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  1. STAR RATS Solar Trade Administrative Regions of Durats RAT POINTS For Rounds 6 to 9, the STAR RATS are giving away RAT POINTS as a "Thank You" to elect who build Trade Routes to the StarTC. Read below if you're unfamiliar with the StarTC. What are they? RAT POINTS are a form of currency that can be exchanged for services from the STAR RATS! What can I spend it on? RAT POINT cost Prize Description 1 Get a Treasure! The baseline value for a RAT POINT 1 Suggest a priority TP buyout The STAR RATS will prioritize the requested TP above all others. 1 Lock a TP's Resource A TPs resource will be sent only to you every round to fulfill a DI 1.5 COMBO! Strongly Request a TP and Lock its Resources The two descriptions above! Combined! At a discount! 1.5 Economy Management The STAR RATS will impress a region's merchants at your request. 3 RATSTRIKE The impressive STAR RAT FORCE will perform an attack on a region of your choosing. Terms and Conditions Apply That sounds great, how do I get them? Build a Trade Route to the STAR RATS! You become a StarTC partner and immediately gain 1.5 RAT POINTS! Additionally, when an Elect becomes a partner, they can designate any one other Elect as their referrer, the referrer gets .5 RAT POINTS! What else do I get for joining StarTC Great question. You get immediate access to technologies! Shrewd Business Aclaustrophobic Psychiatry Algorithmic Imagination Arcane Amplification In Vivo Modification Nuclear Fusion Xenolinguistic Cataloguing Badalian Megadirigibles Pseudogravity Engineering You can send resources and treasures between partners! Have you seen The White Pawns and the Arkhive? Those are some pretty nifty connections. And more are coming! When possible, the STAR RATS offer trade acceleration. Extra Treasure or traded Technology will be sent early so commodities arrive for the next round. You get access to Resources StarTC prioritizes the highest quality and in-demand resources for its partners. These include resources vital for powering modern technologies. By joining StarTC, you'll gain access to these resources. Terms and Conditions Terms and Conditions RAT POINTS cannot be traded to other elect The STAR RATS will fulfill requests as quickly as possible, but will not do so in the case of severe self-detriment. The STAR RATS do not guarantee they can fulfill every request every round (Can't send you treasure there's none left that round) The STAR RATS often offer personalized deals for Trade Routes, these are handled on a case-by-case basis and may reduce or remove the RAT POINT reward. Strongly Suggest a TP The STAR RATS will arbitrarily determine order if there are multiple Strongly Requested TPs. The TP must be attainable without conflict. On Lock a TPs resource You cannot lock an existing high-value resource, such as one used for technologies or needed by other partners. Limit: 1 per partner On Economy Management May be refused if targeting a mercantile faction that would cause conflict if acquired by the STAR RATS. On RATSTRIKE Cannot target any battle that has a StarTC partner fighting in opposition. Best used for conflicts against non-elect. StarTC Solar Trade Administrative Region Trade Center Greetings to our fellow Elect! Those once far, now made near by the miracle of technology! We, the STAR RATS, are excited to welcome new partners to the Solar Trade Center! StarTC is a conglomerate of trading routes connecting all regions and planets of Tekhum! But we can't do it alone, that's why we advise that all the honored Elect Regions begin construction on trade routes to the STAR RATS and Region 110 of the firmament. Additional Information Summary of the Deal A. The Honored Elect Territories build trade routes to the STAR RATS. B. In return, they can trade treasure, artifacts, and technology through the trading post with all other connected Elect. C. Additionally, they can access to other Additional Perks as shown below. "But why connect to the STAR RATS instead of someone more immediately profitable?", you ask. The reasons are simple. Compounding Value Here at the Solar Trade Administrative Regions, we understand that our greatest value isn't ourselves, but the people we serve. And that's the key value offered by joining StarTC. Not just what we can offer but the ability to trade efficiently with regions across the solar system, buying and selling goods and services without burning time and the hassle of waste action. Current Partners Partner Route Status Trade Opportunity The Arkhive Æternal (ARK) Active Knowledge shared by the greatest library in the system. The White Pawns Active Mercenaries for hire! Fiorid Principality of Verdalfheim Active Trade with one of the most quickly growing countries on Sansar! The Shattered Coven Active The Cloudburst Confederation In Progress The Iron Masquerade In Progress This could be you! If we as a system can unitedly choose one center of commerce, then trade will boom and connection will be simple. You won't have to worry about what complicated trail of trade routes are required to get your goods where they ought to go, or what you'll be charged to use those trade routes, and how many turns it will take. No! You will pass your trade to StarTC, and it will be forwarded directly where you want it to go! And that leads to our promise. Our Promise We, the STAR RATS, will ensure that any trade sent to us, intended for a recipient to which we have a trade route, will be forwarded immediately on the next turn. There will be no tolls, taxes, or tariffs implemented by the STAR RATS. We will always maintain non-actions to send trade to its desired location! Any technology sent to the STAR RATS for the purpose of trading to select parties shall not be traded by STAR RATS to external parties not involved in the deal, unless STAR RATS later receive the technology again with a less restrictive trade license. STAR RATS may only halt trade if STAR RATS holdings are directly attacked by an individual involved in the trade. Investment The STAR RATS are actively subsidizing and building trade routes! See RAT POINTS above Location Region 110 on the Firmament acts as both the perfect land and space port. Located nearly in the middle of Tekhum, Sansar offers an excellent location as a center of trade! Additional Perks 1. When possible, the Durats offer trade acceleration. Extra Treasure or traded Technology will sent early so commodities arrive for the next round. 2. Partners will have a trade route to a Pan-Tekhum Worker's and Trader's Union Base in Burtzlund. 3. As a fledgling economic powerhouse, over time STAR RATS Trade Routes will enjoy extensive Trading Post resource options for trade. Expect these perks to be the first of many! After reading this, I hope you're as excited about the opportunity lying in the Solar Trade Center as we are! We're excited to work with you and bring all the regions of Tekhum together! STAR RAT Rumors STAR RATS Actions Non-Action) Roll new heir As with all Exalted pods, the new heir is formed from seven delegates taken from the influential sectors of Burtzlund. One from a distinguished Professor Pod from The University, one from the High Priest Pod of The Great Cathedral, one from a Corporation Head Pod from the Industrial Merchants, one from an influential general in the military, one from the President Pod of Burtzlund Administration, one from the Policy and Precedent Department Head Pod, and one from a celerity Durat Pod elected by popular vote. Non-Action) Deploy Honeyed Words (Using 46.2 Honeyed Words, and 99.1 Embroidered Fabrics) 1. Economy) Impress Region 46 Merchants, The Arkhive Æternal (Using Spacer's Cabbage, TP 108.1) 2. Economy) Impress Region 99 Merchants, Outerock (Using Cornelian Mercenaries, TP 106.2) 3. Economy) Impress Region 15 Merchants, Suaka Beruntung (Using Solar Panels, TP 104.1) 4. Economy) Create Trade Route to The Black Cloud Coalition 5. Economy) Still open... 113 looks p cool, I wonder if any of those TPs are open 5. Economy) Still open... somehow... STAR RATS Non-Actions Non-Action) Hinder anyone from performing STAR TP buyouts. Non-Action) Accept any trade routes, including (for ease of GM tracking): - The Bironian Bulwark StarTC Non-Actions Non-Action) Send Shrewd Business and Vacuum Adaptation technologies to The Iron Masquerade. Non-Action) Send Pseudogravity Engineering, Vacuum Adaptation, Shrewd Business, and Thermonuclear Reaction Cores to The Cloudburst Confederation Non-Action) Send Stage Trees from TP 110.1 to the Arkhive via Trade Route to satisfy Compost Desired Import Non-Action) Send Robots from TP 37.2 to The White Pawns via Trade Route as Robot Desired Import Non-Action) Send Heroic Adventurers from TP 39.2 to The Cloudburst Confederation via Trade Route as Region 55 Soldiers Desired Import. Non-Action) Accept any traded treasure, artifacts, and technologies Non-Action) Trade any treasure, artifacts, and technologies from last turn to intended recipients. List of items received last turn, sent this turn. None currently Leader Information Heir: Bok Gvcboz Tihimfrejunklscare Diplomacy: 3 Military: 5 Economy: 7 Faith: 3 Intrigue: 3 Buffs +2d8 to buyouts from Cultural Identity +1 to Buyouts from Soul's Expression May use the bonuses of any Archologies in a region with a Union hall or WTU Merchantile support WTU Assists my buyouts of Open or WTU TPs and hinders resisted buyouts of my TPs Other Information Durat Org Status Reputation Favor Trader's Union +2 0 Imperial Court 0 0 Basu-Rahman Group 0 0 Treasure at Round Start Treasure Spent Expected Treasure Gain +1 - Carryover from last round +3 - Other Durat Information Land Units: 2 Space Units: 4 Total TPs: 19 Treasure TPs: 21
  2. Outerock (Ready for Review) Region: Mekhala 99 People The people of Outerock are humanoid, but with a very strange differentiating feature. A large grey blob rests upon their head, like an oversized hat. These are headcrabs, and every person on Outerock is mounted by one. The combined person of headcrab and host are called the Outerockians. Long ago, before the time of the bombardment and following isolation, headcrabs were unleashed upon Outerock. The people of the time fought and resisted, but ultimately were overwhelmed by tide of parasitic space crabs. As time passed, the isolation led to adaptation. The two organisms, headcrab and human, evolved specifically for the other, eventually creating new species of headcrab and human. The human part of Outerockians have smaller brains than the normal species, while the head itself is slightly larger. They are born nearly braindead, and cannot function without a headcrab for direction and thinking. The skull itself has adapted with specific grooves for the headcrab to directly attach to the top of the scalp. The headcrabs themselves have become more civilized. Their method of attachment relies far less on the gnawing of teeth, and a softer meld. They have lost the ability to attach to non-Outerrock humanoids, as their biology evolved in tandem with the Outerock population. However, this loss of predation features is not a loss. Instead, the headcrabs themselves have gained intelligence. They have created a functional society that looks not unlike that of Humaniod populations all across Takhum. Just as it was with single-celled organisms long ago, parasite and prey evolve together, slowly merging into a single new organism. While headcrabs are not birthed directly on the Outerock humans just yet, but that point seems near. Headcrab and humanoid birth occurs simultaneously, the mounted headcrab gives birth just as the child is born. The babe headcrab usually attaches to its new host within minutes of birth. Every headcrab is female, creating its offspring using by pulling genetic data from their host. The headcrabs perform the mating rituals of humans, using their human bodies. With the new crab being birthed as an afterthought. Outerockians now refer to themselves as a single entity. And consider this cycle of life to be natural and wholesome. The human body is their own, and is created to be inhabited by the head. The fact that the head is created from the headcrab means little. They expect to be respected and treated just as any other sapient spacefaring species. Geography The Region of 99 is primarily empty, save for a singular large asteroid. This asteroid has been carved to the point of near complete hollowness. The inside a giant cavity in which the peoples of Outerock live. The inside of Outerock is a web of walkways, interior circular buildings, and dĂŠcor. The cramped space creating a heavy density of constructed homes and buildings that are held in place by a series of long bridges. Religion - The Sisters The Outerockians worship the Six Sisters of Pleione. The theology dogma states that long ago, of all the headcrabs deployed on Outerock, six found success and bore childcrabs. These crabs form the heritage of all modern crabs. The sister of one's is difficult to track, but is important culturally. The crabs declare their believed ancestor, and follow the virtues of civilization defined in their image. The six sisters represent and control domains of existence, from kindness to life support. There is also a minority that believes in the Seventh Sister. This cult believes that one other headcrab survived to produce children. These children believe that they are meant for more than to be confined to the simple domain of the existing humaniods on Outerock. The Domain of the Forbidden Seventh Sister is expansion, to devour and control the brain of non-Outerock humanoids. Of violence and growth. This cult seeks to leave Outerock and expands to all asteriods of Mekhala and beyond, and to replicate the success of Outerock headcrabs in all sections of the system. Resources An interesting biological feature of the headcrabs is the creation of biological silk. Historically, a headcrab could ambush from above, swinging on silk to improve accuracy and range. Nowdays, the weaving of headcrab silk is tied deeply into the religious rituals of the Outerockians, leading to the creation of beautiful Embroidered Fabrics. Along with being Fabrics and Textile Products, these handcrafted garments are also Luxury Goods. Simply amazing both in comfort and in fashion. The Outerockians desire soldiers, primarily as they fear discrimination from the humanoid races throughout Tekhum, who they expect may be less than understanding of their unique and valuable bond with the headcrabs. For this reason, soldiers for defense are greatly required.
  3. From a side passage, ritually used by the Exalted Pod to enter the festivities after the swapping of professors, enters Vuk Cssskk Tyculhajodejana. However, their entrance has changed much. Long ago at Hex1, the Pod entered as a stiff, shuffling bunch. Their heads bobbing about like a flock of flamingos, taking stuttering steps on their hind legs in an attempt at a humanoid effigy. Now, at Hex4, their approach is quite different. Vuk, the exalted speaker leads in a light four-legged trot. Others behind walk at a slower cadence, their near-completely silvered fur and slight limps betraying their age. And bringing up the rear, the Durat representatives of the Church and Policy follow, sitting in hover-chairs. Behind them, a different Pod follows. Same in number, but younger in age. They follow, their heads lashing about as they take in the new scene. The Exalted pod makes its way to the side of Queen Constance and speaks, "Ah, it has been long. It warms old bones to be with you yet again. Though you barely look a day the elder. It is fitting that you bring one for mellification before us on this day. For us, this is a time of ending, and beginning. To us, it was long ago that we stepped into this hall for the first time- and yet I remember it so clearly. And how could I not, with a bomb on the doorstep?" The old pod chuckles, and gathers itself. "But I should get to business before I fall deep into reminiscences. I have grown old, Constance, and my time left is little. Smaller still is my time as the Exalted. And so it comes to pass that I shall be replaced. Following my path in the cycle that has transpired for centuries in past. But I am not so old that I lose the honor of introducing you to the future Exalted. Behold, I present Bok Gvcboz Tihimfrejunklscare. The younger pod, now introduced as future Exalted, move in a synchronous gesture of meeting and welcome. "We've heard much of you from our elder. You have been good to our people. We hope that we shall be good to each other." The older pod smiles. "Bok comes from the same stock such as I. They have learned well, and already make the STAR RATS proud. We've been awaiting this day eagerly, and hope you will welcome them as you did us." "And there is one other matter." The Exalted Pod moves closer, and speaks softly. "Should you wish, we would be delighted to leave this Durat in your care." The Durats of the Exalted Pod Gesture to the Speaker Supreme. "Something new has been found in the far reaches of Badal. A beautiful substance known as XQI. It allows others to participate in the practice of wising, even if they are not of Durat blood." "Vuk Tynappus is the youngest of us, and best-spoken. They were elected by the popular will of the Durat Population, and bring with them a love of music and a beautiful voice. Should you wish to bring them into your personhood, we would be honored if you wised with them. This is not a decision to make lightly, and you are free to refuse. Acceptance of this would change you, but it would expand your being. We are prepared to offer you enough XQI to sustain the bond as long as you like. And with your Royal Jelly, we expect you could keep Vuk with you so long as you see fit." "This is not something ever done before." This is made apparent, as Bok wears an expression of shock. But they do not move to protest, the word of the Exalted pod is law. The Exalted continues. "This is not something ever considered before. But if you are inclined, we would love to bind our bond in wising, the most sacred of Durat tradition." At some other time, the STAR RATS vote. They abstain from voting on the GCC amendment, having interest neither for nor against. The vote in favor of the ARK amendment. A much needed change. At some other time in the evening Bok makes their way to Ordo Roberts. "Greetings, mellowed one. We wish to suggest to the bees. Knowledge and happenings flow throughout Tekhum, but many are lost. The bees have created a beautiful infrastructure for the collection of knowledge. We would be most grateful if this infrastructure was extended to hold tidings of geopolitical events."
  4. STAR RATS Solar Trade Administrative Regions of Durats BREAKING NEWS Introducing RAT POINTS For Rounds 6 to 9, the STAR RATS are giving away RAT POINTS as a "Thank You" to elect who build Trade Routes to the StarTC. Read below if you're unfamiliar with the StarTC. What are they? RAT POINTS are a form of currency that can be exchanged for services from the STAR RATS! What can I spend it on? RAT POINT cost Prize Description 1 Get a Treasure! The baseline value for a RAT POINT 0 Suggest a TP The STAR RATS are always willing to take their partner's considerations into account 1 Strongly Suggest a TP The STAR RATS will prioritize the requested TP above all others. 1 Lock a TP's Resource A TPs resource will be sent only to you every round to fulfill a DI 1.5 COMBO! Strongly Request a TP and Lock its Resources The two descriptions above! Combined! At a discount! 1.5 Economy Management The STAR RATS will impress a region's merchants at your request. 3 RATSTRIKE The impressive STAR RAT FORCE will perform an attack on a region of your choosing. Terms and Conditions Apply That sounds great, how do I get them? Build a Trade Route to the STAR RATS! You become a StarTC partner and immediately gain 1.5 RAT POINTS! Additionally, when an Elect becomes a partner, they can designate any one other Elect as their referrer, the referrer gets .5 RAT POINTS! What else do I get for joining StarTC Great question. You get immediate access to technologies! Shrewd Business Aclaustrophobic Psychiatry Algorithmic Imagination Arcane Amplification In Vivo Modification Nuclear Fusion Xenolinguistic Cataloguing Badalian Megadirigibles Pseudogravity Engineering You can send resources and treasures between partners! Have you seen The White Pawns and the Arkhive? Those are some pretty nifty connections. And more are coming! When possible, the STAR RATS offer trade acceleration. Extra Treasure or traded Technology will be sent early so commodities arrive for the next round. You get access to Resources StarTC prioritizes the highest quality and in-demand resources for its partners. These include resources vital for powering modern technologies. By joining StarTC, you'll gain access to these resources. Terms and Conditions Terms and Conditions RAT POINTS cannot be traded to other elect The STAR RATS will fulfill requests as quickly as possible, but will not do so in the case of severe self-detriment. The STAR RATS do not guarantee they can fulfill every request every round (Can't send you treasure there's none left that round) The STAR RATS often offer personalized deals for Trade Routes, these are handled on a case-by-case basis and may reduce or remove the RAT POINT reward. Strongly Suggest a TP The STAR RATS will arbitrarily determine order if there are multiple Strongly Requested TPs. The TP must be attainable without conflict. On Lock a TPs resource You cannot lock an existing high-value resource, such as one used for technologies or needed by other partners. Limit: 1 per partner On Economy Management May be refused if targeting a mercantile faction that would cause conflict if acquired by the STAR RATS. On RATSTRIKE Cannot target any battle that has a StarTC partner fighting in opposition. Best used for conflicts against non-elect. StarTC Solar Trade Administrative Region Trade Center Greetings to our fellow Elect! Those once far, now made near by the miracle of technology! We, the STAR RATS, are excited to welcome new partners to the Solar Trade Center! StarTC is a conglomerate of trading routes connecting all regions and planets of Tekhum! But we can't do it alone, that's why we advise that all the honored Elect Regions begin construction on trade routes to the STAR RATS and Region 110 of the firmament. Additional Information Summary of the Deal A. The Honored Elect Territories build trade routes to the STAR RATS. B. In return, they can trade treasure, artifacts, and technology through the trading post with all other connected Elect. C. Additionally, they can access to other Additional Perks as shown below. "But why connect to the STAR RATS instead of someone more immediately profitable?", you ask. The reasons are simple. Compounding Value Here at the Solar Trade Administrative Regions, we understand that our greatest value isn't ourselves, but the people we serve. And that's the key value offered by joining StarTC. Not just what we can offer but the ability to trade efficiently with regions across the solar system, buying and selling goods and services without burning time and the hassle of waste action. Current Partners Partner Route Status Trade Opportunity The Arkhive Æternal (ARK) Active Knowledge shared by the greatest library in the system. The White Pawns Active Mercenaries for hire! Fiorid Principality of Verdalfheim Active Trade with one of the most quickly growing countries on Sansar! The Shattered Coven Active The Cloudburst Confederation In Progress The Iron Masquerade In Progress This could be you! If we as a system can unitedly choose one center of commerce, then trade will boom and connection will be simple. You won't have to worry about what complicated trail of trade routes are required to get your goods where they ought to go, or what you'll be charged to use those trade routes, and how many turns it will take. No! You will pass your trade to StarTC, and it will be forwarded directly where you want it to go! And that leads to our promise. Our Promise We, the STAR RATS, will ensure that any trade sent to us, intended for a recipient to which we have a trade route, will be forwarded immediately on the next turn. There will be no tolls, taxes, or tariffs implemented by the STAR RATS. We will always maintain non-actions to send trade to its desired location! Any technology sent to the STAR RATS for the purpose of trading to select parties shall not be traded by STAR RATS to external parties not involved in the deal, unless STAR RATS later receive the technology again with a less restrictive trade license. STAR RATS may only halt trade if STAR RATS holdings are directly attacked by an individual involved in the trade. Investment The STAR RATS are actively subsidizing and building trade routes! See RAT POINTS above Location Region 110 on the Firmament acts as both the perfect land and space port. Located nearly in the middle of Tekhum, Sansar offers an excellent location as a center of trade! Additional Perks 1. When possible, the Durats offer trade acceleration. Extra Treasure or traded Technology will sent early so commodities arrive for the next round. 2. Partners will have a trade route to a Pan-Tekhum Worker's and Trader's Union Base in Burtzlund. 3. As a fledgling economic powerhouse, over time STAR RATS Trade Routes will enjoy extensive Trading Post resource options for trade. Expect these perks to be the first of many! After reading this, I hope you're as excited about the opportunity lying in the Solar Trade Center as we are! We're excited to work with you and bring all the regions of Tekhum together! STAR RAT Rumors The Durat population is enthralled with the news of Telepathic Transcendance. They rush to region 1 to try out this new form of enlightenment. The Exalted Vuk Cssskk Tyculhajodejana are all growing old and soon will be stepping down. However, before that day, there is one final great act to be performed. The STAR RATS introduce RAT POINTS to incentivize new trade partners! STAR RATS Actions Non-Action) Assign Heir +1s to Economy and Military, and switch rulers to Bok Gvcboz Tihimfrejunklscare Fluff incoming 1. Economy) Consolidate Holdings Fluff TBD 2. Economy) Buyout TP 39.2 - Heroic Adventurers, Supported (Success) 3. Economy) Buyout TP 106.2 - Cornelian Mercenaries, Spending 1 Treasure. (Success) 4. Economy) Buyout TP 101.2 - Helium-3 (Success) 5. Economy) Buyout TP 104.1 - Solar Panels (Success) - To declare now, if there's additional negatives to these the rolls to buyout 101.2 or 104.1 that are not tracked here (because I'm unaware of them), or if either is contested (I currently believe neither of these rolls have competition). The STAR RATS would spend an additional treasure to use the WTU arcology for an additional +2 on the roll. (I'm aware this clause could cause me to lose a treasure unnecessarily) STAR RATS Non-Actions Non-Action) Hinder anyone from performing STAR TP buyouts. Non-Action) Accept any trade routes, including (for ease of GM tracking): - The Cloudburst Confederation - The Iron Masquerade Non-Action) Begrudgingly permit the conversion to Soul's Fascination in Burtzlund. Non-Action) Attend Hex4 Non-Action) Write-up region 99 StarTC Non-Actions Non-Action) Send Techs to The Shattered Coven - Shrewd Business, Aclaustrophobic Psychiatry, Algorithmic Imagination, Arcane Amplification, In Vivo Modification, Nuclear Fusion, Xenolinguistic Cataloguing, Badalian Megadirigibles Non-Action) Send 1 Treasure to the Arkhive to assist in Extraordinary Research Grants Non-Action) Send 1 Treasure to The White Pawns for 1 MWG Non-Action) Pay off 3 MWG worth of ELD debt. Non-Action) Send Stage Trees from TP 110.1 to the Arkhive via Trade Route to satisfy Compost Desired Import Non-Action) Send Robots from TP 37.2 to The White Pawns via Trade Route as Robot Desired Import Non-Action) Accept any traded treasure, artifacts, and technologies - Specifically, expecting Vacuum Adaptation and Thaumonuclear Engineering from the Arkhive. - I'll happily accept any others if not explicitly mentioned. (Hey I've been surprised before) Non-Action) Trade any treasure, artifacts, and technologies from last turn to intended recipients. List of items received last turn, sent this turn. None currently Leader Information Ruler: Exalted Vuk Cssskk Tyculhajodejana Diplomacy: 6 (s5, s10) Military: 6 (s5, s10) Economy: 10 (s5, s10) Faith: 2 (s5, s10) Intrigue: 3 (s5, s10) Heir: Bok Gvcboz Tihimfrejunklscare Diplomacy: 3 Military: 4+1 Economy: 4+1+2 Faith: 3 Intrigue: 3 Buffs +2d8 to buyouts from Cultural Identity +1 to Buyouts from Soul's Expression May use the bonuses of any Archologies in a region with a Union hall or WTU Merchantile support WTU Assists my buyouts of Open or WTU TPs and hinders resisted buyouts of my TPs Other Information Durat Org Status Reputation Favor Trader's Union +3 0 Imperial Court 0 0 Basu-Rahman Group 0 0 Treasure at Round Start Treasure Spent Expected Treasure Gain +1 - Carryover from last round 1 Sent to Arkhive +2 - 10 Treasure TPs 1 Sent to WTP +1 - Ally of the Union 1 Spent on 106.2 Buyout 1 ~maybe~ spent on a buyout Other Durat Information Land Units: 2 Space Units: 4 Total TPs: 15 + 4 Treasure TPs: 17 + 4
  5. The STAR RATS envoy arrives with little fanfare, not sending a participant to the race. Instead, the greying Exalted Vuk Cssskk Tyculhajodejana makes his way to the VIP dome, to meet with Ambassador Yessikruz Donce. He gives many warm smiles as the Supreme Speaker reaches out a hand. "It is so good to meet with the Society once again. And a wonderful event this is. I come to partake in your delights, and join in your Alliance of E.A.T. Let us be merry together." As the Exalted Pod plays politics, a different figure arrives. Surprisingly, not a Durat. A human from Coastaphornia, dressed in a reflective silver shining suit toned green as it takes the hues of the Mirrored Flats. He confidently walks to a stage that has been prepared for him, and when prompted, begins a show.
  7. "BAH, is this thing broken!! Quick, put 100 more in!" Durats angerly thrust 500 chits into the machine. After the bet.... "Ohhh yeah, that's what I'm talkin' abouuut!" The five little Rodents hop to the output, scooping at the outpour of chips with greedy little paws.
  8. "A Push... nothing happens!? Boring! Do it again, but with 100 more chits this time!" If Skod were paying attention, wheeling, dealing, and all matter of politics were happening all around them. But they were here to WIN!
  9. The flight to Mekhala was long, and the battle was quick. The White Pawns and STAR RATS making quick work of the paltry forces presented to them. That alone was reason to celebrate, but for Skod Qggg Smalengnutepi, there was more reason to celebrate. Their recent promotion to first Admiral of the STAR RATS was unprecedented, and an honor she happily wore. So while she left her forces behind in Mekhala to guard the new territory and flew back to Sansar for ceremony, Skod took a quick stop at the Casino. After all, why not celebrate? She arrives full of enthusiasm and bluster, ready to enjoy of the spoils. Greeting the Biarbu, the five Durats bounce into the great halls before them. Scattering between machines and legs before regrouping in front of a large device, "Maybe I am the chosen one". One Durat sits in front of the screen, legs splayed out. Two Durats quickly pipe chits into the machine. And the final two ready themselves at the lever. When the 300 Chits are loaded, Skod laughs gleefully as two of her pull the lever, "THIS WILL BE MY VICTORY!" When the numbers stop spinning, the Durats look baffled. "I don't know what that means..."
  10. STAR RATS Solar Trade Administrative Regions of Durats BREAKING NEWS Introducing RAT POINTS For Rounds 6 to 9, the STAR RATS are giving away RAT POINTS as a "Thank You" to elect who build Trade Routes to the StarTC. Read below if you're unfamiliar with the StarTC. What are they? RAT POINTS are a form of currency that can be exchanged for services from the STAR RATS! What can I spend it on? RAT POINT cost Prize Description 1 Get a Treasure! The baseline value for a RAT POINT 0 Suggest a TP The STAR RATS are always willing to take their partner's considerations into account 1 Strongly Suggest a TP The STAR RATS will prioritize the requested TP above all others. 1 Lock a TP's Resource A TPs resource will be sent only to you every round to fulfill a DI 1.5 COMBO! Strongly Request a TP and Lock its Resources The two descriptions above! Combined! At a discount! 1.5 Economy Management The STAR RATS will impress a region's merchants at your request. 3 RATSTRIKE The impressive STAR RAT FORCE will perform an attack on a region of your choosing. Terms and Conditions Apply That sounds great, how do I get them? Build a Trade Route to the STAR RATS! You become a StarTC partner and immediately gain 1.5 RAT POINTS! Additionally, when an Elect becomes a partner, they can designate any one other Elect as their referrer, the referrer gets .5 RAT POINTS! What else do I get for joining StarTC Great question. You get immediate access to technologies! Shrewd Business Aclaustrophobic Psychiatry Algorithmic Imagination Arcane Amplification In Vivo Modification Nuclear Fusion Xenolinguistic Cataloguing Badalian Megadirigibles Pseudogravity Engineering You can send resources and treasures between partners! Have you seen The White Pawns and the Arkhive? Those are some pretty nifty connections. And more are coming! When possible, the STAR RATS offer trade acceleration. Extra Treasure or traded Technology will be sent early so commodities arrive for the next round. You get access to Resources StarTC prioritizes the highest quality and in-demand resources for its partners. These include resources vital for powering modern technologies. By joining StarTC, you'll gain access to these resources. Terms and Conditions RAT POINTS cannot be traded to other elect The STAR RATS will fulfill requests as quickly as possible, but will not do so in the case of severe self-detriment. The STAR RATS do not guarantee they can fulfill every request every round (Can't send you treasure there's none left that round) The STAR RATS often offer personalized deals for Trade Routes, these are handled on a case-by-case basis and may reduce or remove the RAT POINT reward. Strongly Suggest a TP The STAR RATS will arbitrarily determine order if there are multiple Strongly Requested TPs. The TP must be attainable without conflict. On Lock a TPs resource You cannot lock an existing high-value resource, such as one used for technologies or needed by other partners. Limit: 1 per partner On Economy Management May be refused if targeting a mercantile faction that would cause conflict if acquired by the STAR RATS. On RATSTRIKE Cannot target any battle that has a StarTC partner fighting in opposition. Best used for conflicts against non-elect. StarTC Solar Trade Administrative Region Trade Center Greetings to our fellow Elect! Those once far, now made near by the miracle of technology! We, the STAR RATS, are excited to welcome new partners to the Solar Trade Center! StarTC is a conglomerate of trading routes connecting all regions and planets of Tekhum! But we can't do it alone, that's why we advise that all the honored Elect Regions begin construction on trade routes to the STAR RATS and Region 110 of the firmament. Additional Information Summary of the Deal A. The Honored Elect Territories build trade routes to the STAR RATS. B. In return, they can trade treasure, artifacts, and technology through the trading post with all other connected Elect. C. Additionally, they can access to other Additional Perks as shown below. "But why connect to the STAR RATS instead of someone more immediately profitable?", you ask. The reasons are simple. Compounding Value Here at the Solar Trade Administrative Regions, we understand that our greatest value isn't ourselves, but the people we serve. And that's the key value offered by joining StarTC. Not just what we can offer but the ability to trade efficiently with regions across the solar system, buying and selling goods and services without burning time and the hassle of waste action. Current Partners Partner Route Status Trade Opportunity The Arkhive Æternal (ARK) Active Knowledge shared by the greatest library in the system. The White Pawns Active Mercenaries for hire! Fiorid Principality of Verdalfheim Active Trade with one of the most quickly growing countries in Sansar! This could be you! If we as a system can unitedly choose one center of commerce, then trade will boom and connection will be simple. You won't have to worry about what complicated trail of trade routes are required to get your goods where they ought to go, or what you'll be charged to use those trade routes, and how many turns it will take. No! You will pass your trade to StarTC, and it will be forwarded directly where you want it to go! And that leads to our promise. Our Promise We, the STAR RATS, will ensure that any trade sent to us, intended for a recipient to which we have a trade route, will be forwarded immediately on the next turn. There will be no tolls, taxes, or tariffs implemented by the STAR RATS. We will always maintain non-actions to send trade to its desired location! Any technology sent to the STAR RATS for the purpose of trading to select parties shall not be traded by STAR RATS to external parties not involved in the deal, unless STAR RATS later receive the technology again with a less restrictive trade license. STAR RATS may only halt trade if STAR RATS holdings are directly attacked by an individual involved in the trade. Investment The STAR RATS are actively subsidizing and building trade routes! See RAT POINTS above Location Region 110 on the Firmament acts as both the perfect land and space port. Located nearly in the middle of Tekhum, Sansar offers an excellent location as a center of trade! Additional Perks 1. When possible, the Durats offer trade acceleration. Extra Treasure or traded Technology will sent early so commodities arrive for the next round. 2. Partners will have a trade route to a Pan-Tekhum Worker's and Trader's Union Base in Burtzlund. 3. As a fledgling economic powerhouse, over time STAR RATS Trade Routes will enjoy extensive Trading Post resource options for trade. Expect these perks to be the first of many! After reading this, I hope you're as excited about the opportunity lying in the Solar Trade Center as we are! We're excited to work with you and bring all the regions of Tekhum together! STAR RAT Rumors The Durat population is enthralled with the news of Telepathic Transcendance. They rush to region 1 to try out this new form of enlightenment. The Exalted Vuk Cssskk Tyculhajodejana are all growing old and soon will be stepping down. However, before that day, there is one final great act to be performed. The STAR RATS introduce RAT POINTS to incentivize new trade partners! STAR RATS Actions 1. Economy) Buyout TP 46.2 The STAR RATS hold great fondness for the Honeyed Words of their long-time allies. 2. Economy) Buyout TP 1.3 4. Economy) Buyout TP 1.2 5. Economy) Buyout TP 1.1 Extemely star-struck by the technology discovered by their ancient cousins, the STAR RATS flock to region 1. 3. Economy) Buyout TP 95.3, spending 1 treasure The STAR RATS buy laser guns!!! STAR RATS Non-Actions Non-Action) Assist the Black Cloud Coalition's and The House of Brimstone's acquisition of TP 50.3 with an additional +1 from Shrewd Business. The STAR RATS forge new ties to far-off orbits. Non-Action) Hinder anyone else from performing STAR TP buyouts. Non-Action) Accept any trade routes. Including the trade route from The Shattered Coven Non-Action) Roll for Skod Qggg Smalengnutepi (She/Her or They/Them or It/That) Non-Action) Skod Qggg Smalengnutepi attends The Grand Opening of the Golden Phoenix Non-Action) Vuk Cssskk Tyculhajodejana attends The Mekhala-Veehra Dash of 2050! He additionally joins the EAT alliance! StarTC Non-Actions Non-Action) Send Shrewd Business Technology to STAR Partners, WTP and ALF. (Open trade license) Non-Action) Receive Honeyed Words resource from the Arkhive 46.1 via Trade Route Non-Action) Send 1 Treasure to the Arkhive via Trade Route Non-Action) Send Stage Trees from TP 110.1 to the Arkhive via Trade Route to satisfy Compost Desired Import Non-Action) Send Robots from TP 37.2 to The White Pawns via Trade Route as Robot Desired Import Non-Action) Accept any traded treasure, artifacts, and technologies Non-Action) Trade any treasure, artifacts, and technologies from last turn to intended recipients. List of items received last turn, sent this turn. None currently Leader Information Ruler: Exalted Vuk Cssskk Tyculhajodejana Diplomacy: 6 (s5, s10) Military: 6 (s5, s10) Economy: 10 (s5, s10) Faith: 2 (s5, s10) Intrigue: 3 (s5, s10) Heir: Bok Gvcboz Tihimfrejunklscare Diplomacy: 3 Military: 4 Economy: 4 Faith: 3 Intrigue: 3 Buffs +2d8 to buyouts from Cultural Identity +1 to Buyouts from Soul's Expression May use the bonuses of any Archologies in a region with a Union hall or WTU Merchantile support WTU Assists my buyouts of Open or WTU TPs and hinders resisted buyouts of my TPs Other Information Durat Org Status Reputation Favor Trader's Union +3 0 Imperial Court 0 0 Basu-Rahman Group 0 0 Treasure at Round Start Treasure Spent Expected Treasure Gain +0 - Carryover from last round -1 - Gifted by Trade Route to Arkhive +2 - 10 Treasure TPs -1 - Spent on TP 95.3 Acquisition +1 - Ally of the Union Other Durat Information Loan Spend Needed: 1 Loan Size Taken: 3 White Guilder: 1.2 Land Units: 2 Space Units: 4 Total TPs: 10 + 5 Treasure TPs: 12 + 5
  11. Sorry, I've been a mess this round. TacDoc request for review: "Opportunist for profit: In a battle grants a free action attempt to buyout a TP on the effected region. If the admiral is providing air support, the action can be performed on a region if this admiral's country has ground units fighting there." The Air support clause is because it can be unclear if air support effects a region. I don't think it's reasonable to say that fighting for the air gives access to a buyout anywhere under that air support (though I'd take it if you gave it to me). But it seems underpowered to say that it can't be used when air support is in play, because then it just means that this TacDoc is only good for generals and garbage for Admirals.
  12. Preoccupied with the announcement and merriment, the STAR RATS envoy is late to the discussion. On "Freedom From Religion" "This is not the amendment that we hoped you would propose. Frankly, the STAR RATS little affected in this Amendment. We do not see undue allowances nor a weakening of structure. Therefore, we abstain from the vote." On "Free Labor Practices" "The STAR RATS are not in the business of giving commentary on how other countries construct their labor force. While we encourage fair working conditions, we do not believe in influencing moralities that may be considered subjective on our neighbors. For these reasons, we abstain." Residency Debate "The first order of business is one of interpretation," says Constance without preamble. "There are two tiers of Membership: Local Members (for residents of Sansar) and Visiting Members (for everyone else). So says the Charter. The question has been raised whether a "resident of Sansar" would include any polity that has significant population on the planet* or one which holds the bulk of its population on the planet or one which originates from the planet--though I pray we don't decide on this, as it would be a conference in itself to determine what that means. So, a question for everyone to consider. Does having a significant population on Coedd make a polity a "resident of Sansar?" Though there is no mechanism for deciding in the Charter, I will exercise my authority to determine the exception: every polity represented in this room, including the one which could be excluded by the decision, holds a vote (excepting, as always, the Arkhive). Simple majority is sufficient. "Alas, here things become complicated. The term 'Residents of Sansar' was never truly defined. If simply living on Sansar were sufficient, wouldn't every individual have a vote? Not just countries? Unfortunately, there are implications and expectations that define this rule. With awareness of these concerns, it is best to consider the context. The following line of the charter states, 'Should a Visiting Member be awarded Patronage OR complete and maintain a Hive (5-action GP), they will permanently be considered Local, so long as they retain Membership.'. This provides clarity. People can become local by being awarded patronage or completing a hive. But makes no mention of gaining new land on Sansar. If this were the intent, I believe it would have been addressed here. In fact, I believe it must be the case. Otherwise, an invading army might slay a long-time local member, and then take their vote at the very next chance. These rules exist to protect the Locals, and encourage those coming from far-off to gain a vote through collaboration and productive methods, rather than brute force. This interpretation is far more in-character for the Arkhive that I know and love. Judging by the existing precedent. Many of our most influential members have been from off-world. And these members are now considered Local by definition. It seems that the system is working. Residents of Sansar are those native to this world at the time when elect titles were given. Who maintain the shared history and culture that grew this planet while isolated. They were given the initial titles of "Local", which will not be taken away without the loss of membership. For those coming from outside, clear paths to membership are defined in the charter, which has already been utilized by the benefit of several of our patrons."
  13. Craobhan Mòra (Approved) Region: Firmament 110 History The Era of Eternal Bombardments is a legend. A mythos that warns the modern day of the dangerous of technology, and the cost of all-out war. The Firmament was not spared these consequences. After the last bombs fell, The Firmament was left isolated. Its elevators closed, any remaining ships lost leaving whoever, and whatever, was up there isolated. In the time of war, a new breed of soldiers was created. The Reserve provided a standard of soldier beyond that which could naturally occur. The Bàsclan. Genetically modified super-insects plagued battlefield with a ferocity, cunning, and capability unmatched by the common soldier. When The Firmament became isolated, a new era of horror began. Three legions of Bàsclan were stationed on the Firmament, clicking for deployment. Combat ready peak genetic specimen primed for war. And then the war was over. The Bàsclan would not be contained. It is unknown what the people of that day may have called region 110, they didn't survive the passing of time. Unlike they people of the Reserve, they were hunted to extinction. Until only the Bàsclan remained. Victorious, the Bàsclan gave themselves a name, the A' fuireach. Geography Called Craobhan Mòra by the A' fuireach, Region 110 of the Firmament is huge, a scale that can hardly be comprehended. A third of this gigantic ring has a surface area nearly matching that of Sansar as a whole. Craobhan Mòra is home to giant verdant forests. Perhaps its most recognizable feature are the stage trees. These massive trees were clearly also the target of genetic modification. Rather than sporting a single overhead canopy, the Stage Trees sport many. The highest canopy still contains an overhead of thick fibrous leaves, but the lower canopies are a thick entanglement of branch and vine. These "stages" allow the trees to support each other, and form into flat surfaces that can be easily traversed or built upon by natives. These many stages create an intense verticality to Craobhan Mòra. Any single stage feels like a ground to itself. The long-spanning branches create a floor and ceiling and floor so thick that vision cannot traverse. These sturdy branches do not bend even under the weight of hefty vehicles. Walking onto a stage feels like being transported into a different "ground" entirely. A new land where the world is held together by pillars of wood holding a brown sky aloft from the similarly wooden ground. Cutting your way into the ceiling allows access to yet another land of branches. These trees cover the entirety of Craobhan Mòra. Ruins of ancient civilizations are built on the various stages of the trees themselves, and the trees have reclaimed them. Old housing, shipyards, and warehouses have been consumed by trees. Branches intertwining and cutting into the floor. Trees have grown around and into steel itself. The trees provide cover and food for a numinous arboreal mammals. These creatures may have arrived here as pets, livestock, or simply stowaways. Now they serve as prey for the A' fuireach. People As time progressed, the A' fuireach matured as a species. Outgrowing their single nature as machines of war, the A' fuireach developed a language, culture, bonds. For the first time, the Bàsclan no longer lived in opposition to the sapient species that created them. They asked themselves, "Without war, what are we?" That single question expresses the uncertainty of purpose, fear, and freedom embodied by the A' fuireach people. They found answers. They are hunters. They are killers. They are parents. They are explorers. They are free. And they will fight for that freedom. The Modern Day The A' fuireach were none too pleased at the arrival of the STAR RATS. The war was fast and brutal. For all their natural prowess, the A' fuireach were unprepared for the impact of modern technology. And yet, were they not created in a time with technologies far more terrible than this? Were they not warriors in an era where the weapons made these look like throwing sticks? There is only one answer, the A' fuireach have grown soft. The millennium of peace have softened their caprices and dulled their teeth. And so two factions emerged. Firstly, the A' fuireach that wanted to be more, that wanted to grow beyond the intent of their creation and grasp the fruits of technology into their hand. They wanted to be known and respected as a species. As a people. Secondly, the A' fuireach that missed the old ways. They relished these new hardships, to bring back the grit in their claws, the sting of their teeth. They believed in the intent of the creator. They were created to be most terrifying monstrosity in existence. The was their purpose, and they would fulfill it. For now, there is an uneasy truce between the elect, orgs, and the A' fuireach. 500 klicks in every direction from the elevator has been surrendered to outsider control, but all else belongs to the A' fuireach, and they will hunt all hunt trespass. Religion - Minosians The majority of A' fuireach worship their creators, the Minosians. The arms-dealing bioartificers who breathed life into their bodies. It is ironic, considering how many of these same bioartificers were killed by the A' fuireach themselves. These traditional A' fuireach believe that they were created as being of ultimate strength. And through the expression of that strength, they can connect with their heritage and purpose. This belief system is opposed to a new belief system, that posits that the A' fuireach should grow beyond their original intention. But this belief remains the fringe. And yet a third belief system exists. Fledgling and slowly growing, a belief beyond the A' fuireach. All around them, there is something greater, something powerful. Something not yet named. Something in the leaves, something in the trees, in the soil. An intelligence, a power growing in The Firmament. The great stage trees have been awakening, called to awareness and connection by a new force. Some unknown sapience. It is this force that the A' fuireach hear. It calls to them as it calls to the trees and calls to the mammals. All is called. But it is not the planet, it is above. Resources Export: Stage Trees - Flora The Stage Trees are plentiful and have many uses in trade. The Trees were planted here by peoples of ages past. When Chemically treated and compressed for long periods, they form a spaceworth building material. When left alone, they decay into fertile soil, which has led to the lushness of Craobhan Mòra. Add Resource Category: Construction Materials along with flora. Import: Specialists The specialists aren't needed by the A' fuireach, but are needed to deal with them. Psychologists, negotiators, hunters, and warriors. People are needed to help forge closer bonds with the A' fuireach that wish to join modern society, and a very different sort of person is needed to put down A' fuireach that resent their new neighbors.
  14. Craobhan Mòra Region: Firmament 110 History The Era of Eternal Bombardments is a legend. A mythos that warns the modern day of the dangerous of technology, and the cost of all-out war. The Firmament was not spared these consequences. After the last bombs fell, The Firmament was left isolated. Its elevators closed, any remaining ships lost leaving whoever, and whatever, was up there isolated. In the time of war, a new breed of soldiers was created. The Reserve provided a standard of soldier beyond that which could naturally occur. The Bàsclan. Genetically modified super-insects plagued battlefield with a ferocity, cunning, and capability unmatched by the common soldier. When The Firmament became isolated, a new era of horror began. Three legions of Bàsclan were stationed on the Firmament, clicking for deployment. Combat ready peak genetic specimen primed for war. And then the war was over. The Bàsclan would not be contained. It is unknown what the people of that day may have called region 110, they didn't survive the passing of time. Unlike they people of the Reserve, they were hunted to extinction. Until only the Bàsclan remained. Victorious, the Bàsclan gave themselves a name, the A' fuireach. Geography Called Craobhan Mòra by the A' fuireach, Region 110 of the Firmament is huge, a scale that can hardly be comprehended. A third of this gigantic ring has a surface area nearly matching that of Sansar as a whole. Craobhan Mòra is home to giant verdant forests. Perhaps its most recognizable feature are the stage trees. These massive trees were clearly also the target of genetic modification. Rather than sporting a single overhead canopy, the Stage Trees sport many. The highest canopy still contains an overhead of thick fibrous leaves, but the lower canopies are a thick entanglement of branch and vine. These "stages" allow the trees to support each other, and form into flat surfaces that can be easily traversed or built upon by natives. These many stages create an intense verticality to Craobhan Mòra. Any single stage feels like a ground to itself. The long-spanning branches create a floor and ceiling and floor so thick that vision cannot traverse. These sturdy branches do not bend even under the weight of hefty vehicles. Walking onto a stage feels like being transported into a different "ground" entirely. A new land where the world is held together by pillars of wood holding a brown sky aloft from the similarly wooden ground. Cutting your way into the ceiling allows access to yet another land of branches. These trees cover the entirety of Craobhan Mòra. Ruins of ancient civilizations are built on the various stages of the trees themselves, and the trees have reclaimed them. Old housing, shipyards, and warehouses have been consumed by trees. Branches intertwining and cutting into the floor. Trees have grown around and into steel itself. The trees provide cover and food for a numinous arboreal mammals. These creatures may have arrived here as pets, livestock, or simply stowaways. Now they serve as prey for the A' fuireach. People As time progressed, the A' fuireach matured as a species. Outgrowing their single nature as machines of war, the A' fuireach developed a language, culture, bonds. For the first time, the Bàsclan no longer lived in opposition to the sapient species that created them. They asked themselves, "Without war, what are we?" That single question expresses the uncertainty of purpose, fear, and freedom embodied by the A' fuireach people. They found answers. They are hunters. They are killers. They are parents. They are explorers. They are free. And they will fight for that freedom. The Modern Day The A' fuireach were none too pleased at the arrival of the STAR RATS. The war was fast and brutal. For all their natural prowess, the A' fuireach were unprepared for the impact of modern technology. And yet, were they not created in a time with technologies far more terrible than this? Were they not warriors in an era where the weapons made these look like throwing sticks? There is only one answer, the A' fuireach have grown soft. The millennium of peace have softened their caprices and dulled their teeth. And so two factions emerged. Firstly, the A' fuireach that wanted to be more, that wanted to grow beyond the intent of their creation and grasp the fruits of technology into their hand. They wanted to be known and respected as a species. As a people. Secondly, the A' fuireach that missed the old ways. They relished these new hardships, to bring back the grit in their claws, the sting of their teeth. They believed in the intent of the creator. They were created to be most terrifying monstrosity in existence. The was their purpose, and they would fulfill it. For now, there is an uneasy truce between the elect, orgs, and the A' fuireach. 500 klicks in every direction from the elevator has been surrendered to outsider control, but all else belongs to the A' fuireach, and they will hunt all hunt trespass. Religion - Minosians The majority of A' fuireach worship their creators, the Minosians. The arms-dealing bioartificers who breathed life into their bodies. It is ironic, considering how many of these same bioartificers were killed by the A' fuireach themselves. These traditional A' fuireach believe that they were created as being of ultimate strength. And through the expression of that strength, they can connect with their heritage and purpose. This belief system is opposed to a new belief system, that posits that the A' fuireach should grow beyond their original intention. But this belief remains the fringe. And yet a third belief system exists. Fledgling and slowly growing, a belief beyond the A' fuireach. All around them, there is something greater, something powerful. Something not yet named. Something in the leaves, something in the trees, in the soil. An intelligence, a power growing in The Firmament. The great stage trees have been awakening, called to awareness and connection by a new force. Some unknown sapience. It is this force that the A' fuireach hear. It calls to them as it calls to the trees and calls to the mammals. All is called. But it is not the planet, it is above. Resources Export: Stage Trees - Flora The Stage Trees are plentiful and have many uses in trade. The Trees were planted here by peoples of ages past. When Chemically treated and compressed for long periods, they form a spaceworth building material. When left alone, they decay into fertile soil, which has led to the lushness of Craobhan Mòra. Add Resource Category: Construction Materials along with flora. Import: Specialists The specialists aren't needed by the A' fuireach, but are needed to deal with them. Psychologists, negotiators, hunters, and warriors. People are needed to help forge closer bonds with the A' fuireach that wish to join modern society, and a very different sort of person is needed to put down A' fuireach that resent their new neighbors.
  15. STAR RATS Solar Trade Administrative Regions of Durats StarTC Solar Trade Administrative Region Trade Center Greetings to our fellow Elect! Those once far, now made near by the miracle of technology! We, the STAR RATS, are excited to welcome new partners to the Solar Trade Center! StarTC is a conglomerate of trading routes connecting all regions and planets of Tekhum! But we can't do it alone, that's why we advise that all the honored Elect Regions begin construction on trading routes to the STAR RATS and Region 110 of the firmament. Additional Information Summary of the Deal A. The Honored Elect Territories build trade routes to the STAR RATS. B. In return, they can trade treasure, artifacts, and technology through the trading post with all other connected Elect. C. Additionally, they can access to other Additional Perks as shown below. "But why connect to the STAR RATS instead of someone more immediately profitable?", you ask. The reasons are simple. Compounding Value Here at the Solar Trade Administrative Regions, we understand that our greatest value isn't ourselves, but the people we serve. And that's the key value offered by joining StarTC. Not just what we can offer but the ability to trade efficiently with regions across the solar system, buying and selling goods and services without burning time and the hassle of waste action. Current Partners Partner Route Status Trade Opportunity The Arkhive Æternal (ARK) Active Knowledge shared by the greatest library in the system. The White Pawns Active Mercenaries for hire! Fiorid Principality of Verdalfheim Active Trade with one of the most quickly growing countries in Sansar! This could be you! If we as a system can unitedly choose one center of commerce, then trade will boom and connection will be simple. You won't have to worry about what complicated trail of trade routes are required to get your goods where they ought to go, or what you'll be charged to use those trade routes, and how many turns it will take. No! You will pass your trade to StarTC, and it will be forwarded directly where you want it to go! And that leads to our promise. Our Promise We, the STAR RATS, will ensure that any trade sent to us, intended for a recipient to which we have a trade route, will be forwarded immediately on the next turn. There will be no tolls, taxes, or tariffs implemented by the STAR RATS. We will always maintain non-actions to send trade to its desired location! Any technology sent to the STAR RATS for the purpose of trading to select parties shall not be traded by STAR RATS to external parties not involved in the deal, unless STAR RATS later receive the technology again with a less restrictive trade license. STAR RATS may only halt trade if STAR RATS holdings are directly attacked by an individual involved in the trade. Investment The STAR RATS are actively subsidizing and building trade routes! Reach out quickly and you may even be one of the lucky early adopters who gets to take part in subsidized construction! 1. Economy Management This plan is completely optional, for members who are looking to avoid unruly merchants. The STAR RATS will buy-out a trading post of a chosen region's desired resource and trade it to the merchant sector to keep it happy, eventually the STAR RATS will impress the Region's Merchants and manage them directly. Merchants impressed by this opportunity will always support or hinder TP buyouts if requested by the Region's owner. 2. Work Compensation For individuals that can offer excellent trade opportunities to other customers, 1 treasure will be awarded for constructing a trade route. Due to slow early cash-flow, applications are currently limited. These are only available at limited capacity, so reach out soon to see if you qualify. Location Region 110 on the Firmament acts as both the perfect land and space port. Located nearly in the middle of Tekhum, Sansar offers an excellent location as a center of trade! Additional Perks 1. When possible, the Durats offer trade acceleration. Extra Treasure or traded Technology will sent early so commodities arrive for the next round. 2. Partners will have a trade route to a Pan-Tekhum Worker's and Trader's Union Base in Burtzlund. 3. As a fledgling economic powerhouse, over time STAR RATS Trade Routes will enjoy extensive Trading Post resource options for trade. Expect these perks to be the first of many! After reading this, I hope you're as excited about the opportunity lying in the Solar Trade Center as we are! We're excited to work with you and bring all the regions of Tekhum together!
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