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What is everyone's Health Status after the Invisible Stalker fight... because i am not certain if we healed or not..

and we can't do it inside the building,due to the anti walls...

So once we crack this puzzle, maybe we should just walk outside to heal and then go back in??


Most of us took damage in the battle with the Stalkers..

Lajals healing got Bloodaxe back to full, but i know Theren and Eireann took significant damage ,yet did receive healing, same as Duncan.. but i cant see where Duncan was ever hit.

But i just want to know where everyone is at before we do some more spell casting (outside) or do a long rest , before moving on after the statues...to get us all back our Hp and features...





What is everyone's Health Status after the Invisible Stalker fight... because i am not certain if we healed or not..

and we can't do it inside the building,due to the anti walls...

So once we crack this puzzle, maybe we should just walk outside to heal and then go back in??


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