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  1. Since Daergrim and Teza posted before they were entitled a turn (they were not aware for the surprise round), I will resolve their posted actions as part of Round 1.
  2. Combat — Surprise Round (Wrap Up) Initiative Order PCs: Average (N 17, G 9) = 13 Enemies: 22 As the creatures descended from the cave ceiling, Nera and Gareth reacted in concert. Though Gareth's first strike wasn't able to intercept the thing, they each dealt a decisive blow to the monster, swiftly dropping it to the cave floor, twitching and bleeding. The other creature quickly begins to envelope Brucilde with its webbed body, constricting its tentacles around the woman. This commotion has the three injured rescuees at a start. (( in effect for 23 hours 19 minutes. Roll Initiatives! Brucilde is grappled and takes 6 constrict damage. Proceed to Round 1 actions everyone! ))
  3. Cavern of Crusaders "Those names... They sound familiar." Aravashnial replies as Iolana recalls some information about her parents, then muses something to himself barely aloud, "That rumour about the couple who were working to prove a working theory about the existence of the Worldwound being connected to Aroden's disappearance. Could that be them, I wonder?" As some of you move into the cave and begin to look over the statues, others position themselves to look out for any potential trouble from fore and aft. Teza Only A careful examination of the armour portrayed on the statues suggests that these soldiers depicted here were from the First Crusade. "Yes, I have read the report from Brune and Ash, on the effects of the Worldwound on the regional fauna." Aravashnial nods in Brucilde's direction, adding, "Very insightful work." Gareth and Nera Only While the path behind had already been travelled and is sure to present no troubles, this cave isn't exactly as calm and stately as it appears to be. A glance up reveals two creatures hanging from the cave's ceiling, each with a webby body lined with thin hook-lined tentacles. Combat — Surprise Round (Lead Up) Initiative Order PCs: ??? Enemies: 22 Before anyone could alarm the rest of the party, two dark shapes drop down from amidst the stalactites at the top of the cavern roof, one trained on Nera and the other on Brucilde. Nera, being already aware of the creatures, easily dodges the oncoming attack. Brucilde on the other hand is not so lucky. The dark basalt coloured, octopus-like thing hits her and grabs on, the webbed limbs beginning to wrap around her body. (( in effect for 23 hours 19 minutes. Roll Initiatives! Gareth and Nera are aware! Brucilde takes 1 damage and is grappled. ))
  4. Chapter 2 : 750gp ⟶ [Azura (125gp), Bianca (125gp), Darhana (125gp), Kaichar (125gp), Lars (125gp), Neskas (125gp), Noriko (125gp)] : Darhana's Finalized Sale & Purchase: Item (Price) / Sale Value Longbow 37gp 5sp Composite longbow, masterwork 200gp Potion of cure light wounds (4) (200gp) Ioun torch (75gp)
  5. ALIKA'S BOON MINOR ARTIFACT SLOT amulet CL 10th WEIGHT — AURA moderate abjuration This small silver scale is warm to the touch and inscribed with the sigil of Alika Foxglove, hero of the Whisperwood. You can use this scale to call upon Alika's favour, allowing you to reroll any one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check after the roll is made but before the results are revealed. You must take the result of the second roll, even if it is worse. Once this power has been used, the scale crumbles to dust. Destruction ???
  6. Festival Square Bianca Only The you were given are warm to the touch, and inscribed on one side with a sigil that is consistent with seal inscribed in the signet ring that was retrieved from the Pyre. From what little your research was able to reveal, the scale seems to be imbued with some moderate abjuration magic, which you believe might impart some momentary surge of divine favour in a time of need. When Kurtz expressed his confusion about Deana and the transformation of the blind orphan into the swallowtail butterfly, Koya spoke up to provide some clarity. "Sometimes the gods work in ways we don't understand." "But think for a moment, what if that blind orphan was simply cured of his blindness, and given immortality in his human form." The old crone suggests, painting a fictitious picture of what could very well be a plausible outcome, "What kind of consequences would that have on the world if say, after long enough of a pleasurable life the child decides he was no longer content with his god-gifted immortality? What then?" Not far beside her, Sandru laughs off the inquiries about Ameiko's apparent grudge with Cyrdak Drokkus, saying, "Those two have been at each other's throats for as long as the Rusty Dragon's been open, probably longer, isn't that right Noriko?" Being put on the spot, Ameiko's little sister just shrugged and kept her mouth shut, refusing to participate in the rumourmongering. Sandru continued, "I don't know if this is true or not, but I've been told that Cyrdak might've once plagiarized some of Ameiko's work, I'll bet you that's probably why she's so upset." Sooth Only From what you have heard, what Sandru is saying is partially true. Cyrdak Drokkus and Ameiko Kaino not gotten along well for as long as anyone could care to remember. But the word on the street is that they may actually be embittered ex-lovers... As the festivities ramp up in the square, numerous games and contests take place. These include sack races, games of hide-and-seek for children, weight-lifting challenges, balance beam contests, tug-of-war events, and the like. The music being played in the square even takes on a more .
  7. Warm Room / Corridor / Circular Room Having ransacked the cabinets, T'Sarra and Vri find a rather large collection, totalling a hundred and twenty tubes that look still intact, each sporting the same shape and form factor, but many of them decorated with a different colour exterior and symbols. Squeezing out the pinkish goo and sucking on the salmon flavour, Vri finds that it the paste is actually rather nourishing, and the contents of one of these tubes fills and energizes her in much the same way that a day's worth of food might. What's more, each one of these tubes weight only about a tenth of what an equivalent portion of rations should. With a little physical assistance from Violet, Val tags along close behind Barhuce and Keshka as they too file into the room, noting the significant difference in temperature here compared to the remainder of the other chambers. Having moved into the next corridor, Vri heads south to a curved wall at its end. The double doors whoosh open with the activation of the panel next to it, much like the others, though the of them are slightly different. Here, behind the now opened doors, the unlit circular room is empty save for a panel of controls on the wall to the northwest. A coil of tubes dangling from the left side of the panel periodically flashes with sparks, while a single square window on the panel blinks with several lines of strange writing. (( You receive 120 tubes of goo, including the one Vri just consumed ))
  8. Longacre — Church Square Local news, business listings, and past decrees of likely lesser importance cover the stake here at the centre of Longacre’s church square. Signs and Zoya Only Carefully perusing the papers here, you find not only some editorials relaying recent events, local ads for businesses, there's also the odd personals seeking companionship. One particularly stands out. It reads: "Man, 46. Animal in bed. Probably a yak." Another little ditty posted here is equally clever. You could almost sing to it… actually wait, you can. "When you're diving at night / And your feet feel the bite, that's a moray / When your hand's in the cave / Suddenly you'll need saved, that's a moray / When you blubber and scream / But you have a bad dream, that's a moray / When he nips all your fingers / With teeth that are stingers, a moray!" Immediately posted below that is an even wittier one, very likely written to the same tune. "When an eel has a maw / With a pharyngeal jaw, that's a moray / When the jaws open wide / And there's more jaws inside, that's a moray / When it sulks in a reef / With his two sets of teeth, that's a moray / When that eel bites your thigh / And you bleed out and die, that's a moray!" Beyond the other postings, it looks as though there are at least five decrees here from Archbaron Fex imposing new or raising existing taxes on local businesses. The sight and sound of your nailing the new decree to the post begins to attract the attention of some of the local folk, and they come closer to gather and read the decree.
  9. "Suit yourself then, " The woman with the Qadiran accent shrugged. She couldn't understand the cook's perspective, but she felt no personal objection to it. "I on the other hand, have barely seen anything more than the inside of a tent for most of my life." For the remainder of that evening, the young woman sat down with the red-haired gnome to help her identify whatever she needed. The next day, she bid farewell to the cook, and went on her way with the strangers, quietly following them on their way to wherever they're going. It was all very strange and relatively new to her, all these trees, the smells, everything. She had no idea where she was going, and while it was quite exhilarating, there was a small element of fear as well there, understanding how much she must be leaning into blind faith that these people wouldn't do unto her as she has suffered from the last… Statistics Block [b][url=https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2869915][color="Maroon"]نساء (Nisa)[/color][/url][/b] [i]Tiefling Witch [Cartomancer] 2 CG[/i] [b]Init[/b] +3; [b]Senses[/b] darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +2 [hr][/hr][highlight]Defense[/highlight] [hr][/hr][b]AC[/b] 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (Dex +3) [b]HP[/b] 14 / 14 [b]Fort[/b] +1, [b]Ref[/b] +3, [b]Will[/b] +4 [hr][/hr][highlight]Offense[/highlight] [hr][/hr][b]Speed[/b] 30 ft. [b]Melee[/b] Dagger +4 (1d4+0; 19-20/×2) [b]Ranged[/b] Dagger +4 (1d4+0; 19-20/×2) [b]Special Attacks[/b] Hexes [hr][/hr][highlight]Statistics[/highlight] [hr][/hr][b]Str[/b] 10, [b]Dex[/b] 16, [b]Con[/b] 12, [b]Int[/b] 19, [b]Wis[/b] 12, [b]Cha[/b] 6 [b]BAB[/b] +1; [b]CMB[/b] +1; [b]CMD[/b] 14 [b]Traits[/b] Mediator, Restless wayfarer, Pragmatic activator, Mark of slavery [b]Feats[/b] Extra hex, Martial mastery (EitR), Weapon finesse (EitR), Agile maneuvers (EitR), Deadly dealer [b]Skills[/b] Craft (Alchemy) +9, Heal +5, Knowledge (Arcana) +9, Knowledge (History) +8, Knowledge (Nature) +9, Knowledge (Planes) +9, Perception +2, Perform (Sing) -1, Spellcraft +9, Use Magic Device +9 [b]Languages[/b] Common, Infernal, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Orc, Sylvan [b]SQ[/b] Spell deck [hr][/hr][b]Conditions[/b] None Tiefling Witch [Cartomancer] 2 CG Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +2 Defense AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (Dex +3) HP 14 / 14 Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +4 Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee Dagger +4 (1d4+0; 19-20/×2) Ranged Dagger +4 (1d4+0; 19-20/×2) Special Attacks Hexes Statistics Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 6 BAB +1; CMB +1; CMD 14 Traits Mediator, Restless wayfarer, Pragmatic activator, Mark of slavery Feats Extra hex, Martial mastery (EitR), Weapon finesse (EitR), Agile maneuvers (EitR), Deadly dealer Skills Craft (Alchemy) +9, Heal +5, Knowledge (Arcana) +9, Knowledge (History) +8, Knowledge (Nature) +9, Knowledge (Planes) +9, Perception +2, Perform (Sing) -1, Spellcraft +9, Use Magic Device +9 Languages Common, Infernal, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Orc, Sylvan SQ Spell deck Conditions None Actions Cast and Take 10 on Spellcraft as necessary
  10. Temple / Tunnels Following your morning rituals, what with some of your more religiously inclined making prayer and others brushing and washing, the group makes ready to leave the safety of the reconsecrated temple. Thanks to Nera's quick warning, Gareth had not sprinkled much of the water from the basin on his face, and about one dose of holy water was able to be saved as a result. With a little bit of ingenious siphoning and transfer, they manage to get the remainder into the inquisitor's metal canteen. While the idle chat about upbringings was mostly kept between the priestess and the fletching, when Iolana offered up that her parents were members of the riftwardens, the blind elf Aravashnial interrupted, "Your parents. What were their names?" The trek down the tunnel south from the temple would take roughly forty or so minutes, if any sense of time was to be deemed accurate here without a frame of reference. Along the way, the winding passageway rises in elevation some, and you gather you might be thirty feet give or take above where you had been before, just as the tunnel begins to open up here to a cavern. Here, stone figures are carved into the walls of the cavern. Each one depicts a different crusader clad in armour and wielding weapons, but their carved stone features contain expressions of sadness. (( in effect for 23 hours 20 minutes ))
  11. Corridors / Warm Room "No no... I just," Val takes a deep breath to compose herself, closing her eyes for a moment and shaking her head, "I just really want to know that he's alright is all..." Vri Only It's salmon! And actually, for something that's in the form of a gooey paste, it's actually quite tasty! Opening the door on the other side of the warm room, T'Sarra and Vri find another corridor, about thirty feet by ten wide, with doors leading out from each wall.
  12. Festival Square "Some people maybe just can't appreciate good art, am I right?" Cyrdak's feeble comeback from atop the stage drew only a few sniggers from some of the more affluent members of Sandpoint's community, while missing the mark with much of the common folk. "I can appreciate the arts just fine, you talentless hack." Came Ameiko's response, with yet another zing, "Maybe you just need to realize that you suck!" The back-and-forth between the two managed to draw varied reactions from the crowd, some bursting into laughter from Ameiko's insults, while others looking somewhat offended by the whole exchange. Stepping up to calm the audience from getting too rowdy, Father Zantus quickly changes the subject back to the festivies at hand, thanking everyone for attending, for their hard work and donations toward the new cathedral. After recounting a short parable of how Desna first fell to Golarion and was nursed back to health by a blind child whom she transformed into an immortal butterfly as a reward for her aid, a few of the church's acolytes pull aside a wagon's cover behind the stage, releasing a furious stom of hundreds of swallowtail butterflies that swarm into the air in a spiraling riot of colour. With the roaring cheer from the crowd, the priest finally declares the Swallowtail Festival officially underway. With the speeches over, the crowd relaxes a little bit back into their current activities. Besides the free lunch provided at the various stalls, there's also numerous games and contests being run.
  13. Longacre — Church Square Returning to the location of the sermon the day before, the church square is quite a bit less populous now, as the town has more or less returned to its normal rhythm of things. Here, a fifteen-foot-tall wooden post, scarred by nails and plastered with faded pronouncements, rises from a bed of posies in the middle of the square. A verdigris-stained copper statuette of an archer swivels atop a squeaky weather vane at the post’s summit. Nearby, several people are going about their day minding their own business.
  14. Temple With the temple cleaned up and reconsecrated, the group shares some rations and set up a watch rotation, keeping guard over a peaceful period of rest. Untold hours later, you feel refreshed and ready once again to find your way to the surface. (( in effect for 24 hours ))
  15. Corridor / Warm Room "I fail to understand the purpose of such an experiment." Violet says, following Barhuce out of the room with the medical beds, her expression clearly communicating an innocent naïveté on such dark subjects. "Please, I d... I don't..." Val says feebly in response to the conversation, avoiding looking at the blood trail at this point. Vri Only Twisting open the tube, you smell a mild ocean-like scent from its pink contents, reminescent of some kind of fish perhaps? In fact, it seems to smell quite delicious!
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