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  1. I was noticing a trend as well lol And while I may be fairly experienced with the PTU system it certainly has its downfalls mechanically speaking XD   I'll leave this thread up for a good bit until i finally decide what I would like to invest my time in. Hopefully I'll have some more input by then as well
  2. Hello Adventurers and Myth-Weavers. I am Asterisk. Never played in any of the forum games but have been a Sheet user for years (couldn't access my old account but that's neither here nor there.) I've been mulling over a couple ideas for a game but am unsure which people would be more interested in. Might as well see what some of you may be interested in. The first idea is a general game of PTU (pokemon tabletop united) in my own custom region much like I'm sure ALL pokemon fans have made of their own over the years lol below is a link to maps in google drive depicting all of the areas except the routes. Much more info can be provided should people decide they have an itch for pokemon training. PTU: Gyoson Region The second game idea I had made up is a fairly wild one. Using mainly core Pathfinder rules you all will take on the role of an Intelligent Magic Item searching for a host to take over with your overwhelming Ego. Or make a mutual agreement with a paladin. Many possibilities with this one. It would use the standard magic item creation rules as well as the intelligent item creation rules. I have plenty of notes taken for character creation and such. But essentially you all start with a Dancing ability to move then you can slowly explore and meet NPCs who you then can take control of as a player. Two character sheets can be a lot so this could be a daunting task for some lol [PF1e] Intelligent Magic Item Adventures The third and final game idea would be to play a reflavored game of D&D5e as a game of Minecraft where you would all be playing characters stranded on an unknown set of islands in the ocean. We can use the new Minecraft statblocks as well as make up some of my own. It would relatively be a simple game of 5e besides the fact that magic item creation would be different and survival and resource gathering would be a vital part of the game.
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