Lulani Zenar'inan - Shadar Kai Hexblade Warlock of the Tome
AC: 14 | HP: 21/22 | Initiative: +3 | Passive Perception: 13
Lulani twirled her hair, "For the most part.... she seemed sincere, but I would like to avoid trusting her with important information." , she says in response to Dae's question. She clapped for her sister, "Excellent as always sister, even after all the travel and fighting!" The last bit added in to impress more. Lulani frowned when her sister announced she was joining a competition. "I'm not sure we have time for a competition dear sister. We have until the eclipse before there'll will be nothing but ash.... We may need to do some research though... so perhaps you will get your chance."
The lazy sister takes her time getting to the Pillar, loathe to be walking but she would not be rushed unnecessarily. She had been hoping to get her sister to give her a piggyback ride, but she had taken her armor off. Not to mention Billie took off before she could ask. She let her sister go, resigned to walk on land.
Dae's comment caused an eyebrow lift. She made a very good point. Wouldn't someone at that temple keep better time of the moon? Lulani takes a moment to admire the intricate carvings in the Pillar. Once she enters she drinks in the sights, sounds, and atmosphere. Her usual lazy smile grows as the music feels the air. She wishes to dance, but wants to eat and drink more.
"Greetings Aria, this is quite a wonderful looking establishment. Thank you for the warm welcome and gracing us with your gorgeous visage. Perhaps one of us can get the room with the wash and we can share a bath?" , her smile turning into a mischievous one as she looks to Mags to see his reaction. "It's too bad the beds are not likely to hold us all." She pauses for a moment, "Perhaps a bath will have to wait." Lulani fishes out 10 silver for herself and hands it over. Lulani contemplated on getting the room with the bath, not wanting to leave to get a bath, just to come back to go to sleep. Perhaps one of the others might get it, so she waited for now.