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About This Game

Banner art by Gianna Michèle Kaye. A game set in Middle-Earth between the events of the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings.

Game System

The One Ring

Detailed Description


(Art credit: Gianna Michèle Kaye)

β€˜It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.’


It is the year 2950 of the Third Age. Smaug has been defeated and the battle of the Five Armies has been won. It is the dawn of a time of prosperity and hope. The dwarven kingdom of Erebor has been reclaimed; the descendants of Durin the Deathless are wealthier than ever before. Dale and lake-town have been rebuilt. Agents of King Bard are now roaming the Wilderland, eager to lead Men into a golden age. In the forests, the elves of the woodland realm can again venture deep into what once was Greenwood the Great, while the Woodmen see their holdings expand for the first time in centuries. To the west, Beorn the Skinchanger has abandoned his solitude, and now leads all sorts of brave, stout-hearted folk to patrol the Misty Mountains. Further to the west, the remarkable stories of Bilbo have spread throughout the Shire, inspiring many young hobbits. This is a time for trade, exploration, travelling and all sorts of adventure.

Yet the Shadow, although defeated, has not been truly vanquished. It still lingers in places where no elf or mortal dares set foot. The Enemy awaits in hiding, scheming his return… for if the Free Folks do not unite to hold back the Darkness, the Shadow is certain to grow stronger and envelop the whole of Wilderland.


The campaign


(Art credit: Jon Hodgson)

This game started in 2016 on the original Myth-Weavers website (here). We've had three game masters, dozens of players and about ten adventures over the years. The game moves at a casual but consistent pace; most active participants are in it for the long haul.

We draw heavily from published material, especially from The One Ring (1st edition). In particular, we have ran adventures from Tales from Wilderland, The Darkening of Mirkwood, fan-made content or our own homebrew creations. For a list of our adventures thus far, click here.


The setting


(Art credit: Jeff Murray)

This is Middle-Earth in the twilight years of the Third Age. In particular, the game has so far focused in Wilderland (Rhovanion), though there are plans to potentially expand to other regions as we progress along the Tale of the Years.

The tale begins at 2946 T.A., five years following the death of Smaug and the Battle of the Five Armies. These are the last good years for the peoples of Wilderland; they are not fated to last for long. We are currently in 2950 T.A.


Tone and mood


(Art credit: Jon Hodgson)

This is, first and foremost, a game of grounded fantasy. Player characters are not great heroes (at least not to begin with). They are normal peoples with normal lives, thrust into situations that are greater than them. While the game is not necessarily always grim or dark, those aspects are certainly present, and the tone is for the most part serious.

The world itself is also low-magic (or at least, low overt magic), as befits the Third Age of Middle-Earth.


The systems

Initially, the game used The One Ring (1st edition) rules. More recently, we have been experimenting with Ironsworn as well as the second edition of The One Ring. The plan is to employ additional systems and subsystems to run side-stories, with mechanics carefully selected to reinforce the mood of particular narrative arcs.Β 

Familiarity with the mechanics is not a requirement. We are a friendly bunch, and happy to teach them to anyone interested in the game. Similarly, ownership of the rulebooks is not required.

  1. What's new in this game
  2. Avina Culture: Beorning Cultural Blessing: Furious - When a Beorning is wounded in battle, (s)he ignores the effects of being Weary and Miserable for the duration of combat. Calling: Scholar Trait: Rhymes of Lore - Brief compositions in verse created by many cultures to remember significant facts from ancient history. Your knowledge of them can supplement a test of Lore, but is used especially in conjunction with any Custom skill (Courtesy, Song, or Riddle). Scholars may credit much of their knowledge to rhymes. Standard of Living: Martial Shadow Weakness: Lure of Secrets Traits Specialties: Cooking - You know how to prepare food, from simple bread to your folk's special dishes. Story-telling - You are a masterful narrator of deeds and stories, able to weave plots and facts with passion and vividness. Distinctive Features: Generous - You give with an open hand, always mindful of the needs of others. Proud - You hold in high esteem all of your feats and achievements, or those of your people. Background: Voice from the Past Attributtes Body: 7(8) Heart: 4(6) Wits: 3(6) Vitals Experience: Valour: 1 Wisdom: 2 Damage: Greatspear 9, Axe 5 Parry: 3 (+1 if using shield) Armour: 1d Endurance: 28 Hope: 12 Weary: Miserable: Wounded: Fellowship: Advancement Points: Treasure: Standing: Common Skills Awe: β—ˆβ—ˆβ—ˆβ—‡β—‡β—‡ Athletics: β—ˆβ—ˆβ—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡ Awareness: β—ˆβ—ˆβ—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡ Explore: β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡ Song: β—ˆβ—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡ Craft: β—ˆβ—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡ Inspire: β—ˆβ—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡ Travel: β—ˆβ—ˆβ—ˆβ—‡β—‡β—‡ Insight: β—ˆβ—ˆβ—ˆβ—‡β—‡β—‡ Healing: β—ˆβ—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡ Courtesy: β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡ Battle: β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡ Persuade: β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡ Stealth: β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡ Search: β—ˆβ—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡ Hunting: β—ˆβ—ˆβ—ˆβ—‡β—‡β—‡ Riddle: β—ˆβ—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡ Lore: β—ˆβ—ˆβ—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡ Skill Groups Personality: β—‡β—‡β—‡ Movement: β—‡β—‡β—‡ Perception: β—‡β—‡β—‡ Survival: β—‡β—‡β—‡ Custom: β—‡β—‡β—‡ Vocation: β—‡β—‡β—‡ Weapon Skills Great Spear: β—ˆβ—ˆβ—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡ Dmg 9; Edge 9; Inj 16; Enc 4 Axe: β—ˆβ—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡ Dmg 5; Edge Y; Inj 18; Enc 2 Dagger: β—ˆβ—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡β—‡ Dmg 3; Edge Y; Inj 12; Enc 0 Fatigue Equip Fatigue: 11 Travel Fatigue: 0 Equipment Leather Shirt: Enc 4; Protection 1d Buckler:- Enc 1; Parry +1 Great Spear Axe Dagger Virtues and Rewards Twice-Baked Honey Cakes: The honey-cakes of the Beornings are legendary among travelers. You can march far by eating just a little of them, and they are much more pleasant than cram, the waybread that Dale-men make for journeys in the wild. You have been shown the secret of baking such cakes, and can prepare them for the consumption of all members of your Company. Raise your company's Fellowship rating by one point. Additionally, when you are on a journey, you and your fellow travelers reduce the difficulty of all your Fatigue tests by a value equal to your Wisdom rating. Background Avena is an easy-going woman who is happy to explore the broader Middle Earth, in search of ingredients and culinary experiences that could not be found within the realm of Beorn. With the hope to bring these home with the Yule-tide, Avena finds herself in need of an adventuring party to explore ever-further.
  3. All at once, one of Svior's companions (whose name Varr, to his shame, had already forgotten) unfurled a large map upon the table with silent but eager movements, as others moved away cutlery and plates and mugs or wiped wet patches of ale with a dirty rag. Weighing all corners with their cups, the dwarves set that map so that it faced the newcomers while Svior offered his reply. "I am gathering a party for an expedition." he explained. "Dwarves and Men... and even Elves, if they are willing. But we must go quickly, before the feasts and festivals of November: before the passes are snowed in, and the nights grow longer." He raised a finger and stabbed at the map repeatedly, at a particular location that Varr had never travelled to. It was distant indeed: across the other side of Wilderland, to the west of Mirkwood, and yet still as deep into the north as Erebor itself. "Gundabad!" he said longingly. "Have you heard its name before?"
  4. Culture: Barding of DaleCultural Blessing – Stout-hearted. Your Valour rolls are Favoured. | Standard of Living: Common | AttributesStrength 5 Hearts 5 Wits 4 | CallingTreasure-Hunter: The world has seen the passing of the glory of many Dwarven kings and Elven lords, and their heritage is now buried in Orc-infested dungeons. Hoards of stolen gold and jewels, guarded by fell beasts, beckon all who dare to find them. You seek to recover what is lost, even when it means braving unspeakable dangers. Additional Distinctive Feature: Burglary: This venerable talent includes pickpocketing, lock picking, and, in general, any shadowy way to get a hold of possessions of others or access protected areas. Shadow Path: Dragon-Sickness: Adventurers who find themselves on the Road to seek lost riches run the risk of catching the age-old disease capable of turning a pile of enchanted gold into bitter ashes. As the Shadow tightens its grip on their hearts, the world shrinks around them and their closely guarded possessions. | Distinctive FeaturesEager, Tall, Burglary | Adventure Points: 3 | Skill Points: 7 Valour: 1Rewards: 1. Reinforced shield (+1 Parry) | Wisdom: 1Virtues: 1. Nimbleness: +1 Parry | Endurance: 25/25 | Load: 15 | Fatigue: 0 | Hope: 2/13 | Shadow: 0 | Parry: 17 or 19 | Weary: No | Miserable: No | Wounded: No | Injury: N/A | BackgroundWhen Smaug came to Lake-Town, he set the city ablaze, and many perished in the flames before Bard the Bowman slew him. Your folk were amongst the unfortunate few. Only your father survived, but the destruction left him destitute, and before long despair drove him to death. It has been almost a decade since that fateful day. In the intervening years, you did what you had to, falling in with unsavory folk. Of late, your have decided that you can no longer stomach their dealings. The time has come to set out alone in the world, and sever old ties lest they become chains. | LifepathDestitute: Lower your standard of Living by one tier. +5 starting experience. Skills: Body 5 (TN 15)Awe β–£β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜ Athletics (f) β–£β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜ Awareness ☐☐☐☐☐☐ Hunting β–£β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜ Song β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜β˜ Craft β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜β˜ | Heart 5 (TN15)Enhearten β–£β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜ Travel β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜β˜ Insight β–£β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜ Healing ☐☐☐☐☐☐ Courtesy β–£β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜ Battle β–£β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜ | Wits 4 (TN16)Persuade β–£β–£β–£β˜β˜β˜ Stealth (f) β–£β–£β–£β˜β˜β˜ Scan (f) β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜β˜ Explore β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜β˜ Riddle ☐☐☐☐☐☐ Lore β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜β˜ | WeaponsSwords β–£β–£β–£β˜β˜β˜ Bows β–£β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜ | War GearLong Sword Bow Reinforced shield Leather corselet | EquipmentTreasure Rating: 30 War Gear: Long sword, bow, reinforced shield, leather corselet Old horse: Vigor 1 | Breda of Frostward (Awareness)A new friend, and a keen-eyed companion. | Cloak (Stealth)An old, weather-worn yet warm green cloak, bought at the market-pool of Esgaroth at a bargain price. Perhaps it had once belonged to an elf? (Stealth). Fellowship pool: 2/2 | Eye awareness: 7/18 | Fellowship focus: Arbereth The companions looked at each other: Varr turned to Breda first, and saw her observing Arbereth, and then, turning to the elf, he witnessed as she examined the dwarves, not knowing what they might think of an elf, and a maiden at that. But there were no objections: none voiced, at the very least, and not at this particular moment. "Well, master dwarf..." he begun apprehensively, still shaken up by Arn's arrival and sudden departure, and by all the things he had said. "Eh-master Svior." he quickly corrected himself. "The whole of Wilderland owes you a dept of gratitude, and I do hope that the celebrations in Lake-Town and Dale that are soon to come will bestow upon you and your comrades the honours that you so clearly deserve... but what venture is it that you suggest? I am not sure I gather the meaning..."
  5. (Artist unknown. Same settlement but without the snow) Idunn of Firienseld [Mom: 1 (8/0) | Health: 0 | Spirit: 0 | Supply: 0 | Uthred: 3 | Band strength: 3 | Fails: 39 | Shaken | Unprepared] The next day's journey was strenuous but uneventful. They encounter none on their way until at last they reached the fringes of Black Tom's lands. There they were greeted by members of his household, for they still remembered her. Their hospitable tone made her conclude quickly that she was still welcome here. Viglund's machinations had not yet taken root. At least, not in a way that was evidently apparent. And what was to happen next? She was spent and nearly hopeless, but perhaps she could find here better friends than amongst most of those who slept under Viglund's roof. Securing her truce was now fully out of reach. No doubt their enemies would continue with threats and coercion. And if Estin dared resist them, greater hostilities would likely come. But Viglund respected strength, and an alliance with Black Tom might force him to stay his hand... at least for a little while. Of course, Black Tom was closer, and more vulnerable than Estin, for Beorn would not easily be convinced to come to his aid. So, the decision was his, and his alone. And yet, she found him curious for tidings, and amenable for discussions. Idunn planted her seeds. But as to what fruits they would bear, only time would tell... OOC At this point, I think this thread has gone on for a while, so maybe it's ok to not continue with detailed negotiations and more posts. Instead, let's fast-forward a bit, and try to handle this with a simple Secure an advantage +wits as Idunn argues for the benefits of an alliance. I'll add +1 from the 'reach your destination' outcome above... Edit: That's another miss... so maybe Black Tom is skeptical and too afraid of Viglund to risk an alliance. Maybe this narrative cost is sufficient for now; it certainly makes it really hard to resist Viglund as his influence grows. +1 for the failure track (updated). There's not much left for Idunn to do but return to Estin. Instead of playing another journey, let's just handle this with a simple Face Danger +edge since she will try to return quickly. Edit 2: Ok, strong hit. +1 momentum (updated).
  6. Idunn of Firienseld [Mom: 0 (8/0) | Health: 0 | Spirit: 0 | Supply: 0 | Uthred: 3 | Band strength: 3 | Fails: 38 | Shaken | Unprepared] They found the ford abandoned. A mixed blessing: for they were grateful to find no Viglindings there, but at the same time, they could have been aided by folk from Black Tom's village. Still, they did with this fortune what they could. The waters flowed fast, and they were cold already, and there were no boats about. But they still had rope with them, and tools to fashion a simple bridge out of it. First, they rested for a moment, seeking to regain their strength before attempting the crossing. For this, they had to use the last of their supplies. When they had set out, Idunn had not expected a long journey, and she had used most of their provisions for the march to Viglund's hall, not stopping to replenish them, favoring haste. Now she rued her choice, but there was nothing to be done about it. They crossed before dusk: a long and laborious affair that sapped their last strength and left them unable to do anything but make camp and rest when at last they reached the opposite bank by sunset. OOC Let's try another Undertake a journey... Edit: A weak hit. Since she is Unprepared, let's take a -1 Health and mark progress (updated). And I think now it's good enough to attempt a Reach your Destination... Edit 2: A strong hit. The situation favors you. Make another move and add +1, or take +1 momentum. I am not sure what to choose-but maybe the former. We'll see. The completion of the journey also means a milestone in her (previously failed) vow, that is now Formidable. So it goes to 2/10 progress (updated on the character sheet). To Black Tom's Hall Troublesome journey β– β– β– β– β– β– β– β– β– β–‘
  7. At this Cerys stirred. She had kept her tongue, for memories were still fresh, and she did not want to recall or recount the horrors of the Dwimmerhorn. But now the wizard’s words compelled her to step forth and speak. "None of you know it, save Ernstyr-" she said, "…but I was held a thrall there for many days. I could only escape because of Walar. I do not know the answers to all these riddles, but I may be able to answer some." "The orcs were under the command of one called Ghor-a huge, cruel chieftain of their foul kind. He wore a fearful helm of iron, and it bore the sign of the Red Eye: an ill-omen amongst the Γ©afolc. He commanded many from the temple-too many to count easily. Many of my kin were taken within that temple… none returned." OOC In general, I don't take charge of NPCs associated with PCs, allowing their respective players to write for them (if they want-it's not mandatory). But I sometimes do for a bit of exposition-for example, in this case.
  8. Radagast listened to all that the companions had learned since they had set out from here long ago. His heart sank at the grim tidings... The vivid account offered by Cecil seemed to cause a certain weariness of the spirit upon him. He did not answer at once. But at length the found the words to speak, and he addressed them slowly... for many concerns weighed on his mind. "Gramtyng, son of Fastred..." he spoke, noticing his searching eyes, and his concerned expression. "The rest of the company that set out with me for Dol Guldur is not here, but they are well still. They have gone to the Forest Gate, where the Easterly Inn once stood, and are seeking to rebuild it. Of what we learned there, I shall reveal with time, but I fear that it may well be as Barin says. There are connecting threads in these evils that are disturbing the peace across Wilderland..." He then turned to Cecil and tried to muster a kindly smile-one such as that of a grandfather's to a loved grandchild. But he could not quite achieve it: it was marked by a weary sorrow that was evident. "You have done well beyond what I thought you might, master hobbit. It was not entirely unexpected, for your peoples came highly recommended by my cousin, who ranks as wisest amongst the wise. For I had thought that you would remain at Mountain-Hall... And yet, you are correct. This is perilous business, and the peril will only grow. Rest here in Rhosgobel for as long as you wish: put a pause to your travels, and lay down your travails for a while, and return to your green country by spring, when the weather is fairest." He fell silent for a moment, returning his mind to present matters, but his purpose was dual: for he wished to allow the companions some thought of their own. Rhosgobel was open to them now, a safe haven away from the evils of the world. The decision to venture outside again would have to be their own. "I will not deny it..." he added at length. "...I would have wished for more. There were orcs in the Gladden, yes... but what of their numbers? Their leader? Their purpose? We still know nothing, and Dol Guldur was as equally unforthcoming with its secrets. We have puzzles and riddles, but no answers."
  9. Cecil Brandybuck Cecil kept quiet during the testimonies, waiting for one to elaborate on the contention. As each member spoke, he became more restless until at last he stepped forward. "Master Radagast, the gate at the Dwimmerhorn was high and there were many orcs behind it. They toyed with us. They did not fear us. Dahr-Ol is right. Some wore thick, metal armor. Ernstyr found a hidden way - a goat path at the back end - but the way was steep and gave no assurances. What more would you like to know that we did not see or hear? We saw the broken body of a man flung as if from a catapult before us. Would no message at all have been a stronger signal? It was nearly accomplished!" His cheeks flushed. "I admit, when I left this place, I did not care to understand your purpose. It was not until I encountered orcs that I learned to fear them and I see why they must be monitored. But if you want to count the hairs on their ugly faces, you'll need a small army, not a band of scouts."
  10. Idunn of Firienseld [Mom: 0 (8/0) | Health: 1 | Spirit: 0 | Supply: 0 | Uthred: 3 | Band strength: 3 | Fails: 38 | Shaken | Unprepared] For the rest of the day, they marched at speed, not fully trusting that Viglund would let them be that easily. When they saw other settlements, they avoided them, knowing with near-certainty that the peoples that dwelled there were, in not Viglundings, then allies to Viglund, and eager to report their every move. Despite this, the journey should not prove long. Their next obstacle would be the Anduin, which swelled with the autumn showers and grew wide and deep, impassable to travelers on foot. Nevertheless, Idunn guided them towards it, for between the three of them, she knew these lands the best. Folk still crossed the river even in autumn, using fishing-boats made by Free Cottars to supplement that which they grew or caught. As long as there were no Viglundings about, which could complicate their plans... OOC Let's try another Undertake a journey... Edit: A weak hit: -1 Supply, and marking Unprepared. To Black Tom's Hall Troublesome journey β– β– β– β– β– β– β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘
  11. Ernstyr stood as Gramtyng spoke. "If we are to be judged by what we left undone at the Dwimmerhorn, then I also failed. While I felt at the time that I had staved off the Shadow, I know now it was self-deceit. I feared I had come too late to the aid of the eafolk... or rather, for one in particular. That thought froze my heart and hand, and I did not lift my voice to grant courage or my blade to fight the orcs. And so I fled. "And yet now I know that some among them live, and that even in the time of Shadow there is much for which to live. And so if I may yet atone for my failure, I would." He declines his head in Radagast's direction briefly, then sits down again. The Woodman offers a wan smile to the young river-folk woman who sits at his right. She returns the smile, but with dark, somber eyes.
  12. Ed: 1 | He: 3 | Ir: 2 | Sh: 2 | Wi: 1 Mom: 7 (10/2) | Health: 4 | Spirit: 3 | Supply: 5 Tarric Planting the fields went... not smoothly, but it was done. There was too much to sow to rely solely on the few farmers among them; yet the inexperienced hands delayed things, needing constant instruction and correction. More than once Tarric found himself carefully picking up and re-placing an accidental spill of seeds. Once planted, everything had to be carefully watered, and equipment was cleaned and put away. It would be days, even weeks, before they could truly judge the quality of their work, but there was a sense of accomplishment in having it done. Now the settlement had food for the present and the future. It was one less worry to weigh on everyone's shoulders. Or, it should have been. (tbd) OOC/Mechanics Updated stats per posts - Settlement 0, Morale 7. Marked completion of BrΓ³in's Well project, and Winter progress to 5/10. I'm thinking it should also give us progress towards the general Vow to get the settlement ready by Fall, so I'll update that Vow progress to 4/10. Let's attempt that (hopefully) final Work a Project move on the Farmland project... Weak Hit. Mark progress on the Farmland - now 9/10. Would usually cost -1 settlement but we're already at 0 so -1 morale instead (as discussed on Discord). Now at 6 Morale. Well, the Farmland Project should be about done, let's Finish a Project... Weak Hit. Mark progress on the Winter track (now 6/10). Gain Morale per Project Rank (now 7 Morale again). Project is complete but not without some sort of complication (narrative, slow inexperienced planters, we probably won't get a maximum harvest despite the premium spot, etc, but that's for the future). Completing the project gives progress on the Food Stocks Vow, now 9/10 there as well. So let's try to Fulfill the Vow... Weak Hit again. Vow track is complete but we discover something that leaves something more to be done or undermines the success (tbd). -1 exp for the vow (so, 0 exp). But on the settlement side, get +settlement according to the rank of the vow, so +1 settlement. Settlement is now 1. I figure completing the fields and food storage is progress towards the general Raise the Settlement by Fall Vow, so progress there is now 6/10. Morale: 7 (10/2) | Settlement: 1 Assets Tarric and Olwinne both have +1 talisman vs orcs. Berserker - (Combat Talent) βšͺ When you Secure an Advantage or Compel by embodying your wild nature, add +1, and take +1 momentum on a hit. ⚫ When you Strike or Clash by unleashing your rage (decide before rolling), inflict +1 harm on a hit. Then, choose one: ------ Push yourself: Endure Harm (1 harm) ------ Lose yourself: Endure Stress (1 stress) ⚫ When you Endure Harm in a fight, and your Health is above zero, you may let the pain inflame your wildness (decide before rolling). If you then score a strong hit and choose to embrace the pain, take +momentum equal to your remaining Health. A weak hit counts as a miss. Wayfinder - (Path) βšͺ When you Undertake a Journey, take +1 momentum on a strong hit. If you burn momentum to improve your result, also take +1 momentum after reset. ⚫ When you Secure an Advantage or Gather Information by carefully surveying the landscape or scouting ahead, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. βšͺ When you Swear an Iron Vow to safely guide someone on a perilous journey, you may reroll any dice. When you Fulfill Your Vow and mark experience, take +1 experience. Talisman - (Ritual) ⚫ When you fashion a charm, envision it and name the specific person or creature it protects against. Then roll +wits. ------ On a strong hit, when the wearer opposes the target through a move, add +2. If a one is rolled on the action die while making a move using the charm, the magic is spent. ------ On a weak hit, as above, but the wearer adds +1 when making a move (instead of +2). ⚫ As above, and you may instead fashion a charm which aids the wearer against all supernatural threats, such as mystic rituals or horrors. βšͺ When you perform this ritual, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. Shadow-walk - (Ritual) ⚫ When you cloak yourself with the gossamer veil of the shadow realms, roll +shadow. On a strong hit, take +1 momentum. Then, reroll any dice (one time only) when you make a move by ambushing, hiding, or sneaking. On a weak hit, as above, but the shadows try to lead you astray. You must first Face Danger to find your way. ⚫ As above, and you may also travel along the hidden paths of the shadow realms to Undertake a Journey using +shadow (instead of +wits). If you do, Endure Stress (1 stress) and mark progress twice on a strong hit. βšͺ When you perform this ritual, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. Progress β–₯= 1 tick, β–¦= 2 ticks, β–©= 3 ticks, β– = full "Winter": Finish the Settlement (rank n/a) β– β– β– β– β– β– β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘ Failure: β– β– β– β– β– β– β–¦β–‘β–‘β–‘ Vow: Raise the settlement by Fall (Dangerous) β– β– β– β– β– β– β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘ Vow: name (rank) β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘ Vow: name (rank) β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘ Vow: name (rank) β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘ Bonds: β– β–¦β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘ Bond 1: Olwinne his wife Bond 2: Rhosgobel villagers/friends Bond 3: Idunn Bond 4: Woodmen-town Bond 5: BrΓ³in/Vara Bond 6: Radagast Experience: ◍ = have, ⚫ = used βš«βš«βš«βš«βš«βš«βš«βš«βš«β— ◍βšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺβšͺ Completed Vows: Rescue the Missing Hunters (T), Deal with the Spiders (D), Defend the Woodmen (F), Investigate Dol Guldur (E), Relocate the Bears (T), Stock Estin's Food (T-1) Completed Scenes: Destroy the Spider Nest (F), Convince the Elvenking (D), Defend the Western Walls (T), Secure Hospitality (F) Completed Combats: Boss Spider (F), Orc Warband (D), Stealthy Orc Infiltrators (T), Dagmar (D) Completed Journeys: To Forest Gate (D), To Tyrant Hill (T) Completed Delves: Haunted Tanglewood (T), Fortified Shadowfen (D) Completed Projects: Build Estin Hall (D), Build Hasty Palisade (T), Build a Well (T), Create Farmland (T)
  13. Barin kept his own council as Gramtyng spoke up for the rest of the companions. The Dwarf had nothing further to add, or to refute from the Rohirrim's accounting, although the final part of the account was cause for some raised eyebrows and muttering. Once all the accounts had been completed, he eventually decided to speak for the folks of Mountain Hall. "I suspect that the Goblins tunnelling into Mountain Hall are linked somehow to these Orcs out in the marsh, although we have no proof of such. The incursions are too close, and the goblins too bold for their kind to not be driven or coerced into action by some other force. I would council that at least a few sturdy folks capable of fighting be dispatched there to aid them. I will certainly be petitioning King Dain on my return to Erebor to see if at least a company of armoured Dwarven soldiers cannot be mustered to aid them."
  14. (Art credit: ) Idunn of Firienseld [Mom: 0 (9/1) | Health: 1 | Spirit: 0 | Supply: 1 | Uthred: 3 | Band strength: 3 | Fails: 38 | Shaken] A few hours had passed. Though beaten and sore, and unnerved by what they had seen in Viglund's hall, the three Woodmen marched at a quick pace, fearing that the Viglundings were at their heels. They had elected to seek a different path, not wanting any of the village warriors to find them easily. Given all that they had witnessed, Idunn feared the worst. She did not even think murder above some of them, recalling the supposed hunting accident she had almost suffered in the woods in winter. After two hours' worth of walking, they reached a taller hill, and thought it a good place to stop. They slowly crested its green slope, and looked from the top, taking full advantage of the view it commanded. To their relief, they saw no warriors following them, and no riders or scouts sent after them. It was as good an outcome as they could hope for. There they rested for a while, but Idunn had no intention to make camp. They had much to do, though neither Cilderic nor Rathdan knew it. As she revealed her plans, they looked at her confused at first, and then they protested a little: for they had expected and hoped for a return to Estin. But Idunn instead had another plan: to go visit Black Tom, and to tell him everything that had happened, before the Viglundings could come, and dictate the tale. And so, after a quick and meagre meal, they set out, feeling little better than before. OOC At this point, let's Undertake a Journey (Troublesome) to reach Black Tom's hall. If she succeeds, it can count as a milestone for her (now Formidable) vow (secure a temporary truce). Edit: Ok, Strong Hit. So mark progress & find a campsite. Let's say she reaches the North Ford and conditions are good. Given the distances, the journey should take no more than two days. To Black Tom's Hall Troublesome journey β– β– β– β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘
  15. Dahr-Ol approached the old wizard after Gramtyng spoke. "Gramtyng speaks truly. A foul spirit lies in that place. We fell to quarreling over what your need from us was. Black Uruks in thick armor lead the lesser orcs in that place. We ambushed one party. My injuries were grievous, that slowed us beyond all hope of returning to you in time. At least one of the Uruks spoke the tongue of the Hill People. He remained in the fort last we knew."
  16. Riders of RohanThe Men of the Mark are a generous folk, but when war is upon them, then they are fell to their enemies as they are loyal to their friends. When the lust of battle is on them, they appear as men stricken with grief, their faces deathly white, or as madmen ready to laugh at despair. The Riders of Rohan may enter a battle-fury if they roll an 11 or 12 on any attack or Protection roll. When this happens, they may choose to gain a point of Shadow, to add one Success die (up to a maximum of 6) to all their close combat attack rolls until the end of the battle. Minstrel of the Golden Hall The history of Rohan is not written in any book or tome. Instead it is secreted in the verses of those songs you were taught by your mother and father. You have sung for the living and the dead, and your voice has filled even the Golden Hall of Meduseld. But new deeds worthy of song occur each day as a darkness gathers and you would be there to witness them first-hand and weave them into legend. Basic Attributes: Body 5. Heart 5. Wits 4. Favoured Skill: Song | Standard of Living: MartialIndividuals belonging to a Martial culture often live according to their status in the military hierarchy, with simple warriors and soldiers sleeping together in a common area; probably as part of the household of a renowned chieftain or noble. Meals are usually consumed in large halls, with seats and tables arranged to observe rules of precedence or respect. Clothing reflects the military status of an individual as well, or that of his family. Martial player-heroes have enough resources to look after themselves, and to pay for such things as simple accommodation and meals. Ever mindful of the cost of any luxury, they often lead an austere life, or resort to haggling to lower the price of whatever they are trying to get hold of.| Calling"Speak no secrets! Here is a scholar in the Ancient Tongue." For you, knowledge makes the wild world a less threatening place to live in. Strangers become friends if addressed properly, yellowed maps in lost books replace a fear of the unknown with curiosity and wonder of places you have yet to explore, songs composed in ages past strengthen the weariest of hearts. A love of learning guides your every step, and illuminates the way for you and those who listen to your advice. Favoured Skill Groups: Perception, Vocation Trait: Rhymes of Lore Shadow Weakness: Lure of Secrets "The roots of those mountains must be roots indeed; there must be great secrets buried there which have not been discovered since the beginning." Inquisitiveness and curiosity are desirable virtues in an individual, but knowledge can be put to malicious use and learned individuals can look down on others as ignorant fools. Secrets are dangerous, as the very desire of uncovering them may corrupt the heart.| TraitsMinistrelsy ☐ Story-Telling ☐ Rhymes of Lore ☐ Hero of the Woodmen ☐ Fair ☐ Reckless(Mastery) ☐ β–£ | AP: 3Personality: ✧✧✧ Movement: ✧✧✧ Perception: ✧✧✧ Survival: ✧✧✧ Custom: ✧✧✧ Vocation: ✧✧✧ ✦✧ | XP: 22 (77) | DP: 0No Challenges Yet. Valour: 4Ancient Mail from Gondor(Mail) - lets you Rally Comrades from Forward Stance and allowed to attack(Found). Horsetail Helm - Standing +1. When fighting on horseback or foot in Forward Stance, if you roll a Gandalf, you receive a bonus success die you can spend on any future rolls or give to a companion(From Heruthain). Superior Fell - quality unlock for Cenegeslit. | Wisdom: 4Old Songs and Children's Tales - When you roll a success on Inspire, Travel, Insight, Healing, Riddle, Lore check Song rating, if it is same or higher, then upgrade the quality of the success up by one: Normal->Great->Extraordinary. If the roll produced Gandalf rune, gain 1 point of Hope, once per session. Household Esquire: Add an extra die to preparation rolls: Lore, Battle, and Insight when preparing for Journey/Combat/Social. Max 6 dice. Squire can also recover horse, bring spare weapon or shield if you drop or are disarmed, will carry you from field of battle if knocked down. Ominous Blessing: Born in the shadow of Dwimorberg. When you roll a Sauron, can change it into a Gandalf for 1 shadow point. Luck turns and favors you but someone suffers. | End: 27/27 | Load: 15 | Fatigue: 0 [+1] | Hope: 13/14 | Shadow: 6 [0] | Parry: 6 | Weary: No | Miserable: No |Wound: No Skills: Body 5 (8)+Awe β–£β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜ Athletics β–£β–£β–£β–£β˜β˜ Awareness β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜β˜ Explore β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜β˜ +Song β–£β–£β–£β–£β˜β˜ Craft β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜β˜ | Heart 5 (7)Inspire β–£β–£β–£β˜β˜β˜ Travel β–£β–£β–£β˜β˜β˜ +Insight β–£β–£β–£β˜β˜β˜ Healing☐☐☐☐☐☐ Courtesy β–£β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜ Battle β–£β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜| Wits 4 (5)Persuade ☐☐☐☐☐☐ Stealth β–£β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜ Search ☐☐☐☐☐☐ Hunting β–£β–£β–£β˜β˜β˜ Riddle β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜β˜ +Lore β–£β–£β–£β˜β˜β˜ | WeaponsSwords β–£β–£β–£β–£β˜β˜ Bow β–£β–£β–£β˜β˜β˜ Dagger β–£β˜β˜β˜β˜β˜ | War GearWeapon | Damage | Edge | Injury | Notes | Enc Sword 5 8 20 Ancient Keen/Ancient Fell/Piercing 2 Bow 5 10 14 N/A 1 Armour/Shield | Protection | Parry | Enc Mail 3d 12(6) Helm +4 2 Shield +2 3 | EquipmentTreasure: 7 War Gear: Mail Shirt, Helm, Shield Leasere: Radhors Mab's Liquor(0) Elven-Crafted Horse Reins Durin the Seeker Radagast's Tome. | SongsSong of Mourning(Tome) ☐ Battle-Song ☐ β–£ "Elder Radagast." Gramtyng bowed his head, Belgo mimicking the gesture at his side. "We are returned from our journey and have some news of what you've sent us for and some others." The horselord did not spot Idunn, though he had looked for her - something he'd need to ask the wizard about. The travels had calmed him, though the bitter taste of the scene he'd witnessed lingered on. "Mountain Hall has had troubles with goblins - they dig from underneath, in the mine; it has been proposed to seal it for now, but there are attacks and scouting parties making skirmishes. We've helped fend off one such attack. We journeyed south with a guide, and found the Eafolc missing, only two remaining - a boy and his uncle. Further south, in the swamps of Gladden, we ran into a man pursued by an orc band, and some of us sustained grievous injuries. We were unable to save the man, whose name was Walar. He looked to be the orcs' thrall." A muscle twitched in Gramtyng's cheek, but he controlled himself and did not grimace. "...Given the state of two companions, we moved to Stoneyford to rest. When we returned, we found the Dwimmerhorn... Which had orcs in it. We'd seen two, and did not dare mount an attack. They'd thrown an eafolc from the walls - it is likely they'd enslaved them there. There were tracks of a large force headed into the Dwimmerhorn, and then out of it. We've attempted to track them - they go into the Misty Mountains, into one specific cave, up north." Gramtyng paused, then added, against his better judgement: "We've had... Great disagreement as a Company, on what it is you've meant for us to accomplish. I understood your request as to go into the Dwimmerhorn, and find which force commands the goblins within. After a heated argument which saw us discovered, and nearly come to blows... We've had to retreat. I ask that you settle this disagreement, Elder." OOC/Actions
  17. Idunn of Firienseld [Mom: 0 (9/1) | Health: 1 | Spirit: 0 | Supply: 1 | Uthred: 3 | Band strength: 3 | Fails: 38 | Shaken] There was nothing else left to do here. Viglund would only understand strength, and nothing else. The fate of the Free Cottars was sealed, and it would not deviate from the determined path. Not unless she did something about it. But for now, the best that they could hope to do was to strengthen Estin, and make themselves ready for the inevitable conflict. There was only one hope if she wished to still secure a truce. She would need to show strength, and force his hand. He had begrudgingly accepted Beorn to the south of him. She knew that he was many things, but he was not entirely heedless. She knew what she had to do. She looked at Aestid, likely the only friend that was left to her in the settlement. They exchanged a silent goodbye. And then, without further farewells or well-wishes, she departed. OOC Let's take -1 momentum for that PtP (updated).
  18. Olaf saw her. He had not witnessed everything, but he had seen enough. And although he had been a friend to Idunn during her winter sojourn, when forced to choose between her and his chief, he did not hesitate. He was a Viglunding first and foremost, and the huntress had behaved shamefully, repaying all hospitality with a beating of one of his kin. He turned his back on her-quite literally-and returned to the great hall.
  19. Idunn of Firienseld [Mom: 1 (9/1) | Health: 1 | Spirit: 0 | Supply: 1 | Uthred: 3 | Band strength: 3 | Fails: 38 | Shaken] Idunn looked at Viglund coldly. Then, she turned her eyes on the assembled Viglundings. "I had thought once," she said, "...that peace between our folk was possible. For we are all Northmen: kin to one another, of the same blood. But now I see the truth clearly before me." She turned to face the Free Cottars. "There can be no peace while Viglund remains chief. For it is plain to me now that he has no interest in anything but war and strife. Thane Merovech tried it, but it was a futile cause. Until the Viglundings choose a better leader, there is no hope." The crowd grew restless at her words, and at that moment the huntress saw a familiar face amongst it... OOC It may be dramatically appropriate to Test her Bond with Olaf, son of Ulf at this point. Edit: A miss. Clear the bond and Pay the Price. +1 for the failure track (updated).
  20. Viglund was already outside. He had come with the others, and he had been watching quietly when Idunn had spoken. As everything suddenly froze into stillness, he raised his hand to command his peoples. The men of his warband obeyed, and the two Woodmen stood up, and took the chance to again join Idunn's side. Then the chieftain spoke, and his voice was harsh. "Idunn, daughter of Theodwin, kin to Thane Merovech. Go now, and never come back here. You have proven yourself an enemy to my peoples. Next time I will not be as merciful!"
  21. Idunn of Firienseld [Mom: 1 (9/1) | Health: 1 | Spirit: 0 | Supply: 1 | Uthred: 3 | Band strength: 3 | Fails: 37 | Shaken] Another wild swing. She had to retreat, but she was expecting it this time. He had given her ample opportunity to study him by this point. And now, she did not fail: with a swift strike, behind which she had placed all her weight and all her strength, she struck him before the sword could connect: squarely on his wrist, where he wore no armour. He dropped his sword and cried in pain. Something had been broken, but the huntress cared little. Idunn did not wait, and nor did she hesitate. Following through, she redirected all momentum, and at once she landed a loud blow directly upon his head. It was powerful enough to draw blood, and it at once forced him into unconsciousness. He would not wake up soon. She quickly looked about her. Cilderic and Rathdan were trying to hold back many, but the entirety of Viglund's weorod was upon them. Soon, both of them were pushed backwards and eventually to the ground, where the desperate struggle continued. By this point, it was a one-sided affair. She searched for the rest of her spear. It lay not far from her. She found it, and took the point-bearing half, and returned to Lodin. Then, threatening his life, she cried in a terrible voice. "Cease at once! Or I swear I will slay him!" OOC Nothing for now...
  22. Idunn of Firienseld [Mom: 1 (9/1) | Health: 1 | Spirit: 0 | Supply: 1 | Uthred: 3 | Band strength: 3 | Fails: 37 | Shaken] The first blow came, and she dodged it by a narrow margin. Narrower than she had intended. Now he was too close, and she knew that she could not continue to slip sideways or under. She had to parry with that broken stump of a shaft, but as she moved her wrist, seeking to intercept the next strike, her foe's sword knocked it aside easily, and drew a cut over her chest. The chain shirt protected her, but she was weary now, and slower-though Lodin himself was faring no better. She could hear his breathing, laboured and deep, and could see it in his attacks, which were getting clumsier by the moment. But he still had her on the back foot. She had to answer him in kind, or else his sheer aggression would carry the day in his favour. OOC So, let's try another face danger +iron... Edit: Finally, a strong hit. So let's try to End the Fight right after it... Edit 2: Ok, strong hit. So the foe is no longer in the fight. Then, let's roll a Battle +strength to see how the allied NPCs did... Edit 3: A miss, so they are defeated! +1 for the failure track, and -1 strength for their Pay the Price (updated). Lodin, son of Havard Dangerous foe β– β– β– β– β– β– β– β– β– β–  I also realise that, since Idunn did not hold initiative, she could not try a Secure an Advantage above. It should have been a Face Danger instead. Given her weak hit, the outcome should have been -1 momentum, not +1... so let's correct that too (updated). Now, since Idunn won, she may make a lawful demand as per Draw the circle. It's pretty obvious what it should be.
  23. Idunn of Firienseld [Mom: 3 (9/1) | Health: 1 | Spirit: 0 | Supply: 1 | Uthred: 3 | Band strength: 4 | Fails: 36 | Shaken] She fell back at once. Without a weapon, the Viglunding held the advantage. For despite his injuries, he could now attack with little fear of retaliation. But Idunn still held part of the staff, splintered though it was in one end. Composing herself, she made her posture weak and seemingly fearful as she retreated, but it was only to lure him into unbalancing himself again... OOC Ok so let's try to win this with wits. Secure an Advantage +wits... Edit: A weak hit. +1 momentum. Still no initiative. Maybe a Face Danger +edge to dodge? Edit 2: That's a weak hit, so -1 momentum and still no initiative. This may take forever, so... maybe another Face Danger +iron this time to parry? Edit 3: A miss. So Pay the Price. +1 for the failure track. Let's make it Endure Harm (-2 health, updated). Edit 4: Weak hit. You press on. Ok, that's probably all I have time for for now. Let's write it down and roll some more in the next post. Lodin, son of Havard Dangerous foe β– β– β– β– β– β– β– β– β– β– 
  24. Lodin lunged forward. Despite his wound, he pressed on, and swung his sword clumsily. Idunn saw the attack well before it reached her, and she fell back an inch. Enough for the strike to miss by a narrow margin. His momentum had unbalanced him, leaving him exposed. Taking advantage of her weapon's superior reach, she swung it with all her might to repay him in kind. The shaft struck him squarely in the shoulder, knocking the air out of him. But it was far from a lethal blow. Yet before she could withdraw the weapon, Lodin seized it with one arm, and with the other he brought down his blade against the ashen staff that bore the iron point. The wood splintered, and the spear was shattered, and Idunn was left weaponless even as her foe seemed spent.
  25. Β 
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