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Tarric, son of Lorric


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Original MW character page here.

General Overview:

Tarric is a Beorning, and a native and long-time-resident of Rhosgobel, a Woodmen town in the fringes of the Mirkwood that built itself up around the residence of Radaghast the Brown. He and his wife Olwinne (a Woodman) are loving but childless, in a home built for a larger family. (They therefore have room for guests!)

Tarric often serves Radaghast on various errands, delivering messages and performing scouting duties. He is frequently roaming outside of town on patrols, in both bear and human form (in human form he carries a spear if necessary). He is known for making small talismans from twigs and colored string and offering them to people in need of protection. Sometimes they even work.

Olwinne is fierce and independent, and no slouch with an axe herself. She keeps closer to town, but can easily be found by following the beacon of her long blonde braid and confident demeanor. While by no means an official leader of Rhosgobel, she is someone people can lean on for instruction or assistance if those leaders are not available.

Personality-wise, Tarric is generally very laid-back and easygoing. He's dead-difficult to wake up early in the morning (at least in safe/peaceful circumstances, e.g. at home) and loves sleeping in. He's a bit of a trickster and enjoys sneaking up and startling people when opportunity arises - especially those who aren't familiar with his ability to transform. He loves children/littles, and during leisure time can be found toting them around on his back in bear form. When it comes to protecting others, though - especially littles, or those he is otherwise responsible for - he is a true papa bear. He'll barrel straight into the fight with roaring fury, keeping himself between the threat and those he is protecting. Long-view strategy and personal safety are very distant thoughts, if considered at all.

Known Family/Relations: (many of them Bonds)

Olwinne - his wife
Rathdan - Olwinne's older brother, Tarric's friend
Radaghast and Rhosgobel villagers - Tarric is good acquaintances and friends with just about everyone in his hometown
Woodmen-town villagers - after helping rid them of the plague of giant spiders, they are considered friends
Leesha - brief travel companion, last seen staying behind to help wounded in Woodmen-town
Idunn - recent travel and battle companion and friend
Bróin (and his intelligent bird, Vara) - recent travel and battle companion and friends

Edited by BlueTrillium (see edit history)
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-- Posting format, and active character 'sheet' --
(best viewed in Desktop mode most likely)


  • Spent 3 EXP to gain the Shadow-Walk asset. Spent 2 EXP to enhance Shadow-Walk, and the last 2 EXP to enhance Berserker.
  • Added a Bond to Bróin (and Vara) -- did not roll for it or anything, let me know if you'd like me to.

Image Credit: 88grzes on DeviantArt
image edits by me, BlueTrillium



Ed: 1 | He: 3 | Ir: 2 | Sh: 2 | Wi: 1

Mom: 2 (10/2) | Heart: 5 | Spirit: 5 | Supply: 5


text and post stuff goes here



asdf ashdf;laskdfjasdy adf sdftgnwdfua asd.asd fabcavkysl asdgflasjnfwea sdfhaldsgaltdf dfafs;hgkjhs asdastabfhjat askdjftlas df aksdjftasl gagflksjhfga fakjsd adkajfshldfjflb sfrhglrjaiudf adgflJDL kshdlGDFKAJF skjfhgajhkjasd ftashdkfal sdjfhkad eaksjdhlfajsldta dfwkejalylash wofkajdlat fgasd faifauylskdjf aklsdfhya ajdfhlat asdfhksjdyxd akajlsdyald fdf askdjfyalskdf ksdfhalst asjdfltal dsf.


Rolls and OOC notes go here


Berserker - (Combat Talent)
When you Secure an Advantage or Compel by embodying your wild nature, add +1, and take +1 momentum on a hit.
When you Strike or Clash by unleashing your rage (decide before rolling), inflict +1 harm on a hit. Then, choose one:
------ Push yourself: Endure Harm (1 harm)
------ Lose yourself: Endure Stress (1 stress)
When you Endure Harm in a fight, and your Health is above zero, you may let the pain inflame your wildness (decide before rolling). If you then score a strong hit and choose to embrace the pain, take +momentum equal to your remaining Health. A weak hit counts as a miss.

Wayfinder - (Path)
When you Undertake a Journey, take +1 momentum on a strong hit. If you burn momentum to improve your result, also take +1 momentum after reset.
When you Secure an Advantage or Gather Information by carefully surveying the landscape or scouting ahead, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.
When you Swear an Iron Vow to safely guide someone on a perilous journey, you may reroll any dice. When you Fulfill Your Vow and mark experience, take +1 experience.

Talisman - (Ritual)
When you fashion a charm, envision it and name the specific person or creature it protects against. Then roll +wits.
------ On a strong it, when the wearer opposes the target through a move, add +2. If a one is rolled on the action die while making a move using the charm, the magic is spent.
------ On a weak hit, as above, but the wearer adds +1 when making a move (instead of +2).
As above, and you may instead fashion a charm which aids the wearer against all supernatural threats, such as mystic rituals or horrors.
When you perform this ritual, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.

Shadow-walk - (Ritual)
When you cloak yourself with the gossamer veil of the shadow realms, roll +shadow. On a strong hit, take +1 momentum. Then, reroll any dice (one time only) when you make a move by ambushing, hiding, or sneaking. On a weak hit, as above, but the shadows try to lead you astray. You must first Face Danger to find your way.
As above, and you may also travel along the hidden paths of the shadow realms to Undertake a Journey using +shadow (instead of +wits). If you do, Endure Stress (1 stress) and mark progress twice on a strong hit.
 When you perform this ritual, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.


▥= 1 tick, ▦= 2 ticks, ▩= 3 ticks, = full

Vow: name (rank)
Vow: name (rank)
Vow: name (rank)
Vow: name (rank)
Vow: name (rank)

Bond 1: Olwinne his wife
Bond 2: Rhosgobel villagers/friends
Bond 3: Idunn
Bond 4: Woodmen-town
Bond 5: Bróin/Vara
Experience: ◍ = have, = used


Completed Vows: Rescue the Missing Hunters (T), Deal with the Spiders (D), Defend the Woodmen (F)
Completed Scenes: Destroy the Spider Nest (F), Convince the Elvenking (D), Defend the Western Walls (T)
Completed Combats: Boss Spider (F), Orc Warband (D), Stealthy Orc Infiltrators (T)
Completed Journeys: To Forest Gate (D)

Edited by BlueTrillium (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Possible images for Olwinne? They both look kinda too young but maybe she's just one of those ageless ladies idk (and if Olwinne and Tarric had a daughter I'd definitely use the first one for her but since they don't... not sure. xD)

Olwinne1_440.png.4b976a8236c83aa783da543954b8ad75.pngFirst image (left) here is originally credited to saig-sagittarius on DeviantArt.


The other ones (below) are originally credited to Kim Kincaid on Blogspot (I'm not sure which I like better). I figured this one more closely matches the art style of the other NPCs though?


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