders what just happened, then sees a security guard come to examine the alarm a minute later. He can see that the alarm was pulled and pulls out his flashlight and begins to look around as he speaks into a walkie talkie, probably informing an onsite security center to his 'findings'. She isn't worried that the security guard can see her turns invisible anyway. Looking around, she can see a security camera that was probably used to view where the alarm was pulled and see that there was no actual fire.

This is a billion dollar facility and it made sense that it had the state of the art when it came to security, safety and preventitive measures.

The multi-acre facility could take ages to actually sift trough to find one man, even excluding all of the lab areas and focusing on the offices. Eleanor remembered when T.R. Grant had started building the facility. She was still working for Morley's at the time and, in fact, some of the facility was still under construction. Other 'wings' that expanded outward. Morley's helped Grant get the property, which was difficult and expensive because it had at least three separate owners, if she remembered correctly (and she was pretty smart, so that was probably true). Morley's and Grant. It couldn't be coincidence that Morley's son and some executive had been meeting together. It just couldn't. The problem was trying to make the connection.

OK, we'll put this on pause for now. They had said there was 'no incriminating evidence unless you knew what you were looking for" and sadly, Eleanor does not 'know' what to look for. She is very smart though with a researcher's mind so given time, she'll likely figure out what might be in the file to help guide her investigation.

We'll call this a 'task'. You'll roll INT rolls, keeping track of the points by which you succeed. The cumulative amount will hit success number which will provide clues she can research/look into as she figures them out.

When she gets rolls based on how often she can spend time going through her file. Obviously, right out of the gate, she's going to have the most time to devote to it (plus the initial burst of excitement) so let's make 3 INT rolls now and we'll track her progress in your Tracking post under your character sheet. We'll call it her Investigation Task.

Does that all make sense?

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[Yeah, 1st things first. Check her file and get it back in a safe location for the time being, probably check in with Chess to give him her weird recon for the night too.]

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Don't push it, kid... Initially disappointed, Eleanor at least could file this under "rich (and arrogant) enough to ignore basic safety protocols". Seriously, the number of times working at Morley's when the fire alarm got pulled and they had to WALK down all seventy flights of stairs...OK, it was only a couple of times, but you don't forget WALKING QUICKLY DOWN SEVENTY FLIGHTS OF STAIRS EVEN FOR A FIRE DRILL!

No, time to fly back to Chess' office, start reading what was soooo interesting about her file and make copies JUST in case...

INT Rolls time!
12; 13; 13
3d6;3d6;3d6 [5,1,6]; [5,1,6,6,6,1]; [5,1,6,6,6,1,5,4,4]
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