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  1. Oh wow, I love this. My wife wouldn't--something about green peas--but that's her problem 😆 I can practically smell the fennel from the recipe. Idea that came to mind would be to add a thinly sliced onion to the fennel, and put thyme and mustard seeds in for the mint. Or maybe some roasted tomatoes on the side...
  2. OK, added an error message if you try to add non-numbers (e.g., arrays) to numbers.
  3. Circling back to this topic. The sanitizer doesn't introduce any non-breaking spaces, but browsers definitely do if you hold down the right modifier key while typing the space--on Mac, it's option, while on Windows it's either shift or control-shift (Google-fu suggests some variability). However, I haven't been able to replicate the behavior on Chrome. What browser shows it for you?
  4. The corruption of links with inline dice should now be fixed.
  5. - I'm having trouble making this happen, so there must be a particular order or field that you are updating that triggers it. If you can give me step-by-step how to reproduce, I'll definitely get it fixed.
  6. Oops, sorry I must have marked this as read without responding. You can create tags using this button within each topic: A nested view is not currently possible, though you can create as many Topics collections (aka forums) within your game as you would like, and you can also organize the tabs of your game using the Reorder Menu option under Manage Game.
  7. I believe I have this one tracked down and scheduled for the next release. Removal of hyperlinks appears to have been intentional, though I didn't leave myself a good reason for why, and it's a bit of a blunt force approach. I'll see if I can do something more nuanced.
  8. Sorting of the ads page will be fixed in the next update. The menu is already fixed, but the link on the home page requires a plugin deployment. Advertisement content will be my August project.
  9. This should be resolved. The root cause had to do with a conflict in how Invision stores URLs internally to a post and how they were being saved by the inline dice function.
  10. Fortunately, no undead or other threats trouble the group as they return to camp. The captain and crew have been busy, and a number of half-finished crude log structures have joined the canvas shanty-town far from the water's edge. The news of fresh water a half-day's walk is greeted with much gladness; in return, their own scouts have located breadfruit and banana trees not far in the other direction. For being shipwrecked, the mood is positive, almost jovial among the sailors. OOC If you need to borrow any additional supplies from camp, now is the time to do it. Otherwise, unless my rolls are exciting, you can depart the following morning: 🕒 DAY 2 - 08:00 Exploring a new hex takes either half a day or a full day depending on terrain. Passing through an already explored hex takes half that time. For new hexes, there is an increased possibility of encounters, and always the potential for getting lost (which is worse the fewer adjacent hexes have been explored).
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