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Dun the Orc


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Old Male Orc Fighter 13470.jpg

"Dun" - Orc Warrior Level 2

Strength 13, Agility 10, Intellect 9, Will 9. 
Perception 10
Defense 15
Health 23/23
Healing Rate 5
Size 1, Speed 12, Power 0
Insanity 0, Corruption 1
Languages: Common and Dark Speech.

Professions: Guard, Mercenary, Soldier.


Catch Your Breath You can use an action or a triggered action on your turn to heal damage equal to your healing rate. Once you use this talent, you cannot use it again until after you complete a rest.

Weapon Training When attacking with a weapon, you make the attack roll with 1 boon.

Combat Prowess Your attacks with weapons deal 1d6 extra damage. 

Forceful Strike When the total of your attack roll is 20 or higher and exceeds the target number by at least 5, the attack deals 1d6 extra damage.

Shadowsight You see in areas obscured by shadows as if those areas were lit.


  • Mail Armor
  • Small Shield
  • Battle Axe
  • Fine clothing
  • Backpack
  • Cloak
  • Week of rations
  • Waterskin
  • Coil of rope
  • Tinderbox
  • 2 torches
  • Healing potion

Interesting Things:

  • Half of a treasure map
  • Bag of 12 Tasty Mushrooms


Like most orcs, Dun never knew his parents. The terrible inevitabilites of slavery took Dun away from them as soon as he was born. He was bound to the service of the governor's family in Crossings. There, he served among their household retinue for most of his life. It was a happy time, and his chains were gilded by what Dun believed love looked like – the closest thing a slave could ask for. The governor's eldest, Rhiannon, a sprightly lass of twelve years, took a liking to his floppy ears and affable clumsiness. Dun would always escort her to and fro various places in town – the tutor's abode, the city hall, the town square, patiently listening to her chattering about anything and everything.

One year, the nobility of the northern fortresses bordering the Desolation sent out their messengers to the town of Crossings, asking for a few hundred conscripts to bolster their campaign against the rotted legions of the Men of Gog. Dun was chosen to enlist, and so he marched alongside a cohort of Men and Orcs to High Watch, where they acted as a defensive garrison. For all of that year, Dun's chains were of bloody iron -- the Men of Gog did not spare High Watch's walls, and the fortress came under siege from a small army of stinking corpses. Dun was lucky to survive that hellish engagement, and witnessed much death and torment. It was as a balm from Heaven that a mortal army lead by Count Peredwyll of Vanguard relieved them months later, and Dun was soon sent back home as this current incursion by the Men of Gog was routed for another season.

All was well until the revolts began. A band of deserter orcs sacked Crossings and slaughtered the governor and his family, with rumors of aid from the local orcish regiment. Only Rhiannon survived because Dun hid her under the loose floorboards under his bed. Dun slew a fellow orc that day, as the rebel had entered the bunkroom and perceived something odd about the hollow crawlspace underneath.That Rhiannon's life was saved by his deed consoled him very little, because that fellow orc spoke a weighty word that seemed almost like a curse to Dun's ears: "Freedom".

Dun and Rhiannon made a six-month long journey to High Watch (being delayed multiple times due to orc revolts and general xenophobia) where her uncle, Lord Gwydion, was a landed gentleman and an old crusader. The uncle welcomed the pair and gave them shelter, but Dun felt something very unfamiliar – resentment. Never in his life had he really perceived his chains until now, once his fellow orcs had begun agitating for freedom. They burned at his wrists, the gilded links weighing down his every step. Even Rhiannon's forced cheeriness stung at his pride, and with no small amount of guilt, Dun began to resent her too.

This couldn't continue.

In dead of night, as everyone slept unsuspecting, Dun stole away into the darkness with what gear he could steal. He'd go far away to some far corner where nobody would think to look for him – with all the revolts, nobody would have time to try and catch him, he reasoned. In some quiet place, he could start over and live life on his own terms.

In Esker, he ended up working with Fereen the mercenary as they guarded caravans, hunted local bandits, and other such things. They have a very good professional relationship, and even became something like friends. The taste of freedom was as a sweet nectar to Dun, though it is embittered by his losses and griefs.



EDIT: Level 2 Changes:

Strength 12 -> 13

Agi 9 -> 10

Health 11 -> 34 (Level 2 Strength + 10)

Healing Rate 2 -> 8

Talents from sample warrior added, Shadowsight added

Soldier Martial Profession added, background changed to fit.

Added 2 Interesting Things


Edited by yxanthymir
Leveling up to 2, added missing interesting things (see edit history)
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You can add +1 to two attributes and increase your health equal to your strength plus 10 for 2 warrior levels, adjusting your healing rate accordingly. And add a third martial profession.

As an orc, you can add shadowsight as a talent and as a warrior all talents from the sample warrior. 

Edited by yxanthymir (see edit history)
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