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  1. Brucilde “Get it off get it off get it off get it off” Statblock [URL=/sheets/?id=2891667][B][SIZE=+1]Brucilda Ashdottir[/SIZE][/B][/URL] F CG Tiefling (halforc parentage) Arcanist (blade adept), [B]Level[/B] 1, [B]Init[/B] 2, [B]HP[/B] 6/8, [B]Speed[/B] 30 [B]AC[/B] 11, [B]Touch[/B] 10, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 11, [B]CMD[/b] 12, [B]Fort[/B] 1, [B]Ref[/B] 2, [B]Will[/B] 2, [B]CMB[/B] +2, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 0, [B]Action Points[/B] 1 [B]bonded weapon, MW Battleaxe [/B] 3 (2d6+2, x3) [B] Cold Iron Dagger [/B] 2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2) [B]+1 bracers of armor [/B] (+1 Armor) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 9 [B]Condition[/B] None F CG Tiefling (halforc parentage) Arcanist (blade adept), Level 1, Init 2, HP 6/8, Speed 30 AC 11, Touch 10, Flat-footed 11, CMD 12, Fort 1, Ref 2, Will 2, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 0, Action Points 1 bonded weapon, MW Battleaxe 3 (2d6+2, x3) Cold Iron Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2) +1 bracers of armor (+1 Armor) Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 9 Condition None Current AC: 13 Actions Crunch Active Effects: Standard: move:
  2. Bertram Bertram contents himself with people watching while they hang the notice. Statblock [URL=/sheets/?id=2838712][B][SIZE=+1]Bertram Ebonviper[/SIZE][/B][/URL] M LE Human Unchained Rogue (Charlatan), [B]Level[/B] 2, [B]Init[/B] 5, [B]HP[/B] 18/18, [B]Speed[/B] 30 [B]AC[/B] 17, [B]Touch[/B] 14, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 13, [B]CMD[/b] 14, [B]Fort[/B] 1, [B]Ref[/B] 6, [B]Will[/B] 0, [B]CMB[/B] 0, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 0, [B]Action Points[/B] 1 [B]MW Rapier [/B] 5 (1d6, 18-20/x2) [B] Dagger [/B] 4 (1d4, 19-20/x2) [B]MW Studded Leather[/B] (+3 Armor, +4 Dex) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 11, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14 [B]Condition[/B] None M LE Human Unchained Rogue (Charlatan), Level 2, Init 5, HP 18/18, Speed 30 AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 13, CMD 14, Fort 1, Ref 6, Will 0, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 0, Action Points 1 MW Rapier 5 (1d6, 18-20/x2) Dagger 4 (1d4, 19-20/x2) MW Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +4 Dex) Abilities Str 11, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14 Condition None Actions Crunch
  3. Barhuce realizes how far behind they've gotten. “Brigh's britches, we better catch up in case they run into something.“ He quickly moves into the warm room. Statblock [URL=/sheets/?id=2740751][B][SIZE=+1]Barhuce[/SIZE][/B][/URL] M NG Human (Kellid) Alchemist (CryptBreaker, Chirurgeon), [B]Level[/B] 2, [B]Init[/B] 4, [B]HP[/B] 15/15, [B]Speed[/B] 30 [B]AC[/B] 15, [B]Touch[/B] 12, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 13, [B]CMD[/b] 14, [B]Fort[/B] 4, [B]Ref[/B] 5, [B]Will[/B] 0, [B]CMB[/B] +2, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 1 [B]1d8 v undead or constructs, DC 14 Alkahest Bomb (5/day) [/B] 3 (1d4+4, x2) [B] light Mace [/B] 1 (1d6+1, x2) [B] Dagger [/B] 1 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2) [B] Lamellar Cuirass[/B] (+2 Armor, +2 Dex, +1 Deflect) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 12, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 10 [B]Condition[/B] null M NG Human (Kellid) Alchemist (CryptBreaker, Chirurgeon), Level 2, Init 4, HP 15/15, Speed 30 AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 14, Fort 4, Ref 5, Will 0, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1 1d8 v undead or constructs, DC 14 Alkahest Bomb (5/day) 3 (1d4+4, x2) light Mace 1 (1d6+1, x2) Dagger 1 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2) Lamellar Cuirass (+2 Armor, +2 Dex, +1 Deflect) Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 10 Condition null Actions Crunch Bomb count 5/5 used 1 extract used Free: 5’step Move: Standard: throw bomb, exclude Vri from splash w/ precise bombs. Full Round:
  4. Neskas Weengoditin Neskas raises one bushy white eyebrow at the apparent vitriol Ameiko has toward the local theater. He leans over towards Sandru. "What's the deal with Ameiko and that theater guy?" Statblock [URL=/sheets/?id=2751540][B][SIZE=+1]Neskas Weengoditin[/SIZE][/B][/URL] m NG Gnome Cavalier, [B]Level[/B] 1, [B]Init[/B] 3, [B]HP[/B] 13/13, [B]Speed[/B] 15 [B]AC[/B] 20, [B]Touch[/B] 12, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 19, [B]CMD[/b] 13, [B]Fort[/B] 4, [B]Ref[/B] 1, [B]Will[/B] 2, [B]CMB[/B] +2, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 1 [B]reach, Masterwork Lance (-) [/B] 5 (1d6+2, x3) [B] Longsword (-) [/B] 4 (1d6+2, 19-20/x2) [B] Shortbow (20) [/B] 3 (1d4, x3) [B] Scale Mail[/B], [B]+1, bashing Heavy Steel Shield[/B] (+5 Armor, +3 Shield, +1 Dex, +1 Size) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 14, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10 [B]Condition[/B] None m NG Gnome Cavalier, Level 1, Init 3, HP 13/13, Speed 15 AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 19, CMD 13, Fort 4, Ref 1, Will 2, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1 reach, Masterwork Lance (-) 5 (1d6+2, x3) Longsword (-) 4 (1d6+2, 19-20/x2) Shortbow (20) 3 (1d4, x3) Scale Mail, +1, bashing Heavy Steel Shield (+5 Armor, +3 Shield, +1 Dex, +1 Size) Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10 Condition None [URL=/sheets/?id=2751552][B][SIZE=+1]Snappy[/SIZE][/B][/URL] M N WolfDog Mount (Charger), [B]Level[/B] 1, [B]Init[/B] 2, [B]HP[/B] 18/18, [B]Speed[/B] 30 [B]AC[/B] 17, [B]Touch[/B] 12, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 15, [B]CMD[/b] 15, [B]Fort[/B] 4, [B]Ref[/B] 5, [B]Will[/B] 1, [B]CMB[/B] +3, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 1 [B] Bite [/B] 3 (1d6+2, x2) [B] Studded Leather Barding[/B] (+3 Armor, +2 Dex, +2 Deflect) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 15, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 [B]Condition[/B] None M N WolfDog Mount (Charger), Level 1, Init 2, HP 18/18, Speed 30 AC 17, Touch 12, Flat-footed 15, CMD 15, Fort 4, Ref 5, Will 1, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 1 Bite 3 (1d6+2, x2) Studded Leather Barding (+3 Armor, +2 Dex, +2 Deflect) Abilities Str 15, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Condition None Actions Crunch and OOC Neskas Free: standard: attack move: Full Round: swift: Snappy free: Standard: Order of the Guard - declaring Bianca as his 'ward' for the day. Just gives him an AC bonus when he challenges something as long as he's between the challengee and Bianca.
  5. Huyrn nods and follows along, crossbow at the ready. Actions Move: Standard: %5Bspoiler%3Dstatblock%5D%5BURL%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.myth-weavers.com%2Fsheet.html%23id%3D2708113%5D%5BB%5D%5BSIZE%3D%2B1%5DHuryn%20Jorora%5B%2FSIZE%5D%5B%2FB%5D%5B%2FURL%5D%0AM%20%20%20half-elf%20Alchemist%20(Trap%20Breaker%2C%20bramble%20brewer)%2C%20%5BB%5DLevel%5B%2FB%5D%205%2C%20%5BB%5DInit%5B%2FB%5D%202%2C%20%5BB%5DHP%5B%2FB%5D%2028%2F28%2C%20%5BB%5DSpeed%5B%2FB%5D%2030%0A%5BB%5DAC%5B%2FB%5D%2015%2C%20%5BB%5DTouch%5B%2FB%5D%2013%2C%20%5BB%5DFlat-footed%5B%2FB%5D%2012%2C%20%5BB%5DCMD%5B%2Fb%5D%2016%2C%20%5BB%5DFort%5B%2FB%5D%204%2C%20%5BB%5DRef%5B%2FB%5D%206%2C%20%5BB%5DWill%5B%2FB%5D%201%2C%20%5BB%5DCMB%5B%2FB%5D%20%2B3%2C%20%5BB%5DBase%20Attack%20Bonus%5B%2FB%5D%203%20%20%20%0A%5BB%5Dsplash%20Bomb%20%5B%2FB%5D%206%20(3d6%2B4%2C%20%20)%0A%5BB%5DMW%20Light%20Crossbow%20(10)%20%5B%2FB%5D%20%2B6%20(1d8%2C%2019-20%2Fx2)%0A%5BB%5DMW%20Morningstar%20%5B%2FB%5D%204%20(1d8%2C%20x2)%0A%5BB%5D%2B1%20Lamellar%20Cuirass%5B%2FB%5D%20(%2B2%20Armor%2C%20%2B2%20Dex)%0A%5BB%5DAbilities%5B%2FB%5D%20Str%2010%2C%20Dex%2014%2C%20Con%2010%2C%20Int%2019%2C%20Wis%2010%2C%20Cha%2010%0A%5BB%5DCondition%5B%2FB%5D%20None%20%5B%2Fspoiler%5D statblock M half-elf Alchemist (Trap Breaker, bramble brewer), Level 5, Init 2, HP 28/28, Speed 30 AC 15, Touch 13, Flat-footed 12, CMD 16, Fort 4, Ref 6, Will 1, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 3 splash Bomb 6 (3d6+4, ) MW Light Crossbow (10) +6 (1d8, 19-20/x2) MW Morningstar 4 (1d8, x2) +1 Lamellar Cuirass (+2 Armor, +2 Dex) Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 10 Condition None Prepared spells, etc Daily Bombs available: 8/8 Mutagen: dex boosting (wis penalty) Lvl 1 extracts prepared: Cure Light Wounds, Longshot, Expeditious Retreat, Shield, Enlarge Person Lvl 2 extracts prepared: Cure moderate wounds, delay disease, lesser restoration
  6. Brucilde Brucilda wakes and spends some time with her spellbook, making slight changes to her prepared spells (Shield and Magic Missile instead of Grease and Mage Armor, and Light instead of Acid Splash). She does cast light on a pair pebbles, which she hands to Horgus and Anevia, to be refreshed as needed "My mom Brune. Pa was Ash. Not sure how feel about 'Riftwardens'." Is her contribution to the conversation about the riftwardens. Mostly she follows along, less cheerful today. Statblock [URL=/sheets/?id=2891667][B][SIZE=+1]Brucilda Ashdottir[/SIZE][/B][/URL] F CG Tiefling (halforc parentage) Arcanist (blade adept), [B]Level[/B] 1, [B]Init[/B] 2, [B]HP[/B] 6/8, [B]Speed[/B] 30 [B]AC[/B] 11, [B]Touch[/B] 10, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 11, [B]CMD[/b] 12, [B]Fort[/B] 1, [B]Ref[/B] 2, [B]Will[/B] 2, [B]CMB[/B] +2, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 0, [B]Action Points[/B] 1 [B]bonded weapon, MW Battleaxe [/B] 3 (2d6+2, x3) [B] Cold Iron Dagger [/B] 2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2) [B]+1 bracers of armor [/B] (+1 Armor) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 9 [B]Condition[/B] None F CG Tiefling (halforc parentage) Arcanist (blade adept), Level 1, Init 2, HP 6/8, Speed 30 AC 11, Touch 10, Flat-footed 11, CMD 12, Fort 1, Ref 2, Will 2, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 0, Action Points 1 bonded weapon, MW Battleaxe 3 (2d6+2, x3) Cold Iron Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2) +1 bracers of armor (+1 Armor) Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 9 Condition None Current AC: 13 Actions Crunch Active Effects: Standard: move:
  7. Thotham Thotham shrugs. "I guess we should go to the village first. I was really leaning toward the lighthouse first, but ... people having sneaky meetings at the halfway point is a bit of a clue. At any rate, wake me when it's my watch." With the practice of a trained soldier, he goes back to sleep. Actions/Rolls Active effects: Full standard: Move: Free: Statblock [URL=/sheets/?id=2846215][B][SIZE=+1]Thotham Pricklypear[/SIZE][/B][/URL] M NG Elf (half-giant (SRD) / WoodElf crossbreed 1/Warmage 2//half-giant la/Targeteer fighter 2, [B]Level[/B] 3, [B]Init[/B] 5, [B]HP[/B] 25/25, [B]Speed[/B] 40 [B]AC[/B] 16, [B]Touch[/B] 12, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 13, [B]Fort[/B] 3, [B]Ref[/B] 6, [B]Will[/B] 2, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 2.5 /2 [B](+8 / 2d8+6 within 30') MW elvencraft Dragonbone Composite Greatbow (str+2) (40) [/B] 7 (2d8+5, x3) [B] Dagger [/B] 2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2) [B](in melee as a double weapon) L Evlencraft dragonbone composite greatbow [/B] -2/-6 (1d8+2/1d8+2, x2) [B] MW Studded Leather[/B], [B] MW Buckler[/B] (+3 Armor, +1 Shield, +3 Dex, -1 Misc) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 14, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 15 [B]Condition[/B] Note: -6 to AC v AoOs M NG Elf (half-giant (SRD) / WoodElf crossbreed 1/Warmage 2//half-giant la/Targeteer fighter 2, Level 3, Init 5, HP 25/25, Speed 40 AC 16, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, Fort 3, Ref 6, Will 2, Base Attack Bonus 2.5 /2 (+8 / 2d8+6 within 30') MW elvencraft Dragonbone Composite Greatbow (str+2) (40) 7 (2d8+5, x3) Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2) (in melee as a double weapon) L Evlencraft dragonbone composite greatbow -2/-6 (1d8+2/1d8+2, x2) MW Studded Leather, MW Buckler (+3 Armor, +1 Shield, +3 Dex, -1 Misc) Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 15 Condition Note: -6 to AC v AoOs
  8. Hoograwr Once recovered, Hoograwr looks up "Thank you Morgo." She glances over at Sarah "I have no objection. I'm not hungry enough to eat goblin myself though." She takes the lead through the tunnel and pauses on the other side to look and smell for tracks. Actions/Rolls Active effects: Full standard: Move: Free: Statblock [URL=/sheets/?id=1794286][B][SIZE=+1]HooGrawr[/SIZE][/B][/URL] F CN/CG Just ... don't ask Owlbear/Barbarian 1 | Nymph, [B]Level[/B] 5, [B]Init[/B] 2, [B]HP[/B] 64/77, [B]DR[/B] 2/cold iron, [B]Speed[/B] 40 (swim 20) [B]AC[/B] 25, [B]Touch[/B] 15, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 23, [B]Fort[/B] 15, [B]Ref[/B] 10, [B]Will[/B] 8, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 5 [B]x2 Claw [/B] 10 (1d6+4, ) [B] Warhammer +1 [/B] 11 (2d6+5, x3) [B] Peck [/B] 5 (1d8+2, ) [B] Studded Leather Armor +1[/B], [B] Darkwood Shield +1[/B] (+4 Armor, +3 Shield, +2 Dex, +1 Size, +4 Deflect, +3 Natural, -2 Misc) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 22, Dex 15, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 19 [B]Condition[/B] As Shown: Deceptively innocent form Natural form: Large size, no armor and -2 to AC and attack (from size change) Raging F CN/CG Just ... don't ask Owlbear/Barbarian 1 | Nymph, Level 5, Init 2, HP 64/77, DR 2/cold iron, Speed 40 (swim 20) AC 25, Touch 15, Flat-footed 23, Fort 15, Ref 10, Will 8, Base Attack Bonus 5 x2 Claw 10 (1d6+4, ) Warhammer +1 11 (2d6+5, x3) Peck 5 (1d8+2, ) Studded Leather Armor +1, Darkwood Shield +1 (+4 Armor, +3 Shield, +2 Dex, +1 Size, +4 Deflect, +3 Natural, -2 Misc) Abilities Str 22, Dex 15, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 19 Condition As Shown: Deceptively innocent form Natural form: Large size, no armor and -2 to AC and attack (from size change) Raging
  9. Alton With an expert flick of his wrist, Alton wraps his sling around his wrist as he unlimbers his throwing axe. "Get 'im girl." Is his only words as he and his mount tear into the hob in front of him. Actions/Rolls Active effects: Full Move: draw handaxe, stow sling (or drop if that is what needs to happen) Free: direct mount to attack standard: Attack nearest hob Mount: Full attack nearest hob. Statblock [URL=/sheets/?id=2910299][B][SIZE=+1]Alton Slingfoot[/SIZE][/B][/URL] M LG Strongheart Halfling Light Calvary Scout || Targeteer Fighter 1 / Ranger (ranged combat)2, [B]Level[/B] 3, [B]Init[/B] 3, [B]HP[/B] 29/29, [B]Speed[/B] 20 (60 mounted) [B]AC[/B] 19, [B]Touch[/B] 14, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 16, [B]Fort[/B] 6, [B]Ref[/B] 8, [B]Will[/B] 3, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 3 [B] Warsling (10 skiprock, 20 bullets (1d4 dmg)) [/B] 7 (1d6+3, x4) [B] throwing axe [/B] 5 (1d4+1, x2) [B] Spear [/B] 5 (1d6, x3) [B]MW, Mithril Chain Shirt[/B], [B]MW Buckler[/B] (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +3 Dex, +1 Size) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 12 [B]Condition[/B] None M LG Strongheart Halfling Light Calvary Scout || Targeteer Fighter 1 / Ranger (ranged combat)2, Level 3, Init 3, HP 29/29, Speed 20 (60 mounted) AC 19, Touch 14, Flat-footed 16, Fort 6, Ref 8, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 3 Warsling (10 skiprock, 20 bullets (1d4 dmg)) 7 (1d6+3, x4) throwing axe 5 (1d4+1, x2) Spear 5 (1d6, x3) MW, Mithril Chain Shirt, MW Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +3 Dex, +1 Size) Abilities Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 12 Condition None Sorry, I don't have his companion added to the game yet I guess. I'll get that done after I post. [URL=http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2910739][B][SIZE=+1] [/SIZE][/B][/URL] F Warbeast Clawfoot Animal, [B]Level[/B] 3, [B]Init[/B] 3, [B]HP[/B] 36/36, [B]Speed[/B] 50 [B]AC[/B] 18, [B]Touch[/B] 13, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 15, [B]Fort[/B] 7, [B]Ref[/B] 6, [B]Will[/B] 3, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 2.25 [B] Talons (2) [/B] 7 (1d8+5, x2) [B] forclaws (2) [/B] 5 (1d3+2, x2) [B] Bite [/B] 5 (1d6+2, x2) [B] leather barding[/B] (+2 Armor, +3 Dex, +3 Natural) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 20, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 10 [B]Condition[/B] None
  10. It happens to all of us sometimes. You are welcome back when you can (assuming it's still going).
  11. Identified stuffs: , spellbook (contains alarm, chill touch, expeditious retreat, feather fall, identify, locate object, and ray of enfeeblement), 3 oils of magic weapon, a scroll of endure elements, two scrolls of magic weapon, and a scroll of unseen servant.
  12. Bertram Bertram enters the guardhouse and examines the mechanisms. Statblock [URL=/sheets/?id=2838712][B][SIZE=+1]Bertram Ebonviper[/SIZE][/B][/URL] M LE Human Unchained Rogue (Charlatan), [B]Level[/B] 2, [B]Init[/B] 5, [B]HP[/B] 18/18, [B]Speed[/B] 30 [B]AC[/B] 17, [B]Touch[/B] 14, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 13, [B]CMD[/b] 14, [B]Fort[/B] 1, [B]Ref[/B] 6, [B]Will[/B] 0, [B]CMB[/B] 0, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 0, [B]Action Points[/B] 1 [B]MW Rapier [/B] 5 (1d6, 18-20/x2) [B] Dagger [/B] 4 (1d4, 19-20/x2) [B]MW Studded Leather[/B] (+3 Armor, +4 Dex) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 11, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14 [B]Condition[/B] None M LE Human Unchained Rogue (Charlatan), Level 2, Init 5, HP 18/18, Speed 30 AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 13, CMD 14, Fort 1, Ref 6, Will 0, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 0, Action Points 1 MW Rapier 5 (1d6, 18-20/x2) Dagger 4 (1d4, 19-20/x2) MW Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +4 Dex) Abilities Str 11, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14 Condition None Actions Crunch
  13. Brucilde Brucilda raises an eyebrow at the conversation about names "City-folk names weird. Am Ashdottir cause father was named Ash. Much simpler." Statblock [URL=/sheets/?id=2891667][B][SIZE=+1]Brucilda Ashdottir[/SIZE][/B][/URL] F CG Tiefling (halforc parentage) Arcanist (blade adept), [B]Level[/B] 1, [B]Init[/B] 2, [B]HP[/B] 6/8, [B]Speed[/B] 30 [B]AC[/B] 11, [B]Touch[/B] 10, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 11, [B]CMD[/b] 12, [B]Fort[/B] 1, [B]Ref[/B] 2, [B]Will[/B] 2, [B]CMB[/B] +2, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 0, [B]Action Points[/B] 1 [B]bonded weapon, MW Battleaxe [/B] 3 (2d6+2, x3) [B] Cold Iron Dagger [/B] 2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2) [B]+1 bracers of armor [/B] (+1 Armor) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 9 [B]Condition[/B] None F CG Tiefling (halforc parentage) Arcanist (blade adept), Level 1, Init 2, HP 6/8, Speed 30 AC 11, Touch 10, Flat-footed 11, CMD 12, Fort 1, Ref 2, Will 2, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 0, Action Points 1 bonded weapon, MW Battleaxe 3 (2d6+2, x3) Cold Iron Dagger 2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2) +1 bracers of armor (+1 Armor) Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 9 Condition None Current AC: 13 Actions Crunch Active Effects: Standard: move:
  14. Huyrn shakes his head. "From a ruthless, amoral, practical perspective it makes sense. It tells us a lot about what we are facing too. They are creative and utterly ruthless. We need to be on our guard." Actions Move: Standard: %5Bspoiler%3Dstatblock%5D%5BURL%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.myth-weavers.com%2Fsheet.html%23id%3D2708113%5D%5BB%5D%5BSIZE%3D%2B1%5DHuryn%20Jorora%5B%2FSIZE%5D%5B%2FB%5D%5B%2FURL%5D%0AM%20%20%20half-elf%20Alchemist%20(Trap%20Breaker%2C%20bramble%20brewer)%2C%20%5BB%5DLevel%5B%2FB%5D%205%2C%20%5BB%5DInit%5B%2FB%5D%202%2C%20%5BB%5DHP%5B%2FB%5D%2028%2F28%2C%20%5BB%5DSpeed%5B%2FB%5D%2030%0A%5BB%5DAC%5B%2FB%5D%2015%2C%20%5BB%5DTouch%5B%2FB%5D%2013%2C%20%5BB%5DFlat-footed%5B%2FB%5D%2012%2C%20%5BB%5DCMD%5B%2Fb%5D%2016%2C%20%5BB%5DFort%5B%2FB%5D%204%2C%20%5BB%5DRef%5B%2FB%5D%206%2C%20%5BB%5DWill%5B%2FB%5D%201%2C%20%5BB%5DCMB%5B%2FB%5D%20%2B3%2C%20%5BB%5DBase%20Attack%20Bonus%5B%2FB%5D%203%20%20%20%0A%5BB%5Dsplash%20Bomb%20%5B%2FB%5D%206%20(3d6%2B4%2C%20%20)%0A%5BB%5DMW%20Light%20Crossbow%20(10)%20%5B%2FB%5D%20%2B6%20(1d8%2C%2019-20%2Fx2)%0A%5BB%5DMW%20Morningstar%20%5B%2FB%5D%204%20(1d8%2C%20x2)%0A%5BB%5D%2B1%20Lamellar%20Cuirass%5B%2FB%5D%20(%2B2%20Armor%2C%20%2B2%20Dex)%0A%5BB%5DAbilities%5B%2FB%5D%20Str%2010%2C%20Dex%2014%2C%20Con%2010%2C%20Int%2019%2C%20Wis%2010%2C%20Cha%2010%0A%5BB%5DCondition%5B%2FB%5D%20None%20%5B%2Fspoiler%5D statblock M half-elf Alchemist (Trap Breaker, bramble brewer), Level 5, Init 2, HP 28/28, Speed 30 AC 15, Touch 13, Flat-footed 12, CMD 16, Fort 4, Ref 6, Will 1, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 3 splash Bomb 6 (3d6+4, ) MW Light Crossbow (10) +6 (1d8, 19-20/x2) MW Morningstar 4 (1d8, x2) +1 Lamellar Cuirass (+2 Armor, +2 Dex) Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 10 Condition None Prepared spells, etc Daily Bombs available: 8/8 Mutagen: dex boosting (wis penalty) Lvl 1 extracts prepared: Cure Light Wounds, Longshot, Expeditious Retreat, Shield, Enlarge Person Lvl 2 extracts prepared: Cure moderate wounds, delay disease, lesser restoration
  15. Neskas Weengoditin Neskas continues low-key guarding Sandru and Ameiko's booths. Statblock [URL=/sheets/?id=2751540][B][SIZE=+1]Neskas Weengoditin[/SIZE][/B][/URL] m NG Gnome Cavalier, [B]Level[/B] 1, [B]Init[/B] 3, [B]HP[/B] 13/13, [B]Speed[/B] 15 [B]AC[/B] 20, [B]Touch[/B] 12, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 19, [B]CMD[/b] 13, [B]Fort[/B] 4, [B]Ref[/B] 1, [B]Will[/B] 2, [B]CMB[/B] +2, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 1 [B]reach, Masterwork Lance (-) [/B] 5 (1d6+2, x3) [B] Longsword (-) [/B] 4 (1d6+2, 19-20/x2) [B] Shortbow (20) [/B] 3 (1d4, x3) [B] Scale Mail[/B], [B]+1, bashing Heavy Steel Shield[/B] (+5 Armor, +3 Shield, +1 Dex, +1 Size) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 14, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10 [B]Condition[/B] None m NG Gnome Cavalier, Level 1, Init 3, HP 13/13, Speed 15 AC 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 19, CMD 13, Fort 4, Ref 1, Will 2, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1 reach, Masterwork Lance (-) 5 (1d6+2, x3) Longsword (-) 4 (1d6+2, 19-20/x2) Shortbow (20) 3 (1d4, x3) Scale Mail, +1, bashing Heavy Steel Shield (+5 Armor, +3 Shield, +1 Dex, +1 Size) Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10 Condition None [URL=/sheets/?id=2751552][B][SIZE=+1]Snappy[/SIZE][/B][/URL] M N WolfDog Mount (Charger), [B]Level[/B] 1, [B]Init[/B] 2, [B]HP[/B] 18/18, [B]Speed[/B] 30 [B]AC[/B] 17, [B]Touch[/B] 12, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 15, [B]CMD[/b] 15, [B]Fort[/B] 4, [B]Ref[/B] 5, [B]Will[/B] 1, [B]CMB[/B] +3, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 1 [B] Bite [/B] 3 (1d6+2, x2) [B] Studded Leather Barding[/B] (+3 Armor, +2 Dex, +2 Deflect) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 15, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 [B]Condition[/B] None M N WolfDog Mount (Charger), Level 1, Init 2, HP 18/18, Speed 30 AC 17, Touch 12, Flat-footed 15, CMD 15, Fort 4, Ref 5, Will 1, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 1 Bite 3 (1d6+2, x2) Studded Leather Barding (+3 Armor, +2 Dex, +2 Deflect) Abilities Str 15, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Condition None Actions Crunch and OOC Neskas Free: standard: attack move: Full Round: swift: Snappy free: Standard: Order of the Guard - declaring Bianca as his 'ward' for the day. Just gives him an AC bonus when he challenges something as long as he's between the challengee and Bianca.
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