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Entry Hall 

Toilday, 17 Rova, 4707AR


Through the crack of the door, the first rays of the sun has peeked through, illuminating the Pyre's entry hall just a bit now that morning has arrived. A quick look outside reveals that the storm from the night before has broken, though it still smells quite humid out there under the partly cloudy sky, and the air is just a tad cooler than would be normally considered comfortable.


With as good of a pleasant rest now behind you, your group is now ready to stamp out the embers and move on with your day.



[[ Map — The Pyre ]]

(( After a full 8 hours of rest, Darhana is now at 10HP, Kaichar 7HP, Noriko 6HP. Please indicate if any of you should like healing. ))



Entry Hall 

Toilday, 17 Rova, 4707AR


Through the crack of the door, the first rays of the sun has peeked through, illuminating the Pyre's entry hall just a bit now that morning has arrived. A quick look outside reveals that the storm from the night before has broken, though it still smells quite humid out there under the partly cloudy sky, and the air is just a tad cooler than would be normally considered comfortable.


With as good of a pleasant rest now behind you, your group is now ready to stamp out the embers and move on with your day.



(( After a full 8 hours of rest, Darhana is now at 10HP, Kaichar 7HP, Noriko 6HP. Please indicate if any of you should like healing. ))



Entry Hall 




(( After a full 8 hours of rest, Darhana is now at 10HP, Kaichar 7HP, Noriko 6HP. ))

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