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Rufus Moss, Human Rogue


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"Quotes? Yea I got lots of 'em!"

spacer.pngRufus Moss 

Race: Human | Class: Rogue | Gender: Male 

Background: Syndicate Muscle


Character Sheet | Theme Song





Ability Scores

STR: 17 | DEX: 20 | CON: 16 
INT: 8 | WIS: 10 | CHA: 11


Description & Personality

Rollant Bartly felt a shiver roll up his spine as the mountain of a man entered the front of his shop. He didn't know him personally, but he knew what he was here for. Or...did he? As the man closed the door and turned about, Rollant noticed his manner of dress and general demeanor didn't seem to match his expectation at all. He visibly relaxed as the man removed a walnut brown felt hat with a rounded crown, revealing a bald head, and smiled.


The outfit was nice enough. He wore white silk undershirt, though the draw strings at the top hung loose, displaying an uncomfortable amount of chest hair. Over that, a yellow vest with a brown tattersall pattern, while of quality design, it was so tight it looked as though the top few buttons could burst at any moment. Either the vest belonged to someone with far less girth, or the man had let himself go to an almost horrifying degree. Contrast to his confusing manner of dress, the man's beard was exceptionally groomed, a near perfect friendly mutton chops that would make even the most refined of lords envious. He smiled, barring a set of perfect pearly white teeth. Rollant found himself suddenly feeling quite guilty for making assumptions about the man, and rubbed his hands together, gave a short bow, and a smile to greet his last customer of the day.


"Good evenin' sir." Rufus gave a slight, respectful bow, his grin widening. "My name is Rufus Moss, and I'm 'ere on behalf of our mutual aqua-tents." Rollant's eyes slanted slightly, his face slowly twisting into an expression of confusion. Did the man mean...acquaintance? He stifled his own look of bewilderment and forced a smile, nodding for the man to continue. "Now it has come to our attention that you're the only fella on the block wi'fout in-surance." Rufus shook his head gravely, as though this were the most unfortunate thing in the world.


Rollant's look of confusion returned. "Ah...I'm sorry, you may have the wrong establishment sir. I assure you I do have insurance on my shop."


"You do?" Rufus stroked his beard once, looking from side to side as though checking to make sure he was in the right place. "Well...What does your in-surance cover?"


"Oh. Uh...Yes, let me see." Rollant dug around behind the counter and pulled out a scroll of parchment, unfurling it for both of them to look at. "It covers property damage from fire and flood, lawsuits, lost business income, and legal fees in some cases." He looked up, rather pleased with the policy he'd gotten. Rollant was a man who loved to limit risk. Rufus continued to shake his head in disapproval. 


"No dental?"




"Oh yea. Injury of all types really. Now when I got into the Midnight Council," Rollant felt something drop into the pit of his stomach as Rufus mentioned working for the Midnight Council. This man was exactly what Rollant had feared he was when he came in! "First 'fing I did was make sure dental was covered. Well...Marisol actually did the paperwork, but it was my idea, see? Would you trust a man who walked in 'ere wi'f no tee'f? Course not! 'Dis is more than just ya chompers for the sake of chewin', friend! 'Dis is about your reputation. 'Dough...reputation don't mean much when you're dead."


Rollant's face when white as a ghost, tears starting to form at the corner of his eyes. "You're going to kill me? Please no!" Rufus put on a jovial smile and leaned in, his hot breath reeking of bad ale and onions. He clapped Rollant across the back, causing the merchant to sputter and cough. 


"Nah, I'm just havin' a bubble wi'f ya. Can't pay if ya dead, right?" His eyes grew intense as he stared into Rollant's, no longer laughing. "But I will rip out ya tee'f...and break ya legs. Which will cost a pretty penny wi'fout in-surance." The merchant shook his head vigorously and dove behind the counter again, coming up with a large bag of coins. 


"Sir, you're quite persuasive. I do think I'd be interested in purchasing your insurance policy."


"Fan-tastic Rollant! You've made a wise choice. That'll be fifty gold coins a mon'f, and feel free ta 'frow a little bonus in for me. I gotta get a bit of slap and tickle later...If ya know what I mean." The huge man gave Rollant a playful wink, scooped the coins into his own pouch, and placed his hat back on his head. He tipped it slightly and turned for the door. "Pleasure doin' business wi'f ya Rollant."



The Interrogation

The interrogator sat down at the table and unfurled a roll of parchment. He looked up from the long list of minor offenses at the man across from him. A veritable mountain of meat. Other than the well trimmed friendly mutton chops, the fellow was the very definition of unkempt. And that didn't even cover the smell. "All other charges aside...Marion Moss, you've been charged with the abduction and intent to abolish the freedoms of one Lady Ingrid Havelyn, youngest daughter of House Havelyn. Caught by Sir Balin of Karfeld no less! How do you plead?"




"I'm sorry?"


"My. Name. Is. Rufus."


"Well, your official birth records say otherwise."


"Well the last man who called me Marion ended up drownin' in a pu'le of 'is own piss and blood."


"So...I'm adding murder to the list of charges then?" He picked up a quill looking at the criminal expectantly. Rufus straightened up and attempted to scratch his own chin, an attempt that was foiled by the shortened length of the chain and the manacles on his wrists. What was that word Marisol had told him to use in these situations? It was on the tip of his tongue but he just couldn't spit it out. A wry smile crept across his face as it came to him. He sat back in the chair and cleared his throat. "A ledgy."


"Do you mean...allegedly?"


The chained man grunted in response. "Pfft. No. Don't they even teach you how to pronunce 'fings in knight school?" Rufus turned his head to the side and rolled his eyes. Clearly this man was an idiot.


The knight across the table caught himself as his mouth agape as he stared at the prisoner across from him. Surely he was just playing dumb. He decided to start using smaller words to ensure there would be no technicalities in the trial. "Yes well, Mr. Moss. You've been charged with the attempted slave-taking of one Lady Ingrid Havelyn. A grave offense here in Talingarde."


It was Rufus' turn to look at the man across the table from him in utter bewilderment. "'Dere was more 'an one?" He silently cursed under his breath. "I knew I should 'ave checked the whole carriage before I left." His fingers drummed on the table as he pondered how to get out of this mess. His mind went back over the events of that night, attempting to spin the truth in his favor. THE FOOL! Rufus had actually taken the noble girl and two of the maids. This idiot was only going to charge him for the one! "Yeah that's right, just the one Lady Ingrid Havelyn." He nodded in agreement, suddenly glad the knights error would reduce his sentence by at least half! This lawyering stuff was easy, he couldn't understand why everyone was so worried.


Questions, questions, so many questions!

1. What do you think of the others in the group?

"Welp...Marisol is a right clever lass. More of a 'finker than a doer. Which is fine by me. She has 'fings need doin', 'n I'm happy ta do em. Treats me like propa royalty when I come 'round she does, like I'm all important and fanciful like. Her girls too, if ya know what I mean."

"Grim's a down right animal, 'e is! We've done plenty of jobs toge'fer. 'dis one time, we 'eld 'dis blighta in an alley, Grim 'eld 'im, and I pummeled 'im for like an hour. Even got a bit of extra coin for our troubles."

"Aga'far? Listen...'ere are plenty of 'fings 'at's fine ta do. 'at pointy eared rapscallion crosses a line no one should. Gives me the creeps he does."


2. What is your role in a group?

"I'm the brains of 'dis 'ere outfit. I'ma a business man, see? Roots in the community'n all. Most times, I'm the one everyone relies on ta crack heads 'dough. I'ma man of many parts. Fancy parts!"


3. How are you not as you seem? (surprising skills and/or personality traits)

"People often 'fink, 'wow, 'dis blighta is so big, he must be all ham-hands', but 'ey'd be wrong. I'm a regular acrobat, bo'f in and out of the sack...if ya get my meanin'...I also love a good white wine. The sweet kind. Especially 'dem kinds that 'dey let the grapes freeze on the vine and squish'em cold. Oh! And the opera. I enjoy a little clahss every now an again. Ya get dressed up all fancy like, escort a pretty little 'fing all propa, an pretend ta be one of 'em noble shits wi'f money comin' out they're ahss."


4. What are your goals, conscious and, perhaps, subconscious?

"You 'fink Talingarde is so great? It's a steaming pile of shit covered in perfume is what it is! I wasn't born wi'f a fanciful spoon in my mou'f. I've had to scrape and clahw for every'fing I own. But one day, I'll live in a big castle, wi'f servants and pretty maids waitin' on me hand an foot! I'll be richer 'dan 'de king, I will!"


5. How easily do you love? Have you been in love?

"Bein' 'de perfect gen'leman I am, ladies love me. And I've always had a soft spot for 'em as well. If ya know what I mean..."


6. Are you racist at all, either now or in the past?

"One of my best friends is a Dwarf. I'm one of 'dose pro-gressive types an' I've been wi'f women of all sorts of e'fn-cities. Don't bo'fer me if she's a knifeear or pint-sized."


7. All people believe something that is not true, both about the world around them and about themselves. What lies/untruths do you believe about yourself and the world around you?


8. How are you about material possessions?

"I love stuff! I want to surround myself wi'f fancy clo'fes, and good booze, and beau'iful women. I 'fink in a past life I was probably a dragon or some such. I'd definitely sleep on a pile of gold."


9. What do you perceive your major problems to be?

10. What do you perceive the solutions to those problems to be?


11. What are your religious beliefs? 

"Never much cared for religion. Not that I don't believe in the gods, but even Mitra's fai'fful are peddlin' a pile. All 'olier 'dan 'dou art 'n all."


12. What do you fear?

"Just the usually stuff I'd wager. Snakes, drownin', clowns, gettin' peanut bu'er stuck on the roof of ya mou'f. Just the usual stuff."


13. How much of a temper do you have? What sorts of things set you off?


14. Write five things essential to your background including previous adventures and events.

Rufus was raised in a convent



15. List your goals and things you want to see happen to yourself.


16. List two secrets you have. (what things doesn't your character know?)

One of his childhood "siblings" is a zealot and has always secretly hated him. He was the one who informed Sir Balin of Karfeld about his whereabouts so he could be caught.


17. List three people that are tied to you through blood, romance or honor. Remember to include positive and negative reflections.


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Maisie was a wild and broken girl, even before Marisol found her and took her in. She has a bit of a dark streak and for some reason took a liking to Rufus, or at least she seemed to. Is it because he is her best customer or because he talked to her like a person? Either way, she once put another girl through a table for bad mouthing Rufus, so that has to say something about their strange relationship. 


Oren "Moss"

Oren's relationship with Rufus could be summed up in a single word: resentment. He hated how Rufus stuck up for him as a child, making him seem weak. He hated how Thea fawned over him constantly, despite his many failings. Now that he is ordained, he seems himself above everyone else, especially those not in the clergy. When Thea confided in him that Rufus was doing something illicit, he got the details from the oaf and immediately reported him.

Thea "Moss"

Another "sibling" from the same convent Rufus grew up in, Thea tried her hand at many things, but in the end became a priestess of Mitra for both comfort and safety. She doesn't judge others, but has always tried to look out for Rufus spiritually (obviously in vain). She has a beautiful singing voice and has recently volunteered to help run the convent her, Oren, & Rufus grew up in, hoping to help other young children to follow the right path.

Faye Mason

Also known as "Old Lady" to Rufus, she was his neighbor until just recently. A few years ago, two thugs tried to shake her down for some coin, Rufus took care of them. She bakes him pies and even takes care of his cats while he is out for...work. In her youth, she was an adventurer herself, though only for a few years. She often likes to tell stories, which Rufus was always happen to listen to when they ate together. Rufus would often pick up things for her from the market when it rained, since she has arthritis.


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Rufus Moss Human Roguespacer.png

This is the text.


"An 'dis is speech 'ere."


An 'dese are my 'foughts




Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty


Action: Your action goes here.
Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here.
Move: Your movement goes here.
Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.

Character Sheet

Marion "Rufus" Moss
Custom Lineage Human Rogue 1


Str 17 (+3) Dex 20 (+5) Con 16 (+3) Int 8 (-1) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 11 (+0)
HP 11/11 HD 1d8 AC 15 (none) Speed 30 ft.

Passive Perception 12 Initiative +5 Senses Darkvison 60ft

Villain Points 1
Languages Common, Thieves' Cant, Celestial
Background Syndicate Muscle Crime Slave-Taking

When you make a Strength (Athletics) check to grapple, you are considered proficient in Athletics. If you are already proficient in Athletics, you may add double your normal proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.


Fists +5 attack, 4 bludgeoning damage


Proficiency +2 Saving Throws Dexterity +7, Intelligence +1 
Skills Acrobatics +5, Animal Handling +2, Athletics +7, Perception +2, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +9*
Tools Cook's Utensils, Poisoner's Kit, Thieves Tools +9*,
Weapons simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords
Armor Light


Fighting Initiate (Two Weapon Fighting)

Your martial training has helped you develop a particular style of fighting. As a result, you learn one Fighting Style option of your choice from the fighter class. If you already have a style, the one you choose must be different.
Whenever you reach a level that grants the Ability Score Improvement feature, you can replace this feat's fighting style with another one from the fighter class that you don't have.

Two-Weapon Fighting
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.


Custom Lineage Human


Creature Type: Human

Size: Medium
Feat: Fighting Initiate [Two Weapon Fighting]

Variable Trait: Darkvision 60ft

Languages: Common, Celestial


Expertise: [Stealth, Thieves' Tools] At 1st level, choose two of your skill proficiencies, or one of your skill proficiencies and your proficiency with thieves’ tools. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies.

Sneak Attack: [+1d6] Beginning at 1st level, you know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe’s distraction. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon.

You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.

The amount of the extra damage increases as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Sneak Attack column of the Rogue table.

Thieves’ Cant: During your rogue training you learned thieves’ cant, a secret mix of dialect, jargon, and code that allows you to hide messages in seemingly normal conversation. Only another creature that knows thieves’ cant understands such messages. It takes four times longer to convey such a message than it does to speak the same idea plainly.

In addition, you understand a set of secret signs and symbols used to convey short, simple messages, such as whether an area is dangerous or the territory of a thieves’ guild, whether loot is nearby, or whether the people in an area are easy marks or will provide a safe house for thieves on the run.




General Inventory (0 lbs.)

Item - 0 lbs.

Coin Purse (0 lbs.)
Platinum: 0
Gold: 0
Electrum: 0
Silver: 0
Copper: 0



Max Load: 255 lbs. (15 x STR)

Current Weight: 0 lbs.


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