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First Epoch: Timeline


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E1.E43: The Tolig invent various mundane concepts while tending to the gods; Music {Create Mundane Concept (1 AP) - Toil (Toolmaking)}

E1.E44: Weaving {Create Mundane Concept (1 AP) - Toil (Toolmaking)}

E1.E45: Firemaking {Create Mundane Concept (1 AP) - Toil (Toolmaking)}

E1.E46: A goblin gets yeeted, giving rise to the concept of air-goblins. {Create Sub-Race (2 AP) - Godlings (Goblins)}

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E1.47: Veshwoon spawns Wyverns {Create Monstrous Life (1 AP) - Creation (Monsters)}

E1.48: Veshwoon spawns Land Drakes {Create Monstrous Life (1 AP) - Creation (Monsters)}


E1.49: Veshwoon claims initial mastery of Creation (Monsters)


E1.50: Veshwoon spawns the Scale Celestial {Create Mythic Life (3 AP) - Creation (Monsters)}

E1.51: Veshwoon spawns Hydras {Create Monstrous Life (0 AP) - Creation (Monsters)}

E1.52: Veshwoon spawns Lesser Drakes {Create Monstrous Life (0 AP) - Creation (Monsters)}

E1.53: Veshwoon spawns Greater Drakes {Create Monstrous Life (0 AP) - Creation (Monsters)}


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E1.54: Veshwoon spawns Centipedes, millipedes and other segmented, multi-legged creatures {Create Basic Life (0 AP) - Creation (Environments)}

E1.55: Veshwoon spawns Giant centipedes, millipedes and other segmented, multi-legged creatures {Create Monstrous Life (0 AP) - Creation (Monsters)}

E1.56: Veshwoon spawns Giant Rockcracker Centipedes {Create Monstrous Life (0 AP) - Creation (Monsters)}

E1.57: Veshwoon spawns Ironcutter Millipedes that can break down Ironwebs {Create Monstrous Life (0 AP) - Creation (Monsters)}

E1.58: Veshwoon spawns Scalebreaker Centipedes that hunt Drakes {Create Monstrous Life (0 AP) - Creation (Monsters)}


Creations from Lux's genesis:


E1.59: Lux creates the concept of Dance {Create Mundate Concept (1 AP) - Beauty (Patterns)}

E1.60: Lux creates the Oceanic Sphere {Create Water (2 AP) - Beauty (Water)}

E1.61: Lux creates rainbow flying fish {Create Basic Life (0 AP) - Beauty (Creatures)?}

E1.62: Lux creates flowers {Create Basic Life (0 AP) - Beauty (Plants)?}

E1.63: Lux creates flowering trees {Create Basic Life (0 AP) - Beauty (Plants)?}

E1.64: Lux creates butterflies {Create Basic Life (0 AP) - Beatury (Creatures)?}

E1.65: Lux creates Mermaids from the Tolig Goblins {Create Subrace (2 AP) - Beauty (Water)}

E1.66: Lux pulls tendrils of water from the Oceanic Sphere and projects them through various masses {Alter Water (1 AP) - Beauty (Water)}

E1.67: Lux creates rainbows in the aether atmosphere {Alter Water/Light (1 AP) - Beauty (Water)}

E1.68: Lux causes the waters to return to the Oceanic Sphere via waterfall {Alter Water (1 AP) - Beauty (Water)}

E1.69: Lux creates the concept of Astronomy to map the dance of the Starkin {Create Advanced Concept (2 AP) - Beauty (Patterns)}

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E1.71: Lux creates the concept of Bacterioplankton {Create Basic Life (0 AP) - Water (Life)}

E1.72: Lux creates the Rainbow Coral {Create Basic Life (0 AP) - Beauty (Creatures)}

E1.73: Lux creates concept of Aquamourie Water attraction: This would be a kind of gravity as all creatures have water in them, stone is attracted to water and all islands have a bore of water through them, so creatures could walk all around the islands.  The large the source of water the more attraction it creates.  Just some details on fun of this, where it's just the pressure from the tendrils keeping the floating islands at bay, that is why the water is pouring over the islands, to create a path of less resistance back to the tendril{Create Mythical Concept (4 AP) - Beauty (Water)}

***Lux gains the Beauty (Water) Portfolio***

E1.74: Lux creates Echo Coral {Create Basic Life (0 AP) - Beauty (Creatures)}

E1.75: Lux founds the organization Ocean's DelightA group that work to maintain the patterns of light and seasonal changes through the waterways, also to preserve the waterways and tendrils, so they do not destroy the islands.  The Mermaids in particular form this group, though some merrows are beginning to show affinity.  Tens of thousands of them school in the Oceanic sphere creating the pockets of light and carrying warmth and light through the tendrils of water.{Create Organization (0 AP) - Beauty (Pattern)}

E1.76: Lux creates the minor artifact the Ocean's Heart {Create Minor Artifact (3 AP) - Beauty (Pattern)}

E1.77: Lux creates the concept of Archetecture {Create Advanced Concept (2 AP) - Beauty (Pattern)}


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E1.78: Veshwoon creates mollusks, clams and other bivalves {Create Basic Life (0 AP) - Creation (Environments)}

E1.79: Veshwoon makes much larger versions of mollusks, clams and other bivalves {Create Monstrous Life (0 AP) - Creation (Monsters)}

E1.80: Veshwoon inadventently causes the creation of the Sapient fully mortal race, the Dragooze {Create Sapient Life (1 AP) - Creation (Monsters)}

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E1.81 Lux Creates Basic Life {rainbow and white Oysterdrills, Nudibranch(google them) and Centipedes} - 0 AP - Beauty (Water)

E1.82 Lux Creates Monstrous Life {Giant Rainbow and white Oysterdrills, Nudibranch and Centipedes} - 0 AP - Beauty (Water)

E1.83 Lux Creates sub-Concept {Shell mortar/cement} - 0 AP - Beauty (Art)

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E1.84: Veshwoon creates hungry creatures that naturally appear to be plants or parts of plants {Create Monstrous Life (0 AP) - Creation (Monsters)}

E1.85: Veshwoon creates hungry creatures that naturally look like stones, crystals, gems and metals {Create Monstrous Life (0 AP) - Creation (Monsters)}

E1.86: Veshwoon creates massive hungry creatures that naturally look like large parts of the environment such as cavern ceilings, forest floors, or even small buildings {Create Monstrous Life (0 AP) - Creation (Monsters)}


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E1.E87 - Tzikic creates The Neverborn to aid him in his endeavours.- Create Mythic Creature - The Neverborn - Death(Afterlife) - 4 AP
E1.E88 - Tzikic grants the Neverborn some special abilities and gives them some domain over the souls of the fallen and slain. Infuse Mythical Life - The Neverborn - Death(Afterlife) - 3 AP
Tzikic gains his second portfolio in the Death Domain. Death(Afterlife)

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E1.89 Lux Create Monstrous Life {Rainbow wisps} - 0 AP - Beauty (Light)

E1.90 Lux Create Life {Luminous Jellyfish} - 0 AP - Beauty (Light/Water)

E1.100 Lux Create Monstrous Life {Giant Luminous Jellyfish} - 0 AP - Beauty (Light/Water)

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E1.101 Fortuna Create mundane concept {Deception}1Ap-Luck(trickery)

E1.102 Fortuna Create mundane concept {Trickey}1AP-Lucky(trickery)

E1.103 Fortuna Create mundane concept {games of chance} 1AP-Lucky (Games)

E1.104 Fortuna Create mundane concept {gambling}1AP-Lucky (Games)

E1.105 Fortuna Create Major Artifact {Panoply of Kismet}5Ap-Lucky (Games)

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E1.106 Lux creates a lake {Alter water - 0 AP - Beauty (water)}

E1.107 Lux Create rainbow moat {Alter water - 0 AP - Beauty (Water)}

E1.108 Lux Create crystal bridges {Alter land - 0 AP - Beauty (Light)}

E1.109 Lux teaches the mundance concept of Art and Painting to the goblins and mermaids {create mundane concepts - 0 AP - Beauty (Pattern)}

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E1.110: Veshwoon creates flies {Create Monstrous Life (0 AP) - Creation (Monsters)}

E1.111: Veshwoon creates living fire flies {Create Monstrous Life (0 AP) - Creation (Monsters)}

E1.112: Veshwoon creates giant living fire flies {Create Monstrous Life (0 AP) - Creation (Monsters)}

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E1.113: Meldaya alters the islands drifting through breathable space into one large cube-like land and situates it next to the oceanic sphere. {Alter Land/Water (1 AP) - Harmony (Environment)}
E1.114: Meldaya discovers the Dragoozes and helps them to form an orderly society. They begin with the mundane concepts of Agriculture, Architecture, Religion, Law, and Etiquette. {Form Society (1 AP) - Harmony (Society)}

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