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End of the Epoch OOC Discussion


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Breaking this out into it's own thread.


So several of our gods are expended, or within a point or two of it anyway, and that is usually indicative that we should look at ending the Epoch and moving to the next.  This transition is usually accompanied by or accomplished by some huge event, like a cataclysm, dimensional interlopers, Elder Gods, or some kind of massive internal issue.


To that end, here are some of the thoughts I've had on this transitional event.  Please feel free to suggest more and we will have a vote to see which way we go.


1. Cataclysm - This would be some kind of fundamental failure of the bubble of Reality we call home.  Perhaps it starts to shrink, or bleed into some other reality.  Either way the gods would need to coordinate and plan a response.


2. Dimensional Interlopers - A group of aggressive demigods find a way to bridge into our bubble and try to take us out.


3. Elder Gods - A tweak of the Dimensional Interlopers, a single massively powerful God reaches into our reality to try to destroy it.


4. Internal Issue - Not 100% on what this would be, but I'm sure we can come up with something.


We will also need to work out exactly how we will want to approach whatever the decided disaster narratively, as that will have to be distributed since we don't have a GM to run that bit.

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All of them could be interesting, but maybe too interesting for the first Epoch. We are just starting.


I suppose my vote is for a very subtle 4. The internal issue is just a meeting of the gods. Not a board meeting to discuss the past and upcoming quarter, but just a meeting to get to know each other. Perhaps a conflict will naturally occur from differing ideologies, but there doesn't have to be one. How we resolve any issues is up to us to RP our characters. 


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I'm kinda in line with The Stranger here, though a bit of a catalyst could be interesting as well.  I'm not sure about "interlopers" yet, because how are we to differentiate an interloper from each other, when we haven't really interacted much yet.  


issues on the table:

- Death and the consequences of him collecting souls of all living creatures.

- Encroaching on the territory of one another, is there even territory?

- Alliances / agreements?
- Lux's water tendrils in following a minature path of the starkin with the islands may just push some floating islands outside the air bubble, and may just make them all collide once per epoch 😲


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I have a suggestion. Since a godkin died and was saved as a soul, but both the God of death and Iam were unsure what to do with this soul of the dead. We are now going to meet the other gods. 


The end of the epoch can be the gods deciding what happens to the souls of the dead. 


We can have each god interview one of the dead souls from a race they created (after we invent a way to talk to souls). We can have each player present the life and death of one creature from their race. 


We can use this to get a more in depth understanding about the race.


Then after each story the gods will give their opinions and the soul's fate will be decided. 

Edited by The Stranger (see edit history)
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Great. The only problem I can imagine is that if a player doesn't have a race that has an eligble candidate for a story. They could in theory write something for another player's race.


I already volunteered one godkin to die, though. I did write that they were made few and are supposed to be quite powerful. I don't think I will volunteer another. 

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I'm fine with a mermaid dying... I'm handwaving that they are a subrace of Godlings, and ignoring whatever that means for mortality, as changing pieces of the timeline retroactively is tricksy... It's fine though, I think I've learned more from the mistakes than anything, and now have a pretty clear idea about how I want to proceed into the next few epochs.

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I was under the impression that we were going to get together to discuss what was to be done with souls that Tzikic created/gathered.  Vooshwoon's response was "I give zero f***s about this foolishnesss", Lux's response was "More rainbows!", and thus the land of the dead was created.

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