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Basically New to Myth-Weavers (but not really) - Just want to be a Player again

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Hello, all.

Technically, I've had a M-W account since the og site in 2016ish, but I've only used this site to make character sheets as recommended by a past GM. I have played DnD 5e and 3.5e, along with Starfinder, some of the Warhammer ttrpgs, and some oneshots of other systems here and there. For the past couple years, I've been in a rut of "forever DM" to try out the systems that I think are cool, but I just don't have the time nor motivation to try DMing again. Plus, I've been stuck in the player mindset of wanting to play out these character ideas but having no games to put them in, which probably affected my DM experience.

On another technicality, I have done play-by-post games before, but they were more freeform affairs from a group of friends on Discord that I have gone out of touch with. The games rarely had defined systems like DnD and were all thought up by the creator of the rp. But even so, having read a couple posts on the games I've seen here in the past couple days, the concept seems familiar, with the biggest difference of displaying all the crunch with fancy fieldsets and text colors.

And the most pressing reason for why I decided to come out here is because that pbp games allow me to get over my current situation of living abroad from the NA, which is a big pain in the butt for joining games with schedules for mainly EST timezones. With pbp, there doesn't seem to be as much of a problem with timezones as long as I can post regularly (as far as I can tell).


All in all, I just want to play games as a player again. With all due respect to GMs out there, but I am geared towards problem-solving rather than problem-making. I beg ye. Please. With a cherry on top.

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Welcome! It's a familiar story, being the forever GM... but worry not, there are a bunch of games out there. Check out the Game Advertisements or have a swing through Gaming Discussion and see what's brewing--or pitch your own ideas. There's active chapters of Pathfinder Society and Adventurer's League as well, for structured play options. I myself tend to more OSR and narrative games, currently readying to advertise in the Basic D&D and Ironsworn systems.

As with actual game play, the best way to get things going is to put yourself out there and make some noise!

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