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Audren Erser, Human Rogue

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spacer.pngName: Audren Erser
BRC: Urchin, (variant) Human, Rogue/Soulknife
Adventure Log: AL log
Faction: None, independent.
Description: Audren is a slender young woman with light brown hair and brown eyes. She would come off as cold and distant or downright unfriendly at first, but she is fiercely loyal and protective of her friends. You'd just have to win that privilege first.

Past is Prologue

In the bustling streets of Hillsfar, where shadows clung to cobblestones and secrets whispered through narrow alleys, Audren Erser was born into hardship. Her parents, lost to the cruel whims of fate, left her to fend for herself. As an urchin, she learned to survive by her wits, stealing morsels of food and evading the watchful eyes of the Red Plumes.

Audren’s beauty was both a blessing and a curse. As she blossomed into womanhood, the rich and powerful took notice. They saw her as a plaything, a delicate flower to be plucked from the grimy streets and placed in their gilded cages. Audren endured their advances, her spirit unyielding even as her heart grew heavy.

But fate had other plans. One moonless night, a demon—its eyes aflame with malevolence—possessed her. Audren’s body became a vessel for darkness, and in that moment of unholy union, she glimpsed her salvation. The demon’s power surged through her veins, granting her strength and mysterious abilities. With newfound resolve, she broke free from her captors, leaving behind a trail of chaos and shattered illusions.

Audren fled Hillsfar, her heart torn between gratitude for her liberation and fear of the darkness that haunted her. She wandered the wilds, seeking answers, until she stumbled upon a small community of halfling farmers. Their simple lives and genuine kindness offered solace. For a time, Audren believed she had found her sanctuary—a place where she could heal and forget the horrors of her past.

But destiny is a fickle weaver, and the present events unfolded like a storm on the horizon.

Posting Parameters: 


Character Sheet

Downtime: Probably not, but I'm not decided.
Where Do We Go From Here? I'd love to continue with the intrigue and fallout of our actions in the tier-1 modules into tier-2. If folks want to go to the Underdark and do Out of the Abyss, I'll have another character for that. Audren would not be one to leave her adopted halfling family like that.

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Posted (edited)
Audren Erser

Neutral Human Rogue/Soulknife 3spacer.png

AC: 13 (16 w/Mage Armor) | HP: 24/24 | Initiative: +8 | Passive Perception: 13 | Passive Insight: 13 
Psionic Energy: 4/4 | Psionic Power Recovery: 1/1 (sr) | Psychic Whispers: 1/1
Conditions: Alert | DM Inspiration: 0

Post goes here.


thoughts in italics


Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty
Saving Throws: STR -1 DEX +5 CON +2 INT +3 WIS +1 CHA +1

Action: Your action goes here.
Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here.
Move: Your movement goes here.
Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.



Edited by TricksterArcane (see edit history)
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I've made some comments on Discord already but I'll pass along some specific questions here: I see from the Log the briefly possessed by demon bit is a mechanical thing that came from... S9, it seems like? Did that come with any strings attached or was it just for fluff, which you've incorporated into your character wonderfully.

Do the halflings have names? And it sems like she goes on short adventures but always returns home: is that the case? How long has she lived with the halflings? Without reading the previous adventures I plan on acknowledging that they happened at the very least to give some continuity therein, is that alright? Beyond that, I have no comments that I haven't already voiced in Discord.

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Posted (edited)

Sometime after XGE came out, around S7 or S8, the AL admins ruled that we were allowed one roll on the Life Events table. I don't recall them saying it's not allowed anymore so I just kept with it. It's mostly for character, but they did honor any game benefits that came out of that.

How my particular life event will play out in game I think is whenever there's a roll for madness, she'll be making it as disadvantage due to her past situation.

The way I picture the past adventures incorporating into her story is that once The Great Law of Humanity began to spread out of the city gates and threaten the surrounding lands, she was compelled to do something before her adoptive family was threatened. Those fears became a reality when the neighboring farmstead of Tinfellow Valley was raided and the halflings there were captured (Shackles of Blood). She freed them and returned home, but was determined to stop the Red Plumes from ever threatening the surrounding communities again (Bane of the Tradeways). As for how long she has remained with her halfling family, I haven't thought about it. How long does it take to overcome trauma, 1 year? 2 or more?

Edited by TricksterArcane (see edit history)
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A lifetime, I would imagine, but in this case, somewhere between a year and two years makes sense to me. We'll leave it vague, and make the adventures somewhere in the past year or so, particularly Bane of the Tradeways.

Neat, I really liked those tables from XGE and wish they still used those.

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