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  1. Tetra Terrabreaker Tetra remained calm and composed yet alert and prepared to act swiftly if the need arose. Activating his comm with a determined clench of his jaw, Tetra said, "I'm in position. Keep the line open so I can assess the situation. If I need to get involved, signal me by clicking the comm twice." His words were concise and confident, conveying a sense of readiness and confidence.
  2. Tetra Terrabreaker "Whelp, off I go then," Tetra followed the Viceroy into the kitchen but kept moving in hasty fashion.
  3. Keeping momentum is crucial in PBP, so kudos for coming up with something. Either way, this is a challenge to overcome. If we can do it diplomatically, great. If not, also good. None of us have any problem knocking some thugs around.
  4. Yep, got the shipping confirmation this morning. A lot of out good stuff for non-morphed activities, team building and downtime.
  5. Good luck, and the new book is out. Very interesting.
  6. Yes, it is. Still some good stuff in there.
  7. I have Core, Across the Stars, A Jump Through Time, Finster's Monster-Matic Cookbook and the Field Guide to Action & Adventure. I have already pre-ordered Under the Helmet. I'm all in.
  8. You guys better have one hell of a distraction. Tetra is not stealthy.
  9. Tetra Terrabreaker Tetra held a finger up, "We want to draw necessary attention. So long as we..." He pointed between him and Jal, "Don't do our thing... We'll be fine if a biker gang can shake down new arrivals." He side-eyes the front door, "They're pretty loud."
  10. Tetra Terrabreaker "Are we also going to compensate him for losing business?" He punched his first together. "Nah, we take this outside. However, that does give them far too clear of a shot. We don't want to walk right into the kill zone."
  11. Tetra Terrabreaker Watching the bartender reach under the bar was an all-too-familiar scene for Tetra. He was raised in a cantina on a Core world with an active underworld. It was the reason he started down the road of martial arts. Stepping outside would give the riders an easy shot. The best bet would be to wait. Though, he did make his way to the side of the entrance, ready to pounce.
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