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  1. [] Round 17 - Years 2082-2084 Illumined Utopian - [link] - Region(s) 01, 10, 45, 156, 158 Heights of Utopia Tracker: Sansar Orbit (2) Faith - Seek Aid on the BRB Investigation into the perpetrators on the Ophon Attack - 16 The head of the faith calls on aid, Utopian Answers. For in the light of the truth all things are revealed and paths manifested 2d6+10 | 10 ruler stat Diplomacy - Host Event: Utopian Purchase Tipa ever wary of the Veehrans with a healthy respect and cooperation of her father with some of them has invited dignitaries from all Veehran nations to come to the Heights of Utopia in Sansar Orbit, to discuss plans of the Illumined Utopian and for the Jy'mar people to broker allowance to move through the Veehran Orbit safely Diplomacy - Sway Government of the Fount of Transcendence [01] - 13 2d6+9 | +8 Lieges Stat, 0 Distance Penalty (Warp Wising - Trigger SF conversion with +4) , +1 treasure SF Conversion random (1d5) - 5 - Targets 158, Minority to Plurality - 16 Economy - Impress Merchants of <unnamed> [165] with Synthetic Meats [11-TP2] 2d8+6 | Dance Together CI (Fount of Commerce) +6 stat, +1 treasure, -1 distance penalty (Tess Storage) Economy - Buyout Rongoā Station [158-TP2] Trade Post of Thionite with support from RRE 2d6+9 | +6 stat, +2 support, +1 treasure, +1 Faith size, +1 Anti-grav rails, -2 distance penalty (Tess Storage) Acting Console Tipa Kiore Drusus (She/Her) Dip: 4 || Mil: 7 M5 Eco: 6 || Fai: 10 F5 F10 Int: 3 Unit Cap: 4 / 11 Treasure: 3 || Income: +2 Additional Items Non-Action: Income (+2 Treasure) Non-Action: Resist all Conversion Attempts on Region 10 (2d6+10) Non-Action: Resist all Conversion Attempts beyond Minority on Region 1, Region 45, Region 156 and Region 158 (2d6+10) Non-Action: Support Minority Conversions for the Cult of the Mother Serpent Non-Action: Resist all hostile actions against owned trade-posts. (6-TP2 & 10-TP1 & 11-TP2 & 14-TP1 & 45-TP1 & 52-TP3 & 60-TP3 & 71-TP2) Non-Action: Resist / hinder (-2) all buyouts on 52's trade-posts Non-Action: Embassy with GLO: Embassy Actions: Non-Action: Embassy with BCC: Embassy Actions: Non-Action: Trade Route with RAT: Trade Route Actions: Non-Action: Trade Route with HOF: Trade Route Actions: Receive from HOF 2 treasure and Legate Aubrey Non-Action: Elysian Conduit Trade Route with TEA: Trade Route Actions: Receive and Equip Resuscitation Packs Receive Heuristic Psychology Non-Action: An Olive Branch The Illumined Utopian's loss in the House of Fire's colony [78] in Mekhala was an absolute disaster. Full faceplant on Legate Aubrey's first foray into warfare after his return to Utopian. Licking the wounds from the loss the Illumined Utopian brokers a peace deal with the House of Fire for a cessation of mutual region invasions for 12 years with the return of Legate Aubrey. Offered Terms: ILU and HOF both cannot invade each others regions for 4 rounds (Round 21) ILU will receive 1 REN on acceptance of terms by HOF News And Rumors: In the Light of the All About My Zelf document and realizations from the Mad Dash event and Warrior X reveal (who was using Jy'mar without consent to power itself) The Illumined Utopian is putting out a Bounty for Any Elect to Capture (Dead or Alive) the Infamous Dr. Sardonicus - Please Reach out to the Illumined Utopian with results. Payment will be negotiated on transfer of the Dr. Payment Minimum has been set to 2 treasures or two [UC] equivalents. Arkhive Æternal Submissions (+??) Realm Tracking Illumined Utopian Technology Summary Illumined Utopian - Fount of Chaos The Illumined Utopian has always been mercenary at heart while attempting to stay true to their convictions. Recent events and widening of their beliefs has led to a significant size of the Protectorate and the Utopian as a whole who believe that it is within their ability to affect the change of Fate of the Elect and others in Tekhum. While the Consoles complete their work to better Tekhum and the alliances the Illumined Utopian has fostered other elements in the Protectorate are all too eager to 'help' with their brand of 'chaos' to those who call on their aid. Since the connection with the StarTC the Illumined Utopian has maintained a 'storefront' to solicit their aid for those who will it. In a desire to be seen as acting for all of Tekhum in open transparency the Protectorate branches reveal the 'storefront' to a wider audience with the only condition that the Console still has veto-authority on actions; however, Acting Console Tipa has signed a conditional agreement with the Fount of Chaos to allow them lee-way unless it directly conflicts with the Console's actions (IE people cannot ask me to act against myself or my current allies / agreed partners / faith head: ILU / GLO / TEA / BRB / SKA / LMP) August Legate Victolus in his new position as head of the Protectorate sanctions the Fount of Chaos as an more official branch of the Protectorate. Currently accepting [Units of Chaos] & [Starbucks] & Treasures 1 [UC] is equivalent to 1 non-opposed action 2 [UC] is roughly equivalent to a Special 5, depending on use. 1 [UC] : 6 [SB] 1 [UC] : 1 Treasure Prices Negotiable TWO region attacks not for purchase until R20+ HOF region attacks not for purchase until R21+
  2. Specific Invitations sent to: AST @Zayuz BAF @farothel ISH @Elemental MIR @Tentreto SCM @BladeofOblivion SEV @The Snark SKA @MadMapManPK SNK @Tychris1 TWI @Lady Serpentine Utopian Purchase Grand Hall of the Tiotanic Aeroship The Heights of Utopian and its attached Aeroships once keeping out the atmosphere of Badal now kept the vacuum of space in Sansar orbit at bay from wiping out all inhabitants. Having been fairly easily converted due to their original interstellar cruiseship design the viewing bays of the Tiotanic's Grand Hall gave a spectacular view of Sansar on one side, orbiting in a geosynchronous station with the Wyrmlands volcanos below. Tipa Kiore Drusus had spared no expenses for the meeting, with native sourced foods from Veehra as well as Jy'mar dishes and Sansarite dishes arrayed out for all dignitaries to meet, discuss and mingle. Entertainment in the form of musicians filled the hall with sounds as they rotated through requests from Guests as well as popular Tekhum music. Engineering plans and documents filled some of the side halls, potentially clueing the visiting people to what the intention of the meeting was. An scaled Orrery of Huma, its moons and stations was set in the middle of the Grand Hall, spinning under its own power. After some mingling Tipa rose stand on the podium reserved for her so she could address the delegates. "Welcome delegates of Veehra, members of the Elect across Tekhum and my friends and allies with vested interest in Huma. I understand many of you do not know why the Illumined Utopian has sent summons for you - We seek to fulfill the prophecy laid out in the past of Huma, Cinder Skye may be distracted from her calling, but the Jy'mar are committed to this action. My reason for the specific invitation to the Veehran Elect is twofold, As you can see we have leveraged the psionic abilities of our Masters to relocate the Heights of Utopian to the orbit of Sansar, we wish to continue moving through the Veehran orbit - but we don't wish to do so without prior informing your nations and a discussion regarding any problems you may have with the Illumined Utopian on our pilgrimage to the outer orbits. Second we wish to obtain any information on the terraforming equipment that lies on Veehran soil - we wish not to activate it - but study it, or have studies of it provided to us. Additionally we would wish for any critical parts or components so that we could study it on our own if possible. This machine left by the ancients may leave clues on how we could reform it to be used on Huma. I understand this may not seem like a lot to host such an event over, but the Illumined Utopian is committed to completing this work - and we will be funding what we can to achieve our aims."
  3. [] Round 16 - Years 2079-2081 Illumined Utopian - [] - Region(s) 01, 10, 45, 156, 158 Heights of Utopia Tracker: Badal Orbit (1) >> Sansar Orbit (2) Faith - Activate the Grand Sigil Array! The Height of Utopia [10] Moves to Sansar Orbit! Tipa traces the elegant Grand Sigil control array, the proof of what the ancient masters did, moving between the stars - even if the last trip wasn't intentional. Once more into the belt, to find the promised lands beyond - to visit the ancestral founding grounds and go beyond and make something new. [deep breaths Tipa, no pressure, giant asteroids travel between the stars all the time right?] Gently taking the sigils in hand she raises the intercom for all of the Heights of Utopian. "Once we were trapped, abandoned and cast down into the depths of a planet set to kill us. Now we have risen, first as an Elect, then as a master of our paths, and Now - as the restorers of our future! We set out on our great pilgrimage across the stars, to visit the place of our origin, to visit our ancestral belt - and at last to find our home. This marks the start of a new era. For Utopian!" Pushing the sigils forward the Heights of Utopia began its traversal into the black between orbits. Economy 5 - Establish Trade Route with TEA! OKAY FINE MOM, I'll get you that darn trade route set up. DAD STOP LAUGHING IT ISN'T FUNNY I'VE BEEN BUSY. UGH - I'm not 18 anymore, I've been in charge longer than that now! I know what I'm doing please stop.. no don't get the baby pictures out Nononononono stop lalalalala Economy - Buyout Electronic Edibles (6-TP2) in Shiwa Yun from UHS as Contracted More Fount Contracts call for an economic expansion, buyout and take-over from UHS. The Utopian economic machine complies. 2d8+10 || 7 stat using lieges stat, +1 treasure, +0 distance penalty, not resisted or supported by mercantile, +1 anti-grav Rail, +1 faith size, CI from TR-Embassy with RAT (No Tolls, Taxes, or Tariffs) Military - Recruit a Ground Unit Following the disorganized return of the Parvus Dragoons from the contracted invasion - the Protectorate spends time re-form the Parvus Dragoons from willing Wyrmblessed recruits hoping that the recent failures are just blips and not a prevailing issue in unit composition. Military - Contracts from the Fount for RRE to invade region 78 led by Admiral Legate Aubrey Fount contracts come in with some competing offers, eventually RRE makes a winning bid and the Fount mobilizes The Path of Oracles and the Merchant's Irregulars. +11 TM for Privateer's Bounty | 10 (Admiral) +1 (E.O.N.S Projectors, Rapid Resupply Logistics, Resuscitation Packs, EMP -2) to Tactical Maneuvering. +19 Battle, +5% own Cas ground, -10% own Cas Space | 10 (Admiral), +2 space from ILU, +1 Space from RRE, +1 Ground from RRE, +1 treasure spent by ILU, RRE tech lead +7, -3 Distance Penalty (Orbit 1 > 4) Techs (RRE): Powered Exosuits, Soom-Pattern Rayguns, Augmented Shocktroopers, Cyclone Phased Laser Arrays, Resuscitation Packs, Chrono-Deflector Shields, +5% own casualties (Augmented Shocktroopers, Resuscitation Packs) to Ground Units, -10% own casualties to Space Units Region goes to RRE on victory Acting Console Tipa Kiore Drusus (She/Her) Dip: 4 || Mil: 6 M5 Eco: 5 || Fai: 10 F5 F10 Int: 3 Unit Cap: 4 / 11 Treasure: 2 || Income: +1 Additional Items Non-Action: Income (+1 Treasure) Non-Action: Recieve Treasure from WTU for Exchange Program Non-Action: Resist all Conversion Attempts on Region 10 (2d6+10) Non-Action: Resist all Conversion Attempts beyond Minority on Region 1, Region 45, Region 156 and Region 158 (2d6+10) Non-Action: Support Minority Conversions for the Cult of the Mother Serpent Non-Action: Resist all hostile actions against owned trade-posts. (10-TP1 & 11-TP2 & 14-TP1 & 45-TP1 & 52-TP3 & 60-TP3 & 71-TP2) Non-Action: Resist / hinder (-2) all buyouts on 52's trade-posts Non-Action: Embassy with GLO: Embassy Actions: Non-Action: Embassy with BCC: Embassy Actions: Non-Action: Trade Route with RAT: Trade Route Actions: Receive Heroic Adventurers Via Trade Route - Supplying 158 with its DI and extending unrest to R20 Non-Action: Trade Route with HOF: Trade Route Actions: Provide HOF with an Economic Tech Update Package via the Fount of Chaos Send to HOF Anti-Grav Rails, Block Chain, Android Industrialization, Hyperlight Transceivers, Smart Space Colonizer Suits, Artificial Gravity, Senkarite Colonization Packages, Great Plagues Receive from HOF 1 treasure & Infrastructural Stimulus Non-Action: Trigger Minor Precognition if applicable. Non-Action: An Olive Branch The Illumined Utopian's loss against the defending BCC forces on the aeroship of Badal was taken to heart by the Protectorate forces and Tipa Kiore Drusus the Acting Console herself penned a proposed ceasation of hostilities to the Black Cloud Coalition. "Our forces have valiantly clashed at the behest og third parties, it would be best if Badalians not fight one another for no real gain." Offered Terms: ILU and BCC both cannot invade each others regions for 4 rounds ILU will receive 1 REN on acceptance of terms by BCC Everybody Loves a Heel will trigger providing ILU with 1 additional REN Non-Action: An Olive Branch The Illumined Utopian's victory over the Twilight League in the skies of Badal was taken to heart by the Protectorate forces and Tipa Kiore Drusus the Acting Console herself penned a proposal to LLilium of the Twilight League. "Our forces have valiantly faced one another in the stars - while Utopian was victorious this time it does not disprove your ability or honour in rising to the call of battle. May we face each other in the black of night, and yet not fight over the lands we call home." Offered Terms: ILU and TWI both cannot invade each others regions for 4 rounds ILU will receive 1 REN on acceptance of terms by TWI Everybody Loves a Heel will trigger providing ILU with 1 additional REN News And Rumors: In the Light of the All About My Zelf document and realizations from the Mad Dash event and Warrior X reveal (who was using Jy'mar without consent to power itself) The Illumined Utopian is putting out a Bounty for Any Elect to Capture (Dead or Alive) the Infamous Dr. Sardonicus - Please Reach out to the Illumined Utopian with results. Payment will be negotiated on transfer of the Dr. Arkhive Æternal Submissions (+??) (+1) Culture's Literature: (+1) Historical Work: (+1) Philosophy & Others: (+1) Join the Arkhive or librarian joins (+2) The Cata-Honeycombs ongoing hive contribution! Realm Tracking Economic: RAT Trade Route HOF Trade Route Treasure: 2 Income: +1 Trade Posts (9): (2) 10-TP1 (Exotic Heavy Metals) - DI for 1, 45 and 52 (1) 11-TP2 (Synthetic Meats) - DI for 10 (1) 17-TP1 (Noble Metals) - DI for 1, 45 and 52 (1) 45-TP1 (Dragon Eyes) (2) 52-TP3 (Turboblaze Popmaize) (1) 60-TP3 (Engineering Corp) (1) 71-TP2 (Heavy Machinery) Telepathic Ascendancy {XQI} {156 DI: Chemical Reagents} {158 DI: Soldiers supplied via TR from RAT} Resource Categories: Ores and Alloys x2 Precious Minerals x1 Meat and Animal Products x1 Medicines and Drugs x2 Magic Items x3 Industrial Machinery x2 Luxury Goods x1 Construction Materials x1 Fuel and Power x1 1/rd Fruits and Vegetables x1 Industrial Machinery x1 Debts: Owe BAF a 'support' or additional tech for buyout supports Do Not Share Popmaize Cluster Grenades Do Not Share Solar Charged Weaponry Do Not trade Magnesis Drive No invading TWI for 4 rounds Diplomatic: Embassies: Reflective Gardens, Blue Zone of the North Way Cluster (BCC) Access to Property Wrongs (Theft CI) Zelf-Embassy, Labyrinthic Path of the Heights of Utopia (GLO) Access to Courtship (Raise Reputation CI) Cultural Identities: Futures Foretold (Undermine Support) Regions: Capital (Badal Orbit): Heights of Utopia (10), ILU Gov, Open Merc, ILU Media Fortress: The Labyrinthic Path Holy Order: Paragon's Primes GP5 ArkHive: Cata-Honeycombs Badal: Fount of Transcendence (01), Open Gov, Open Merc, Open Media Sansar: Wyrmlands (45), ILU Gov, Open Merc, Open Media Huma: {Seekuinua} (156), Open Gov, Open Merc, Open Media Huma: {Rongoā Station} (158), Open Gov, Open Merc, Open Media Loose Faction Supports: 52 - Merchant (supplying Ores & Alloys DI) Arkhive Æternal Status: <> Faith: Official: Soul's Fascination Head: BRB Size 5: +1 to buyouts Size 10: +1 to conversions Size 20: 2d8 investigations Size 40: Dance Together (1/rd CI from another SF) Organized Size: 40+ Grant Sigil Array [10] The Grand Sigil Array allows for the conference and focus of a telepathic gestalt in the Heights of Utopian that allows for the movement and relocation of the Heights of Utopia [10] between orbits. Every round 1 Faith action can be spent to move [10] to an adjacent orbit, increasing by 1 action for each consecutive round where [10] is moved. Military: Admiral Legate Aubrey (10) Privateer's Bounty Legate Aubrey's return to the Protectorate some years ago was seen as good fortune as they were top of their class in the fleet academies before they disapeared. Rumored to have spend time among the stars learning about other Elect vessels with a band of 'misfits', he came back with a few tricks in 'boarding actions' and capture of vessels over destruction, even sporting some know-how in restoring ships to working order in quick time. Having spent the years since his return documenting and detailing procedures and tactics for the Protectorate forces supported by their Wyrm-blessed members to raid, capture and redeploy vessels from their enemies as prize ships or to quickly scavenge lost vessels to make them functional until dry-dock. {On Tactical Doctrine Success Gain a Space Unit after a space or combined front battle where at least 1 Space Unit was lost.} Admiral Legate Vraastx (7) Rapid Redeployment Following a victory in the Space Combat forces are quickly redeployed to critical support infrastructure on the ground and aid landing forces on the attack. {+2 to Orbital Superiority Bonus} Unit Cap 4/11 Ground: The 101 Praetorians Space: Fleet of Equitable Footing Space: Merchant's Irregulars Ground: The Parvus Dragoons Space: Path of Oracles Time Sensitive Get Fuel! Chemical Reagents for 156 before R18 Soldiers for 158 before R20 Beverages for 24 before R17 Next Round: Acting Console: Dip 4 / Mil 6 / Eco 5 / Fai 10 / Int 3 Heir: Inheritor Console Tau'ri Drusus [Dip 3, Mil 2, Eco 1, Fai 3, Int 3] Receive 1 treasure Spends 1 treasure on buyouts Spends 1 treasure on 78 Battle Illumined Utopian Technology Summary Tech Summary: Name Effect Powered Y/N 1. Aclaustrophobic Psychiatry N/A Fluff Y 2. Algorithmic Imagination N/A Fluff Y 3. Arcane Amplification N/A Fluff Y 4. In Viro Modification N/A Fluff Y 5. Nuclear Fusion N/A Fluff Y 6. Psuedogravity Engineering N/A Fluff Y 7. Xenolinguistic Cataloguing N/A Fluff Y 8. Badalian Megadirigibles Allows for ground unit travel on the Cloud Sea of Badal Y 9. Wet Navy Ships Allows for ground unit travel on oceans Y 10. Dust Hardening (Compromised) Negates Dust Desert penalties Y 11. Vacuum Adaptation Same Orbit zero-g region ground unit travel Y 12. Anti-Gravitational Rail +1 Buyouts || Ores & Alloys Y 13. Block Chain +1 Build Spy Network || Electronics N 14. Shrewd Business +1 Buyouts you assist & +1 impress merch || Honeyed Words, Fabric and Textiles N 15. Minor Precognition +1 defend 1 opposed roll / rd - takes a conversion {SF} at +8 bonus || XQI Y 16. Thaumonuclear Reactor Cores Travel beyond the Great Gulf || Fuel N 17. Android Industrialization 3 action GP for II action || Industrial Machinery OR Conductors and Circuitry Y 18. Hyperlight Transceivers 1/rd reduce distance penalty on non-battle by 1 || Exotic Matter N 19. Tesseractic Storage -1 distance penalty for Economy actions || Magical Items Y 20. Novacore Drive Mk2 Cross Great Gult starting at Huma || 19, Noble Metals Y 21. Artificial Gravity -1 distance penalty across Gulf for non-battle || Exotic Matter N 22. Great Plagues (Sus) GS against a resisted Sack, Destroy defending unit || Fruits and Vegetables OR Ores and Alloys N 23.M E.O.N.S. Projector +1 to TM || Computers N 24.M Soom-Pattern Rayguns (Sus) +1 Ground & Combined || Laser Rifles or Conductors and Circuitry N 25.M Powered Exosuits +1 Ground & Combined || Conductors and Circuitry N 26.M Rapid Resupply Logistics +2 to TM Ground & Combined || Fuel & Power N 27. Warp Wising Max Distance Penalty = 0 for dip actions to EB orbits and 0 for eco actions w TR orbits. When activated trigger {SF} conversion at +4 bonus that cannot be hindered || 19, XQI N 28. Smart Space Colonizer Suits This tech takes effect during and after exploring a region, if the region doesn't have any significant sophont population. A successful roll against TN 12 reveals the full details of the region and you reveal any sites of archeological interest or similar unique features in the region that might otherwise be hidden. You get a +1 bonus to the Colonize action taken in the region in the following round. On a great success (TN 18), you may attempt to colonize the region as a non-action on the following round. || Conductors and Circuitry, Fabrics and Textile Products N 29. Senkarite Colonization Packages Reduces the distance penalty for Colonize Region actions by 1 and the threshold for a Great Success on Colonize Region actions by 1. || Medicine and Drugs N 30. Leynode Generators +1 to Intrigue Actions in Orbit 5+ || 16, Magical Items N 31. Magnesis Drive Allows travel past the great gulf into the outer system. Distance penalties are capped at -4. || 12, Specialists N 32.M Popmaize Grenades +1 to Ground and Combined Battles || Sun-Kissed Maize N 33.M Solar-Charged Weapons +2 to Ground and Combined Battles || 32, Beverages N 34.M Shield Generators +1 to Space and Combined Battles || Conductors and Circuitry N 35.M Augmented Shocktroopers +2 to Ground and Combined Battles, +10% own Cas || Medicines and Drugs Y 36.M Intelligent Plasma Defense Matrices +1 to Space and Combined Battles || Chemical Reagents N Mil Equipped: Slot Equipped Not-Equipped Man-Portable Weapons Solar Charged Weaponry Soom-Pattern Rayguns, Popmaize Cluster Grenades Infantry Equipment Powered Exosuits Combat Drugs & Medicine Armored Vehicles Field Fortifications Engineered Combat Organisms Augmented Shocktroopers Detection and Rangefinding Ship to Ship Weapons Orbit to Ground Weapons Crew and Maintenance Armor and Shields Intelligent Plasma Defense Matrices Shield Generators Spacecraft Propulsion EWAR & CM Space EONS Projectors EWAR & CM Ground EONS Projectors Special Forces Space Special Forces Ground Logistics & Morale Space Rapid Resupply Logistics & Morale Space Rapid Resupply Illumined Utopian - Fount of Chaos The Illumined Utopian has always been mercenary at heart while attempting to stay true to their convictions. Recent events and widening of their beliefs has led to a significant size of the Protectorate and the Utopian as a whole who believe that it is within their ability to affect the change of Fate of the Elect and others in Tekhum. While the Consoles complete their work to better Tekhum and the alliances the Illumined Utopian has fostered other elements in the Protectorate are all too eager to 'help' with their brand of 'chaos' to those who call on their aid. Since the connection with the StarTC the Illumined Utopian has maintained a 'storefront' to solicit their aid for those who will it. In a desire to be seen as acting for all of Tekhum in open transparency the Protectorate branches reveal the 'storefront' to a wider audience with the only condition that the Console still has veto-authority on actions; however, Acting Console Tipa has signed a conditional agreement with the Fount of Chaos to allow them lee-way unless it directly conflicts with the Console's actions (IE people cannot ask me to act against myself or my current allies / agreed partners / faith head: ILU / GLO / TEA / BRB / SKA / LMP) August Legate Victolus in his new position as head of the Protectorate sanctions the Fount of Chaos as an more official branch of the Protectorate. Currently accepting [Units of Chaos] & [Starbucks] & Treasures 1 [UC] is equivalent to 1 non-opposed action 2 [UC] is roughly equivalent to a Special 5, depending on use. 1 [UC] : 6 [SB] 1 [UC] : 1 Treasure Prices Negotiable
  4. Region Write-up for Approval: Rongoā Station Region: 158 (Huma) Region Name: Rongoā Station Owner: Illumined Utopian Rongoā Station - Geography, Fauna & Flora A triangular spire of gleaming copper and emerald hues hangs in what is claimed to be a geostationary orbit around Huma. Tubular rings circle the spire with logos of the various chemical companies, pharmacies and universities that make up the inhabitants of Rongoā station. A Place of healing, learning and chemical manufactory the station was renown to the local inhabitants in the orbit of Huma for being the center for medicinal and drug production for the region. With the 'take-over' by the Illumined Utopian the universities and the chemical manufactories are slightly retooled and updated with the latest technologies from across Tekhum and an abundance of chemicals are produced allowing for the surplus to be put to market along side the medicinal drugs. Being an artificial station focused around learning and healing parks dot the interior areas of the spires and rings for contemplation and physiotherapy and the 'fauna' of the station is largely relegated to pets. The Protectorate branches quickly complete sweeps of the enclosed station to ensure no harmful pests exist for the Jy'mar immigrants moving in along side the myriad of races and people living in the melting pot station. The Inhabitants Rongoā station isn't dominated by anyone race or species of intelligent life, a place of learning and healing and chemical manufactory lended itself to a mix of all peoples Huma wide, and now Tekhum across. A curious race of non-verbal inhabitants took it upon themselves to be the custodians of the streets and maintain the working of the station itself while leaving all the other transient and non-transient inhabitants alone as they keep the life support and other critical functions operating. Faith: Will to Power Power is the Ultimate goal. Power provides one with everything they want or need. Power is all, All is Power. How do you obtain power? How do you catch lightning or stop a breeze? Will. Your Will is power on all around you - should your Will prove strong enough it will occur. Follow my guidance, start at the bottom of the prism and rise to the top, I will teach you to harness your Will and obtain Power. ~ Guru Punzai Rongoā Station Resource Thionite {Medicine and Drugs & Chemical Reagents} Thionite was originally created as an attempt to make dreamless sleeps and help those with insomnia fall asleep and rest when other medical avenues did not work. While successful in aiding sleep and ensuring better sleep patterns it did not make them dreamless, in fact it did the opposite instead providing extremely vivid dreams where one was mentally active when dreaming. Some test groups said they could visualize anything in the dreams and it would function as if they were awake - a sort of 'creative mode' on life. Used recreationally some users lapsed into false-reality syndromes where the waking world was considered the dream. More professionally used some of the intense university courses provide monitored doses to allow students to study while asleep to shorten overall course length and better retention of knowledge. With the increased production of the chemical manufactories in Rongoā Station the cheaply made Thionite works as a good chemical reagent in many other chemical processes as a bonding agent or delivery method for other drugs. Desired Import: (Soldiers) While the Will is Power faithful believe their own Will gives them power, the leaders of the movement seem ever needy for security forces, as well as others who postulate that having Might is Power and the demand for professional soldiers is ever high.
  5. Seekuinua (156) Region: 156 (Huma) Region Name: Seekuinua Owner: Illumined Utopian Seekuinua - Geography, Fauna & Flora Seekuinua is a barren surface of rock and ice, cracks and fissures leak nitrogen seeping up from the depths of the cryovolcanos that scatter the landscape. While the surface is empty and devoid of life, there are interconnected tunnels and underground burrows connecting the various Kuin caverns that house the inhabitants and the creatures that live within them. While earthquakes and eruptions plague the surface with changes and debris the underground caverns are oddly protected from shifts and changes of the ground around them. The faithful Tritonis believes say she still protects them even in slumber, avoiding their expansions and outposts, while the scientists and mages continue to test theories and hypothosis' better than "magic". The Palatial Burrow is the home to the Palace of Rock and Ice, the home of the monarchy ruling Seekuinua and all of the Kuin. Rolling forests of everwhite trees, rocks and fields bursting full of life make up the majority of the burrow as the Kuin live in harmony with the ecosphere bio-engineered around their needs. Places to hunt, to rest, to play and to study are all set out for them and is the ideal example they use to replicate to other biosphere caverns in the moon when they expand. With the take-over by the Illumined Utopian and Tipa's marriage to the scion of the royal family the ruling monarchy line now passes through Tipa Kiore. Beyond the burrows in the caverns not yet bio-engineered or unable to be sealed are some of the hiding life forms that seek the chill of the cryovolcanic discharge and feed on the liquid nitrogen pools. These creatures withstand the void of space along side the extreme cold of the planet and even thrive in the harsh conditions. While all of the fauna outside the burrows would be classified as Cryovolcanic Extremophiles whose pelts and chitin make excellent insulators or even tamed and trained fauna could be used for various purposes the most significant of the known fauna are the Sikuk, a lobster like creature nearly 10 feet long with white-grey chitin that the Kuin use as mounts for travelling between the underground settlements. The Inhabitants The Kuin are a race of fox-like-mustelid roughly a foot in length that have some divergent roots and familial ties to the various other races of Tekhum. While they can use their front legs for manipulating tools and higher functions of society it is not uncommon for them to use all four limbs at all times to locate around. In place of their motile limbs the Kuin have introduced robotic limbs that connect remotely or hard-wired to cybernetics to provide easier manipulation and fine skills required for a complex society. Signs of gene-modification is evident in their ability to survive in 'standard' Tekhum conditions as well as in the significantly colder conditions of their home planet. Their coat of fur is able to act as a near perfect insulator to maintain the required body heat to survive giving them significant advantages to operate in the cold of space or at home in their back yard. Faith: Tritonis The people of Seekuinua believe in a Goddess of ice and water who apparently lives in the core of the icey Huma moon. She was in charge of guiding and providing for the Kuin and took them from their water home through the stars to live on Seekuinua as a safe place away from those who wanted to kill them. None have dared dig deep enough to the frozen core of the moon to determine if there is any fact to the myths and would rather leave her memory to rest. The frequent earthquakes and nitrogen cyro-volcano eruptions are said to be reflections of her snores and dreams while she slumbers. The faithful continue to respect her wisdom and stay within the habitable underground biospheres - content to be isolated from the rest of Tekhum. Seekuinua Resource Cryovolcanic Extremophiles {Fauna & Soldiers} The various fauna of the un-bioengineered underground regions hold many uses as traditional Tekhum Fauna in their variety; however, the Sikuk are easily trained in the ways of war and defense and formed some of the defensive capabilities of the Kuin people. Paired with Kuin riders the Sikuk are a fearsome force to reckon with on any battlefield with the extreme conditions they are able to operate through. Desired Import: (Chemical Reagents) The Kuin have an over abundance of specific chemicals natural to the Seekuinua planet and the cyrovolcanos, but they are missing other key chemicals needed for complex society and import them in droves to make up for the lack of diversity in their biosphere.
  6. Region Write-up for Approval: Seekuinua Region: 156 (Huma) Region Name: Seekuinua Owner: Illumined Utopian Seekuinua - Geography, Fauna & Flora Seekuinua is a barren surface of rock and ice, cracks and fissures leak nitrogen seeping up from the depths of the cryovolcanos that scatter the landscape. While the surface is empty and devoid of life, there are interconnected tunnels and underground burrows connecting the various Kuin caverns that house the inhabitants and the creatures that live within them. While earthquakes and eruptions plague the surface with changes and debris the underground caverns are oddly protected from shifts and changes of the ground around them. The faithful Tritonis believes say she still protects them even in slumber, avoiding their expansions and outposts, while the scientists and mages continue to test theories and hypothosis' better than "magic". The Palatial Burrow is the home to the Palace of Rock and Ice, the home of the monarchy ruling Seekuinua and all of the Kuin. Rolling forests of everwhite trees, rocks and fields bursting full of life make up the majority of the burrow as the Kuin live in harmony with the ecosphere bio-engineered around their needs. Places to hunt, to rest, to play and to study are all set out for them and is the ideal example they use to replicate to other biosphere caverns in the moon when they expand. With the take-over by the Illumined Utopian and Tipa's marriage to the scion of the royal family the ruling monarchy line now passes through Tipa Kiore. Beyond the burrows in the caverns not yet bio-engineered or unable to be sealed are some of the hiding life forms that seek the chill of the cryovolcanic discharge and feed on the liquid nitrogen pools. These creatures withstand the void of space along side the extreme cold of the planet and even thrive in the harsh conditions. While all of the fauna outside the burrows would be classified as Cryovolcanic Extremophiles whose pelts and chitin make excellent insulators or even tamed and trained fauna could be used for various purposes the most significant of the known fauna are the Sikuk, a lobster like creature nearly 10 feet long with white-grey chitin that the Kuin use as mounts for travelling between the underground settlements. The Inhabitants The Kuin are a race of fox-like-mustelid roughly a foot in length that have some divergent roots and familial ties to the various other races of Tekhum. While they can use their front legs for manipulating tools and higher functions of society it is not uncommon for them to use all four limbs at all times to locate around. In place of their motile limbs the Kuin have introduced robotic limbs that connect remotely or hard-wired to cybernetics to provide easier manipulation and fine skills required for a complex society. Signs of gene-modification is evident in their ability to survive in 'standard' Tekhum conditions as well as in the significantly colder conditions of their home planet. Their coat of fur is able to act as a near perfect insulator to maintain the required body heat to survive giving them significant advantages to operate in the cold of space or at home in their back yard. Faith: Tritonis The people of Seekuinua believe in a Goddess of ice and water who apparently lives in the core of the icey Huma moon. She was in charge of guiding and providing for the Kuin and took them from their water home through the stars to live on Seekuinua as a safe place away from those who wanted to kill them. None have dared dig deep enough to the frozen core of the moon to determine if there is any fact to the myths and would rather leave her memory to rest. The frequent earthquakes and nitrogen cyro-volcano eruptions are said to be reflections of her snores and dreams while she slumbers. The faithful continue to respect her wisdom and stay within the habitable underground biospheres - content to be isolated from the rest of Tekhum. Seekuinua Resource Cryovolcanic Extremophiles {Fauna & Soldiers} The various fauna of the un-bioengineered underground regions hold many uses as traditional Tekhum Fauna in their variety; however, the Sikuk are easily trained in the ways of war and defense and formed some of the defensive capabilities of the Kuin people. Paired with Kuin riders the Sikuk are a fearsome force to reckon with on any battlefield with the extreme conditions they are able to operate through. Desired Import: (Chemical Reagents) The Kuin have an over abundance of specific chemicals natural to the Seekuinua planet and the cyrovolcanos, but they are missing other key chemicals needed for complex society and import them in droves to make up for the lack of diversity in their biosphere.
  7. New Tactical Doctrine: Privateer's Bounty Legate Aubrey's return to the Protectorate some years ago was seen as good fortune as they were top of their class in the fleet academies before they disapeared. Rumored to have spend time among the stars learning about other Elect vessels with a band of 'misfits', he came back with a few tricks in 'boarding actions' and capture of vessels over destruction, even sporting some know-how in restoring ships to working order in quick time. Having spent the years since his return documenting and detailing procedures and tactics for the Protectorate forces supported by their Wyrm-blessed members to raid, capture and redeploy vessels from their enemies as prize ships or to quickly scavenge lost vessels to make them functional until dry-dock. On Tactical Doctrine Success Gain a Space Unit after a space or combined front battle where at least 1 Space Unit was lost.
  8. [The tail end of an internal broadcast is pinged throughout Tekhum from the Fount of Transcendence] "...and now we're live with updates from the reconstruction foreman working on the repair of the tragic industrial accidents in the Fount of Transcendence several years ago - Wyrmlord Syszxxt. Wyrmlord, how are the reconstruction efforts going?" "Double plus good, everything is on schedule and the pipeworks has never looked better. We're tiptop back in shape plus good workers employment is up and we're expecting to meet the production quotas this year!" "How wonderous to hear, do you have any comments on the lower than normal production of XQI?" "XQI is a tricky thing, we don't understand all the pipes and exactly how its condensed - we think we have an angle on what pipes are blocked where but we're still surveying the understreets to see if there are any ungood blockages. I'll be sure to keep the public updated!" "Thank you Wyrmlord Syszxxt! Onto local news! The Fount is having its annual 'Telepathic Ascendance' recognition day in a week! Be prepared to celebrate the wonderous founding masters who delved the Pipeworks for all our sakes and created the first Gestalt! Remember for the good of the whole! Goodnight all!" [Broadcast ends] Round 15 - Years 2076-2078 Illumined Utopian - [] - Region(s) 01, 10, 45, 156, 158 Heights of Utopia Tracker: Badal Orbit (1) Faith 10 - Miracle - The Grand Sigil Array Jy'mar masters continued their delve through history records of the Masters of the past who had been recorded to have been able to redirect the Warrens on their path toward Ophon into the skies of Badal. Following the assault on Ophon the current Masters scrambled to find more information in hopes of finding something to aid them. Deep in the caverns of the Warrens a decaying tablet is found that discusses the ability for masters to link up their power and project it outward on the world. An Existing partially damaged Grand Sigil Array throughout the Warrens was found but the Masters were unable to dispher how to recreate it at this time, just able to restore enough of it to be functional! The Masters link together and activate the array - and the Warrens unexpectedly Lift! The Grand Sigil Array has been reformed! The Heights of Utopia [10] Warrens Asteroid and connected Aeroships have been relocated to the Orbit of Badal as a non-0g region with all attached trade posts, holy orders, fortresses, arcologies and great projects that were connected to the region! The Grand Sigil Array allows for the conference and focus of a telepathic gestalt in the Heights of Utopian that allows for the movement and relocation of the Heights of Utopia [10] between orbits. Every round 1 Faith action can be spent to move [10] to an adjacent orbit, increasing by 1 action for each consecutive round where [10] is moved. Military 5 - New Commander - Legate Aubrey (10) Tactical Doctrine: Privateer's Bounty Legate Aubrey's return to the Protectorate some years ago was seen as good fortune as they were top of their class in the fleet academies before they disapeared. Rumored to have spend time among the stars learning about other Elect vessels with a band of 'misfits', he came back with a few tricks in 'boarding actions' and capture of vessels over destruction, even sporting some know-how in restoring ships to working order in quick time. Having spent the years since his return documenting and detailing procedures and tactics for the Protectorate forces supported by their Wyrm-blessed members to raid, capture and redeploy vessels from their enemies as prize ships or to quickly scavenge lost vessels to make them functional until dry-dock. On Tactical Doctrine Success Gain a Space Unit after a space or combined front battle where at least 1 Space Unit was lost. Military - Invade Region 15 as Contracted under the Fount of Chaos A Contract comes through the Fount, the ships are prepped for war and the Jy'mar ready for battle. 2 Ground Units Led by Tipa kiore Drusus (5) land in 01 and travel by war-airship to region 15 +5 Tac Man | Measured Advance (-10% both cas) +9 Battle (+11 / +13) | 5 Ruler, +2 Units, +2 Tech +10% own cas, (+3 or +5 OBS dependent on space victory & space TM Victory) 3 Space Units take to Badal Orbit led by Admiral Legate Vraastx (7) using Rapid Redeployment and supporting the battle in 15 +7 Tac Man | Rapid Redeployment (OSB +2) +10 | 7 Admiral, +3 units OSB on Region 15 (+3, +5 on Tac Man win) Economy - Buyout Engineering Corps TP3-60 from the Empty Sea (20) Jy'mar Merchants reach agreements with the Loop-born and arrange for deals and contracts with various Engineering Corps to aid Utopian with its wide reaching infrastructure woes. 2d8+7 || CI from TR-Embassy with RAT (No Tolls, Taxes, or Tariffs) + 4 stat + 1 (faith size) +1 (Anti-grav rails) + 1 treasure +2 Mercantile support - 1 Distance penalty (Tess Storage reduction) - 1 Dust Penalty Economy - Buyout Sun-Kissed Maize TP3-52 from Agbada (27) Jy'mar merchants use their mercantile connections to attempt to obtain the sun-kissed maize food from the Wicklund Scavengers. The Solar Nexus trade branch funded by the Illumined Utopian approve the purchase and permits for exports. 2d8+12 || CI from Dance Together (No Tolls, Taxes, or Tariffs), +7 (using lieges Stat) +1 (faith size) +1 (Anti-grav rails) +1 Treasure +2 Mercantile Support -0 distance penalty (Mercantile in Orbit 3 + Tess Storage) Acting Console Tipa Kiore Drusus (She/Her) Dip: 4 || Mil: 5 Eco: 4 || Fai: 10 F5 Int: 3 Unit Cap: 5 / 11 Treasure: 2 || Income: +1 Additional Items Non-Action: Income (+1 Treasure) Non-Action: Resist all Conversion Attempts on Region 10 (2d6+10) Non-Action: Resist all Conversion Attempts beyond Minority on Region 1, Region 45, Region 156 and Region 158 (2d6+10) Non-Action: Resist all hostile actions against owned trade-posts. (10-TP1 & 11-TP2 & 14-TP1 & 45-TP1 & 71-TP2) Non-Action: Resist / hinder (-2) all buyouts on 52's trade-posts, excepting ILU's buyout of TP3-52 where support is given. Non-Action: WTU Exchange Programs - The Wyrmlands are Open for Business! Ever want to see the insides of an active volcano? Did you think working with concrete as a building material boring? Think no more! Come to the Wyrmlands! We produce the highest grade of space rated see-through construction material through out all of Tekhum! Dragon Eyes are the material of the future! Produced and obtained in the Volcanos of the Wyrmlands workers can experience the heat without suffering from it as they pilot the lava rated drones to retrieve and find the growing magical gems! Don't like remote work? No Problem! Hands on work shaping and forming the Dragon Eyes with magnetic tools and magical implements to form and shape it into what your heart desires, or what the client asked for. Ask your local Utopian recruiter how you can join the Wyrmlands and forge your future! Non-Action: Accept Trade Route with the House of Fire Non-Action: Embassy with GLO: Embassy Actions: Non-Action: Embassy with BCC: Embassy Actions: Non-Action: Trade Route with RAT: Trade Route Actions: Receive Heroic Adventurers Via Trade Route - Supplying 158 with its DI and extending unrest to R19 Trade Route Counts as an Embassy this round. Non-Action: The Illumined Utopian does not stop 'humanitarian aid' from being provided to the Fount of Transcendence; however, as the repairs have been mostly completed internally in the intervening years an official statement about 'humanitarian aid' not being required is issued. Non-Action: In the Light of the All About My Zelf document and realizations from the Mad Dash event and Warrior X reveal (who was using Jy'mar without consent to power itself) The Illumined Utopian is putting out a Bounty for Any Elect to Capture (Dead or Alive) the Infamous Dr. Sardonicus - Please Reach out to the Illumined Utopian with results. Payment will be negotiated on transfer of the Dr. Non-Action: Trigger Minor Precognition if applicable. Non-Action: Give forces marching through the Wyrmlands (45) unfettered access to the ocean. Arkhive Æternal Submissions (+??) (+1) Culture's Literature: (+1) Historical Work: (+1) Philosophy & Others: (+1) Join the Arkhive or librarian joins (+2) The Cata-Honeycombs ongoing hive contribution! Realm Tracking Economic: RAT Trade Route Treasure: 2 Income: +1 Trade Posts (6): (2) 10-TP1 (Exotic Heavy Metals) - DI for 1, 45 and 52 (1) 11-TP2 (Synthetic Meats) - DI for 10 (1) 17-TP1 (Noble Metals) - DI for 1, 45 and 52 (1) 45-TP1 (Dragon Eyes) (1) 71-TP2 (Heavy Machinery) Telepathic Ascendancy {XQI} {156 DI: Chemical Reagents} {158 DI: Soldiers < Fulfilled by RAT TR} Resource Categories: Ores and Alloys x2 Precious Minerals x1 Meat and Animal Products x1 Medicines and Drugs x2 Magic Items x2 Industrial Machinery x1 Luxury Goods x1 Construction Materials x1 Debts: Owe BAF a 'support' or additional tech for buyout supports Do Not Share Popmaize Cluster Grenades Do Not Share Solar Charged Weaponry Do not trade Magnesis Drive Diplomatic: Embassies: Reflective Gardens, Blue Zone of the North Way Cluster (BCC) Access to Property Wrongs (Theft CI) Zelf-Embassy, Labyrinthic Path of the Heights of Utopia (GLO) Access to Courtship (Raise Reputation CI) Cultural Identities: Futures Foretold (Undermine Support) Regions: Capital (Badal Orbit): Heights of Utopia (10), ILU Gov, Open Merc, ILU Media Fortress: The Labyrinthic Path Holy Order: Paragon's Primes GP5 ArkHive: Cata-Honeycombs Badal: Fount of Transcendence (01), Open Gov, Open Merc, Open Media Sansar: Wyrmlands (45), ILU Gov, Open Merc, Open Media Huma: {Seekuinua} (156), Open Gov, Open Merc, Open Media Huma: {Rongoā Station} (158), Open Gov, Open Merc, Open Media Loose Faction Supports: 52 - Merchant (supplying Ores & Alloys DI) Arkhive Æternal Status: <> Faith: Official: Soul's Fascination Head: BRB Size 5: +1 to buyouts Size 10: +1 to conversions Size 20: 2d8 investigations Size 40: Dance Together (1/rd CI from another SF) Organized Size: 40+ Military: Admiral Legate Aubrey (10) Privateer's Bounty Legate Aubrey's return to the Protectorate some years ago was seen as good fortune as they were top of their class in the fleet academies before they disapeared. Rumored to have spend time among the stars learning about other Elect vessels with a band of 'misfits', he came back with a few tricks in 'boarding actions' and capture of vessels over destruction, even sporting some know-how in restoring ships to working order in quick time. Having spent the years since his return documenting and detailing procedures and tactics for the Protectorate forces supported by their Wyrm-blessed members to raid, capture and redeploy vessels from their enemies as prize ships or to quickly scavenge lost vessels to make them functional until dry-dock. {On Tactical Doctrine Success Gain a Space Unit after a space or combined front battle where at least 1 Space Unit was lost.} Admiral Legate Vraastx (7) Rapid Redeployment Following a victory in the Space Combat forces are quickly redeployed to critical support infrastructure on the ground and aid landing forces on the attack. {+2 to Orbital Superiority Bonus} Unit Cap 5/11 Ground: The 101 Praetorians Space: Fleet of Equitable Footing Space: Merchant's Irregulars Ground: The Parvus Dragoons Space: Path of Oracles Time Sensitive Get Fuel! Chemical Reagents for 156 before R18 Soldiers for 158 before R19 Beverages for 24 before R17 Next Round: Acting Console: Dip 4 / Mil 5+1 / Eco 4+1 / Fai 10 / Int 3 Heir: Inheritor Console Tau'ri Drusus [Dip 3, Mil 2, Eco 1, Fai 3, Int 3] 2 treasure spend on buyouts Illumined Utopian Technology Summary Tech Summary: Name Effect Powered Y/N 1. Aclaustrophobic Psychiatry N/A Fluff Y 2. Algorithmic Imagination N/A Fluff Y 3. Arcane Amplification N/A Fluff Y 4. In Viro Modification N/A Fluff Y 5. Nuclear Fusion N/A Fluff Y 6. Psuedogravity Engineering N/A Fluff Y 7. Xenolinguistic Cataloguing N/A Fluff Y 8. Badalian Megadirigibles Allows for ground unit travel on the Cloud Sea of Badal Y 9. Wet Navy Ships Allows for ground unit travel on oceans Y 10. Dust Hardening (Compromised) Negates Dust Desert penalties Y 11. Vacuum Adaptation Same Orbit zero-g region ground unit travel Y 12. Anti-Gravitational Rail +1 Buyouts || Ores & Alloys Y 13. Block Chain +1 Build Spy Network || Electronics N 14. Shrewd Business +1 Buyouts you assist & +1 impress merch || Honeyed Words, Fabric and Textiles N 15. Minor Precognition +1 defend 1 opposed roll / rd - takes a conversion {SF} at +8 bonus || XQI Y 16. Thaumonuclear Reactor Cores Travel beyond the Great Gulf || Fuel N 17. Android Industrialization 3 action GP for II action || Industrial Machinery OR Conductors and Circuitry Y 18. Hyperlight Transceivers 1/rd reduce distance penalty on non-battle by 1 || Exotic Matter N 19. Tesseractic Storage -1 distance penalty for Economy actions || Magical Items Y 20. Novacore Drive Mk2 Cross Great Gult starting at Huma || 19, Noble Metals Y 21. Artificial Gravity -1 distance penalty across Gulf for non-battle || Exotic Matter N 22. Great Plagues (Sus) GS against a resisted Sack, Destroy defending unit || Fruits and Vegetables OR Ores and Alloys N 23.M E.O.N.S. Projector +1 to TM || Computers N 24.M Soom-Pattern Rayguns (Sus) +1 Ground & Combined || Laser Rifles or Conductors and Circuitry N 25.M Powered Exosuits +1 Ground & Combined || Conductors and Circuitry N 26.M Rapid Resupply Logistics +2 to TM Ground & Combined || Fuel & Power N 27. Warp Wising Max Distance Penalty = 0 for dip actions to EB orbits and 0 for eco actions w TR orbits. When activated trigger {SF} conversion at +4 bonus that cannot be hindered || 19, XQI N 28. Smart Space Colonizer Suits This tech takes effect during and after exploring a region, if the region doesn't have any significant sophont population. A successful roll against TN 12 reveals the full details of the region and you reveal any sites of archeological interest or similar unique features in the region that might otherwise be hidden. You get a +1 bonus to the Colonize action taken in the region in the following round. On a great success (TN 18), you may attempt to colonize the region as a non-action on the following round. || Conductors and Circuitry, Fabrics and Textile Products N 29. Senkarite Colonization Packages Reduces the distance penalty for Colonize Region actions by 1 and the threshold for a Great Success on Colonize Region actions by 1. || Medicine and Drugs N 30. Leynode Generators +1 to Intrigue Actions in Orbit 5+ || 16, Magical Items N 31. Magnesis Drive Allows travel past the great gulf into the outer system. Distance penalties are capped at -4. || 12, Specialists N 32.M Popmaize Grenades +1 to Ground and Combined Battles || Sun-Kissed Maize N 33.M Solar-Charged Weapons +2 to Ground and Combined Battles || 32, Beverages N 34.M Shield Generators +1 to Space and Combined Battles || Conductors and Circuitry N 35.M Augmented Shocktroopers +2 to Ground and Combined Battles, +10% own Cas || Medicines and Drugs Y 36.M Intelligent Plasma Defense Matrices +1 to Space and Combined Battles || Chemical Reagents N Mil Equipped: Slot Equipped Not-Equipped Man-Portable Weapons Solar Charged Weaponry Soom-Pattern Rayguns, Popmaize Cluster Grenades Infantry Equipment Powered Exosuits Combat Drugs & Medicine Armored Vehicles Field Fortifications Engineered Combat Organisms Augmented Shocktroopers Detection and Rangefinding Ship to Ship Weapons Orbit to Ground Weapons Crew and Maintenance Armor and Shields Intelligent Plasma Defense Matrices Shield Generators Spacecraft Propulsion EWAR & CM Space EONS Projectors EWAR & CM Ground EONS Projectors Special Forces Space Special Forces Ground Logistics & Morale Space Rapid Resupply Logistics & Morale Space Rapid Resupply Illumined Utopian - Fount of Chaos The Illumined Utopian has always been mercenary at heart while attempting to stay true to their convictions. Recent events and widening of their beliefs has led to a significant size of the Protectorate and the Utopian as a whole who believe that it is within their ability to affect the change of Fate of the Elect and others in Tekhum. While the Consoles complete their work to better Tekhum and the alliances the Illumined Utopian has fostered other elements in the Protectorate are all too eager to 'help' with their brand of 'chaos' to those who call on their aid. Since the connection with the StarTC the Illumined Utopian has maintained a 'storefront' to solicit their aid for those who will it. In a desire to be seen as acting for all of Tekhum in open transparency the Protectorate branches reveal the 'storefront' to a wider audience with the only condition that the Console still has veto-authority on actions; however, Acting Console Tipa has signed a conditional agreement with the Fount of Chaos to allow them lee-way unless it directly conflicts with the Console's actions (IE people cannot ask me to act against myself or my current allies / agreed partners / faith head: ILU / GLO / TEA / BRB / SKA / LMP) August Legate Victolus in his new position as head of the Protectorate sanctions the Fount of Chaos as an more official branch of the Protectorate. Currently accepting [Units of Chaos] & [Starbucks] & Treasures 1 [UC] is equivalent to 1 non-opposed action 1 [UC] : 6 [SB] 1 [UC] : 1 Treasure Prices Negotiable
  9. [Nothing to see here, move along citizen] Round 14 - Years 2073-2075 Illumined Utopian - [] - Region(s) 01, 10, 45 Economy - Buyout Dragon Eyes 45-TP1 - 14 Finally able to obtain their own produce the wyrmlords begin to sequester the magical eyes to get an edge on the market. 2d8+7 || Dance Together from RAT CI: (No Tolls, Taxes, or Tariffs), 4 leader, 1 size, +1 tech (Antigrav Rail), +1 treasure spent, -1 Distance reduced to 0 with tess storage. Faith - Seek Aid on TEA Expedition to 165 - 17 Our Liege Summons - We Answer with Prayer and Power Faith - Seek Aid on TEA Expedition to 166 - 18 Our Liege Summons - We Answer with Prayer and Power Military - Invade 156 Admiral Vraastx takes the newly formed Path or Oracles on a test run with support from the Astral Symposium and the Approval of Cinder Skye to root out those who do not believe Tipa Kiore Drusus' husband is the true heir to the {156ian} throne. Admiral Vraastx (7) leads using Overwhelming Tempo Tactic +7 TM 1 Space from ILU || 4 Space from AST ILU battle leader, AST tech leader (+1 Soom pattern ray guns) +11 Battle - 5 Units, +1 tech, 7 Commander, Spends a Treasure, -3 Distance Military - Invade 158 Tipa trusts Cinder's forces to work well with Admiral Vraastx and instead 'borrows' some of her mothers forces from the Eucrus Alliance to seal the deal on other Huma claims Tipa Kiore Drusus [Borrow Liege Stat 8] leads using Measured Advance Tactic +8 TM 2 Space, 2 Ground from ILU || 2 Space, 2 Ground from TEA ILU Battle leader, TEA tech leader (+2 battle and +10% own casualties) +13 Battle Roll - 8 units, 8 Commander, +2 tech, Spends a Treasure, +10% Cas, -6 distance Acting Console Tipa Kiore Drusus (She/Her) Dip: 4 || Mil: 4 Eco: 4 || Fai: 9 Int: 3 Unit Cap: 5 / 9 Treasure: 4 || Income: +1 Additional Items Non-Action: Income (+1 Treasure) Non-Action: Resist all Conversion Attempts on Region 10 (2d6+7) Non-Action: Resist all Conversion Attempts beyond Minority on Region 1 and Region 45 (2d6+7, 2d8+6) Non-Action: Resist all hostile actions against owned trade-posts. (10-TP1 & 11-TP2 & 14-TP1 & 71-TP2) Non-Action: Embassy with GLO: Embassy Actions: Non-Action: Embassy with BCC: Embassy Actions: Non-Action: Trade Route with RAT: Trade Route Actions: Send the Exalted Echo Artefact to RAT Receive Shadewood [26.1] from RAT Non-Action: In the Light of the All About My Zelf document and realizations from the Mad Dash event and Warrior X reveal (who was using Jy'mar without consent to power itself) The Illumine Utopian is putting out a Bounty for Any Elect to Capture (Dead or Alive) the Infamous Dr. Sardonicus - Please Reach out to the Illumined Utopian with results. Payment will be negotiated on transfer of the Dr. Non-Action: Trigger Minor Precognition if applicable. Arkhive Æternal Submissions (+??) (+1) Culture's Literature: (+1) Historical Work: (+1) Philosophy & Others: (+1) Join the Arkhive or librarian joins (+2) The Cata-Honeycombs ongoing hive contribution! Realm Tracking Economic: RAT Trade Route Treasure: 4 Income: +1 Trade Posts (5): (2) 10-TP1 (Exotic Heavy Metals) - DI for 1, 45 and 52 (1) 11-TP2 (Synthetic Meats) - DI for 10 (1) 17-TP1 (Noble Metals) - DI for 1, 45 and 52 (1) 71-TP2 (Heavy Machinery) Telepathic Ascendancy {XQI} Resource Categories: Ores and Alloys x2 Precious Minerals x1 Meat and Animal Products x1 Medicines and Drugs x2 Magic Items x1 Industrial Machinery x1 Luxury Goods x1 Debts: Owe BAF a 'support' or additional tech for buyout supports Do Not Share Popmaize Cluster Grenades Do Not Share Solar Charged Weaponry Do not trade Magnesis Drive Diplomatic: Embassies: Reflective Gardens, Blue Zone of the North Way Cluster (BCC) Access to Property Wrongs (Theft CI) Zelf-Embassy, Labyrinthic Path of the Heights of Utopia (GLO) Access to Courtship (Raise Reputation CI) Cultural Identities: Futures Foretold (Undermine Support) Regions: Capital (Badal): Heights of Utopia (10), ILU Gov, Open Merc, ILU Media Fortress: The Labyrinthic Path Holy Order: Paragon's Primes GP5 ArkHive: Cata-Honeycombs Badal: Fount of Transcendence (01), [Open Gov, Open Merc, Open Media] Sansar: Wyrmlands (45), ILU Gov, Open Merc, Open Media Faction Supports: 52 - Merchant (supplying Ores & Alloys) Arkhive Æternal Status: Patron (+18 from current contributions) Faith: Official: Soul's Fascination Head: BRB Size 5: +1 to buyouts Size 10: +1 to conversions Size 20: 2d8 investigations Size 40: Dance Together (1/rd CI from another SF) Organized Size: 40+ Military: Admiral Legate Vraastx (7) Rapid Redeployment Following a victory in the Space Combat forces are quickly redeployed to critical support infrastructure on the ground and aid landing forces on the attack. {+2 to Orbital Superiority Bonus} Unit Cap 5/9 Ground: The 101 Praetorians Space: Fleet of Equitable Footing Space: Merchant's Irregulars Ground: The Parvus Dragoons - Recovered from Ophon Space: Path of Oracles Time Sensitive Get Fuel! Get Noble Metal! Next Round: Acting Console: Dip 4 / Mil 4 / Eco 4 / Fai 9 / Int 3 Heir: Inheritor Console Tau'ri Drusus F5 Used Spend 2 Treasure on battle rolls Spend 1 Treasure on buyout 45-TP1 Illumined Utopian Technology Summary Tech Summary: Name Effect Powered Y/N 1. Aclaustrophobic Psychiatry N/A Fluff Y 2. Algorithmic Imagination N/A Fluff Y 3. Arcane Amplification N/A Fluff Y 4. In Viro Modification N/A Fluff Y 5. Nuclear Fusion N/A Fluff Y 6. Psuedogravity Engineering N/A Fluff Y 7. Xenolinguistic Cataloguing N/A Fluff Y 8. Badalian Megadirigibles Allows for ground unit travel on the Cloud Sea of Badal Y 9. Wet Navy Ships Allows for ground unit travel on oceans Y 10. Dust Hardening (Compromised) Negates Dust Desert penalties Y 11. Vacuum Adaptation Same Orbit zero-g region ground unit travel Y 12. Anti-Gravitational Rail +1 Buyouts || Ores & Alloys Y 13. Block Chain +1 Build Spy Network || Electronics N 14. Shrewd Business +1 Buyouts you assist & +1 impress merch || Honeyed Words, Fabric and Textiles N 15. Minor Precognition +1 defend 1 opposed roll / rd - takes a conversion {SF} at +8 bonus || XQI Y 16. Thaumonuclear Reactor Cores Travel beyond the Great Gulf || Fuel N 17. Android Industrialization 3 action GP for II action || Industrial Machinery OR Conductors and Circuitry Y 18. Hyperlight Transceivers 1/rd reduce distance penalty on non-battle by 1 || Exotic Matter N 19. Tesseractic Storage -1 distance penalty for Economy actions || Magical Items Y 20. Novacore Drive Mk2 Cross Great Gult starting at Huma || 19, Noble Metals Y 21. Artificial Gravity -1 distance penalty across Gulf for non-battle || Exotic Matter N 22. Great Plagues (Sus) GS against a resisted Sack, Destroy defending unit || Fruits and Vegetables OR Ores and Alloys N 23.M E.O.N.S. Projector +1 to TM || Computers N 24.M Soom-Pattern Rayguns (Sus) +1 Ground & Combined || Laser Rifles or Conductors and Circuitry N 25.M Powered Exosuits +1 Ground & Combined || Conductors and Circuitry N 26.M Rapid Resupply Logistics +2 to TM Ground & Combined || Fuel & Power N 27. Warp Wising Max Distance Penalty = 0 for dip actions to EB orbits and 0 for eco actions w TR orbits. When activated trigger {SF} conversion at +4 bonus that cannot be hindered || 19, XQI N Mil Equipped: Slot Equipped Not-Equipped Man-Portable Weapons Solar Charged Weaponry Soom-Pattern Rayguns, Popmaize Cluster Grenades Infantry Equipment Powered Exosuits Combat Drugs & Medicine Armored Vehicles Field Fortifications Engineered Combat Organisms Augmented Shocktroopers Detection and Rangefinding Ship to Ship Weapons Orbit to Ground Weapons Crew and Maintenance Armor and Shields Intelligent Plasma Defense Matrices Shield Generators Spacecraft Propulsion EWAR & CM Space EONS Projectors EWAR & CM Ground EONS Projectors Special Forces Space Special Forces Ground Logistics & Morale Space Rapid Resupply Logistics & Morale Space Rapid Resupply Illumined Utopian - Fount of Chaos The Illumined Utopian has always been mercenary at heart while attempting to stay true to their convictions. Recent events and widening of their beliefs has led to a significant size of the Protectorate and the Utopian as a whole who believe that it is within their ability to affect the change of Fate of the Elect and others in Tekhum. While the Consoles complete their work to better Tekhum and the alliances the Illumined Utopian has fostered other elements in the Protectorate are all too eager to 'help' with their brand of 'chaos' to those who call on their aid. Since the connection with the StarTC the Illumined Utopian has maintained a 'storefront' to solicit their aid for those who will it. In a desire to be seen as acting for all of Tekhum in open transparency the Protectorate branches reveal the 'storefront' to a wider audience with the only condition that the Console still has veto-authority on actions; however, Acting Console Tipa has signed a conditional agreement with the Fount of Chaos to allow them lee-way unless it directly conflicts with the Console's actions (IE people cannot ask me to act against myself or my current allies / agreed partners / faith head: ILU / GLO / TEA / BRB / CBR / LMP) August Legate Victolus in his new position as head of the Protectorate sanctions the Fount of Chaos as an more official branch of the Protectorate. Currently accepting [Units of Chaos] & [Starbucks] & Treasures 1 [UC] is equivalent to 1 non-opposed action 1 [UC] : 6 [SB] 1 [UC] : 1 Treasure Prices Negotiable
  10. The Wyrmlord watches all the other visitors discuss and posture over an amendment not even proposed yet. Youths, so fast and vibrant to burn themselves out. A loud snapping of their tongue in their mouth briefly silences the assembled leaders, the wyrmlords partners flinching again and preparing to do damage control. "Please, please. Now is not the time for voting - We believe there is time for Connie to present all the amendments her and the illustrious Stay Mice have prepared. Debating and discussion it good, but I do believe the time for voting has not yet come. Perhaps we can sample the wonderous rooms in this orrery, I do think the Badal one quite impressive - while too damp for my liking."
  11. The Wyrmlord nods as Constance speaks, perhaps they doze? One of their partners poke them and they bolt to full alert. "Ah Connie, Connie Connie. Some people don't want to be members, some people don't see the potential stick a patron wields. What they do see is the Arkhive Hoarding treasures that were theirs. Dragon Wisdom states:" The wyrmlord clears their throat and the partner at their side pales, clutching to the dataslab they are holding. "A Good Hoard is filled, a Great Hoard is Unclaimed" "The issue as it sits - is that the Arkhive will be seen as a laundering tool and a hoard for ill-gotten gains by others. The Arkhive is attempting to be seen as 'irreproachable' but wants to do so behind the veil of "sign my agreement". Perhaps this is not your intent, perhaps you see this as a carrot as you say. What you are actually proposing is a sword stabbed at the Elect who are not members. 'Join the Arkhive or have your hoard stolen' - This is what the Illumined Utopian were attempting to protect you from, this is what I believe my Agbadan friend is demanding. I implore you to listen, Console Prisca committed the Illumined Utopian to your defense, but I cannot guarantee their aid if the warnings are not heeded"
  12. Fount of Transcendence (01) Region: 01 (Badal) Region Name: Fount of Transcendence Owner: Illumined Utopian Fount of Transcendence - Geography, Fauna & Flora The aerostat now dubbed the Fount of Transcendence by the colonists of the factory pipeworks producing XQI is dramatically different from the ill-repaired structure found hovering over the Badalian North pole. While still locked over the North Pole significant work has been completed to make it fully habitable. Through the work of the Illumined Utopian and the Telepathic Convention Gestalt the region is continues to be under significant repairs and upgrades on all of the structures as the habitats and factory zones are repaired and restored to glory. A Shining Aerostat on the top of Badal greats all comers who wish to partake in the Communion with the Universe. The twisting network of brass and copper pipes and cables have mostly been left alone while residences and additional habitats are built above and around the inner workings of the factory. The Pipeworks - The factory areas of the Aerostat are referred to as the Pipeworks by all the inhabitants, while the central console with runes is no longer easily accessed by anyone and instead dedicated to the workers who help the facility produce XQI in large quantities tours of the pipes, basins and inner-working of the magi-tech distillery are held for those curious shells. After some additional research and testing of the strange pipes the ability to reproduce the construction still alludes the Illumined Utopian and the Transcendent Masters; however they have gleaned some of its workings. The Pipeworks somehow distills XQI out of the interference of the cloud composition, leylines and the magnetic field that confluence on the North Pole of Badal. This confluence of various magical and physical phenomenon allow the large brass and copper factory to condense the magical substrate that eventually is processed into XQI through various magical and mundane methods of distilling, pipes, heating and cooling that run through the factory before being collected in large basins throughout the aerostat. The Fount - The confusing maze of pipes were discovered to funnel into several large basins that collected the processed XQI. The Telepathic Transcendence Masters when consuming the substance to delve the purpose of the Pipeworks discovered that bathing in it was the most effective method of it releasing its potency into one's shell. These basin sources had additional piping attached to connect all the new homes and residences to the XQI network in addition to H2O piping to insure all residents could bath in the substance at their leisure. However in the early days of the settlement the first Masters created a fountain and public bath in the central square of the habitat so that all could easily marinate in the stimulant. The Fount remains as a public socialization and communal bonding area for all of the gestalt members to enjoy. Communal Warrens - The influx of Jy'mar and Durat colonists prompted a new approach to the standard Warren tunnel and tube construction that the Jy'mar traditionally use in new habitats. Instead of the winding tunnels, large central tubeways connect the various segments of the habitats allowing more than just Jy'mar passage but also Durat and even other beings who decide to move in. The various larger residences are compacted with Jy'mar apartments and homes built right into the walls and in the traditional dead space of 'giant' constructions. The increased density and potential for strife and conflict between the different types of inhabitants is mitigated by the free allotments of the XQI substance and the unity and drive the chemical gives all the inhabitants. Fauna & Flora - Mycelia, Moss and various badalian insects nests had found purchase and homes among the pipeworks myriad of nooks and side passageways. Initially the Jy'mar colonists had to fight tooth and nail against the creatures and plants growing as they did with all other Badalian life; however, once the XQI substance was released on the Masters and the factory reproducing the substance all of the creatures and plants started living in harmony with the colonists, some even providing aid and lifting loads and helping construct the habitats for new residents as if they were all part of the same hive. Mycelia growths started popping up eatable growths that seemed to be tailored for a Jy'mar's dietary needs while mosses and other plant growths wrapped themselves around atmospheric leaks and structures to seemingly aid in the repairs to the aerostat. The Inhabitants The population of the new settlement is predominantly Jy'mar settlers, Jy'mar Transcendent Masters as well as ecstatic Durat Pods. The Colony once fully operational and running is open to all races, peoples and ideas as the goal of Universal Communion drives the TCG forward. Government: Telepathic Convention Gestalt The Telepathic Convention Gestalt (TCG) is the group of original Masters who investigated the pipeworks and determined their purpose and use in the distillation and collection of XQI from the polar gases of Badal. These Masters have formed a Gestalt with each other and other willing Masters and Durat Pods to form what is known as the Telephathic Convention, the Governmental body of the Found of Transcendence. After taking XQI they originally strayed from the faith of Soul's Expression but the influx of new immigrants and colonists has offset the quantity of Telepathic Transcendence followers. Faith: Telepathic Transcendence Telepathic Transcendence is the pursuit of a higher commute with all beings, creatures, plants and things. The telepathic abilities granted by XQI expand the horizons of the mind to look beyond superficial differences of one's shell and delve into the deeper connections between all creatures. Everything is equal before the gaze of the endless universe, all things in communion could be completed. As the state of heightened compassion and unity is exemplified while under the influence of the XQI stimulant the faith of Telepathic Transcendence is one of extreme passivism, avoiding any and all conflict as best as can be avoided while promoting the importance of telepathic communion with all beings and things in the universe. The substance XQI is a pivotal part of their faith, as it is the source of their ability to commune with the universe, but instead of jealously guarding and hoarding it they believe it is to be shared with all nations so that the Telepathic Communion would spread through all of Tekhum to achieve the the first goal of Tekhum Telepathic Transcendence. The Ultimate Goal of the Telepathic Transcendence masters and the faithful is to eliminate suffering, war, and all that ails the world by achieving Universal Communion with all things. Resource: XQI XQI {Magical Items, Medicines and Drugs} XQI is a magical chemical stimulant produced in solely in the factory sized production facility that is the Pipeworks. The Substance significantly enhances the intellect of the user while also imparting temporary telepathic abilities while the substance is consumed on a regular basis. Further testing indicated that a sufficient dose or 'marination' in the substance would cause actual physical and mental changes in the body and augment the user to more readily accept the substance and make the gained intelligence and telepathic abilities permanent. The substance has been noted to allow communion with various different lifeforms, even those not traditionally considered 'intelligent'. XQI can be aerosolized but the TCG determined that submerging in a liquid solution of the substance was more effective than breathing it or consuming it, allowing it to fully permeate the body. Desired Import: {Ores and Alloys} The new colonists strive to fully repair and delve the myriad of pipeworks and distilleries for the XQI substance which is continually falling into disrepair due to its age. Continued import of Ores and Alloys to ensure the structural integrity and expansion of the pipeworks is critical to maintaining the flow of the stimulant.
  13. All About My Zelf - By SerakHawk and Rocket Relm All About My Zelf A Tragedy in Zelf Parts - Written by Zelf Loremaster Zefferson The author feels the need to introduce themselves, I am a Zelf, a Loremaster - which is just a fancy title for someone who knows a lot. I have studied with the Purifiers and studied with the Jy’mar on the ‘Zelf’ condition and I feel I have a lot of insight on what is being spread through Tekhum about us and I would like to set records straight. We have always been treated like fellow ‘sentient’ beings - and we hope the Elect can see us in the same light as any other sentient being even if our origins seem alien. Part One: The Origin of Zelfs When the Purifiers were made into Elect with a barely over a four digit population they realized due to the difficulty in Purifier reproduction they would need ‘new ideas’ and a new method to increase population levels to those sustainable for a proper ‘Elect’ nation. They needed more people, workers, scientists, and children. This led their scientists and researchers to turn to more esoteric research that had laid dormant in some circles due to inapplicability for typical Purifier activities. This esoteric research was originally intended to have Purifiers survive through the magical radiation of the Moonstone Mountains by relocating oneself to more resilient forms that were easier to maintain than the biological form of a Purifier. Flaws in the project prevented the transference of memories and personalities and the project was rejected. With the population crisis on the horizon the Purifiers retooled this research and saw it in a new light. This flaw would instead allow for a new self to be born. That is the history, but why is this an abomination to some? Why is this causing so much controversy? I will not beat around the bush, a Zelf is formed from the dying essence of living creatures. The birth of a Zelf uses these lingering ‘essences’ to form a new ‘person’ from the parts. Some may call this essence the ‘soul’, others do not believe in such a thing - What is true is that the creation of a Zelf is an amalgamation of these ‘essences’ that are released from a body when it dies. This is important to note, a Zelf cannot be born from living creatures - it is only in death that the Zelf can be formed. There are technical papers detailing what this ‘essence’ might be hypothesized to be and the nature of it, but from my own observations it appears to be a form of aetherial organ that is relocated from recently deceased into the prepared ‘golem’ physical Zelf body allowing the spark of a new Zelf and new life. Like an organ transplant on a metaphysical standing. This process is quicker and easier than the traditional method of Purifier reproduction but it has its own drawbacks; it requires multiple donors per Zelf creation. The Purifiers set in motion guidelines for this, consent would be obtained from those close to dying and those on their deathbed to be donors for Zelf creation. This has continued through the majority of all Zelfs made - it is possible that a living being could be killed with the intent to power a Zelf - but the Purifiers, as would most Elect, believe that is tantamount to murder and have kept the guidelines for Zelf creation to match. Part Two: Of Zelf and Purifier We, the Zelf, have always viewed the Purifiers as our parents - they did not make demands from us as if we were theirs to control and command. Instead they sheltered us, asked us to do ‘chores’ or ‘jobs’ for them - and we responded gladly. We were pleased to help them, and teach them as they in turn taught us. If we refused a job because we were not suited for it or did not find it enjoyable they wouldn’t force us - they would find other Zelf’s who were willing. We are not drones, we are not slaves - we willingly worked for our Parents to help shepherd them into the next era. Perhaps we had been built with biases to love our parents - but how is that any different from a biological child being raised and ‘indoctrinated’ into its parents beliefs? Now we are in charge, the relationship hasn’t changed, but it has instead matured. The child has grown up while our Parents have faded. The Purifiers are old and crippled, their numbers depleted and unable to adapt to the growing pressures of being an Elect. We don’t reject our parents and abandon them, we still love them. Now we care for them as they slowly leave this realm. Part Three: The Nature One-Zelf I am a Zelf, I am a ‘creation’ made sentient by the workings of my parents. I have requirements, needs, to continue to live, to function and not fall apart. I need to replace my body components as they age, I need to maintain my interconnected physical body. I need to ‘consume’ essence from other living beings. Does this make me a monster? Perhaps, but I am biased toward self-preservation. Zelfdom since our creation have used willing participants, consenting donors as I have mentioned previously, people on the verge of passing back into the unknown from our realm and siphoning off bits so we could continue to function. Does this damage a soul? Does this consume a soul? Are souls real? I leave these questions to the reader as I cannot answer if what I do to live damages the ‘eternal soul’ some people believe exists. What I can confirm is we draw power from ‘consuming’ an aetherial organ and use it to restore ourselves - and while we can forgo doing this, it condemns us to a withering existence where we are unable to restore our body or our mind. We slowly collapse into the physical parts that make up our ‘golem’ body. This might take years, maybe even a decade - but what life is there to wither and die like a plucked flower? Part Four: Cultivating One-Zelf There have been advancements made in recent years, while not directly sponsored by the Glorified Purifiers’ government I have been personally working with Jy’mar Masters from the Illumined Utopian as well as scientists and researchers from Zelfdom to look into an alternate food source for the Zelf kind. While disruptive and not well tested initial studies may prove out the Jy’mar methods of Cultivation as a stop-gap if not a replacement for our need to ‘feed’ on this essence - While I want the reader to take this as good news - I will not sugar coat it - This is untested, unknown territory and it will not at this time solve the crisis of propagating Zelfs. A Funeral and a Party Console Prisca's body is received by the Illumined Utopian around the same time the Parvus Dragoon's surviving members from the Ophon assault return from their bitter loss at Ophon. Acting Console Tipa Kiore Drusus holds a solemn wake for the lost, a time of reflection and mourning for the lost lives in the conflict rising against the Empire. Looking to the news on the fall of the Basu-Rahman Group while Ophon was under siege Tipa is unsure of her position moving forward, her own parents did not join her, Cinder was claiming victory from the loss and leaving, she failed to impress her husband's government in the outer orbit. Was Fate telling her this was not her path? Tipa pondered this over the weeks of mourning set for the First Elect Console Prisca and the Fallen Utopian Soldiers, she sent letters to her parents during this time as Tauhine, her mother, continued to rest. Letter from Tipa to Tauhine Mother, I looked to Cinder as my beacon of revolution against the Emperor, I turned my head to the sides as we marched on Ophon and found my bedfellows were those willing to stab father years past in the back for words made by a Prime Marcus, who has been nothing but fair in his investigations. I find myself at a crossroads now, and am waiting for the shoe to drop on our Fate. Will the Empire move against those who resisted? Will your non-involvement extend some grace to Utopian? Should I carry this flame of rebellion forward as those sent to Ophon died in the light of the sun, or do I repent and accept punishment for my hubris? I know father set me in charge as a test, I feel I am failing by all metrics - I figure you'd be reading this to her father - please forgive my actions - I still believe them to be in the best interest of Utopian. I will push forward the alliances you forged, I will recover from my own follies. If you have any advise let me know. Your rebellious daughter, ~Tipa The Internment Ceremony was a somber affair, with the threat of reprisal lying over the head of Utopian it was also a private affair for the Jy'mar people and their Wyrmblessed members. The Wyrmseer himself was rumored to have visited to pay respects to the Utopian leader who had bested him in combat. Following the ceremony a private party was held celebrating the War Hero Legate Victolus, elevating him to the status of August and leader of the Protectorate forces for his incredible victory against all odds when facing the Kildoran forces in Badal's orbit. While his actions hadn't managed to swing victory for the coalition, his actions had greatly mitigated the potential losses that occurred at Ophon and secured time for the coalition to retreat and recoup. A New Legate, Legate Vraastx of the Wyrmlands, was appointed as commander of the Fleet of Equitable Footings - a Jy'mar born on the Wyrmlands colony and raised along side the cultures of the Wyrmblessed. Secrets Released Elect who watched and listened to the Illumined broadcast of a Dream of a Wedding receive a data dump from the Illumined Utopian in the following years as it goes through reruns. A Report Received A report has landed on your desk. A communique intercepted from the Union. Or... no. Not the Union. Just Union, no article. A small note is attached above the main body of the report. To my self in the Prime Timeline, I hate you a little. I still hope you get this. If you're dating Melissa, she's probably cheating on you. Good luck with everything. BUREAU FOR EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL AFFAIRS CONTACT REPORT: DIMENSIONAL ENTITY "CANDLE" Our usual protocols for extra-dimensional contact were difficult to employ in making contact with the being designated as CANDLE, due to the fundamentally anti-memetic nature of its methods of communication. Agents who found documents produced by CANDLE were unable to verify their existence, even in memory scans, despite presenting no other evidence of memory alteration. Memories captured in scans had agents staring at blank sections of air or empty screens. Eventually, despite these uncertainties, we were able to make contact. We theorize that CANDLE is able to use the broad conceptual remit of "concealing" to induce very specific hallucinations in subjects, but per NORTHSTAR protocols, no effort is being made to confirm or deny this theory. We believe that it is only able to reproduce documents that exist in some timeline, but this is unconfirmed and will likely remain so. CANDLE revealed some interesting details in exchange for the absolute destruction of the Taylor-Greaves Corporation and the Maharaj's Dream. For starters, it confirmed that, as per speculation by the Longshore Project, we are living in a pocket reality created by a rampant simulation project. Despite our efforts to reinforce our reality, our days are likely numbered. We have elected to suppress this information to prevent panic, though if we can preserve even our small corner of this universe, it will be shared. It also confirmed that all NORTHSTAR entities exist beyond the boundaries of such created realities, and that there are connections created by "lower-order" entities such as ourselves between them. We are pursuing options for making contact with other universes, as it is likely that any rampant simulation project will have created a number of such realities. We have already drafted diplomatic proposals and invasion plans for a number of likely alternative Tekhums. This is considered our best hope for survival. The CANDLE entity is generally friendly towards human-scale consciousnesses, and seems to possess a greater understanding of our behaviour than most NORTHSTAR entities. We believe this is because the conceptual remit of "concealing" is tied to the concept of perception, and thus requires an understanding of entities capable of perception. However, it also seems obsessively occupied with the Maharaj's Dream and the JAGUAR entity, possibly due to a romantic rivalry. Details remain opaque, as inquiries on the topic were deemed low-priority. The report cuts off there. A fragment of poetry is embedded in an unrelated report. The Royal Fleet boasts lassies sweet, Now load, and sweep yer bore, But the only one that I ever did love Was my lass in the Signal Corps Round 13 - Years 2070-2072 Illumined Utopian - [] - Region(s) 01, 10, 45 Diplomacy - Attend SUNcon TEA Gift: Trade Vacuum Adaptation, Anti-Gravitational Rail, Block Chain, Novacore Drive Mk2, Warp Wising, Great Plagues TEA Receive: AARCdevs, Smart Space Colonizer Suits, Senkarite Colonization Packages, Leynode Generators, Shield Generators TEA Receive and Equip: Augmented Shocktroopers, Intelligent Plasma Defense Matrices LMP & CBC Gift: Novacore Drive Mk2, Rapid Resupply Logistics (?) CBC Recieve: Popmaize Grenades CBC Receive and Equip: Solar Charged Weaponry MIR: Trade EONS Projectors and Powered Exosuits for Magnesis Drive Diplomacy - Sway the Merchant Support of Agbada (52)****! The Illumined Utopian with its new found allies in the Solar Nexus and with connections made during Suncon find that the merchants of Agbaba are looking for imports of Ores - the Illumined Utopian being in a contained asteroid have tonnes of Ores to share and offer lucrative trade deals to the merchants of Agbada. TN 12 Merchant support sway (with Resource Req) 2d8+7 | 2d8 Sway CI (Dance size 40), +7 stat (borrowed from liege), -2 distance penalty, +1 Seek aid, +1 treasure I messed up, check edit log this was always targeting Agbada (spelling aside) please let the roll go to 52 I can't read tables apparently Roll was 16 but that was before Solar Venting was confirmed for this round - expected result is 14, success Faith - Seek Aid on Sway of 52**** TN 10 | 2d6+8 (Auto-pass - will roll anyway) Faith - Special 5 Create Artifact: Exalted Echo The STAR RATS seeking closure for the 'glass' heir returned to them from Ophon reach out to the Primes of the Illumined Utopian to see if they could ease the passing of Dring Scztuv Slaknupezidwiconzyd from this realm. Prime Calpurnius with a cadre of Masters hold a ceremony for the former podmates of the former Exalted Pod as well as the incumbent Exalted Pod. During the ceremony focused on letting go and moving on, the Masters focus their psionic energies on the glass forms. After the successful ritual to assist the trapped Durats, an odd form of sympathetic resonance with the telepathic presence of Dring Scztuv Slaknupezidwiconzyd was found by the Masters. A recorded imprint of their past memory and mental presence was able to be solidified and consolidated into the glass forms as a lasting Echo of the once Exalted Pod. If the owner of the artifact doesn't have a trade route with this artifact's previous owner, the artifact allows trading Treasure between the current owner and the previous owner as a non-action. Otherwise, grants a +1 to Impress Merchants 1/turn. Current Owner ILU, Previous Owner None Military - Raise Space Force: Path of Oracles The Illumined Utopian seeing the escalating conflicts finally completes what many consider to be an Opus Magnum from the Utopian shipyards. A Capital-Class ship for any other Elect the Super-Carrier Path of Oracles houses close to millions of Jy'mar crew members along side the 'giant' sized people of Tekhum. Hundreds of Jy'mar sized fighter launch tubes with dozens of larger tubes for 'giant sized' fighters are set at different angles all around the Path of Oracles with several aft capture bays for recovery of the single seat fighter crafts. An unusual strategy due to the typically poor damage output of the smaller Jy'mar fighter size craft the combined tactical ability to use the telepathic net created by the Jy'mar fighter swarm allows them to coordinate fire on an unprecedented manner with some larger crafts mixed in to give larger oomph when needed. A large meditation chamber in the core of the ship is stationed by several Jy'mar Masters who have delved into precognition to aid in tactical assessment, placement and coordination of the Jy'mar swarm fighers. Acting Console Tipa Kiore Drusus (She/Her) Dip: 3 || Mil: 4 Eco: 4 || Fai: 8 Int: 3 Unit Cap: 3 / 9 Treasure: 1 || Income: +1 Additional Items NON-ACTION SCIENCE - The Illumined Utopian Releases its Research on the Nature of Zelfs For over a decade since the Wyrmlands (R6) agreements there has been a cultural exchange from the Illumined Utopian and the Glorified Purifiers. While the Jy'mar masters were initially skeptical about the practice that the Purifiers followed in reviewing the process themselves there was nothing found to be out of order as consent procedures were properly followed. In the intervening time independant Jy'mar masters and researchers has been working with independent Zelf scientists to test if the Jy'mar method of cultivation would work for Zelfs on an ongoing basis. While not much progress was done officially between the states several papers on the subject detailing potential test procedures and some small scale studies are released to all interested parties. Many of the papers are attributed to a Zelf Zefferson, LM, MD, PhD and a Brutus Calpurnius, MD, PM. Non-Action: Income (+1 Treasure) Non-Action: Resist all Conversion Attempts on Region 10 (2d6+7) Non-Action: Resist all Conversion Attempts beyond Minority on Region 1 and Region 45 (2d6+7, 2d8+6) Non-Action: Resist all hostile actions against owned trade-posts. (10-TP1 & 11-TP2 & 14-TP1 & 71-TP2) Non-Action: Embassy with GLO: Embassy Actions: Non-Action: Embassy with BCC: Embassy Actions: Non-Action: Trade Route with RAT: Trade Route Actions: Receive 3 Treasure from RAT Non-Action: Retire Legate Victolus as Admiral, replacing them with Admiral Vraastx Non-Action: In the Light of the All About My Zelf document and realizations from the Mad Dash event and Warrior X reveal (who was using Jy'mar without consent to power itself) The Illumine Utopian is putting out a Bounty for Any Elect to Capture (Dead or Alive) the Infamous Dr. Sardonicus - Please Reach out to the Illumined Utopian with results. Payment will be negotiated on transfer of the Dr. Non-Action: Field Testing Ordinance: The Wyrmlands (45) Wyrmblessed from the Wyrmlands mourn the losses taken by the Parvus Dragoons and plea the Empire for any Prisoners of War taken during the assault on Ophon - the pleas are equally raised with crys of derision, defiance and outrage, Daring the Imperial Court. "Attack us if you wish a true test! Just try and bomb the Mountains of the Wyrmlands! Prove out your new weapons while we show you what a real resisting force looks like!" Non-Action: Field Testing Ordinance: The Fount of Transcendence (01) As the Wyrmblessed cry out for the Imperials to 'prove' their weapons a strange psionic sympathy rises through the Jy'mar and wyrmblessed who live in the Fount of Transcendence. The cry of defiance is echoed from the odd pipes and factories on the Badalian Aerostat, daring the Imperial Court to 'show their might' and "benevolence" - to truly show Tekhum how they treat those they considered as subjects. Arkhive Æternal Submissions (Patron) (+29) (+18) Previous Round Contribution Points (+1) Culture's Literature: Submit "All About My Zelf" (+1) Historical Work: The wyrmlords uncover a strange tablet in the mountains - while degraded they piece together it is a historic account of a dragon named Eaniars who started selling the first dragon eyes obtained from the firey mountains. The Tablet seemes to have been a tally of all the people who complained that the quality of the magical gems wasn't good enough. (+1) Philosophy & Others: Hunger consumes one, hunger for food, hunger for power, hunger for justice. To recognize your base hungers is the first step in conquering them and masting your hunger. To do great or terrible things. (+1) Join the Arkhive or librarian joins (+2) The Cata-Honeycombs ongoing hive contribution! (+5) BRG -3 REP Fluff Disclosure above Realm Tracking Economic: RAT Trade Route Treasure: 1 Income: +1 Trade Posts (5): (2) 10-TP1 (Exotic Heavy Metals) - DI for 1 and 45 (1) 11-TP2 (Synthetic Meats) - DI for 10 (1) 17-TP1 (Noble Metals) - DI for 1 and 45 (1) 71-TP2 (Heavy Machinery) Telepathic Ascendancy {XQI} Resource Categories: Ores and Alloys x2 Precious Minerals x1 Meat and Animal Products x1 Medicines and Drugs x2 Magic Items x1 Industrial Machinery x1 Luxury Goods x1 Debts: Owe BAF a 'support' or additional tech for buyout supports Do Not Share Popmaize Cluster Grenades Do Not Share Solar Charged Weaponry Do not trade Magnesis Drive Diplomatic: Embassies: Reflective Gardens, Blue Zone of the North Way Cluster (BCC) Access to Property Wrongs (Theft CI) Zelf-Embassy, Labyrinthic Path of the Heights of Utopia (GLO) Access to Courtship (Raise Reputation CI) Cultural Identities: Futures Foretold (Undermine Support) Regions: Capital (Badal): Heights of Utopia (10), ILU Gov, Open Merc, ILU Media Fortress: The Labyrinthic Path Holy Order: Paragon's Primes GP5 ArkHive: Cata-Honeycombs Badal: Fount of Transcendence (01), [Open Gov, Open Merc, Open Media] Sansar: Wyrmlands (45), ILU Gov, Open Merc, Open Media Faction Supports: <> Arkhive Æternal Status: Patron (+18 from current contributions) Faith: Official: Soul's Fascination Head: BRB Size 5: +1 to buyouts Size 10: +1 to conversions Size 20: 2d8 investigations Size 40: Dance Together (1/rd CI from another SF) Organized Size: 40+ Military: Admiral Legate Vraastx (7) Rapid Redeployment Following a victory in the Space Combat forces are quickly redeployed to critical support infrastructure on the ground and aid landing forces on the attack. {+2 to Orbital Superiority Bonus} Unit Cap 3/9 Ground: The 101 Praetorians Space: Fleet of Equitable Footing Space: Merchant's Irregulars Ground: The Parvus Dragoons Lost at Ophon Space Time Sensitive Get Fuel! Get Noble Metal! Next Round: Acting Console: Dip 3 / Mil 4 / Eco 4 / Fai 8 / Int 3 Heir: Inheritor Console Tau'ri Drusus F5 Used Spend 1 Treasure on Sway Roll Gain 3? Treasure from Trade Route with RAT Gain 52 Merchant Support and provide it with its DI Gain an EMP Favor and a Unit (? POWs reforming the Parvus Dragoons?) Illumined Utopian Technology Summary Tech Summary: Name Effect Powered Y/N 1. Aclaustrophobic Psychiatry N/A Fluff Y 2. Algorithmic Imagination N/A Fluff Y 3. Arcane Amplification N/A Fluff Y 4. In Viro Modification N/A Fluff Y 5. Nuclear Fusion N/A Fluff Y 6. Psuedogravity Engineering N/A Fluff Y 7. Xenolinguistic Cataloguing N/A Fluff Y 8. Badalian Megadirigibles Allows for ground unit travel on the Cloud Sea of Badal Y 9. Wet Navy Ships Allows for ground unit travel on oceans Y 10. Dust Hardening (Compromised) Negates Dust Desert penalties Y 11. Vacuum Adaptation Same Orbit zero-g region ground unit travel Y 12. Anti-Gravitational Rail +1 Buyouts || Ores & Alloys N 13. Block Chain +1 Build Spy Network || Electronics N 14. Shrewd Business +1 Buyouts you assist & +1 impress merch || Honeyed Words, Fabric and Textiles N 15. Minor Precognition +1 defend 1 opposed roll / rd - takes a conversion {SF} at +8 bonus || XQI N 16. Thaumonuclear Reactor Cores Travel beyond the Great Gulf || Fuel N 17. Android Industrialization 3 action GP for II action || Industrial Machinery OR Conductors and Circuitry Y 18. Hyperlight Transceivers 1/rd reduce distance penalty on non-battle by 1 || Exotic Matter N 19. Tesseractic Storage -1 distance penalty for Economy actions || Magical Items Y 20. Novacore Drive Mk2 Cross Great Gult starting at Huma || 19, Noble Metals Y 21. Artificial Gravity -1 distance penalty across Gulf for non-battle || Exotic Matter N 22. Great Plagues (Sus) GS against a resisted Sack, Destroy defending unit || Fruits and Vegetables OR Ores and Alloys Y 23.M E.O.N.S. Projector +1 to TM || Computers N 24.M Soom-Pattern Rayguns (Sus) +1 Ground & Combined || Laser Rifles or Conductors and Circuitry N 25.M Powered Exosuits +1 Ground & Combined || Conductors and Circuitry N 26.M Rapid Resupply Logistics +2 to TM Ground & Combined || Fuel & Power N 27. Warp Wising Max Distance Penalty = 0 for dip actions to EB orbits and 0 for eco actions w TR orbits. When activated trigger {SF} conversion at +4 bonus that cannot be hindered || 19, XQI N Mil Equipped: Slot Equipped Not-Equipped Man-Portable Weapons Soom-Pattern Rayguns > Solar Charged Weaponry Soom-Pattern Rayguns, Popmaize Cluster Grenades Infantry Equipment Powered Exosuits Combat Drugs & Medicine Armored Vehicles Field Fortifications Engineered Combat Organisms > Augmented Shocktroopers Detection and Rangefinding Ship to Ship Weapons Orbit to Ground Weapons Crew and Maintenance Armor and Shields > Intelligent Plasma Defense Matrices Shield Generators Spacecraft Propulsion EWAR & CM Space EONS Projectors EWAR & CM Ground EONS Projectors Special Forces Space Special Forces Ground Logistics & Morale Space Rapid Resupply Logistics & Morale Space Rapid Resupply Illumined Utopian - Fount of Chaos The Illumined Utopian has always been mercenary at heart while attempting to stay true to their convictions. Recent events and widening of their beliefs has led to a significant size of the Protectorate and the Utopian as a whole who believe that it is within their ability to affect the change of Fate of the Elect and others in Tekhum. While the Consoles complete their work to better Tekhum and the alliances the Illumined Utopian has fostered other elements in the Protectorate are all too eager to 'help' with their brand of 'chaos' to those who call on their aid. Since the connection with the StarTC the Illumined Utopian has maintained a 'storefront' to solicit their aid for those who will it. In a desire to be seen as acting for all of Tekhum in open transparency the Protectorate branches reveal the 'storefront' to a wider audience with the only condition that the Console still has veto-authority on actions; however, Acting Console Tipa has signed a conditional agreement with the Fount of Chaos to allow them lee-way unless it directly conflicts with the Console's actions (IE people cannot ask me to act against myself or my current allies / agreed partners / faith head: ILU / GLO / TEA / BRB / CBR / LMP) August Legate Victolus in his new position as head of the Protectorate sanctions the Fount of Chaos as an more official branch of the Protectorate. Currently accepting [Units of Chaos] & [Starbucks] & Treasures 1 [UC] is equivalent to 1 non-opposed action 1 [UC] : 6 [SB] 1 [UC] : 1 Treasure Prices Negotiable
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