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Edit History



Voile Domain
Sabine, Queen of Veils

  1. [Military] Recruit a Hero: (7) Soline, Champion of the Wolf Maidens
  2. [Military] Recruit a Naval Unit: 1st Sea Rangers - "The better half of the Veiled Folk by my reckoning. If not overly friendly, these rangers from the misty isle at least ken the Moot Tongue and have a mind for barter when they're not set on some grim swift purpose on the moors. I glimpsed the broken silhouette of whatever damned horned thing their quarry was as it turned to ash on their pyre. I didn't ask what it was, but the ranger were in good spirits after the deed was done. They traded me a good stone knife and some jots of malachite for my beer."
  3. [Military] Recruit a Naval Unit: 2nd Sea Rangers
  4. [Military] Recruit a Unit: Wolf Maidens - "Valkyries. Chosen by the Keening Goddess. All women, I guess by their shape beneath armor of lacquered oak and layered silks. Whereas the rangers keep their hoods up and voices down, the valkyries are said to uncover their faces and hair in combat. And they scream. I've never seen one's face, but I've heard the lilting battle cries. Two hundred shrieking women with long ash wood spears and no trace of fear. They're dead already, they say. Just waiting to be called home by the Raven King."
  5. [Diplomacy] Diplomatic Mission to 213 - Emissaries of the nobility arrive along the coast, seeking out the local chieftains with gifts of mead.


Voile Domain
Sabine, Queen of Veils

  1. [Military] Recruit a Hero: (7) Soline, Champion of the Wolf Maidens
  2. [Military] Recruit a Naval Unit: 1st Sea Rangers - "The better half of the Veiled Folk by my reckoning. If not overly friendly, these rangers from the misty isle at least ken the Moot Tongue and have a mind for barter when they're not set on some grim swift purpose on the moors. I glimpsed the broken silhouette of whatever damned horned thing their quarry was as it turned to ash on their pyre. I didn't ask what it was, but the ranger were in good spirits after the deed was done. They traded me a good stone knife and some jots of malachite for my beer."
  3. [Military] Recruit a Naval Unit: 2nd Sea Rangers
  4. [Military] Recruit a Unit: Wolf Maidens - "Valkyries. Chosen by the Keening Goddess. All women, I guess by their shape beneath armor of lacquered oak and layered silks. Whereas the rangers keep their hoods up and voices down, the valkyries are said to uncover their faces and hair in combat. And they scream. I've never seen one's face, but I've heard the lilting battle cries. Two hundred shrieking women with long ash wood spears and no trace of fear. They're dead already, they say. Just waiting to be called home by the Raven King."
  5. [Diplomacy] Diplomatic Mission: Emissaries of the nobility arrive along the coast, seeking out the local chieftains with gifts of mead.


Voile Domain
Sabine, Queen of Veils

  1. [Military] Recruit a Hero -
  2. [Military] Recruit a Naval Unit -
  3. [Military] Recruit a Naval Unit -
  4. [Military] Recruit a Naval Unit -
  5. [?] Mystery Action -
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