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Thoridin's polearm was lethal, but it paid for that lethality in its slowness. Still, a nasty weapon that could keep a foe out of arms reach was never without merit. Blows flew back and forth and one of his fellow dwarve's went down under the onslaught. Shouting an wordless battlecry, he swung his weapon, at least joining his strength to the fray.



@EricI am incapable of reading my own character sheet, the d20 mod should be ONE not TWO





Thoridin's polearm was lethal, but it paid for that lethality in its slowness. Still, a nasty weapon that could keep a foe out of arms reach was never without merit. Blows flew back and forth and one of his fellow dwarve's went down under the onslaught. Shouting an wordless battlecry, he swung his weapon, at least joining his strength to the fray.


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